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Solid Sambora 06-24-2013 09:13 PM

Jackie's post has made me think that this thread should be closed down, if only to save what is left of poor Rolo's mind.

It's a great point you made about Jon's feelings. Too many have been quick to jump on the Saint Richie/Dictator Jon bandwagon, fueled by what I expect is purely based on their reaction back in the day to Jon's (probably misguided) comments about being CEO etc. Some assume because he's the self styled boss, that he is controlling this situation when it's as likely he's just reacting the best he can in tough times for his band. Having understanding for Jon doesn't make anyone blind to other issues that he probably is responsible for, but blaming him for this at present is foolish.

Anger towards Richie? I'm guilty of that myself. I've tried not to be as extreme as some, but his Twitter activity got me riled. Fair point about him being able to enjoy other activities, I agree there, but I'm of the opinion that if he hasn't for whatever reason released a proper statement, he should have shown a little savvy and said nothing at all. Whatever his intentions, those tweets come across as unprofessional when so many people are looking for an answer. It's because people have invested so much in him and Bon Jovi that people can't help but feel a need for some kind of explanation. Better judgement was required on his part, and I'd guess you're right- he or someone around him has realised the tweets were a mistake and radio silence is now the way to go. If only his business associates would show that same judgement.

Whatever way anyone looks at it though, I'd hope most agree that the band needs to seriously work on its understanding of PR and modern media, as most of the drama has come from their failings on that front!

rolo_tomachi 06-24-2013 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1142010)
You may be absolutely correct when you say that you have reasons to be angry. And I want them to fix things, too. I want all four (five) of them on stage again and having a great time. I suspect that they would all like that, too. If it's this stressful for us, can you imagine how gutted they are? No matter what the reasons are? I don't agree that Richie's replaceable for a minute, but can you find it in your heart to maybe give Jon the benefit of the doubt and consider that he may have said what he did out of hurt or frustration, or even that he may have been misquoted or the words taken out of context, as I believe some of Richie's have been?

Feelings are feelings and we shouldn't have to justify them. I'm sorry you feel angry or betrayed. As we tell small children, "It's okay to be mad. It's not okay to be mean."

I just want to see them together again, everything can be forgiven if that happens. Jon should not hate Richie, that comment shows his dark side. Now only thing that could fix it for me is the Richie's return to the band.

jessycardy 06-24-2013 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1142010)
You may be absolutely correct when you say that you have reasons to be angry. And I want them to fix things, too. I want all four (five) of them on stage again and having a great time. I suspect that they would all like that, too. If it's this stressful for us, can you imagine how gutted they are? No matter what the reasons are? I don't agree that Richie's replaceable for a minute, but can you find it in your heart to maybe give Jon the benefit of the doubt and consider that he may have said what he did out of hurt or frustration, or even that he may have been misquoted or the words taken out of context, as I believe some of Richie's have been?

Feelings are feelings and we shouldn't have to justify them. I'm sorry you feel angry or betrayed. As we tell small children, "It's okay to be mad. It's not okay to be mean."

He won't listen let alone reply to you, don't waste your time trying to reason with him, it won't work. Jon is the devil and that's it. I wonder why he even bothers being a Bon Jovi fan, might as well just drop it and start following other artists.

I agree with every word you said in your last two posts.

Crushgen24/88 06-24-2013 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1141896)
Why do people apologise when they disagree? It's your opinion, you certainly have the right to disagree.

If anything, I'd apologise for missing the point completely, but that's a different story ;)

I was common courtesy you douche' ;) :p

In all seriousness though, I don't think I your point. There is nothing on AOTLD that doesn't fit into the direction Bon Jovi has gone in since 2002, and I don't hear more "soul" in it.

rolo_tomachi 06-24-2013 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1142017)
He won't listen let alone reply to you, don't waste your time trying to reason with him, it won't work. Jon is the devil and that's it. I wonder why he even bothers being a Bon Jovi fan, might as well just drop it and start following other artists.

I agree with every word you said in your last two posts.

