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Bill23 07-29-2013 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1148477)
I agree with the comments that I wish SOMEONE would come out and give us an answer. If Richie is gone from the band for good, oh well. He's acted like an idiot anyway. If he does come back to the band, cool. But I'm not gonna be bothered either way. I just want to know one way or the other. That's not to say I don't WANT him back, but whatever happens, I'm fine with. This has gone on too long.

Agree....someone needs to say something truthful not these crypic tweets etc....the problem is JBJ won't officially fire Richie cause he'd (rightfully or wrongfully) look like an ass and Richie won't what we have is limbo. Maybe Jon is right when he sings WLOL...."noones right...noones wrong....WLOL going in"

Javier 07-29-2013 03:59 AM

Figures. My comment which had a already gotten the most likes out of all of them got removed and the 'author' blocked me. Hopefully somebody else can get the message across if that account is directly related to someone official....

Kathleen 07-29-2013 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1148479)
Figures. My comment which had a already gotten the most likes out of all of them got removed and the 'author' blocked me. Hopefully somebody else can get the message across if that account is directly related to someone official....

Your comment where? You lost me......

GabrielC 07-29-2013 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1148480)
Your comment where? You lost me......

In the video. Javier had the most upvoted comment, and it got removed. The comments are getting filtered before going to the comment section now.

jessycardy 07-29-2013 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1148479)
Figures. My comment which had a already gotten the most likes out of all of them got removed and the 'author' blocked me. Hopefully somebody else can get the message across if that account is directly related to someone official....

Seriously? This is censorship, plain and simple. I liked your comment and another one, 'cause they really made sense and they weren't disrespecftul or anything else that would justify deleting them and even blocking the authors!

As for the uploader of the video. When I opened the video, I saw I had previously subscribed to their channel, but couldn't remember who they were. So, I checked their other uploads to get a clue and, well, it's obviously run by either them or someone who works for them, because the reason why I subscribed to their channel when I did was that they had a few behind-the-scenes videos up, from interviews and whatnot. It's also the channel that has the infamous songs Richie and Yoko Lund played live.

I'm sorry they blocked you, whoever did or decided this kind of approach is an asshole. I hope I'm not indirectly insulting one of my heroes.

The Rock 07-29-2013 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1148479)
Figures. My comment which had a already gotten the most likes out of all of them got removed and the 'author' blocked me. Hopefully somebody else can get the message across if that account is directly related to someone official....

Was it at the youtube account where the song was posted? That's Nikki's brother's account. I don't know what you wrote but if it was against Nikki, that is probably why it was deleted.

Javier 07-29-2013 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1148483)
Was it at the youtube account where the song was posted? That's Nikki's brother's account. I don't know what you wrote but if it was against Nikki, that is probably why it was deleted.

Yeah at that account and not a mention of Nikki, a few pages back I wrote what I had written in youtube, but I can understand why it would rub some people the wrong way. Copying and pasting for convenience:

I really really want to like it. Richie has been such a huge influence on me and his songs have helped me throughout a lot of my life, but I'm really not digging this. The obvious dig at Jon is just too lowbrow celebrity reality show cheeky for someone who I admired and looked up to as my hero. Either way, I'm pretty sure he's happy doing this and that's what matters, I just hope more of his fans like it a lot more than I do....

Crushgen24/88 07-29-2013 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1148477)
I agree with the comments that I wish SOMEONE would come out and give us an answer. If Richie is gone from the band for good, oh well. He's acted like an idiot anyway. If he does come back to the band, cool. But I'm not gonna be bothered either way. I just want to know one way or the other. That's not to say I don't WANT him back, but whatever happens, I'm fine with. This has gone on too long.


Mysterytrain 07-29-2013 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1148483)
Was it at the youtube account where the song was posted? That's Nikki's brother's account. I don't know what you wrote but if it was against Nikki, that is probably why it was deleted.

Yeah, if it's that "torneye" account, didn't they also make the Nikki/Richie "Do You Like My Ass in These Pants?" video private, because it got so many negative comments from fans?

I think they kept the other song, the ballad, "How to Love" public, but made it so you couldn't comment on it.

ticos_stick 07-29-2013 04:34 AM

Richie should have just tweeted a picture of him shitting on a picture of Jon. It would have had more artistic integrity than that song.

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