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rightsideofwrong 07-25-2013 07:34 PM

If he takes the stage tonight it would make my decision to by myself a ticket for vegas a little easier, but I just dont know if I really want to go see the same show. I wonder if Jon plans on changing it up a little on the second pass over the west coast.

Rickbro 07-25-2013 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by rightsideofwrong (Post 1147820)
If he takes the stage tonight it would make my decision to by myself a ticket for vegas a little easier, but I just dont know if I really want to go see the same show. I wonder if Jon plans on changing it up a little on the second pass over the west coast.

Seems like most acts these days are sticking to the same set list more often than not.

Kathleen 07-25-2013 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1147808)
I'm going out of town so if Richie is back tonight, I'll probably miss the explosion of the internet when it happens. I don't think he'll be back tonight though.

I hear ya Becky, I will be at the show but I am not expecting hell to freeze over LOL.

Chris_Newton 07-25-2013 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1147822)
I hear ya Becky, I will be at the show but I am not expecting hell to freeze over LOL.

What I missed? Why do we think Richie will be back tonight?

TwinFan 07-25-2013 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Chris_Newton (Post 1147823)
What I missed? Why do we think Richie will be back tonight?

Just go back like 2 or 3 pages and you'll find all the "information".

nickolai 07-25-2013 08:00 PM

I had a weird dream last night that I was at tonight's show and Richie did come back. They started with Lost Highway and there was utter euphoria.

However a dream isn't real and is merely a thought/wish in one's subconscious. He definitely wont be back tonight. We'll be lucky if he's back in September, but 100% not tonight.

jessycardy 07-25-2013 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147764)
That is from Wednesday. I really hope he got onto a plane to New Jersey afterwards. He could be at Jon's house now for all we know. Hopefully I'll know something tomorrow. I may not be able to's 1am here in NYC...I'm posting this on my iPhone in a half asleep state...I hope this mess ends tonight.

Well, when I posted it, "today" was Wednesday. Actually, not here. It was past midnight, but I knew it didn't matter. Anyhow, I don't know about this jetlag thing, but it could very well be from Europe. And I've already mentioned all the other reasons why I don't think he'll come back tonight, so I won't repeat them. I think you're all getting your hopes up over basically nothing and that makes me sad, but I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this ordeal as much.

Bounce7800 07-25-2013 08:31 PM

Richie must be disappointed at the last few PBPs too, so he's trying to stir up some interest.

Kiwi78 07-25-2013 08:45 PM

Someone said Ava is with Richie at his house... so doubtful. She apparently tweeted it.

LeaJovi 07-25-2013 09:45 PM

He must be busy designing some skirts.
Oddly I can imagine Richie sitting down with Ava and discussing the new pair of jeans that are so trendy. Just like he used to sit with Jon to write.

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