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CKatz 06-29-2013 11:07 AM

Exclusive interview with Rumorfix.

Richie admits his issues are with the band. But he sees the band as a family, so he doesn't want to say what those issues are.

He says things are close to being resolved and that it looks like he'll be back for September.

He says he's never been home for 3 months at a time in 30 years and that he's using the time off to spend with his daughter and his fashion line.

SuperBrad 06-29-2013 11:33 AM

Great news ! Welcome back Rich !

crashed 06-29-2013 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1143071)
Exclusive interview with Rumorfix.

Richie admits his issues are with the band. But he sees the band as a family, so he doesn't want to say what those issues are.

He says things are close to being resolved and that it looks like he'll be back for September.

He says he's never been home for 3 months at a time in 30 years and that he's using the time off to spend with his daughter and his fashion line.

He could've just said this 3 months ago!

Maybe he wants Shanks fired as producer. Fingers crossed.

Kiwi78 06-29-2013 11:49 AM


LOL only took us three months. Didn't someone agggges ago say the bands contracts were being renewed. Wonder if it's that - as that would make sense why its taking so long to sort.

Oh well. Least we have a ball park.

bonjovi821 06-29-2013 11:55 AM

Well shit, that's good. Maybe now I'll consider seeing them in LA or Vegas this October. But I'm not buying a ticket until I see Jon and Richie standing together.

Also, Richie looks like a little old woman in that video.

CKatz 06-29-2013 11:56 AM

I think it's funny he accidentally exposed Jon (and Matt) as I wonder how they'll react to this. :)

crashed 06-29-2013 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1143079)
I think it's funny he accidentally exposed Jon (and Matt) as I wonder how they'll react to this. :)

Couldn't watch the whole interview as I'm at work and have no decent phone connection - how did he expose them?

nrm123 06-29-2013 12:09 PM

That's a decent reason for me. We all know how much Jon rams tours own everyone's throats and Richie like us all was hoping for a longer break between tours.

One thing though what's up with licking his lips? Has he always done that? Or is it because he had chapped lips and like me licking them all the time makes it feel better?

CKatz 06-29-2013 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1143080)
Couldn't watch the whole interview as I'm at work and have no decent phone connection - how did he expose them?

After mentioning band issues, the interviewer asked him directly how things were between him and Jon. He said "Not happy."

Jon was claiming he didn't have issues with Richie and that his absence had nothing to do with him. Matt said things have never been better in the band after the TMZ article.

MrNickel 06-29-2013 12:16 PM

It took 7434 posts for the truth (well as much as we ever will know) to be revealed.

I love how Richie responds to the accusation that he might not be part of the band anymore with "someone should take a look at the writing and producing credits for the last 14 albums for god sakes".

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