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Lisa71 07-06-2013 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1144949)
If I were 15 and on holiday with my dad, I've have to ask him to "please Dad, button your shirt, ok?!" Maybe I'm weird but open to the waist shirt with required jewelry does not appeal to me. Especially on 50 something year old men. :)

That is what caught my eye too!! He looks so sleazy like that having dinner with his daughter and her friends. If I went over to my friends and her Dad walked around like that?

Javier 07-06-2013 05:20 AM

Every time I check on this thread and see a bunch of posts overly analyzing and criticizing a 15 year old girls social network posts I really can't help but feel disturbed. I know it's not being done with ill intentions and it's just general curiosity but, it's just weird. On the plus side, I think I've found Bobby's Halloween costume:

Crushgen24/88 07-06-2013 05:47 AM

Almost 800 pages later, and the the analyzation of Ava's social media posts still creeps me out.

The Rock 07-06-2013 09:50 AM

It's a screwed up situation when the lead guitarist of a band says he can't go on tour because of personal reasons but now is travelling around Europe with his daughter and said band is now currently in Europe on a tour?

Richie looks really thrilled at this dinner. I can only imagine the fun his having chaperoning Ava and her friends.

Ricky Skywalker 07-06-2013 12:11 PM

I'm still waiting for the photo with Pope Francis - Ava's iPhone battery must have discharged when they had a meeting with Holy Father. Even polish media was telling about it - just a while after Ava published her first Vatican photo, there was a news titled "First such an event in Vatican's history" ;)

jessycardy 07-06-2013 02:28 PM

The latest in the series of interviews and statements Richie gave on June 28th. This one's not about Bon Jovi, but it's a slow news day, so why not post it here. He talks about his relationship with Heather and with his daughter, how he can be a dad 100% of the time now that he's not with the band.

jessycardy 07-06-2013 03:02 PM

And the music comes in. Although I'm not sure I'm getting exactly what they're talking about.

PINKY 07-06-2013 03:05 PM

Here's my two pence for what it's worth.

Let's face it, Richie is NOT coming back.

Jon said last night during his speech "thank you for your patience with us" with reference to Richie.

IMO Richie has left for good and before any BAND members announce it, they are working on the legal side of things.

Richie was asked direct questions the other day during his clothing (ha ha) launch to which he was clever at not answering or going around the houses with. He didn't really give any direct answers. Again because I believe there is too much legal stuff to sort out.

I didn't miss him at Hyde Park yesterday, Phil X did a great job.

MrNickel 07-06-2013 03:21 PM

My reaction to everything Richie says these days.

efiste2 07-06-2013 03:41 PM


It's a screwed up situation when the lead guitarist of a band says he can't go on tour because of personal reasons but now is travelling around Europe with his daughter and said band is now currently in Europe on a tour?
Ill second that one, Im sorry but Richie has let his fans down big time (apart Facebook fan page who hate anything negative or truthfull said about him). and by touring Europe with his daughter at he SAME time as his band is playing what on the whole have been great gigs, less than a short hop on a "reliable" jet away is, in my opinion is pi## take.

Dont get me wrong I still love Richie and want him back where he belongs but this is a farce now, and I think now he, or THEY (Jon & Richie ) have let down US and European fans this tour, they need to get this situation sorted.....

By the way I do feel let down by the fact Richie wasnt there, But I do think some of these European dates have been brilliant, I was at the ETHIAD where the band "kicked my ass", its just that with Richie there it would have been a little harder kick!!!!

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