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JoviJovi 07-03-2013 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by John.Drake (Post 1144287)
I'm seeing them live tonight and I don't really mind seeing Phil X, but I am very infuriated with the whole situation. At least it's not like what going on with Stone Temple Pilots though.

STP is heartbreaking.

Kathleen 07-03-2013 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1144246)
I agree with you that Jon is nowhere near as good a lyricist as a Dylan or Cohen but Jon has an ability to write songs that most people can relate to in a way that those artists don't.

Just catching up here so this may be out of sequence.

The above quote says a lot to me. Both Dylan and Cohen (and to a lesser extent Springsteen) tend to be a bit above everyone. They are relating stories, experience and heartbreak. Jon at his best makes you FEEL those emotions.

Years ago I read something and I don't remember who said it or where it came from. But it stuck. Bruce appeals to your head and Jon appeals to your heart. I think that sums it up well. And it may explain why some of us are still loyal to this guy even when he puts out mediocre stuff.

Living_on_my_Hair 07-03-2013 08:54 PM

So, Richie's ''developing a TV show'' now according to the latest interview? Not going to hunt back through this thread, so can anyone give me the low-down on this? Fashion brands, TV shows.. he'll be on Big Brother next :/

jessycardy 07-03-2013 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1144334)
So, Richie's ''developing a TV show'' now according to the latest interview? Not going to hunt back through this thread, so can anyone give me the low-down on this? Fashion brands, TV shows.. he'll be on Big Brother next :/

That's all we know/has been said about this. You're not missing anything. I guess we just have to wait and see what this TV show is all about.

So anyway... It's not really on topic, but in a way it is or could be, and this thread has become the unofficial Bon Jovi Bar anyway, so I'm gonna post this here.

From what I gathered, it should be new stuff. Ally Sheedy, Richie's old flame, spills (a lot of) beans about Richie, and time doesn't seem to have softened her bad feelings one tiny bit.

These are only the parts about Richie. As usual, you can find the entire interview at the link below.


You met your husband, actor David Lansbury, doing an off-Broadway play. When was the first moment you realized you were attracted to each other?
I knew the minute I saw him I was in love… It was the first read-through. I went in and I thought, “Oh my God. Oh no. I’m in trouble now.”

And then it developed?
It developed for a while because he was actually still in a relationship with someone. So we were platonic until his other relationship ended. I had gone out with someone who cheated on me, and I didn’t want to go through something like that again.

Who was that?
Richie Sambora… He was clueless. Because he was just stoned all the time. He was a raging drug addict. I don’t know if he is any more or not, but he was then…
He once accused me of having left the bathroom window open so that my secret lover could meet me in his New Jersey house. This rampage went on all night about who left the bathroom window open, and who was I meeting in his bathroom? Because he had done so much cocaine that this was a reality to him. And it ended with him taking out a baseball bat and waving it in my face. What a dick.

How old were you when this happened?

Something must have drawn you to him initially.
When I first met him, when he’s not drunk, he’s kind of charming. He’s got this other personality that comes out. But when he starts drinking, his personality changes, so I didn’t get the “privilege” of seeing that dark personality until we had been dating a little while. And then he would get drunk and turn into this monster and not only not remember it the next day, the things he had said, but he would cop to it by telling me that it was my fault, that because I had done this, and I had done that, and I had done the other thing, and so he had to drink to deal with me. And somehow I ended up saying, “Oh I’m so sorry.” I was apologizing…
I went on tour with him, and it was this strange, dreamy, whirlwind kind of thing, where everybody is there because of this band, so if you’re having a problem with someone in the band, you’re the problem. Japan was the lowest point for me. There was another band called Ratt and they were playing first, and then Bon Jovi was playing. And two of the wives of members of Ratt were walking around backstage, and a couple of the guys who were working on the tour started to make comments about them, all sorts of really disgusting statements, sexual innuendo, calling them hookers or something like that. There was some big problem that happened, and they were really angry and talked to their husbands…
And Richie comes slamming into the hotel room completely ****ed up, “They shouldn’t have opened their ****ing mouths. These guys are on tour with us. We’re the big band. Ratt, their wives should just keep their ****ing mouths shut.” And basically that they’re all sluts, and deserve whatever treatment they got, and it’s Bon Jovi’s tour, and they didn’t have a right to complain that they were being treated that way. And I thought, “What am I doing here?” So that, and one other incident, and I got the next plane out…

****ing musicians, man. But they have an appeal.
Well he did, he had an appeal for 9 months, about as long as a pregnancy.

And then he came out.
Yeah. But I still hate him. I loathe and despise him…

Was your relationship with Woody Harrelson better than that one?
Yeah. I loved him. He was lovely. That was when he was still on Cheers. I met him at some environmental rally and I really liked him… Woody really needs someone who’s going to take care of him, and I was not that person. But I’m fond of him.


