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rolo_tomachi 07-06-2013 04:03 PM

Bon Jovi don't need Phil . Bon Jovi just need to Sambora. Jon has to find a solution to bring it back. With Phil, everything feels weaker and less exciting, even Richie Sambora playing drunk seems a more interesting show.

jovifan93 07-06-2013 05:02 PM

@efiste2: Exactly. In this interview (), which has surely been posted here already, though he hints at something being the cause for him having his 3 months off (first time in 30 years, WTF? What about the time between album/tour cycles?), he comes across as a total f*cking idiot, not caring for anything besides his daughter (which I can understand) and his totally ridiculous fashion thingy.

For the moment, I'm done with Richie. I had a blast in Berlin (though I would've loved to have had the car stage and it wasn't really loud). I just hope there will be another album/tour, even IF richie should be gone for good - that whole "Thanks for your friendship, patience, etc. for 30 years" speech Jon gave sent shivers down my spine, sounded like a farewall speech (though he said they hope to/will be back at Hyde Park and other concerts)...

Sissy3 07-06-2013 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Ricky Skywalker (Post 1145093)
I'm still waiting for the photo with Pope Francis - Ava's iPhone battery must have discharged when they had a meeting with Holy Father. Even polish media was telling about it - just a while after Ava published her first Vatican photo, there was a news titled "First such an event in Vatican's history" ;)

Was this before or after Richie and the Pope discussed fashion trends? :D

jessycardy 07-06-2013 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1145118)
And the music comes in. Although I'm not sure I'm getting exactly what they're talking about.

I hate quoting myself, but I need to know: did any of you understand what they're getting at? Is it Richie's music we're talking about? Could it be? Thoughts?

JackieBlue 07-06-2013 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1145150)
I hate quoting myself, but I need to know: did any of you understand what they're getting at? Is it Richie's music we're talking about? Could it be? Thoughts?

First time I've seen this, so I'm hazarding a guess. When they first started White Trash Beautiful I seem to remember they were going to "imbed" music in the clothing tags or have CDs that came with them or something along those lines. This interview sounds like when you purchase a clothing item you would get an authorization code you can enter on their website to download music (similar to the imbedded code that Bon Jovi had with the limited edition re-releases of their studio albums, which kicked in automatically when you played the CD on your computer and let you into the "hidden vault") ... maybe??

I would imagine the music, at least at first, would be Nikki's and/or Richie's; but, if I understood him correctly, they are hoping to bring other artists onboard with the idea.

Just my take after a quick view...

jessycardy 07-06-2013 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1145160)
First time I've seen this, so I'm hazarding a guess. When they first started White Trash Beautiful I seem to remember they were going to "imbed" music in the clothing tags or have CDs that came with them or something along those lines. This interview sounds like when you purchase a clothing item you would get an authorization code you can enter on their website to download music (similar to the imbedded code that Bon Jovi had with the limited edition re-releases of their studio albums, which kicked in automatically when you played the CD on your computer and let you into the "hidden vault") ... maybe??

I would imagine the music, at least at first, would be Nikki's and/or Richie's; but, if I understood him correctly, they are hoping to bring other artists onboard with the idea.

Just my take after a quick view...

It's the first time you see this because it's just got out! :p Anyway, I got the same impressions as well. That it sounded like they'd like to involve other artists, but they're not crystal clear about it so who knows. We'll see what happens with that. It might be the music he said he's working on.

The Rock 07-06-2013 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1145160)
First time I've seen this, so I'm hazarding a guess. When they first started White Trash Beautiful I seem to remember they were going to "imbed" music in the clothing tags or have CDs that came with them or something along those lines.

I would imagine the music, at least at first, would be Nikki's and/or Richie's; but, if I understood him correctly, they are hoping to bring other artists onboard with the idea. .

When they first started the fashion line, Nikki and Richie also worked on some music together, so I think that is what they are talking about.

There were three songs that were recorded with Nikki singing and Richie playing guitar/backup and they performed at their first fashion show. I remember seeing on youtube for about a day!! the reaction was so bad that they were taken down. A mix of dance/hip-hop?? Never to be heard of again.

ezearis 07-06-2013 10:40 PM

Seems that an Argentinian journalist said that Richie Sambora will join the band in Buenos Aires. The smoke detector is activated, lol.

jessycardy 07-06-2013 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1145177)
When they first started the fashion line, Nikki and Richie also worked on some music together, so I think that is what they are talking about.

There were three songs that were recorded with Nikki singing and Richie playing guitar/backup and they performed at their first fashion show. I remember seeing on youtube for about a day!! the reaction was so bad that they were taken down. A mix of dance/hip-hop?? Never to be heard of again.

Wow, I didn't know that. I'm very curious and would love to hear what they came up with to cause such an outrage.


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1145185)
Seems that an Argentinian journalist said that Richie Sambora will join the band in Buenos Aires. The smoke detector is activated, lol.

Could it be maybe they're just basing that on Richie's latest statements?

ezearis 07-06-2013 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1145192)
Could it be maybe they're just basing that on Richie's latest statements?

I'm pretty sure that's what they're doing.

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