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JackieBlue 07-31-2013 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1148719)
So this guy claims his source is someone IN the band? Bold claim.

Even bolder is that he's including @TheRealSambora in all but the last tweet... Downright ballsy if it's not somewhat true, wouldn't you think? Hmmmmm...

TwinFan 07-31-2013 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1148958)
Even bolder is that he's including @TheRealSambora in all but the last tweet... Downright ballsy if it's not somewhat true, wouldn't you think? Hmmmmm...

It doesn't take balls to post complete bullshit on Twitter. It's not like Richie will see it in the flood on Tweets to him.

Crushgen24/88 07-31-2013 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1148958)
Even bolder is that he's including @TheRealSambora in all but the last tweet... Downright ballsy if it's not somewhat true, wouldn't you think? Hmmmmm...

Read his Tweets. ALL he does is tweet at celebrities and musicians. Beyond that, why would it be ballsy? You really think Richie would see it or care?

The Rock 07-31-2013 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1148958)
Even bolder is that he's including @TheRealSambora in all but the last tweet... Downright ballsy if it's not somewhat true, wouldn't you think? Hmmmmm...

Doesn't mean a single thing.

JackieBlue 07-31-2013 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1148969)
Read his Tweets. ALL he does is tweet at celebrities and musicians. Beyond that, why would it be ballsy? You really think Richie would see it or care?

Jeez! Looks like I touched a nerve (several nerves, in fact :rolleyes:). But to answer your direct questions: It would seem that Richie has seen some of the tweets lately, some of them right around the ones CKatz quoted; and yes I would care. I can't speak for Richie, obviously; but if I were in the middle of a rumor storm like the one he's in right now and someone was posting something that wasn't true about my situation and stating it as fact, I think I'd care. But that's just me. After the past four months maybe he's heard so much negative (and positive) BS that he doesn't pay it any attention.

The reason I think it's ballsy is that from what I've seen (which admittedly is not much because Twitter annoys me), usually when people are spouting BS about Richie they don't tweet @ him. They usually keep those kinds of comments between themselves.

I just found it interesting that the guy would tweet @Richie with something if he wasn't pretty sure of what he was saying. If, as you imply, he's trying to impress someone or get someone's attention to get his music heard, I'm not sure that would be the way to go. But again, that's just me. Can't speak for anyone else.

Crushgen24/88 07-31-2013 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1148974)
Jeez! Looks like I touched a nerve (several nerves, in fact :rolleyes:). But to answer your direct questions: It would seem that Richie has seen some of the tweets lately, some of them right around the ones CKatz quoted; and yes I would care. I can't speak for Richie, obviously; but if I were in the middle of a rumor storm like the one he's in right now and someone was posting something that wasn't true about my situation and stating it as fact, I think I'd care. But that's just me. After the past four months maybe he's heard so much negative (and positive) BS that he doesn't pay it any attention.

The reason I think it's ballsy is that from what I've seen (which admittedly is not much because Twitter annoys me), usually when people are spouting BS about Richie they don't tweet @ him. They usually keep those kinds of comments between themselves.

I just found it interesting that the guy would tweet @Richie with something if he wasn't pretty sure of what he was saying. If, as you imply, he's trying to impress someone or get someone's attention to get his music heard, I'm not sure that would be the way to go. But again, that's just me. Can't speak for anyone else.

You didn't touch a nerve to be honest. But to answer your questions, by Tweeting them @ Richie anyone who goes through Richie's mentions see's his Tweets. Hell, none of us have heard of him but we're discussing him because of it. As for people tweeting crazy theories and stuff at Richie, TBH that's pretty much standard for him (or any celebrity really). As for this guy specifically, do I know for a fact that what he's saying is BS? No. But looking at his pattern of tweeting celebrities plus the fact that no one has ever heard of him leads me to believe he's exploiting the situation for attention.

Beaky 07-31-2013 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1148975)
You didn't touch a nerve to be honest. But to answer your questions, by Tweeting them @ Richie anyone who goes through Richie's mentions see's his Tweets. Hell, none of us have heard of him but we're discussing him because of it. As for people tweeting crazy theories and stuff at Richie, TBH that's pretty much standard for him (or any celebrity really). As for this guy specifically, do I know for a fact that what he's saying is BS? No. But looking at his pattern of tweeting celebrities plus the fact that no one has ever heard of him leads me to believe he's exploiting the situation for attention.

I think the point was, that Sean seemingly being on Richie's payroll, RS won't skip over his tweets like he would do yours or mine; in fact, if a song has been 'leaked' and pumped out over social media, if he's smart then Richie is paying very close attention to his Twitter feed right now, especially interactions between Sean and fans. So to reply to disillusioned fans and copy Richie in, as Sean did, IS either brave or stupid.

