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Kiwi78 07-11-2013 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Lampinen (Post 1145897)
Solo show in Paris '98. Never heard it myself, but it was discussed at length some years ago on this board.

This one?

And also, can someone tell me what show or the clip where Richie gives Jon the finger (it was talked about somewhere after the Phil X debacle at Hyde Park) I've never seen it! :)

RonJovi 07-11-2013 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Lampinen (Post 1145897)
Solo show in Paris '98. Never heard it myself, but it was discussed at length some years ago on this board.

He also looked fairly pissed to me at the MTV Awards in 1997. That was the year he won "Best Male" and threw the award into the crowd. Everything about the collection of that award made me think he'd had a few.

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 07-11-2013 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1145850)
I've read a few comments and many were rightly complaining about the wording (which, like Lisa said, is the one the MetLife Stadium page used, not Bon Jovi's).

Yeah I saw it at 5am this morning and didnt have time to shout it about it there OR on here haha... But it did shock me a bit :/

Mysterytrain 07-11-2013 04:29 PM

I'll take this opportunity to wish Richie a "happy birthday" (esp. if he's reading this thread, since some helpful person Tweeted him the link lol)

ezearis 07-11-2013 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1145920)
I'll take this opportunity to wish Richie a "happy birthday" (esp. if he's reading this thread, since some helpful person Tweeted him the link lol)

Pointless, if he's reading this thread, he'll be in this page in like 10 days.

jessycardy 07-11-2013 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1145886)
Not only did I understand what SadieLady said but I was also pretty sure that I understood what you THOUGHT she was saying. (I don’t need your help on that, but thanks anyway.) You assumed SadieLady blamed Jon for Richie’s alcoholism.

You did ask to explain or point you to where she assumed Jon was in part to blame for his alcoholism, that's why I said if you didn't see it by yourself, I couldn't help you. I didn't deny my "help" on anything that you didn't ask for.


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1145886)
In fact, what SadieLady wrote was that RICHIE “saw his job as keeping the lead singer (Jon) happy” and that she THOUGHT it was THAT (i.e., RICHIE’s PERCEPTION) which “cost him big time and contributed to some extent to his alcoholism.”

At no point did she say, or imply, that Jon WAS responsible; she said she thought that Richie’s understanding of his role was a contributing factor.

I'm pretty sure she can speak for herself and she did. I still believe this is the easy way out to pretty much blame someone/something else for something we have absolutely no knowledge about. You might say the whole thread is like that, but I think when it comes to sensible topics like this one, things 1) are much more complicated than this leads to that, and 2) should be discussed more carefully.


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1145886)
It was another case of Jon fans seeing boogie-men where none exist. Everything is not about Jon. Every comment is not about Jon. Everyone who supports Richie does not, in fact, hate Jon or hold him accountable for the issues at hand. Some of us like Jon as much as you say you like Richie and, like you, have fingers and toes crossed for a resolution, sooner rather than later.

Every comment is not about Jon, just like every comment is not about you. You do not represent the whole group of what you would call "Richie fans". You're one of them. So, you might not hate Jon or hold him accountable for the issues at hand, but there are other people who do. And I didn't bring out Jon out of the blue for no reason, SHE mentioned Jon and that made HER comment about Jon. It's simple logic, really.


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1145886)
Furthermore, just because I suspect that Jon does have a part to play in this whole drama doesn’t mean that I absolve Richie from any part he may have in it either. And it doesn’t make me like Jon any less or have any less respect for him (for either of them, for that matter) because nobody’s perfect and I haven’t walked a mile in his shoes any more than I have Richie’s.

And since I’m playing catch-up anyway… I fully recognize Richie’s flaws, the ones I know about anyway. I don’t think he’s perfect any more than I think Jon is. I understand that he bears the responsibility for walking off the tour. But I also know that there is so much about this that I don’t know (and that no one here knows – unless they’re keeping it secret) that there is plenty of room for me to suspect that there are reasons why he has not come right out and said what is going on and why he’s not touring and (for God’s sake) why he hasn’t announced the winner of the contest.

Again, I, I, I. I wasn't talking about you. When I say "people", I mean people.


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1145886)
It’s not some school-girl fantasy wherein I believe Richie is some poor misunderstood “cretin” who can’t take responsibility for his actions. I do believe, however, that there may be other factors at play, contractual obligations being one, which may limit what he can legally or advisedly do at the moment. It’s just common sense. If fans are upset that they dropped even as much as $2000 on tickets and travel, why can’t they see there would have to be something pretty important for Richie to leave THREE OR FOUR MILLION on the table (if the early estimates of his per show compensation were even close). And that’s just if they use their own measuring stick. It doesn’t take into account the work-ethic he and Jon both claimed everyone in the band has, the shit-storm of attitude he’s getting (and knew he would be getting before he took the hike) and his own self-respect.

Uhm, again. It was not about you. And nobody here, much less I, was talking about all the legal or contractual implications of what's going on at the moment. To be honest with you, I wasn't even necessarily talking specifically about Richiegate. My "cretin" comment could have been valid 6 months ago, years ago. It's an attitude and a distorted way of seeing things that's getting really old.


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1145886)
In any story there are at least three sides: yours, mine, and the fly on the wall. The fly on the wall is the only one that really sees things for what they are. Unfortunately, none of us is the fly so until I hear his (the fly’s) side, I reserve judgment. And even then, I refuse to place blame. Blaming is the most useless waste of time in the universe, as far as I’m concerned. It changes nothing and serves no purpose other than to continually focus one’s attention on the negative.

I don't think I've ever made it a secret that this is exactly how I look at all this.

Stranger11 07-11-2013 05:08 PM

Can anybody think of a reason why there was no official statement regarding Richie´s absence on the forthcoming shows?

Maybe because of his interview where he said that nothing has been decided yet so they don´t bother releasing further statements in that matter?

jessycardy 07-11-2013 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1145929)
Can anybody think of a reason why there was no official statement regarding Richie´s absence on the forthcoming shows?

Maybe because of his interview where he said that nothing has been decided yet so they don´t bother releasing further statements in that matter?

They should still make an official announcement, no matter how many interviews he does. So, no clue. It's weird that they're not doing it. Maybe they just forgot, like, who's left thinking he's coming back tomorrow anyway? Or maybe they're just waiting for the very last minute for reasons beyond me.

Sissy3 07-11-2013 05:31 PM

May be something as simple as a pissing contest. Richie won't give them the satisfaction of officially quittting the band and Jon won't officially release (nice way of saying fire) him from the band. So BJM won't actually say (at least so far) that he's out of the entire tour. :) And I got this under 500 words! ;)

jessycardy 07-11-2013 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1145931)
May be something as simple as a pissing contest. Richie won't give them the satisfaction of officially quittting the band and Jon won't officially release (nice way of saying fire) him from the band. So BJM won't actually say (at least so far) that he's out of the entire tour. :) And I got this under 500 words! ;)

Announcement about the entire tour will probably never happen (no matter how it all turns out), but there should be one for this upcoming leg. Officially, people will be expecting Richie to show up on tour starting tomorrow. The previous announcement only covered till Europe.

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