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CKatz 07-29-2013 05:12 AM

I'm not entirely convinced that Richie is stating his independence from Bon Jovi with this song. He wrote it a few years ago. I have a radio interview where he talks about writing a song called Come Back as Me. It's likely an Aftermath outtake.
Yes, the lyrics are angry but I doubt they're about Jon, because at the time of the interview and the writing of the song Richie and Jon were still BFFs.
Once again people are jumping to conclusions, making assumptions and acting just plain crazy.
I hope I can still find the interview so everyone can calm the **** down. Lol

Kathleen 07-29-2013 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1148484)
Yeah at that account and not a mention of Nikki, a few pages back I wrote what I had written in youtube, but I can understand why it would rub some people the wrong way. Copying and pasting for convenience:

I really really want to like it. Richie has been such a huge influence on me and his songs have helped me throughout a lot of my life, but I'm really not digging this. The obvious dig at Jon is just too lowbrow celebrity reality show cheeky for someone who I admired and looked up to as my hero. Either way, I'm pretty sure he's happy doing this and that's what matters, I just hope more of his fans like it a lot more than I do....

Man, that sucks. There is nothing wrong with that comment. You are more polite than most.

jessycardy 07-29-2013 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1148488)
I'm not entirely convinced that Richie is stating his independence from Bon Jovi with this song. He wrote it a few years ago. I have a radio interview where he talks about writing a song called Come Back as Me. It's likely an Aftermath outtake.
Yes, the lyrics are angry but I doubt they're about Jon, because at the time of the interview and the writing of the song Richie and Jon were still BFFs.
Once again people are jumping to conclusions, making assumptions and acting just plain crazy.
I hope I can still find the interview so everyone can calm the **** down. Lol

Oh, c'mon. You gotta be blind not to see where all of this is heading, really. Nikki posts the thing, then Sean Borg posts it too and we're told it's not yet been released, meaning it soon will be. Then comes Richie, who doesn't even bother giving any links, titles or references and just merely mentions a new song saying the "lyric is pretty timely". What more do you need, apart from the decent explanation we all crave for?

CKatz 07-29-2013 05:29 AM

Okay, I found it. It's from the time he was promoting the Circle/Greatest Hits tour. 2010.
The radiostation was 97.3 WMEE.

Quick transcript:
Interviewer: Is there a point where this is getting old. Every girl has tried this. I'm over these girls. Every girl has tried this before. Just stop.

Richie: No, it's fun. It's fun man, you know. Hey look, I had a good life. In fact, I just wrote a song the other day called "If I died tomorrow, I'd come back as me". (laughs)

Interviewer: (laughs) Oh, nice! That means a lot.

Richie: Things are good out here. Knock on wood.

So there you have it.

The Rock 07-29-2013 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1148491)
Okay, I found it. It's from the time he was promoting the Circle/Greatest Hits tour. 2010.
The radiostation was 97.3 WMEE.

Quick transcript:
Interviewer: Is there a point where this is getting old. Every girl has tried this. I'm over these girls. Every girl has tried this before. Just stop.

Richie: No, it's fun. It's fun man, you know. Hey look, I had a good life. In fact, I just wrote a song the other day called "If I died tomorrow, I'd come back as me". (laughs)

Interviewer: (laughs) Oh, nice! That means a lot.

Richie: Things are good out here. Knock on wood.

So there you have it.

Then why release it now during all this? It's not a coincidence, he knew what he was doing and what fans would think. His not stupid.

The Rock 07-29-2013 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1148484)
Yeah at that account and not a mention of Nikki, a few pages back I wrote what I had written in youtube, but I can understand why it would rub some people the wrong way. Copying and pasting for convenience:

I really really want to like it. Richie has been such a huge influence on me and his songs have helped me throughout a lot of my life, but I'm really not digging this. The obvious dig at Jon is just too lowbrow celebrity reality show cheeky for someone who I admired and looked up to as my hero. Either way, I'm pretty sure he's happy doing this and that's what matters, I just hope more of his fans like it a lot more than I do....

Thanks for the recap and why the **** was that deleted? So not one word against Richie can be said?

CKatz 07-29-2013 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1148490)
Oh, c'mon. You gotta be blind not to see where all of this is heading, really. Nikki posts the thing, then Sean Borg posts it too and we're told it's not yet been released, meaning it soon will be. Then comes Richie, who doesn't even bother giving any links, titles or references and just merely mentions a new song saying the "lyric is pretty timely". What more do you need, apart from the decent explanation we all crave for?

You can lose yourself in assumptions or you can stick to facts.
The drama is being mostly caused by the fans. This is another situation that proves it.
I have no doubt that things are not well between them (hence why he said the lyrics are "timely"), but that song doesn't prove Richie quit. It only proves that Jon is/was lying about his current relationship with Richie.
I don't care anyway. My days as a fan pretty much ended with the release of WAN. So the band is already over for me.

LeaJovi 07-29-2013 05:46 AM

Holy shit that must be some awesome pussy.

jessycardy 07-29-2013 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1148494)
You can lose yourself in assumptions or you can stick to facts.
The drama is being mostly caused by the fans. This is another situation that proves it.
I have no doubt that things are not well between them (hence why he said the lyrics are "timely"), but that song doesn't prove Richie quit. It only proves that Jon is/was lying about his current relationship with Richie.
I don't care anyway. My days as a fan pretty much ended with the release of WAN. So the band is already over for me.

Jon lied my ass. Richie's being saying "personal issues" all along as well. Just like Tico and David. And I'm not saying Richie's quitting the band either, I'm just saying this surely didn't help make people's thoughts gravitate towards the other direction. I've never assumed anything during all this cluster****, I sure as hell am not gonna start doing it now. But this doesn't look good and I'm tired of convincing myself that anything and everything that happens is always purely coincidental. So, we're basically saying the same thing in the end.

CKatz 07-29-2013 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1148496)
Jon lied my ass. Richie's being saying "personal issues" all along as well. Just like Tico and David. And I'm not saying Richie's quitting the band either, I'm just saying this surely didn't help make people's thoughts gravitate towards the other direction. I've never assumed anything during all this cluster****, I sure as hell am not gonna start doing it now. But this doesn't look good and I'm tired of convincing myself that anything and everything that happens is always purely coincidental. So, we're basically saying the same thing in the end.

We're not exactly saying the same thing. I said Jon lied, you refuse to acknowledge that he did: "Jon lied my ass."...even though you know Jon gave plenty of interviews saying everything was fine and they're not fighting. That was a boldface lie. The personal issues excuse isn't quite on the same level, because an argument between two people IS a personal issue.
Nobody in this band was/is 100% honest with the fans.

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