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steel_horse75 03-15-2019 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by rickysambo (Post 1251707)
Its my Life>Just Older? Wow.

Much prefer IML.
Next 100 years is one of my favs.
Neurotica should’ve replaced she’s a mystery on the standard release

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

rickysambo 03-15-2019 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1251708)
Much prefer IML.
Next 100 years is one of my favs.
Neurotica should’ve replaced she’s a mystery on the standard release

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Next 100 is awesome if one ignores the wall of noise trying to overpower that fantastic solo on the record. Just Older is a 10/10 for me.

Becky 03-16-2019 04:08 AM

“Jon Bon Jovi and Mick Jagger are the two smartest musicians I know. Jon will walk into my office on a random Tuesday and go, “OK, last time in Omaha we did $12 a head in merch. What are we going to do tonight?”

He knows. He knows everything. Whereas, different artists and managers get involved to different degrees. Whatever works for that organization, works.” — Larry Richter

I saw some complaints about Jon being a businessman. I have no problem with this quote. I see it as a compliment. Maybe because my father was a successful self-made businessman, I know that if you’re the one paying the bills, you better know exactly where the money is coming in and where it’s going. Some people just have a gift for numbers. I have an aunt who can remember the birthday of every person she knows and she doesn’t need any Facebook reminders. My dad had a number game that was his thing and I caught on to it, so we would play. No one else understood it and since he died, no one else ever will. WE benefit because Jon has the intelligence to know these things. If he didn’t, they might be like Michael Jackson who died in heavy debt because he didn’t have a clue how to control his own financial issues.

faith1985 03-16-2019 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1251720)
“Jon Bon Jovi and Mick Jagger are the two smartest musicians I know. Jon will walk into my office on a random Tuesday and go, “OK, last time in Omaha we did $12 a head in merch. What are we going to do tonight?”

He knows. He knows everything. Whereas, different artists and managers get involved to different degrees. Whatever works for that organization, works.” — Larry Richter

I saw some complaints about Jon being a businessman. I have no problem with this quote. I see it as a compliment. Maybe because my father was a successful self-made businessman, I know that if youÂ’re the one paying the bills, you better know exactly where the money is coming in and where itÂ’s going. Some people just have a gift for numbers. I have an aunt who can remember the birthday of every person she knows and she doesnÂ’t need any Facebook reminders. My dad had a number game that was his thing and I caught on to it, so we would play. No one else understood it and since he died, no one else ever will. WE benefit because Jon has the intelligence to know these things. If he didnÂ’t, they might be like Michael Jackson who died in heavy debt because he didnÂ’t have a clue how to control his own financial issues.

Becky, it is a big difference if you know your general sales strategy or if you want to know every single detail because it is concerning you and your business. MJ was an artist and not much else and Jon is not a big artist anymore. Big, yes, but he is way too focused on the business side. Information is power and it helps you to stay on track with what is going on around you which is important, but I'd rather have an artist be an artist and play guitar in his hotel room than knowing about last night's merch deal. I know BJ is a business, Jon and everybody around him have made it pretty clear and benefitting from it one way or another but they as individuals are far from being an artistic band, which they should be first. This whole 'look we are a big organisation' just doesn't fly with me. It is deeply rooted in the American culture but it also something very boring for me as a European. As one colleauge once put it: if you are a great company, you don't need to use the word great

I think it is ok that Jon knows things but then I wonder what his tour manager does. When Jon is on the road as an artist he shouldn't focus on these numbers but on his music, IMO. If he occupies his mind with these small bits, what else is he managing or retrieving information from? Knowing everything isn't smart. Neither is trying to understant everything. I also tend to be someone who wants to know what is going on at work and later I regret it because I realize it is not that important to my work You just don't have the time to process everything and keep it stored in your memory. Jon probably has got his excel sheets on his laptop to look it up. So maybe since he doesnt have too much to do he srays informed. But If I go to a concert, do I really want to know that the singer just talked about the merch deal with his accountant? Or do I want to know that the band jammed together to do some song surprise for the night.

I just saw a video on instagram where Richie and Jon were playing a Bob Dylan song backstage. Now this is what is great for someone who likes music and concerts. These glimps of music and jams. But I doubt Jon will be able to do it with Shanks

Becky 03-16-2019 07:06 PM

Who here is incapable of doing two things well?

