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jessycardy 07-02-2013 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1144061)
Might affect clothing choices, but should have no bearing on his sometimes questionable choice of women. ;)

No, of course not! That's another story completely...

Solid Sambora 07-02-2013 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Lindy (Post 1144046)
Question so what happens come Sept when Phil wants to be home with his wife. Is she not expecting their first child in Oct? He's not going to want too be on the road with a new baby.

Who knows- he may very well be torn on this issue. The birth of his baby or carry on with this world tour (what could be by far the highlight of his career). A bit like when footballers have to decide between a birth or cup final. Not a decision I envy having to make. It would depend on how understanding his wife is!

Kathleen 07-02-2013 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Neurotica80 (Post 1144057)

I wish I could f*** my job off all summer and then walk back into it when I felt like it. Sorry, I love Richie but he has majorly messed up here. Also we don't give a s*** about your "fashion" line either.

Exactly, I agree with you and Brian 100%. Also Richie and his fashion line has become almost unrecognisable as the person he used to be.

Florin - a nice reminder of why all of us are here, bitching and moaning.:D

Even this tour I see flashes of how good they they were and still can be. I wish they were more consistent.

Neurotica80 07-02-2013 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1144060)
Fortunately, you're not Richie Sambora and can't really compare yourself to him.

He's a successful musician, songwriter and multi-millionaire rockstar who can do pretty much whatever the f*** he likes.
If I sold as many albums as him, I'd think I'd like to take the odd summer off here and there. F*** me, what's wrong with you?

And the fact you don't care about his fashion line is pathetic. He's entitled to do what he likes. If you don't care about a sideline, that's fine. I don't quite remember everyone getting so nasty towards Tico when he did Rockstar Baby. And yes, I know he didn't bail on a tour for it. But let's not pretend Richie CHOSE fashion over the tour. More like he's doing something to fill the time.

Christ, why can't we all just wish him luck with whatever he chooses? Jon had acting, then came back to music. Hopefully all their outside pursuits only help to create a better, more focused mind when they return to rockin' the sh!t out of the next album/tour....

Another blind Richie lover then. JBJ got so much s*** for doing a two hour show in Sofia when he was ill. Richie cancels a whole leg of the tour and thats ok, because hes a rockstar and can do what he wants?! If anything, because of the privilaged position he's in, the fans he has etc, I believe he should have seen out the tour he commited to and then sorted out whatever the problem is.

As for his fashion line, I'm sorry I don't get it. Richie is a musician first and foremost. Because I'm a fan of his music, why am I automatically going to give a rats arse about a dress endorsed by him and his mate Nikki nobody Lund?

Captain_jovi 07-02-2013 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1144060)
Fortunately, you're not Richie Sambora and can't really compare yourself to him.

He's a successful musician, songwriter and multi-millionaire rockstar who can do pretty much whatever the f*** he likes.
If I sold as many albums as him, I'd think I'd like to take the odd summer off here and there. F*** me, what's wrong with you?

And the fact you don't care about his fashion line is pathetic. He's entitled to do what he likes. If you don't care about a sideline, that's fine. I don't quite remember everyone getting so nasty towards Tico when he did Rockstar Baby. And yes, I know he didn't bail on a tour for it. But let's not pretend Richie CHOSE fashion over the tour. More like he's doing something to fill the time.

Christ, why can't we all just wish him luck with whatever he chooses? Jon had acting, then came back to music. Hopefully all their outside pursuits only help to create a better, more focused mind when they return to rockin' the sh!t out of the next album/tour....

Baloney. We're supportive of Richie to an extent. We don't care he wants time off, we care the way he went about it. I'm not going to feel bad about how we're jumping to conclusions when if they didn't leave their fans in the dark, we wouldn't have to. They're handling this so poorly.

I wish Richie the best creatively but I shouldn't have to think of reasons why he's not in the wrong just because he's a bit star.

Neurotica80 07-02-2013 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1143975)
Hi Keek, we're in Rome, we're going to meet papa Richie in the lobby, who's getting his glasses, then we're going to a tour in the Vatican and it's going to be really really pretty.

You want it in Spanish?

