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Crushgen24/88 06-24-2013 07:13 AM

Matt really needs to learn not to answer people. It just makes him look like an idiot, even when he says something of relative merit.

Crushgen24/88 06-24-2013 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1141830)
Most people are disappointed with Aftermath. I certainly expected a lot more. But a couple of months later, I see how it's miles better than anything Bon Jovi have done....well, pretty much since These Days really. Half of it I like. And there's only two songs I don't like actually. Which are World and Weathering the Storm. The rest is at least ok. And not from a sound, production, guitar etc perspective. But from a songwriting perspective. Look at Taking A Chance on the Wind or Always Walk Beside You...they are proper, real songs. And then Burn the Candle Down and Fly with A Broken Wing - those are proper Sambora rockers, in the vein of Rosie really. Again, it's my least favourite Richie record. But it's not an 'album by the numbers' that Bon Jovi have been doing for 10 years. And that's what makes me think that Richie could actually give me more if he left the band, than if he stayed in the band.

Sorry, but I have to disagree. I actually like most of the songs you named, but there's nothing on Aftermath that wouldn't fit on a 2002 and onward Bin Jovi record, for better or worse.

DevilsSon 06-24-2013 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1141889)
Sorry, but I have to disagree. I actually like most of the songs you named, but there's nothing on Aftermath that wouldn't fit on a 2002 and onward Bin Jovi record, for better or worse.

Why do people apologise when they disagree? It's your opinion, you certainly have the right to disagree.

If anything, I'd apologise for missing the point completely, but that's a different story ;)

kenobi_on_a_prayer 06-24-2013 10:02 AM

Was anything ever announced regarding that Every Road cover contest?

BJ?YesPlease 06-24-2013 11:45 AM

After a couple of days away from this thread, two things have become clear.

1 - We all have different opinions. It's pointless exchanging over which songs were better, what loose theories we have etc etc.

2 - Can someone invent a "Non-Bullsh1t, Backed Up, Relevant and Worth Reading Alert Filter"? That might help stop my blood pressure shooting through the roof every time I trawl through the pages I've missed. Thanks.

PS - as much as this thread is bad for my health, I really would love to have a meet up with you guys!

PatriciaSambora 06-24-2013 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by kenobi_on_a_prayer (Post 1141901)
Was anything ever announced regarding that Every Road cover contest?

Nope, everything is so weird in this Sambora drama..

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 06-24-2013 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1141889)
and onward Bin Jovi record

Bin Jovi... Oh the lolz. :)

And btw yeah I've been wondering about the Every Road competition too.. Nothing's been said on Facebook since Richies last "overwhelmed, so many entries, need more time" type message... :/

ben 06-24-2013 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1141884)
Since that image is bullshit and since I hate bullshit and love the factual truth, I took the time to put together what you could REALLY call the "WHOLE Matt Twitter exchange".

  • Relevant parts are highlighted in bold.
  • All of Matt's tweets are highlighted in yellow.

Exchange 1:

The actual conversation goes on between fans with some useless rambles and bad jokes. Full thing at link below.

( )

Exchange 2:

The actual conversation goes on between the fans. Full thing at link below.

( )

Exchange 3:

( )

Exchange 4:

( )

Exchange 5:

( )

Exchange 6:

The actual "conversation" goes on (forever) between the fans ONLY and it's NOT about Richie, so I cut it here. If you click on the link below, you'll see the entire thing, though.

( )

Exchange 7:

The actual conversation goes on between the fans. Full thing at link below.

( )

wow honey!!
you took all this time to post this!
how I cannot love you? lol
your work is very much appreciated :):)

Thank you :p

jessycardy 06-24-2013 01:53 PM

You're all welcome, not-so-secret admirers included! :p LOL


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1141887)
In one tweet he says he hopes Richie will come back and that it's his decision, and in other tweets he says Richie will be back. That's such bs. That's why Matt is not a good source.

I have to agree with this, his wording is off. I think the thing is he hopes he will be back (as Jon also said), but sometimes he lets his hope take the lead (or he's somewhat convinced things will eventually work out) and he goes for the "he WILL be back" kind of statements. It's confusing, but I'm so hungry for positive news that even these incoherent tweets work for me.

Solid Sambora 06-24-2013 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1141921)
You're all welcome, not-so-secret admirers included! :p LOL

I have to agree with this, his wording is off. I think the thing is he hopes he will be back (as Jon also said), but sometimes he lets his hope take the lead (or he's somewhat convinced things will eventually work out) and he goes for the "he WILL be back" kind of statements. It's confusing, but I'm so hungry for positive news that even these incoherent tweets work for me.

I'd love to believe him but I'm very sceptical about anything he says. It's just a pity he is the only one from the entire organisation that seems prepared to communicate with the fans. Time will tell if he is A) telling the truth and genuinely- if at times misguidedly- trying to reassure folks, or B) the douche we all believe him to be and he's just enjoying the attention!

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