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Dave 1986 11-12-2006 05:15 PM

If you say Adrenalize had decent lyrics, how do you justify "Lets get lets get lets get rocked!!!"? And Make Love Like A Man, how can you slag off All Night when this song is in existance. Alright, Euphoria doesn't display Def Leppards potential in terms of lyrics, but lets face it, neither did Hysteria, and although it's not my favourite album, it's still awesome.

You do have to take into account the background behind Euphoria. The band wanted to produce a Def Leppard album like a greatest hist record minus the actual "hits" if you will. If the lyrics sound dumb and stupid to you, thats probably cause they were MEANT to be. The reason I slag off Adrenalize is because of, again, the time it was released, 1992 when grundge had settled in and Leppard were still riding on the success of Hysteria pretty much. I know I was just a kid back then and didnt really pay attention to music, but even I can see the contrast between a song like Let's Get Rocked and Smells Like Teen Spirit.

Euphoria was an album that did what it set out to do IMO, which was simply to produce fun, deep and meaningless, tounge-in-cheek pop/rock. OK I find it hard to excuse All Night, but it's still a very enjoyable record.

Iceman 11-12-2006 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Spikeout (Post 705538)
X had some crap on it, very weak writing destroyed it from being anything above good, still there is some great little pop songs and a few good ballads on there, plus Scar, Cry and Now are all great rock songs.

Again, you listed the worst songs on the album. I like Def Leppard when they deliver no-nonsense, pure pop-rock, like they do like no one else. Like Hysteria, or Euphoria. I don't like it when they try to be serious, like on the songs you mention. On Slang it worked, after that, not so much. They should stick to what they do best.

Euphoria is great. X isn't.


Spikeout 11-12-2006 10:47 PM

I never said anything about Adrenalize having decent writing, said it was a decent album. What seperates Adrenalize from Euphoria is the tone and delivery of the songs, Euphoria could have been released by the Backstreet Boys the lyrics are that predictable/sappy and Joe doesn't help in his vocal delivery. X just has a lot better tracks overall, more consistent. I guess I am floored by some people's opinion's on Euphoria and Ice I am astounded you basically like the pop rock and ballads on Euphoria and X compaired to the rock songs which are better in every department IMO.

Javier 11-13-2006 05:24 AM

Nah, DL have never been a favorite of mine when it comes to lyrics, but hey, I don't care. I have to admit, when I forst heard Euphoria I couldn't help but be a bit put off because of them rehashinmg their hits and going back to their old sound. (Keep in mind that I listened to this record post bon jovi's crush where I was proud that the 80's bands I liked were making modern succesfull music while retaining the core of what they are).
But when I listen to it now, I just think what a stupid thought that was, when you take the album for what it is it's one of their best, and the songs ROCK live, is it rehash??
Well a lot of it is, but who the **** cares it rocks!!!
It's DL how we know and love 'em.

Stut 02-25-2009 06:55 AM

According to this looks like there will be deluxe editions of Pyromania and Adrenalize as well. Pyromania era b-sides were just album tracks so I donīt know what will be on the second disc (if they even do it the same way as they did with Hysteria) but hopefully they add all the b-sides from Adrenalize era, although Iīm missing only few songs, but it would be nice have them all on one disc.

Bleeding Purist 02-25-2009 07:15 AM

I've been waiting for the Pyromania deluxe edition since they did Hysteria. I too, wonder what the second disc will have. The only reason I give a shit at all about the Adrenalize edition are the B sides. I'd rather they release High n Dry. That and Pyromania are sorely in need of remastering.

Dave 1986 02-25-2009 06:03 PM

It's been mentioned on

No release dates, no tracklists or any real details as of yet, but you can guess it'll be near enough similar to the Hysteria Deluxe Edition.

With Pyro', we may get a live album or something on the 2nd disc or, dare I say it, unheard demos not even the diest hardest fan would even know of.

Adrenalize, however, alot of it's b-sides were re-recorded/tweaked for Retro Active so there's probably not gona be anything new there.

Nice bit of news though. These remasters are WAY overdue IMO.

Wishful thinking would be Slang: Deluxe Edition. :D

Goldsausage 02-25-2009 10:26 PM

High 'N' Dry and Pyromania are two of my all time favourite albums so this is gonna rock :D

And hopefully they'll master it a little bit louder because damn those two records are quiet.

Dave 1986 02-26-2009 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Goldsausage II (Post 908907)
High 'N' Dry and Pyromania are two of my all time favourite albums so this is gonna rock :D

And hopefully they'll master it a little bit louder because damn those two records are quiet.

They normally do when remastering older albums like these. They did so with Hysteria and other remasters such as Poisons first 3 albums. The original Open Up And Say Aahh had to be the quietest rock album I'd ever heard.

BonJovi1988-1992Mark 02-28-2009 08:09 PM

Wow!! Cant wait for these Re-Master versions,Maybe the Adrenalize 1 might have some live stuff from the 7-day weekend tour in -92/93

Maybe some hidden gems featuring Steve Clark??But like Dave said i'd luv for Slang to be done.

Do you guys think Euphoria needs a re-master??

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