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Bounce7800 04-07-2013 12:25 PM

They only have themselves to blame by keeping quiet in the first place. If it isnt any of those things reported, then they have shot themselves in the foot.

samboraisgodUK 04-07-2013 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1120474)
This is the part that rubs me the wrong way. There are 2 schools of thought here. On one hand, it's nobody's business, etc. On the other, we're fans that have supported this band (in some cases) for almost 30 years. The respectful and professional thing to do for the fans is just clue us in as to what the situation is, and when (of if) he'll be back. And if the answer is they don't know, then say that. But to be as vague as "He's got personal issues, he'll miss this leg" is really lame in my opinion.

I was actually being facetious about the reputation of the Daily Mail, but I guess you weren't to know that as you're not subjected to it day in, day out.

I do happen to agree with everything you've said, though.

dianebonjovi 04-07-2013 01:29 PM

Firstly let me say this thread is hilarious and I wish I had the creativity to come up with something witty to add, but I don't.


“I think Richie’s doing all right, (but) I haven’t spoken to him,” lead singer Jon Bon Jovi says
And secondly, when I read the above quote, I can't help thinking either Jon and Richie have never been as close as it's been implied or something really has come between them, because when I've missed work for "personal reasons", my closest co-workers have called me to see how I was doing.

The Rock 04-07-2013 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by dianebonjovi (Post 1120484)
And secondly, when I read the above quote, I can't help thinking either Jon and Richie have never been as close as it's been implied or something really has come between them, because when I've missed work for "personal reasons", my closest co-workers have called me to see how I was doing.

We can come up with so many reasons which at the end of the day is neither here or there but there could be a reason for this. It just happened on Tuesday, since then there has been 3 shows to perform, bring in a guitar player etc etc also Richie could have said not to contact him, who knows.

CKatz 04-07-2013 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by dianebonjovi (Post 1120484)
Firstly let me say this thread is hilarious and I wish I had the creativity to come up with something witty to add, but I don't.

And secondly, when I read the above quote, I can't help thinking either Jon and Richie have never been as close as it's been implied or something really has come between them, because when I've missed work for "personal reasons", my closest co-workers have called me to see how I was doing.

Good point. Even if I'm really busy, I always make sure my friends are okay. Especially if I know they're dealing with something serious.

Mousebounce 04-07-2013 01:55 PM

The fact that they haven't spoken at all since the announcement speaks volumes. Who knows. Someone should be forthcoming considering people paid money to see Bon Jovi, not Bon Jovi minus one. A lot of my American friends are talking about bailing this summer if Richie isn't there.

Beaky 04-07-2013 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by dianebonjovi (Post 1120484)

I can't help thinking either Jon and Richie have never been as close as it's been implied or something really has come between them, because when I've missed work for "personal reasons", my closest co-workers have called me to see how I was doing.

You've hit the nail on the head. There is a respect there but we're not talking (risk of getting lynched here) Bruce and Clarence and we're not even talking Jagger and Richards.

Jon and Richie are NOT a solid gold writing due. They write well together but their best work is generally when someone else is involved, so the Rolling Stones comparisons just don't work. However, I get the idea their friendship is more like Jagger and Richards than Bruce and Clarence.

My feeling has always been that Jon keeps his own counsel, doesn't need a 'friend' on the road or in the band; The Stones aren't like that. Mick and Charlie get on very well, Ronnie and Keith are great friends when they are out on the road. I do get the idea that the backing band, Bon Jovi travel separately but enjoy each other's company, whereas Jon just keeps himself to himself. It's work and there's no downtime for him.

I think he would be the last person to call Richie and check on him because he is keeping the juggernaut moving. Richie knows that and it's not a problem because this guy is his boss, his work compadre but they are not the 'pairing' that the Bon Jovi brand have sold them as, over the years.

I still say that the most likely thing here is that Richie, like on his tour last year when he 'blew his throat' is feeling a little fragile, the demons are circling and although he hasn't fallen off the wagon, being on the road is just not the place to be, so he's taking some time to make sure his head is straight. Being an addict, he will know when to walk away from situations and I think that's what he's done here. This explains why Jon seems equal parts sympathetic and pissed off.

Lisa71 04-07-2013 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1120438)
Jon talks about Richie (among other topics)

“I think Richie’s doing all right, (but) I haven’t spoken to him,” lead singer Jon Bon Jovi says (Phil X has replaced Sambora for the rest of the tour). “We were surprised. It was 3:30 on show day on Tuesday and we got a phone call that he wouldn’t be there. It’s a personal matter.
“Don’t believe what you read on TMZ because it’s the furthest thing from the truth.”

I could be the only one here but I honestly don't even think that Jon said this quote. I just think it's made up. It brings nothing new. We all know they got the call on Tuesday at 3:30, We all know he said he wouldn't be there. We all know it's personal. We could have made up this quote ourselves. The only thing that is new is the not talking to each other and don't believe TMZ but again we have even said that ourselves and even Matt said don't believe TMZ. So it could be a quote put together by the reporter.

The rest of the interview doesn't even address the issue, no other questions? no when he is back? I think this interview was done before this incident but they just added in that paragraph. It doesn't even blend in with the rest of the interview. It looks so out of place.

dianebonjovi 04-07-2013 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1120489)
We can come up with so many reasons which at the end of the day is neither here or there but there could be a reason for this. It just happened on Tuesday, since then there has been 3 shows to perform, bring in a guitar player etc etc also Richie could have said not to contact him, who knows.

And, of course, my initial assumption was that the interview was done yesterday, but it could have been done a few days ago, anytime after the TMZ report really. Nevertheless at the time of the interview, they hadn't spoken, and the 3:30 pm call to Jon was not from Richie, which in itself suggests a lack of communication.

CKatz 04-07-2013 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1120495)
I could be the only one here but I honestly don't even think that Jon said this quote. I just think it's made up. It brings nothing new. We all know they got the call on Tuesday at 3:30, We all know he said he wouldn't be there. We all know it's personal. We could have made up this quote ourselves. The only thing that is new is the not talking to each other and don't believe TMZ but again we have even said that ourselves and even Matt said don't believe TMZ. So it could be a quote put together by the reporter.

The rest of the interview doesn't even address the issue, no other questions? no when he is back? I think this interview was done before this incident but they just added in that paragraph. It doesn't even blend in with the rest of the interview. It looks so out of place.

Interesting theory. It wouldn't be the first time reporters make up quotes.

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