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jessycardy 06-23-2013 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1141552)
Video interviews are the only things that give clarity. All these web articles are so of embellishment that the truth is hard to find (if theres any to begin with).

You nailed it. Video and audio. Anything else might or might not be legit, but you still have no tone, no nothing. The unfortunate thing is we have no audio nor video of Richie about this drama.


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1141552)
When does the tour end ? I fear if nothing is revealed before then, we will be left in the dark indefinitely.

Apart from the obvious thing of Richie NOT coming back for any of the European dates (seriously people, drop the Hyde Park thing already. Especially if you have a ticket for the show, just drop it and live with it), I also find very unlikely for Richie to be back for the next American leg.
And that's when shit will really hit the fan. Why? Well, I thought there was no way Richie would miss the European leg. He did. I thought there was no way that if he were in fact to miss it, they would have recycled the same "personal issues" announcement without offering any new info of any sort. They did. So, what I'm thinking is it wouldn't be so out of this world at this point to recycle the same announcement for the third time and just go on with the tour. But the fans AND the media will obviously react more violently with every leg he's not there for. That's the shit hitting the fan. It will be a mess.

Maybe I'm wrong and everything will magically be alright come July 12th. I'm not even sure I would want that to happen because it would be weird and would raise more than one eyebrow. But I don't think that will be the case anyway. I think if Richie has to be back at all for this tour, it will be no sooner than October (or the couple September dates).

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 06-23-2013 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1141568)
That's the shit hitting the fan. It will be a mess.

Lol indeed... That poor fan... Hope it isn't me!


jessycardy 06-23-2013 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by linnea.cfc32_jovibandana (Post 1141575)
Lol indeed... That poor fan... Hope it isn't me!


Hahahah! I've actually noticed the pun once I had already posted! But I thought it was too funny and also sadly accurate by all meanings to edit the post. LOL

Sissy3 06-23-2013 01:57 AM

That was clever whether intended or not. :D I daresay some fans already feel like they've been hit by the proverbial shit. And I will make an effort to not use f*cking great in any of my posts.....until Rolo brings up the Edge again and then all bets are off. ;)

jovigirloz 06-23-2013 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by linnea.cfc32_jovibandana (Post 1141575)
Lol indeed... That poor fan... Hope it isn't me!


LMAO - Well played :) even though it took me a few seconds to get what you meant (it is Sunday morning after all)

I am starting to doubt if Richie will be back. He doesn't need the money, he seems very happy spending time with his daughter (and dogs).
I wonder if he wants to make a statement about his status with the band, but Jon has put a stop to it as it would affect tickets sales even more? I am not buying any Aussie tix until I know for sure that he will be back, which now looks like I will be saving my money.

I thought they would have announced Japan dates by now, as they always go there before Australia. I wonder if they are going there at all?

Aindi 06-23-2013 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by linnea.cfc32_jovibandana (Post 1141575)
Lol indeed... That poor fan... Hope it isn't me!


A 'like' button on here is so badly needed! :D

Becky 06-23-2013 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1141568)
You nailed it. Video and audio. Anything else might or might not be legit, but you still have no tone, no nothing. The unfortunate thing is we have no audio nor video of Richie about this drama.

Actually, you can't even believe all the video and audio you hear because it can be edited. Back during the hiatus the band took after New Jersey, Jon did an interview with Kurt Loder of MTV USA. In one edit of the interview things sounded dire for the band. In another edit of the same interview, they didn't. MTV was just making drama where there wasn't any.

For some reason this also makes me think of a video version I have of a Kerrang! magazine interview. In the magazine version, Jon was dropping f bombs in the video version he didn't. The press just makes things sound the way they want to sell their stories.

jessycardy 06-23-2013 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1141618)
Actually, you can't even believe all the video and audio you hear because it can be edited. Back during the hiatus the band took after New Jersey, Jon did an interview with Kurt Loder of MTV USA. In one edit of the interview things sounded dire for the band. In another edit of the same interview, they didn't. MTV was just making drama where there wasn't any.

For some reason this also makes me think of a video version I have of a Kerrang! magazine interview. In the magazine version, Jon was dropping f bombs in the video version he didn't. The press just makes things sound the way they want to sell their stories.

Wow... And people here were saying how those gutter press articles "had" to be legit because they featured statements in quotation marks? LOL
I remember posting I don't think they would give two flying shits about it and rather pay a fine or two but have the "scoop". But I didn't know things could be and actually were that bad. Interesting, thanks for sharing!

Mysterytrain 06-23-2013 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1141621)
Wow... And people here were saying how those gutter press articles "had" to be legit because they featured statements in quotation marks? LOL
I remember posting I don't think they would give two flying shits about it and rather pay a fine or two but have the "scoop". But I didn't know things could be and actually were that bad. Interesting, thanks for sharing!

I think this is the same sort of thing 'reality' shows often do to try to create 'characters' that will "play well" to the intended audience; usually there is a "villain" and a "good guy" and the shows are edited to elicit those kinds of reactions.

In journalism, the quotation mark/direct quote issue still stands and journalists can be sued for libel if they falsely attribute a quote to someone. That said, however, the /context/ of the wording around the quote could be manipulated by the journalist to 'set up' the situation so that the quote, even if direct from the celebrity, could take on a connotation in a reader's mind that the celebrity never intended. But there are no legal ramifications for suggestion or innuendo and this is where journalists can basically 'lead' the story in a certain way to stir up controversy.

jovigirloz 06-23-2013 05:19 AM

If they just made an official statement that cleared things up there would be no need for all this gossip and speculation. Jon is bringing this on himself, be honest with the fans - that is all most of us are asking for.

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