I guess we should talk about the movie.
I want to tell you one more dishy thing that I would never tell anybody else. I just love dishing with you! This is another “Can you believe this happened to me?” story. “Why did this happen?” When I was going through all that shit about Richie, the person who took me to Al-Anon meetings so I could deal with Richie’s problems was Heather Locklear… She was having problems with her husband at the time, who was Tommy Lee, and he was clean at that point. She took me to these Al-Anon meetings because she recognized how much pain I was going through over Richie…and I cried on her shoulder when he was dating Cher after me… As soon as I was out of the picture, and in rehab, safely locked up in rehab somewhere, he moved right on to Cher…

What were you in rehab for?
[Addiction to] Halcyon. It’s a sleeping pill. I first got it from Richie because he was on them. I very quickly became addicted to them… They had a bad effect on me because they leave your body really fast so you fall asleep really fast but then the next morning, you get very anxious, or at least I did. It wreaked havoc on me. I was on them for 4 months, 4 or 5 months, and I had to go to rehab to get off them. I couldn’t get off them without a doctor. Halcyon’s been banned in Europe. It’s a really dangerous drug. One of my other great legacies from Richie Sambora. Really wonderful. What am I doing in the rehab? Why am I in the rehab?

You needed rehab from Richie Sambora.
That was part of it. I thought, “I’m going to go somewhere where he will never be able to reach me even though he’s too chickenshit to talk to me, and I’ll break myself of this habit of Richie Sambora.” That was what I was in rehab for.
It really is odd, though, to have taken Halcyon for 4 months and end up in Hazelden, and see all these people who do massive amounts of drugs every day, walking around, and having people just supplying them with drugs, and functioning…

( )

heart&dagger 07-03-2013 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1144064)
Who knows- he may very well be torn on this issue. The birth of his baby or carry on with this world tour (what could be by far the highlight of his career). A bit like when footballers have to decide between a birth or cup final. Not a decision I envy having to make. It would depend on how understanding his wife is!

imo, Phil will not miss the birth of his child. Don't know how he will work it out, but he will be there for the birth and 4 a bit later, if not - forever.

Watching him, onstage, he does not seem that "comfortable" to me, a lot of the time. It's like he's so afraid he's going to do something "wrong" in Jon's eyes. It doesn't appear that he's all that crazy about most of Bon Jovi's music repertoire, either. Can't blame the guy for taking the leap for this tour, though. But, he's had an extremely long bachelor's party and I think it's growing old, especially with him being in his late 40s and expecting his first child.

Also, I think his band mates from "The Drills" are not happy with his extended absence. Phil seems to be a man of loyalty so he must be feeling extremely torn, but has made his choice because it could advance his career AND that of "The Drills" not to mention make a nice nest egg for his new baby and wife/family.

No, definitely, not an easy decision to make...

So, will money win, at the end of the day or will Phil pull out the loyalty card, both to his old "family" (The Drills) and to his "new family" (including baby Phil)? I'm betting on the loyalty card by the time the baby is due...

At the end of the day, it will all come down to how Phil decides to play that hand.

faith1985 07-03-2013 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1144317)
Just catching up here so this may be out of sequence.

The above quote says a lot to me. Both Dylan and Cohen (and to a lesser extent Springsteen) tend to be a bit above everyone. They are relating stories, experience and heartbreak. Jon at his best makes you FEEL those emotions.

Years ago I read something and I don't remember who said it or where it came from. But it stuck. Bruce appeals to your head and Jon appeals to your heart. I think that sums it up well. And it may explain why some of us are still loyal to this guy even when he puts out mediocre stuff.

That sums it up really perfectly. But it would make it worse if Jon would pretend rather than actually mean it.

Sissy3 07-03-2013 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1144349)
That's all we know/has been said about this. You're not missing anything. I guess we just have to wait and see what this TV show is all about.

So anyway... It's not really on topic, but in a way it is or could be, and this thread has become the unofficial Bon Jovi Bar anyway, so I'm gonna post this here.

From what I gathered, it should be new stuff. Ally Sheedy, Richie's old flame, spills (a lot of) beans about Richie, and time doesn't seem to have softened her bad feelings one tiny bit.

These are only the parts about Richie. As usual, you can find the entire interview at the link below.

( )

How many decades has it been? And she still carries all that hate. I think she cared more for him than he did for her and it still pisses her off.

RonJovi 07-03-2013 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1144382)
How many decades has it been? And she still carries all that hate. I think she cared more for him than he did for her and it still pisses her off.

Or maybe she is telling the truth. Certainly seems possible given what we know of Richie and some of the stuff he has said in interviews. This is a fella who turned up to gigs absolutely steaming drunk and who drove his daughter around pissed. The fella clearly has demons.

JackieBlue 07-03-2013 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1144382)
How many decades has it been? And she still carries all that hate. I think she cared more for him than he did for her and it still pisses her off.

That's an old interview. It crawls out of the woodwork every couple of years, though, through Google searches or alerts. I saw it several years ago, but according to the introduction it's probably about 16 years old. Ally is 51 now and the intro to the interview says she's 35.

ben 07-03-2013 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1144349)
That's all we know/has been said about this. You're not missing anything. I guess we just have to wait and see what this TV show is all about.

So anyway... It's not really on topic, but in a way it is or could be, and this thread has become the unofficial Bon Jovi Bar anyway, so I'm gonna post this here.

From what I gathered, it should be new stuff. Ally Sheedy, Richie's old flame, spills (a lot of) beans about Richie, and time doesn't seem to have softened her bad feelings one tiny bit.

These are only the parts about Richie. As usual, you can find the entire interview at the link below.

( )

wow! what an article! didn't know all this stuff she said about Richie! is that a recent interview? I know she accused Richie for her drug addiction and Richie denied it. interesting though! thanks for posting!
btw I answered you in another thread about Milan earlier but never saw a response maybe cause that thread was deleted since I don't see it anymore here, sorry I missed it if you answered to me.. I'd love to know your answer though :) maybe you can post it again. :-)

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