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MrNickel 07-10-2013 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1145777)
These latest Tweets about 'Aftermath', if read in a defensive way, suggests to me that he is hurt that perhaps a lot of Bon Jovi fans only want to acknowledge him in that role and not as an artist in his own right.

This makes a lot of sense. I bet nobody is crying out for more solo Richie on Twitter.

JoviJovi 07-10-2013 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1145780)
This makes a lot of sense. I bet nobody is crying out for more solo Richie on Twitter.

There's a whole group that are doing just that.

Mysterytrain 07-10-2013 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1145783)
There's a whole group that are doing just that.

But from what I've seen, they're in the minority.

Mysterytrain 07-10-2013 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Wrath Mania (Post 1145779)
I don't buy it. Richie did try to promote his album last year with shows, right? And it was pretty much a total disaster. So now the WAN tour is somehow responsible for resuscitating his album's relevance? Lame. Not that I could blame him for resenting Jon shoving his own solo album down everyones throats and pretending it was a full band album. But still, it's not a reasonable excuse and Richie still comes off like a huge schmuck.

And I think your opinions of the albums are entirely subjective. Aftermath, for instance, sounds just as trite and uninspired to me as WAN.

Well, yes, my opinions are subjective, but so are everyone else's.

jovigirlCT 07-10-2013 08:25 PM

If Richie is so proud of his solo album and it explains who he really is then why was his solo tour last year such a disaster. If he wants to be the front man it shouldn't care how many people bought tickets to his shows and not have cancelled them. As far as him being upset for not getting to do his solo songs during a Bon Jovi concert - time to grow up. Sorry when I pay outrageous amounts of money to see a Bon Jovi concert I don't want to listen to his solo stuff (even if its one song). Unfortunately for all the concerts I've been to, when Richie sang a solo song that was when people started leaving for the concessions/bathrooms and there was more noise from the audience than was listening to him sing. Still of the opinion that if this was his reason for leaving he should have never signed on to do the tour in the first place. I also don't think that Jon is all too blame, Richie has been with him for 30 years so its no new revelation as to his personality and the way he runs the business - that is what made Richie very wealthy.
His tweets just sound stupid and really make me wonder about his frame of mind at the moment. If he is starting to feel that fans are against him, suck it up and get back on tour!!! I have two concerts coming up and am really looking forward to them - from the videos out there Phil X looks like he is enjoying every moment and I look forward to seeing him. Saw him last tour so its nothing new to me.

nickolai 07-10-2013 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Wrath Mania (Post 1145774)
My post was pretty easy to figure out, RE: Richie is an idiot, but this board's been fun because of it. I'm sure if anyone else posted it you might have comprehended it immediately. But since you have some sort of strange, misguided vendetta against me, you decided to use your limited intellect to try to... intimidate me? Something? I'm not sure. Anyways, **** off. Also, your profile picture is really, really, really LAME.

*Sniff*. Couldn't give a rat's ass what you think - but its laughable that you think I have some sort of vendetta against you?! Stop smokin' the weed, maaan. Its making you paranoid. Or you really think that highly of yourself. Probably the latter. Pathetic.

It's clear that we have come to the crux of what Richie's problem is - but people forget too easily that Jon allowed Every Road onto the new Bon Jovi album - so I dont believe Richie is pissed about Jon's lack of support.

jessycardy 07-10-2013 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirlCT (Post 1145787)
I also don't think that Jon is all too blame, Richie has been with him for 30 years so its no new revelation as to his personality and the way he runs the business - that is what made Richie very wealthy.

No. That's non-sense.
Richie was in a 30-year induced sleep phase and only happened to wake up on April 2nd. When that happened, he realized two things:
1) Jon is an asshole, 2) Jon is the root cause of his alcoholism.
That's when his true self came out and we gotta be glad that finally happened.

rolo_tomachi 07-10-2013 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirlCT (Post 1145787)
If Richie is so proud of his solo album and it explains who he really is then why was his solo tour last year such a disaster. If he wants to be the front man it shouldn't care how many people bought tickets to his shows and not have cancelled them. As far as him being upset for not getting to do his solo songs during a Bon Jovi concert - time to grow up. Sorry when I pay outrageous amounts of money to see a Bon Jovi concert I don't want to listen to his solo stuff (even if its one song). Unfortunately for all the concerts I've been to, when Richie sang a solo song that was when people started leaving for the concessions/bathrooms and there was more noise from the audience than was listening to him sing. Still of the opinion that if this was his reason for leaving he should have never signed on to do the tour in the first place. I also don't think that Jon is all too blame, Richie has been with him for 30 years so its no new revelation as to his personality and the way he runs the business - that is what made Richie very wealthy.
His tweets just sound stupid and really make me wonder about his frame of mind at the moment. If he is starting to feel that fans are against him, suck it up and get back on tour!!! I have two concerts coming up and am really looking forward to them - from the videos out there Phil X looks like he is enjoying every moment and I look forward to seeing him. Saw him last tour so its nothing new to me.

Other Stupid girl sodo***** by Phil X.

nickolai 07-10-2013 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1145789)
No. That's non-sense.
Richie was in a 30-year induced sleep phase and only happened to wake up on April 2nd. When that happened, he realized two things:
1) Jon is an asshole, 2) Jon is the root cause of his alcoholism.
That's when his true self came out and we gotta be glad that finally happened.

Come on, thats extreme. Without Jon's leadership they still wouldn't be going 30 years later. The band have a lot of gratitude to give to Jon. Since firing Doc, Jon's pretty much set the guys up and the next 2 generations of family for life.

jessycardy 07-10-2013 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1145791)
Come on, thats extreme. Without Jon's leadership they still wouldn't be going 30 years later. The band have a lot of gratitude to give to Jon. Since firing Doc, Jon's pretty much set the guys up and the next 2 generations of family for life.

You've just proved my point. Some people here are such nutjobs they would totally post something like that without being sarcastic, as I obviously was. No wonder you thought I was serious, more often than not I'm in doubt myself when I read certain stuff.

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