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NicoRourke 04-06-2013 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sambo-Chris (Post 1120207)
Caravans filling up German Highways ;)

This :) And Belgian ones as well. Plus the language is really ugly. Sorry!

On the other hand, The Netherlands, specifically the Veersemeer (sp?) is a gorgeous place for vacation. I go there quite often.

On one of the topics in this thread, Richie's departure and bullshit reasons behind it made news here as weel - even the most serious media outlets are reporting the TMZ story. What a load of crap!

Mousebounce 04-06-2013 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1120146)
Everybody thinks I'm making this up. I'm not. It's crazy.

No, your not crazy. I book my trips around when the kids go back to school there.

Supersonic 04-06-2013 01:55 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Mousebounce (Post 1120214)
No, your not crazy. I book my trips around when the kids go back to school there.

Your crazy for making errors like these. I guess it's true what they say about the American education system. :p

Salaam Aleikum,

Bounce7800 04-06-2013 01:57 PM

Ever since they got the scoop on the Michael Jackson death, the rest of the media just reprints TMZ articles as gospel on entertainment, even though plenty of articles before and since have been made up dogshit.

It also shows just how damn lazy most websites and journalists are these days, once one site runs a story all the rest just quote it or copy it verbatim. Or re-write it slightly chinese whispers style removing even more of the facts, like the Richie story has morphed from the original version to leaving the whole tour just due to bad writing. We saw the same on another forum I'm on, someone had a domain name and made a spoof website, hawked the story about and only The Sun were bothered, paid him for the story took a few quotes and then ran it the next day- then all the others ran with it- publications the world over! Yet only 1 paper took the original story, every other one just copied it.

Anyway, back to the holiday stories :p

Mousebounce 04-06-2013 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1120215)
Aloha !

Your crazy for making errors like these. I guess it's true what they say about the American education system. :p

Salaam Aleikum,

Errors? I am befuddled. :)

Jayster 04-06-2013 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Mousebounce (Post 1120217)
Errors? I am befuddled. :)

I think he's pointing out the grammar.

You are = you're not your

Mousebounce 04-06-2013 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Jayster (Post 1120218)
I think he's pointing out the grammar.

You are = you're not your

Yikes! I am on an iPad. Leave me I deserve to have stones thrown at me for that one though. :(

StoneDeaf 04-06-2013 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Mousebounce (Post 1120219)
Yikes! I am on an iPad. Leave me I deserve to have stones thrown at me for that one though. :(

Would you prefer regular or them rolling ones? :cool:

sweetmisery 04-06-2013 03:58 PM

Im not about to read all 73 pages, but any cliffs on updates?

If the TMZ story is circling around, Richie should atleast defend himself if its not true.

Captmorgs 04-06-2013 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by sweetmisery (Post 1120235)
Im not about to read all 73 pages, but any cliffs on updates?

If the TMZ story is circling around, Richie should atleast defend himself if its not true.

Richie left to deal with "personal issues" and will be back at some point. That's really it.

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