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golittleperson 07-23-2013 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1147239)
Damn you, I ended up reading that entire thread instead of working. :D And out of that, this is the post that jumped out at me:

are we witnessing a man on the slippery slope, I sincerely hope not but it does seem the writing is on the wall......I think if he has fallen off the wagon again!, his Boss (CEO JBJ) will not be impressed....I wonder if he still has Phil X's number in his phone..........

I did the same, and saw the same. That's a shame. I never thought it until the Genlux lick lipping night. (Yes, thankfully there can be other reasons) Earlier interviews that same night, he was fine - by that one - after they had been upstairs and dressed, (Nikki pics) so dry? Richie has admitted his problems, thus he is an addict/Addictive personality. His media whores are enablers. These are the people, for their own purpose be it fame, $, or just a party pal will stroke the ego (rock star) and tell you that you can handle this one time, one line, one whatever and bam. They could care less about the person. BAD crowd, model thin? not just trainers. Coke numbs - thus lots of fluids, gum, licking and bad teeth.( Also told Voice box can be hard on teeth.) His bottom teeth have never been perfect btw. My dad beat it, my mom rehab 5x as a raging binge drinker - eventually in a home with alcohol induced dementia. I saw the scan, at that point it is now a disease but to go back to old posts on here and the debate - I loath the day some psych degree told her it was a disease and gave her a crutch. Why this info - I consider myself experienced. I could spot off the wagon again on a dime. Know many with similar "lives" to mine, signs relative across the board. I really hope this is all wrong as I adore Richie and would gladly, personally go southern redneck on anyone who pulls him back in. :evil: Recovery is a very precarious time and can take months and for some years to regain confidence that you are stronger than the ???.

SuperBrad 07-23-2013 10:44 AM

Come back Rich !! Jon just hit a new low with that piss poor solo show ..... Save us !

Gabriel Shoes 07-23-2013 04:40 PM

I unfollowed Phil, couldn't stand and watch all those weird people begging for RT in ny timeline. There was even a girl who got her nail done with X on it, seriously people are desperate for a little of attention these days.

That people should get a life

idbl_fanatic 07-23-2013 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Gabriel Shoes (Post 1147416)
I unfollowed Phil, couldn't stand and watch all those weird people begging for RT in ny timeline. There was even a girl who got her nail done with X on it, seriously people are desperate for a little of attention these days.

That people should get a life

I just saw that as well. :mad:

jessycardy 07-23-2013 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Gabriel Shoes (Post 1147416)
I unfollowed Phil, couldn't stand and watch all those weird people begging for RT in ny timeline. There was even a girl who got her nail done with X on it, seriously people are desperate for a little of attention these days.

That people should get a life

That's what I'm talking about. No matter how hard you try and see this as merely supporting the guy, it's just plain, ****in' wrong and twisted, period. I support him, I have nothing against him, I think he's nice and he can play a tune decently, and of course he's got my applause when I saw my show last month. But there's no ****in' way I'm writing "X" anywhere on me. Seriously. I'm a Bon Jovi fan, not a Drills fan. And yes, I agree with you: I think most of these people simply do it for the attention. Phil is the small fish that happens to be in the big fish pond and they can't help doing this shit. It's kinda like those nutjobs asking Matt every - single - day about his schedule and how is he doing and stuff like that. And yet, I still think those have more decency than the X fangirls.

Sissy3 07-23-2013 05:56 PM

C'mon Jessycardy ya know you want to put an X on your body and throw that man down. ;) Teasing you, of course. Maybe that's just their way of showing support when so many other Richie fans act at times like Phil is the reason Richie isn't there. I like Phil with his "I'm so glad to be here" attitude, but at the end of the day he's just doing a job he's paid to do. I'm not gonna start a fan club for him! Of course, Richie was paid for his job too but he chose to do other things. Wonder if that fashion line pays as well as a Bon Jovi gig? :D

rolo_tomachi 07-23-2013 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1147435)
C'mon Jessycardy ya know you want to put an X on your body and throw that man down. ;) Teasing you, of course. Maybe that's just their way of showing support when so many other Richie fans act at times like Phil is the reason Richie isn't there. I like Phil with his "I'm so glad to be here" attitude, but at the end of the day he's just doing a job he's paid to do. I'm not gonna start a fan club for him! Of course, Richie was paid for his job too but he chose to do other things. Wonder if that fashion line pays as well as a Bon Jovi gig? :D

Jon hurt to Richie, I'm sure, and Richie stayed away. The clothing has nothing to do. Now, Jon does not do any effort to bring back to Richie.

jessycardy 07-23-2013 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1147445)
Jon Pressured to Richie, I'm sure, and Richie stayed away. The clothing has nothing to do. Now Jon does not do any effort to bring back to Richie.

Can I borrow your crystal ball? I have a few things I'd like to figure out, thanks.

Sissy3 07-23-2013 06:41 PM

Posted on another thread and Miss Jessycardy suggested putting it in the Richie thread. :D Wallpaper/cellphone download available for fan club members. Just the 3 amigos, no Richie in sight. I actually like it. (and that's not a slam on Richie.)

jessycardy 07-23-2013 06:54 PM

It's a tour-themed wallpaper. I can see why Richie's not there. He's still in the merchandise and stuff, so as always, people are making a big deal out of nothing.

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