Whereas RS is just plain ol' stupid. Why on earth does he think anyone wants to hear anything from him right now - especially this drivel - other than 'I'll be back on the road with the band in September.' If this is him testing the water, then the news is, it's tepid and full of floaters, so flush it, Richie, flush it...

Got to be honest though; at least he's testing the water at all - Bon Jovi could do with listening to their fans a little more when it comes to their output and set lists.

jovi76 07-31-2013 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1148982)
I think the point was, that Sean seemingly being on Richie's payroll, RS won't skip over his tweets like he would do yours or mine; in fact, if a song has been 'leaked' and pumped out over social media, if he's smart then Richie is paying very close attention to his Twitter feed right now, especially interactions between Sean and fans. So to reply to disillusioned fans and copy Richie in, as Sean did, IS either brave or stupid.

Whereas RS is just plain ol' stupid. Why on earth does he think anyone wants to hear anything from him right now - especially this drivel - other than 'I'll be back on the road with the band in September.' If this is him testing the water, then the news is, it's tepid and full of floaters, so flush it, Richie, flush it...

Got to be honest though; at least he's testing the water at all - Bon Jovi could do with listening to their fans a little more when it comes to their output and set lists.

Your dreaming if you don't think the band would be listening to their fans. They are never going to make everyone happy but is no way they are not getting feedback.

Richie, Sean and Nikki are just treating us like we are idiots. Of course the song wasn't leaked. Nikki posts it and within an hour Richie retweets it, give me a break. Hopefully they are reading more than the rubbish on twitter which is mainly fans stroking his ego.

Beaky 07-31-2013 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by jovi76 (Post 1148985)
Your dreaming if you don't think the band would be listening to their fans. They are never going to make everyone happy but is no way they are not getting feedback.

Richie, Sean and Nikki are just treating us like we are idiots. Of course the song wasn't leaked. Nikki posts it and within an hour Richie retweets it, give me a break. Hopefully they are reading more than the rubbish on twitter which is mainly fans stroking his ego.

First post... immediately beating the piss out of Richie and being totally pro-Jon... hmm you really could be any one of the several Jontologists on here.

I purposefully didn't say 'Jon doesn't listen to fans' it's the entire band I was referring to; Richie included. His comments last year on the EPK for Aftermath about how they approach writing for Bon Jovi was so dismissive, it reminded me of how Bono used to think he could fart into a mic and fans would buy it.

It's an old debate, been done to death but honestly, really, after that album and this tour, the setlists, anyone who doesn't think this band has lost touch just a tad is either easily pleased by anything with 'Bon Jovi' on the cover or just blinkered. No pleasure in saying that this has been a f*cking disastrous year for this band. Jon AND Richie need to pull their heads from their arses...

jovi76 07-31-2013 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1148986)
First post... immediately beating the piss out of Richie and being totally pro-Jon... hmm you really could be any one of the several Jontologists on here.

I purposefully didn't say 'Jon doesn't listen to fans' it's the entire band I was referring to; Richie included. His comments last year on the EPK for Aftermath about how they approach writing for Bon Jovi was so dismissive, it reminded me of how Bono used to think he could fart into a mic and fans would buy it.

It's an old debate, been done to death but honestly, really, after that album and this tour, the setlists, anyone who doesn't think this band has lost touch just a tad is either easily pleased by anything with 'Bon Jovi' on the cover or just blinkered. No pleasure in saying that this has been a f*cking disastrous year for this band.

Not my first post - first post under this name as I cannot access my old account. Been a huge follower and fan of the band for almost 30 years. I am also a fan of Jon and Richie both as solo artists - but yes this new song from Richie simply sucks for me. It has nothing to do with who recorded it but for me its rubbish. Its also rubbish we are meant to believe it was leaked.

I think any artist has the right to put out any music they like. Its up to the fans if they buy it or not. Latest BJ album is not a fave of mine nor is Richies latest 'leaked' song. That doesn't mean there is not people out there who genuinely like these songs. An artist releasing something you don't like is not a personal attack on its fans.

At times the setlists may seem uninspired but they do change them up and over the years at certain times songs come in and out. Unlike many bands who play the same setlist night after night.

Wow you are angry though. You certainly read a lot into what I posted, some of the people here need to just relax. I can't believe the immaturity that goes on here with this stupid pro Jon/ anti Richie bullshit. Not sure why everyone has to suddenly be on a side :rolleyes:

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