If YOU can do two or more things in your life and do them well, why do you think Jon should be limited to either being an artist OR being a businessman OR being a humanitarian?

If you cannot do two different things well, expand your ambitions.

faith1985 03-16-2019 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1251730)
Who here is incapable of doing two things well?

If YOU can do two or more things in your life and do them well, why do you think Jon should be limited to either being an artist OR being a businessman OR being a humanitarian?

If you cannot do two different things well, expand your ambitions.

Becky, again that is not what I said. It shouldn't be too hard if you know how to balance it but looking at the setlists and the quality of the performance during the last couple years, it is obvious that he can't do it well. Hardly any concert since Riche left has had that spark or performance where you think: wow, the band is killing it because they are totally into the music

Jon himself said in an interview that he thinks about other stuff while he is on stage and that he doesn't really like touring (SK interview with his wife) .
Many times he comes across as a self-serving and arrogant, when it serves him, he acts humbled

Speech when the Clintons were present:
'Me and Dorothea are so humbled that the Clintons are our friends'
Runaway Tours: 'Jon, you are quite a humbled guy' Jon: 'well i am not!'
At an interview he literally said that he tells them that charity will get them higher than drugs'

Best thing by far was when he held his hall of fame speech and was so eager to tell the world that his wife is God's biggest gift to him and then closed his eyes, shook his head and rolled his eyes. When asked in an interview he avoided to give a clear answer and totally dismissed the thing he said during his speech
He is constantlly saying what he thinks people want to hear, so he is pitching himself and throwing a bit of a nice smile into the mix. He says he has got a chip on his shoulder what translates to feeling the need to prove himself and he is constantly bragging about how many albums he has sold, how many meals the SK has provided ans so on so it shows that he needs to feel important.

So if you are really a humanitarian, do you need to mention in every interview that you have served 80000 meals (that is just someone who brags about his business)

I thought you studied psychology? It is basic intrinsic VS extrinsic motivation: Intrinsic: I do something because the thing itself is important to me / extrinsic: I do things to get good grades, validation etc. --> climbing the next mountain and the next just to prove yourself.

Usually it is a mix of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation but Jon made clear that it is his chip on his shoulder.
And that is the reason why rewards such as awards can lower your intrinsic motivation and turn into an extrinsic one which make you less creative.

YOVANAfromPeru 03-17-2019 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by faith1985 (Post 1251742)
Runaway Tours: 'Jon, you are quite a humbled guy' Jon: 'well i am not!'

Oh Please... people can be sometimes arrogant and sometimes humbled.


Originally Posted by faith1985 (Post 1251742)
you have served 80000 meals

They are over 90,000 meals already... just sayin' lol

faith1985 03-17-2019 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by YOVANAfromPeru (Post 1251753)
Oh Please... people can be sometimes arrogant and sometimes humbled.

He said, that he is not humbled and when he gives a speech in front of an audience he says he is humbled because someone is his friend? That doesn't make any real sense.

Becky 03-17-2019 04:32 AM

Jon said 30 years ago that if a show is going well, his mind wanders because it’s like an out of body experience. If the show isn’t going well, that’s his focus. Why do people think these things are new bits of information that indicate a fundamental change in how his mind works?

I think I get the duality of things he says/does because aside from introversion, I really have a foot on both sides of the fence when it comes to Myers Briggs types. I see multiple ways to look at things that equally make sense. There’s a purpose. Why do you promote s charitable foundation with statistics? To give it credence. You don’t know EVERYTHING he does that’s charitable. People assume that because there is a lot of information available that ALL the information is available. It’s not.

If he says something personal to his wife in a speech, he doesn’t owe anyone an explanation.

I just hope everyone who thinks they should dictate what Jon says and does has their own lives in order. Because, face it. He’s an incredibly successful person. We’re on a message board talking about him. I bet he’s not trolling a message board about... Frank Sinatra.

YOVANAfromPeru 03-17-2019 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by faith1985 (Post 1251757)
He said, that he is not humbled and when he gives a speech in front of an audience he says he is humbled because someone is his friend? That doesn't make any real sense.

I think "Humbled" is a pretty usual word at public events, receiving an award, and all that stuff.

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