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tico_6 06-29-2013 01:17 PM

He says they aren't happening at the moment and he is happy because he has spent 3 months straight at home with his daughter. He looks really awkward and is obviously hiding stuff. He says he will be back but doesn't say when. Bs interview

CKatz 06-29-2013 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Ruggy (Post 1143106)
You started off saying he was specifically asked about how things were with him and Jon. Now you're changing it to paraphrasing and not specific. You wee misleading people on here who asked what was said because they couldn't watch the video at this time.

Yes, you're right. I was wrong about the question, but it still doesn't change the fact that they have issues with each other that are being resolved.

CKatz 06-29-2013 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by tico_6 (Post 1143110)
He says they aren't happening at the moment and he is happy because he has spent 3 months straight at home with his daughter. He looks really awkward and is obviously hiding stuff. He says he will be back but doesn't say when. Bs interview

He's still being secretive about the reason for the issues in the band. That is one thing we'll never find out, because the band/organisation wasn't even willing to admit to us that there are issues between them. At least we know that now.

BonJovi100 06-29-2013 01:25 PM

Still we don't know main reasone.

Looking at this interview I can see situation in which Richie say to Jon thta he needs some days breake from tour to promote his clother and Jon said "no". Then Richie runaway from tour.

crashed 06-29-2013 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1143111)
Yes, you're right. I was wrong about the question, but it still doesn't change the fact that they have issues with each other that are being resolved.

So, what you said he didn't say at all? Way to skew things to your own perspective. You should be a tabloid reporter :)

CKatz 06-29-2013 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by BonJovi100 (Post 1143115)
Still we don't know main reasone.

Looking at this interview I can see situation in which Richie say to Jon thta he needs some days breake from tour to promote his clother and Jon said "no". Then Richie runaway from tour.

No, that's not the case. He already said the clothing line doesn't take him away from the band. He's doing the fashion thing and spending time with his daughter to fill up his free time until he gets back.

CKatz 06-29-2013 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1143118)
So, what you said he didn't say at all? Way to skew things to your own perspective. You should be a tabloid reporter :)

Sorry, for the confusion. The sound quality is really bad. But still, things are obviously not happy between them or there wouldn't be issues.

jovigirloz 06-29-2013 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1143121)
Sorry, for the confusion. The sound quality is really bad. But still, things are obviously not happy between them or there wouldn't be issues.

Exactly - what does Nikki say at the start? I can't make it out. Sounds something like, got rid of that rumour?

steel_horse75 06-29-2013 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by DaveK (Post 1143101)
at least we are getting somewhere in terms of whats going on. To me it feels like its a money problem.

How do you get that from the interview? Im sorry but that's utter crap and its things like that that start bullshit gossip.
Its clear that Richie just didn't want to tour at the moment and probably didn't want to release an album yet. He wanted some time off or maybe even promote his own album. I was amazed when his came out in Nov and JBJ announced March for the new Jovi album. But its not money issues.

steel_horse75 06-29-2013 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirloz (Post 1143123)
Exactly - what does Nikki say at the start? I can't make it out. Sounds something like, got rid of that rumour?

Shes ****ing annoying and using the gossip to promote her shit clothes.
I find it embarrassing when Richie says Im taking time to do my fashion thing.
I know he said it wouldnt take him away from the band but he probably gets a good blow job from her at the end of the day and she uses Jovi media to promote her shit.

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