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RonJovi 07-03-2013 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1144141)
Geeze Matt, this is exactly what I see and hear too. Listen to Destination Anywhere (the album) and you will hear what Jon likes to write. I happen to LOVE The Fighter. I don't think this style has anything to do with wanting to be Bruce, I think that is Jon at his best. Listen to Whole Lot of Leavin', some of Jon's best writing in my opinion, and one of the best tracks on Lost Highway.

I do believe that is where his heart lies "these days" and it may be why THAT album was so damn good.

Wholeheartedly agree. Whole Lot of Leavin' is one of their best tracks ever in my view. It might not work live but the honesty and vulnerability in that song is something badly lacking in the likes of WWBTF and WAN.

Not Running Anymore and The Fighter are excellent too in my view. I've said it before and I'll say it again, when Jon and Richie come together to write these days, the result is often far worse than when they write for themselves. Both of them are guilty of churning out the stuff most people agree is shite. On their own, they are still capable of writing classics.

Idea for next album (if Richie comes back) - lock both of them in different rooms for six months and when they re-appear, take the best 6 songs that both have managed to produce and there's a classic 12 song album. Hell, that idea will work even if they are still at each others throats.

RonJovi 07-03-2013 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1144230)
Jon wrote a couple of nice lyrics in his life, no question. They are not spraying with originality though and if you actually listened to the people you compare him to, those lyrics aren't even that good.

To even bring up Jon Bon in the same list as Dylan, Cohen, Waits or Springsteen is just painting your own little dreamworld. And don't get me wrong - he's got his moments of magic, I absolutely agree. But as soon as he gets introspective from a more philosophical point of view, there's almost always something that is forced, unnatural, non-sensical. You know, like that sink full of dishes cringeworthy stuff.

Listen to "Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis" by Tom Waits. That song alone will bring your whole 'Ohh JBJ is sooo amazing' little groupie fits back with the feet on the ground.

Having said that - some of the best Bon Jovi songs were when Jon tried to be a bit more like these guys. As Kathleen said, Whole Lot Of Leaving is imo one of the best tracks Bon Jovi pulled out in recent years. And since I doubt that Jon is able to write proper big-chorus rockers anymore, you know, the type of rockers he was the best at writing, I'd rather he chased Springsteen and Cohen than the Killers and Matchbox 20.

I agree with you that Jon is nowhere near as good a lyricist as a Dylan or Cohen but Jon has an ability to write songs that most people can relate to in a way that those artists don't.

A lot of the songs on Destination Anywhere feel like honest songs that came from inside Jon rather than a bunch of cliches shoehorned into a wannabe anthemic tune. At various points in my life, it's felt like Jon has written about me in them. I've never felt that listening to say Blood on The Tracks which I appreciate, and love, for a whole load of different reasons.

BJ?YesPlease 07-03-2013 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1144141)
Geeze Matt, this is exactly what I see and hear too. Listen to Destination Anywhere (the album) and you will hear what Jon likes to write. I happen to LOVE The Fighter. I don't think this style has anything to do with wanting to be Bruce, I think that is Jon at his best. Listen to Whole Lot of Leavin', some of Jon's best writing in my opinion, and one of the best tracks on Lost Highway.

I do believe that is where his heart lies "these days" and it may be why THAT album was so damn good.

I LOVE Whole Lotta Leavin' - and I'm not sure it's the actual songwriting that's the problem, but more the production perhaps that makes it feel less believable than many other artists in the same field.
I'm a huge country music fan - and some of the stuff there is so much more genuinely heartfelt and moving. But then I'd love to know the last time a Bon Jovi record was recorded with a full band, in a room, vibing off each other.
That's what I think's missing - a vibe. It's too polished. Even when it's "stripped back".

BJ?YesPlease 07-03-2013 09:57 AM

Sorry to immediately repost, but -

Jon is a great songwriter. Can't dispute that.

However, why oh why is he ripping off other artists when he should be carving his own niche?