Hola Keek, estamos en Roma, vamos a encontrarnos con papá Richie en el vestíbulo, fue a buscar sus lentes, y luego vamos a hacer un tour en el Vaticano y va a ser muy muy lindo.

Nothing that anybody should care.

Richie looks like Austin Powers in those glasses.

BJ?YesPlease 07-02-2013 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Neurotica80 (Post 1144066)
Another blind Richie lover then. JBJ got so much s*** for doing a two hour show in Sofia when he was ill. Richie cancels a whole leg of the tour and thats ok, because hes a rockstar and can do what he wants?! If anything, because of the privilaged position he's in, the fans he has etc, I believe he should have seen out the tour he commited to and then sorted out whatever the problem is.

As for his fashion line, I'm sorry I don't get it. Richie is a musician first and foremost. Because I'm a fan of his music, why am I automatically going to give a rats arse about a dress endorsed by him and his mate Nikki nobody Lund?

No, no. You'll see a few posts back I gave Jon huge credit for his recent live effort. Superb. I've loved the whole band my entire life. I'm not just going to take sides. At least until I know more.

I don't think anyone has ever said you should care about Richie's fashion line. But the least you could/should do as a fan of his music is not bitch and moan and dictate what he can or can't spend his time doing.

Just because he's a muscian shouldn't ever mean he can't try his hand at other things. If you worked in Tesco, does that mean you shouldn't ever aim for a job as an accountant, etc? Crazy rule.
Look at Dwayne Johnson. David Soul. Jared Leto. J-Lo. No, not J-Lo.
Who wants to be pigeon-holed?

Solid Sambora 07-02-2013 03:46 PM

When people talk about this in terms of jobs, I get where people are coming from but also understand those who say you can't compare the average job to Richie's. It's that point though that sums up the situation in terms of the fans. Richie's job/position is what it is because of the fans, and that's why those fans deserve better. I don't mean that as some petulant sense of entitlement, but there's a kind of symbiotic relationship there that is suffering from this whole mess. It's Richie's talent that draws us in and keeps us coming back to him, but without us as a collective, he doesn't get to showcase that talent the way he has over the years. If that relationship and his reputation are too badly damaged by this, he'll soon enough find his "job" becoming one where he is liable to be fired if he doesn't perform well enough. He's in a position to do what he wants now, but only because of the support he has had- support he is fast losing the longer this goes on.

Kathleen 07-02-2013 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Neurotica80 (Post 1144066)

As for his fashion line, I'm sorry I don't get it. Richie is a musician first and foremost. Because I'm a fan of his music, why am I automatically going to give a rats arse about a dress endorsed by him and his mate Nikki nobody Lund?

Again, I agree 100%. And to make this "fair and balanced" I did not give a shit about Jon's Philadelphia Soul Football Team. I don't watch football and I don't care about it and Christ himself could have owned that football team let alone JBJ and I would not have cared about it.

Blasphemy I know, especially to the football lovers here. But the point is that I am a fan of the music, and Richie's day job (as Jon likes to call it) is music - not fashion.

Neurotica80 07-02-2013 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1144070)
No, no. You'll see a few posts back I gave Jon huge credit for his recent live effort. Superb. I've loved the whole band my entire life. I'm not just going to take sides. At least until I know more.

I don't think anyone has ever said you should care about Richie's fashion line. But the least you could/should do as a fan of his music is not bitch and moan and dictate what he can or can't spend his time doing.

Just because he's a muscian shouldn't ever mean he can't try his hand at other things. If you worked in Tesco, does that mean you shouldn't ever aim for a job as an accountant, etc? Crazy rule.
Look at Dwayne Johnson. David Soul. Jared Leto. J-Lo. No, not J-Lo.
Who wants to be pigeon-holed?

Sure, thats fine If Richie wants to try his hand to that. . However, lets be honest, it doesnt look good when he's promoting that mid tour, a tour he bailed on. For his to think that Bon Jovi fans are really going to be supportive of this venture is quite niave. Esp since, like other have said, these are not the first Bon Jovi or solo shows hes missed.

I still love Richie Sambora, don't get me wrong. I just think that the whole episode has been handled horribly, he's def testing the fans loyality and patience.

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