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Bounce7800 07-28-2013 11:42 PM

I think the rehab comment has been jumped on a bit much, it's his usual shtick of saying he isn't a washed up 80s hairband has been. However, by saying that about himself, whilst true, is a bit of a mistake given Richie and his daughters issues but I don't for a second think those crossed his mind, just his usual "were still here" script.

crashed 07-28-2013 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1148391)
I think the rehab comment has been jumped on a bit much, it's his usual shtick of saying he isn't a washed up 80s hairband has been. However, by saying that about himself, whilst true, is a bit of a mistake given Richie and his daughters issues but I don't for a second think those crossed his mind, just his usual "were still here" script.

This. I don't think it had a damn thing to do with Richie.

golittleperson 07-29-2013 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1148399)
This. I don't think it had a damn thing to do with Richie.

Thank you, I didn't either and I'm a Richie girl. Don't think he was really "thinking" at all when that came out.( But, I did take the "celeb reality, love child" remarks were kinda a jab at Kenya and Kim.) Actually thought that was kinda funny. I think he meant to come off as celebrity in general situations and he would rather be there. He was however milking the crowd for a compliment with the Justin good looks remark. It's a show people.
As to the RS/Jon striff, don't know why it began, think that is critical to know before saying too much but do believe it's gotten outta hand and as always feel those outside influences.

Mysterytrain 07-29-2013 12:32 AM

A new Richie song; Nikki just Tweeted it.

ticos_stick 07-29-2013 12:33 AM

Jon most probably didn't mean to have a dig at Richie but what he said was stupid because his daughter and "best friend" have both been in rehab. He came off as a sanctimonious twat.

Supersonic 07-29-2013 12:36 AM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1148406)
Jon most probably didn't mean to have a dig at Richie but what he said was stupid because his daughter and "best friend" have both been in rehab. He came off as a sanctimonious twat.

Sssh I'm listening to Richie's new masterpiece. Don't talk through it or I won't understand and be able to appreciate the complex structures that have come from Nikki sucking him off all the time.

Salaam Aleikum,

golittleperson 07-29-2013 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1148376)
Well Richie will have been made aware of the comment by his Twitter bitches. If he and Jon aren't speaking he probably won't know what to make of it.

Hey, I'm one of those bitches. I proudly adore him and his music. I saw the conversations your talking about but stayed out. I try to stick to the music side not the "we really don't know what this is about" battle, on twitter anyway. Like another post I used to go to, rarely now, it can get over the top. I'm female, but some are just crazy. Here I tend to voice more of an opinion since people know it is just that. Oh, I saw the comments today though. That was well before he was on today, Richie tweeted/retweeted about 9X today and everyone was about music. Maybe he will go back and read, but with over 100K followers, prob. not unless when he is actually on the thread. I just posted in another spot here that I really didn't take Jon's remark as a direct stab at Richie - in combination with the others was more a general stab at the status of celebrity today. Did think immediately of Kenya/Kim with the reality/love child hit though. Hate to admit it, kinda funny.

Bounce7800 07-29-2013 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1148405)
A new Richie song; Nikki just Tweeted it.

Interesting timing for this to see the light of day. Shame it's dreadful.

Mysterytrain 07-29-2013 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1148409)
Interesting timing for this to see the light of day. Shame it's dreadful.

Did anyone notice these lyrics? "Not Elvis or God, not Frankie or Dean, if I die tomorrow I'll come back as me."?

DryCounty 07-29-2013 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1148405)
A new Richie song; Nikki just Tweeted it.

Haha what the **** is this? Come on Richie.. Sugar Daddy is a masterpiece compared to this

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