WAN had 3 song rip off issues (at least) that bother me:

1- The most ridiculous, open and shut legal case:
Beautiful World = Matchbox 20's How Far We've Come

2- What About Now:
Horrendous theft of a Killers guitar melody. And the title's nicked from a Daughtry song.

3- Room At The End Of The World:
Now, maybe I'm missing a greater reference in pop culture or somewhere, but this is a word for word rip off of the Matt Nathanson song, from his 2011 album.

These guys used to write great original songs - and while plenty of lyric ideas have always been pinched from other artists (compare some of the earlier BJ stuff to Bruce's even earlier stuff, lyrically) - and they used to invent such great titles. You Give Love A Bad Name, for example.

They seem to be too occupied on staying current and being like others that they've almost forgotten what it's like to be themselves....

RonJovi 07-03-2013 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1144251)
Sorry to immediately repost, but -

Jon is a great songwriter. Can't dispute that.

However, why oh why is he ripping off other artists when he should be carving his own niche?

WAN had 3 song rip off issues (at least) that bother me:

1- The most ridiculous, open and shut legal case:
Beautiful World = Matchbox 20's How Far We've Come

2- What About Now:
Horrendous theft of a Killers guitar melody. And the title's nicked from a Daughtry song.

3- Room At The End Of The World:
Now, maybe I'm missing a greater reference in pop culture or somewhere, but this is a word for word rip off of the Matt Nathanson song, from his 2011 album.

These guys used to write great original songs - and while plenty of lyric ideas have always been pinched from other artists (compare some of the earlier BJ stuff to Bruce's even earlier stuff, lyrically) - and they used to invent such great titles. You Give Love A Bad Name, for example.

They seem to be too occupied on staying current and being like others that they've almost forgotten what it's like to be themselves....

Agree on some of this but they have always churned out song titles that are hardly original:

I'd Die For You
I'll Be There For You
Keep The Faith
These Days
It's My Life

etc. etc.

Bepded 07-03-2013 10:12 AM

Has anyone posted this Richies tweet yet ??

" Hey all, to those who saw that interview from the fashion show it was about my hopes. Nothing's really happening yet..."

He is looking sillier by the day. He should really really shut up and get on with things. Instead of saying something and then going to Twitter with the if's and the but's .... Jon is winning this hands down (maturity wise)

DevilsSon 07-03-2013 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1144251)
These guys used to write great original songs - and while plenty of lyric ideas have always been pinched from other artists (compare some of the earlier BJ stuff to Bruce's even earlier stuff, lyrically) - and they used to invent such great titles. You Give Love A Bad Name, for example.

Great example. If only it wasn't a Bonnie Tyler rip-off.

Edit: Here's Desmond Child basically telling how he actually ripped it off with Jovi!

BJ?YesPlease 07-03-2013 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1144257)
Great example. If only it wasn't a Bonnie Tyler rip-off.

Edit: Here's Desmond Child basically telling how he actually ripped it off with Jovi!

Kill me now....

That's just ruined my whole belief system.

RonJovi 07-03-2013 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1144257)
Great example. If only it wasn't a Bonnie Tyler rip-off.

Edit: Here's Desmond Child basically telling how he actually ripped it off with Jovi!

Christ on a bike...never heard that before. This is as much a rip off as Beautiful World.

Really makes you wonder, even more, how much input Jon and Richie had into YGLABN and LOAP.

nickolai 07-03-2013 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Bepded (Post 1144254)
Has anyone posted this Richies tweet yet ??

" Hey all, to those who saw that interview from the fashion show it was about my hopes. Nothing's really happening yet..."

He is looking sillier by the day. He should really really shut up and get on with things. Instead of saying something and then going to Twitter with the if's and the but's .... Jon is winning this hands down (maturity wise)

Yeah let's keep on topic. Richie is a ****ing idiot. "I love the fans, I love the band". Bollocks. If he did he would try to resolve with Jon whatever the problem is, but he choses to ponce around with some no good dolly bird in L.A. trying to act 30 years younger. This Richie mess strikes the guy is having a mid life crisis. Seriously every time that dickhead opens his mouth it makes me more angry and resentful of the band.

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