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JackieBlue 07-12-2013 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1145923)
Every comment is not about Jon, just like every comment is not about you. You do not represent the whole group of what you would call "Richie fans". You're one of them. So, you might not hate Jon or hold him accountable for the issues at hand, but there are other people who do. And I didn't bring out Jon out of the blue for no reason, SHE mentioned Jon and that made HER comment about Jon. It's simple logic, really.

How did “I” become the subject here? I never said it was about me and I never claimed to represent the whole group of Richie fans, unless you have a new way to interpret “some of us”. I agree that there are some people who would find fault with Jon if he were to literally walk on water, but it really isn’t everyone. And, yeah, you kind of did make it about Jon “out of the blue for no reason” other than she said his name even though just saying his name doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is blaming him.

For the record, this next part IS something I’m making about me; because it bothers the hell out of me. There are a number of people on this thread, and others like it, who seem to (consciously or subconsciously) analyze every comment for the sole purpose of seeing if there is any way it can be skewed to prove the whole “Richie fans think Jon is evil” generalization. And it often causes them to jump to the wrong conclusion about what people are saying.

I joined JoviTalk because despite the occasional digs – sometimes really hard digs – it still seemed to be an open forum where somewhat reasonable debates could occur; but lately it’s getting worse than Topix for having people who see Hatred lurking behind every comment that doesn’t fit into their worldview – especially when Jon’s name is mentioned – whether the remark is about him or not.

This is just one example of that. Simply mentioning Jon did not make her comment about Jon, except in your mind. And even though she and I both said pointblank that it was not what she said, you still insist that you believe she meant otherwise. Accidental misinterpretation is one thing; but it seems that you are deliberately CHOOSING to wrongly believe what you want to believe, regardless of what the facts represent, in order to justify to yourself that “everyone here” is just lying in wait to slam Jon. And then you call it “simple logic”. If anything, when you consider the facts, your argument is purely emotional and, therefore, the complete opposite of simple logic. She referenced Jon, yes, but the “blame” (if any) was placed on Richie’s own understanding of his role within the band. Maybe this is why you and others seem to have the impression that Richie fans don't hold him responsible for his actions. When they do, maybe you're too busy looking to see if behind what they're saying, they're "really" blaming Jon in some way.


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1145923)
Again, I, I, I. I wasn't talking about you. When I say "people", I mean people.

Since your comment was in response to someone’s answer to my question, I responded to the comment. My statement is no less true, but I apologize if it came across like I was hijacking the thread for my own purposes.


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1145923)
Uhm, again. It was not about you. And nobody here, much less I, was talking about all the legal or contractual implications of what's going on at the moment. To be honest with you, I wasn't even necessarily talking specifically about Richiegate. My "cretin" comment could have been valid 6 months ago, years ago. It's an attitude and a distorted way of seeing things that's getting really old.

Again, because you were responding to someone who answered my question, it seemed to me that, despite your use of the word “People”, you were referring to me. Using “People” in that context also provides what you called an “easy way out to pretty much” say what someone wants to say to someone without making it a direct challenge. Since you say that's not what you intended, I'll accept that; but at the time I posted, I was trying to make clear that the “distorted” view to which you referred was not coloring my statements; that I don’t see Richie as a victim of anything other than premature judgment by people who claim to be fans, yet in the same breath deem him “not worth worrying about”, “disrespectful”, “irresponsible” and “unprofessional” (just to name a few of the lovely comments they’ve made) while admittedly having no clue about what the problem is.

And, for the record again, I’m just as tired as you are of the distortion which, incidentally is just as evident (and just as tiresome) in both camps, although most people here only acknowledge or comment on it as a “Richie fan” problem.


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1145923)
I don't think I've ever made it a secret that this is exactly how I look at all this.

For the most part, I believe you do look at it this way; but in all honesty, you go off on this weird tangent when you feel (rightly or not) that Jon is being attacked. Then it’s like all bets are off. I’m sorry, but that’s the way I see it.

Sissy3 07-12-2013 04:54 AM

If this keeps up we'll be on page 1000 by the weekend. :)

TwinFan 07-12-2013 04:59 AM

It's amazing how this thread went from one of the best in this board's history to one of the absolute worst.

JoviJovi 07-12-2013 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1146050)
Nikki's tribute to Richie on his birthday:

Also, no official mention of Richie's birthday on the Bon Jovi Facebook page. Instead, there is a post about heading to Australia in December.

In the words of Richie many things to say I won't say anything. (or whatever stupid shit he posted that day)

Crushgen24/88 07-12-2013 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1146050)
Nikki's tribute to Richie on his birthday:

Also, no official mention of Richie's birthday on the Bon Jovi Facebook page. Instead, there is a post about heading to Australia in December.

Subtly isn't her strong point.

Sissy3 07-12-2013 06:00 AM

Must be trying to increase her cash flow. ;)

Kriegentragen 07-12-2013 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1146060)
Subtly isn't her strong point.

I unveiled the mystery!! Rolo is Nikki Lund in disguise!!

jessycardy 07-12-2013 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1146051)
For the most part, I believe you do look at it this way; but in all honesty, you go off on this weird tangent when you feel (rightly or not) that Jon is being attacked. Then it’s like all bets are off. I’m sorry, but that’s the way I see it.

You're talking about yourself here, sorry. Feel free to think of me what you like, what you said about me is bullshit. My posts speak for themselves, just like yours. No need to go any further as far as I'm concerned.

steel_horse75 07-12-2013 09:13 AM

I personally think this thread has run its course and should be locked until something official happens.

Last few pages have just seen people argue about things they have no idea about in terms of Richie and his issues/departure/break.

Its all gotten too personal

samboraisgodUK 07-12-2013 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1146065)
I personally think this thread has run its course and should be locked until something official happens.

Last few pages have just seen people argue about things they have no idea about in terms of Richie and his issues/departure/break.

Its all gotten too personal

Yeah? Well you're a f*cking dick!

Only kidding.

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