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nickolai 07-10-2013 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Wrath Mania (Post 1145701)
Aside from the fact that Richie's latest idiotic tweet is a transparent attempt to get Bon Jovi fans back onto his side, it's also a bit perplexing, since Aftermath is an honest-to-god shitty, uninspired effort. If this is his declaration of what he can do without Jon's considerable mediocrity holding him back, no one should be impressed.

How much longer can this sad pissing match between two washed up wanna-rockstars who sold out their artistic integrity almost twenty years ago proceed? One thing is for certain; this thread has been an absolute marvel to follow through. I have noticed at various message boards for fangroups of many different things, that once the object of fandom reaches a certain mass of shittiness, the whole thing becomes comic parody; the fun is almost in making fun of the mediocre object in question, rather than actually admiring it. Jovitalk has reached this critical mass, and honestly I think is all the better for it. :popcorn:

What the **** are you jabbering on about?

BJ?YesPlease 07-10-2013 09:02 AM

For anyone that still doesn't understand what being a songwriter means, or musical integrity - there's a lot of people who don't solely care about shifting a huge amount of "units" of a "product" (that's the album).

Some people actually care about the quality of the music they make.

That music may not be to your liking, but it's what THEY want to MAKE.

So get over yourself not liking Aftermath.

Richie is NOT "just" Bon Jovi's guitar player. He is under no obligation to remain JUST Bon Jovi's guitarist for the rest of his life.

Let him spread his wings, make the music he wants, and maybe in time there will be a fantastic BJ album.

Notice I'm also not hating on Jon. You don't have to hate one to like the other.
They're the best feckin' band in the World, remember?!?! ;)

crashed 07-10-2013 09:08 AM

Richie's latest tweet seems odd since just last week he was reminding us who had writing and producing credits on all the Bon Jovi albums - in case, y'know, we might have forgotten.

RonJovi 07-10-2013 09:26 AM

Richie is entitled to his opinion but he'd be hard pushed to find anyone else who thinks AOTL is his best work. Even as a solo act, it's number 2 at best. It isn't in the same league as Stranger.

BJ?YesPlease 07-10-2013 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1145706)
Richie is entitled to his opinion but he'd be hard pushed to find anyone else who thinks AOTL is his best work. Even as a solo act, it's number 2 at best. It isn't in the same league as Stranger.

I don't know - I've gone through several stages with AOTL - hated it at first because it wasn't what I expected. Then loved it. Then overplayed it and was "meh" about it. Now it's settled as a fine album - with more great tracks than I originally gave credit for.

Stranger is a classic. But it doesn't stand so well as a timeless piece, given it's reverb and production. And while it has some amazing songs of its own - Ballad, Stranger, Rosie, One Light....I think I like the idea of it more than the song content itself.

Songs like Broken Wing came alive after hearing them on the tour. Nowadays, Sugar Daddy, World - all suck ass, because of production more than anything else.

I will concede, however, that someone with some PR know-how should be helping out in a far greater capacity with both BJ the band and RS as an individual.
Though of course we're not happy when we hear nothing, and unhappier still when we get a tweet that doesn't enlighten us...

SuperBrad 07-10-2013 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Wrath Mania (Post 1145701)
Aside from the fact that Richie's latest idiotic tweet is a transparent attempt to get Bon Jovi fans back onto his side, it's also a bit perplexing, since Aftermath is an honest-to-god shitty, uninspired effort. If this is his declaration of what he can do without Jon's considerable mediocrity holding him back, no one should be impressed.

How much longer can this sad pissing match between two washed up wanna-rockstars who sold out their artistic integrity almost twenty years ago proceed? One thing is for certain; this thread has been an absolute marvel to follow through. I have noticed at various message boards for fangroups of many different things, that once the object of fandom reaches a certain mass of shittiness, the whole thing becomes comic parody; the fun is almost in making fun of the mediocre object in question, rather than actually admiring it. Jovitalk has reached this critical mass, and honestly I think is all the better for it. :popcorn:

U ARE A **** WIT .

RonJovi 07-10-2013 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1145708)
I don't know - I've gone through several stages with AOTL - hated it at first because it wasn't what I expected. Then loved it. Then overplayed it and was "meh" about it. Now it's settled as a fine album - with more great tracks than I originally gave credit for.

Stranger is a classic. But it doesn't stand so well as a timeless piece, given it's reverb and production. And while it has some amazing songs of its own - Ballad, Stranger, Rosie, One Light....I think I like the idea of it more than the song content itself.

Songs like Broken Wing came alive after hearing them on the tour. Nowadays, Sugar Daddy, World - all suck ass, because of production more than anything else.

I will concede, however, that someone with some PR know-how should be helping out in a far greater capacity with both BJ the band and RS as an individual.
Though of course we're not happy when we hear nothing, and unhappier still when we get a tweet that doesn't enlighten us...

I really like AOTL personally. I've said it several times but tracks 7-10 are incredible. They piss on most of Bon Jovi's post 2000 output. Every Road is good, Burn that Candle Down is good and Takin a Chance on the Wind could have been excellent based on the live version (the production on the album track makes it sound too generic for me). So for me it beats Undiscovered Soul hands down.

Stranger is breathtaking though for me. The three soungs from 3-5 and the last two are sublime. The rest are solid.

The guy is talented and I love his work. Just a shame he is coming across as a selfish, self obsessed, unprofessional prick.

BJ?YesPlease 07-10-2013 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1145711)
The guy is talented and I love his work. Just a shame he is coming across as a selfish, self obsessed, unprofessional prick.

Fair play on everything you said! Good comments.

And have to say - I can totally understand someone saying he's "coming across" like that. I think that's absolutely fine and acceptable.
Think there's a fine line between that and "the guy's a prick!".


bonjovi821 07-10-2013 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1145714)
Fair play on everything you said! Good comments.

And have to say - I can totally understand someone saying he's "coming across" like that. I think that's absolutely fine and acceptable.
Think there's a fine line between that and "the guy's a prick!".


I agree with this. Having met Richie myself, as well as just what I know about the guy, I just really don't see him being a prick.

Bounce7800 07-10-2013 12:06 PM

Richie needs to heed the advice of Sir Ronan of Keating- You say it best, when you say nothing at all.

These cryptic tweets pussying around the subject do no one any favours and just make you look sad and petty. It's a blessing that Jon isn't a Facebooker or a Twitterer, his silence and show-must-go-on stance in a lot more dignified than Richie's veiled stabs, whilst intermittently professing love for the fans that he has, for whatever reason or fault, let down by choice.

Just wish they would shut up and end the saga one way or another and the fans are given the respect we deserve to let us know where we stand with our favourite band, rather than deliberately holding out and letting us stump up the cash for tickets etc... with false hope and maybes.

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