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Captain_jovi 06-22-2013 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1141278)
The band could have had 5 Richie Samboras, there's no way they were selling a stadium on two months notice, especially one in a traditionally soft market for them. Hell, they're having trouble selling tickets in Jersey to shows announced long before Richie flew the coop. Richie's absence shouldn't get too much credit (or blame depending one's POV) for sales IMO.

Boom. Common sense. They've toured too much over the last few years. Richie's absence probably stung fans but his fan base is not big enough in the USA to make a dent on future shows ticket sales.

Captain Walrus 06-22-2013 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1141338)
You're right!!! It DID sound different to me, but I couldn'kt quite put my finger on it... You nailed it, there's an extra "the"! Somebody should really fix this, it feels like something's not right.

You guys are weird. But OK, I've 'fixed' it :-)

Sissy3 06-22-2013 05:30 PM

I wish they would just announce he's left the band and be done with it so any and all speculation/blame could end. But I feel that's not going to happen while the tour is still chugging along. I still read on other boards, people who are convinced he will return at some point, and magically appear on stage, so BJM will dangle that carrot for Richie fans. So, does anyone think they'll announce it at the end of the tour or wait a few years until Jon thinks it's time to record and tour again? I think they will wait and give Richie a chance to change his mind. Just speculatin' :D

rolo_tomachi 06-22-2013 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1141324)
This is the dark age of the "No Richie on current leg of tour"(did somebody added a "the" to the title?). Rolo is to blame.

NicoRourke 06-22-2013 06:21 PM

Good one!
I wonder if this thread will go to 1k+ pages 8)

rolo_tomachi 06-22-2013 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1141357)
I wish they would just announce he's left the band and be done with it so any and all speculation/blame could end.:D

If you enjoy Bon Jovi without Richie Sambora, why you need an official statement?


crashed 06-22-2013 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1141367)
If you enjoy Bon Jovi without Richie Sambora, why you need an official statement?


We'd like something to be official so everyone can move on - but the longer this goes on the less and less chance there is of Richie coming back, unless it really is a family commitment and these pages of speculation have all been for nothing.

ezearis 06-22-2013 06:44 PM

The least I'm expecting after 707 pages is that either he leaves Bon Jovi or that Bobby killed his dog.

jessycardy 06-22-2013 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Captain Walrus (Post 1141348)
You guys are weird. But OK, I've 'fixed' it :-)

Awww, thank you!!! :3

I know it was more grammatically correct before, but I like how it's back to the original title! This thread's pretty epic, gotta keep things real! LOL

Sissy3 06-22-2013 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1141367)
If you enjoy Bon Jovi without Richie Sambora, why you need an official statement?


Rolo, chill. I don't see why my post qualifies me as a hater. I didn't say I hoped he was gone, I said if he's gone, then they need to say so. There are many fans holding on to the hope that Richie will return this tour, I just think something concrete should be said. Sorry that I don't see the devil horns, tail and hooves that you apparently see on Jon. Maybe I'm blinded by the teeth. :D

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