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TheseDaysEra 06-29-2013 01:51 PM

dunno if you seen this:

steel_horse75 06-29-2013 01:53 PM

yeah about 4 pages back!

CKatz 06-29-2013 02:04 PM

Rumorfix article:

tico_6 06-29-2013 02:12 PM

It's Richie's issue, he doesn't want to tour at the moment. Instead he is giving bs interviews at fashion shows but it's okay because he loves us fans.

nikos greece 06-29-2013 02:21 PM

richie left jon kept the tour going...

on the other hand richie never trash talked jon while jon betrayed the brotherhood imo with his could richie be replaced???you sound like a cover band for ****s sake...i admire jon but was way off with that comment...i dare anyone to find one single song where philx/bobby plays it better than richie song...and prove it with some youtube link...

richie looks pressed with the whole situation, if jon cut their percentages then its sad but maybe its another reason...

i dont think that jon is to be blamed for the whole situation but the last answer from richie was spot on..."noone was fired", "he still is part of the band" for gods sake...there may be a contract with the music company but richie was a partner for all these years, you cant act like you can replace him or fire him...these comments really upset me...:onfire:

The Rock 06-29-2013 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirloz (Post 1143123)
Exactly - what does Nikki say at the start? I can't make it out. Sounds something like, got rid of that rumour?

The Reporter asks about July 4th which is Hyde Park and Richie says that rumour is not true, that's when Nikki says we just cleared that rumour.

aljo 06-29-2013 03:10 PM

In 30 years he's never been home for 3 months??? I find that hard to believe. Nikki should just shut up, it seems like she may be influencing him.

Why is it going to take another 3 freaking months to get this resolved?? Was hoping he'd be back for the Jersey shows.

This should have been talked about before the tour, Richie could have just said I'm not touring so soon and stuck to his guns, to bail in the middle of the tour is just unacceptable.

milomom 06-29-2013 03:20 PM

We all know that Jon has most of the power in this band. I'm betting Richie thought he had more leverage to fight a battle if they were on the road. Miscalculation there, though. He should have paid more attention to what happened when he went to rehab in 2011. I said then that Jon learned a valuable lesson - that he actually could tour without Richie. And while this tour has been messy (to say the least), it's still rolling. The lesson from 2011 served Jon well.

Becky 06-29-2013 03:28 PM

I notice he got defensive about being part of the writing and producing of the last 14 albums so that should end all this nonsense about him not being part of What About Now.

samboraisgodUK 06-29-2013 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by aljo (Post 1143137)
Nikki should just shut up, it seems like she may be influencing him.

Bollocks, she's a hanger on.

She should shut up though.

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