Not true. I love Jon, but not at all costs. If he release a solo album, I'll be the first to buy it, but do not admit his despective comment.

peewee 06-24-2013 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1142022)
Not true. I love Jon, but not at all costs. If he release a solo album, I'll be the first to buy it, but do not admit his despective comment.

Please... Go hibernate.

Sissy3 06-24-2013 09:30 PM

Rolo I'll give you this, you're consistent in your anger and belief. Me, I tend to have my wishy-washy moments. (Although right now I'm still nursing my grudge against Richie. ;))

jessycardy 06-24-2013 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1142022)
Not true. I love Jon, but not at all costs. If he release a solo album, I'll be the first to buy it, but do not admit his despective comment.

I hate that comment too! But why-oh-why does that comment have to be your one and only focus in LIFE?!? As Jackie said, that comment could have been made out of anger or frustration. I bet my ****in' genitals he doesn't really mean that one minute! He loves Richie! Just like Richie's comment about Jon wanting to see if he could fill stadiums up by himself. That's obviously rude and wrong, but hell, he was probably angry and frustrated as well! BIG DEAL! They're even with idiotic comments, 1-1, game over. They both realized it was stupid to bitchfight via gutter press and finally stopped after a couple rounds. If they moved past that, why can't we (or rather you and those like you)?
This is MADNESS for them. Can you imagine the amount of pressure they're under? I'm going crazy, I can't even start imagining what it is like for them.

Now, instead of assuming things without proof and thinking that going to a Bon Jovi show with huge banners that go "WHERE'S RICHIE?" is this bright genius idea, what about supporting the band, both the part on stage and the one off stage, not jumping to conclusions and just wait for things to work out? Bon Jovi's future does NOT depend on your disrespectful banners, your random posts or your arrogant petitions. It depends on what THEY want, THEIR relationship with each other, THEIR lives. It's up to THEM to work things out, and we should respect them, all of them, 'cause I'm pretty sure watching your own band of 30 years going through this drama and you being a part of this drama can be pretty traumatic and stressful. Is common sense really so hard to understand nowadays?!?

NicoRourke 06-24-2013 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1142006)

Are you a member of MyGNR?

I've seen the same exact photoshop thing with Axl instead of Richie and Slash at Jon's place.

rolo_tomachi 06-24-2013 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1142030)
I hate that comment too! But why-oh-why does that comment have to be your one and only focus in LIFE?!? As Jackie said, that comment could have been made out of anger or frustration. I bet my ****in' genitals he doesn't really mean that one minute! He loves Richie! Just like Richie's comment about Jon wanting to see if he could fill stadiums up by himself. That's obviously rude and wrong, but hell, he was probably angry and frustrated as well! BIG DEAL! They're even with idiotic comments, 1-1, game over. They both realized it was stupid to bitchfight via gutter press and finally stopped after a couple rounds. If they moved past that, why can't we (or rather you and those like you)?
This is MADNESS for them. Can you imagine the amount of pressure they're under? I'm going crazy, I can't even start imagining what it is like for them.

Now, instead of assuming things without proof and thinking that going to a Bon Jovi show with huge banners that go "WHERE'S RICHIE?" is this bright genius idea, what about supporting the band, both the part on stage and the one off stage, not jumping to conclusions and just wait for things to work out? Bon Jovi's future does NOT depend on your disrespectful banners, your random posts or your arrogant petitions. It depends on what THEY want, THEIR relationship with each other, THEIR lives. It's up to THEM to work things out, and we should respect them, all of them, 'cause I'm pretty sure watching your own band of 30 years going through this drama and you being a part of this drama can be pretty traumatic and stressful. Is common sense really so hard to understand nowadays?!?

You are right. Somehow this got out of hand, I guess I could not stand to read more comments like "Richie who?".

But I have nothing to do with banners and anything that they want to do in Hyde Park. My protest is "I'm not going show until Richie returns", this is just my position.

I want love, not war, but Jon still has a sticker on his guitar, a cartoon with fists.


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