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Mousebounce 06-29-2013 12:52 PM

Obviously he isn't happy, otherwise he would be on tour right now.

MrNickel 06-29-2013 12:56 PM

He also admitted it was band/family issues to so he clearly isn't "happy".

DaveK 06-29-2013 12:58 PM

at least we are getting somewhere in terms of whats going on. To me it feels like its a money problem.

CKatz 06-29-2013 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ruggy (Post 1143096)
No he didn't and you've already edited what you said whilst I was away watching it again. He said the last I heard was you were going to be back in London in July is that true and Richie said it was untrue, it's not happening at the moment.

If you can tell me the timing of this alleged question about him and Jon I will watch again but I cannot hear anything even resembling that being asked.

I still hear "Not happy". But even if he wasn't talking about Jon specifically, he still talks about having issues in the band. That includes Jon.

jovigirloz 06-29-2013 01:02 PM

Just when I think this thread has had it's day.boom.. back to life again.

AmyHarket 06-29-2013 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Jule225 (Post 1143095)
Things get lost in translation when you paraphrase.

The interviewer asked, "Last I heard, you wanted to perform with Bon Jovi, July 4th, in London. What's the latest?"

Richie answered, "That is unsure. We're just not [happy/happening] at the moment. Right now I'm concentrating on the fashion stuff. That's what's going on."

I just double-checked and confirmed what he said that "That is unTRUE. We're just not happening at the moment."
Which was his answer to the reporter's this question:
So let's talk. The last time I heard is you want to perform Bon jovi on July 4th in London. What is the latest topic?

Ruggy 06-29-2013 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1143102)
I still hear "Not happy". But even if he wasn't talking about Jon specifically, he still talks about having issues in the band. That includes Jon.

You started off saying he was specifically asked about how things were with him and Jon. Now you're changing it to paraphrasing and not specific. You wee misleading people on here who asked what was said because they couldn't watch the video at this time.

AmyHarket 06-29-2013 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Ruggy (Post 1143089)
He did not ask him that. The audio isn't great but as far as I can tell Richie said "not happening at the moment". At no point was the question how are things with you and Jon asked.

You're right. No, he didn't. The sound is really not great, though.

Mousebounce 06-29-2013 01:05 PM

The best part of that interview was the way he responded when told about what Jon said about him still being in the band. That spoke volumes the way he got all defensive.

AmyHarket 06-29-2013 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jule225 (Post 1143105)
Ah. "Untrue." That makes more sense with the rest of what he said. Thanks for the correction.

You're very welcome! :)

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