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Beaky 07-31-2013 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by jovi76 (Post 1148988)
Not my first post - first post under this name as I cannot access my old account. Been a huge follower and fan of the band for almost 30 years. I am also a fan of Jon and Richie both as solo artists - but yes this new song from Richie simply sucks for me. It has nothing to do with who recorded it but for me its rubbish. Its also rubbish we are meant to believe it was leaked.

I think any artist has the right to put out any music they like. Its up to the fans if they buy it or not. Latest BJ album is not a fave of mine nor is Richies latest 'leaked' song. That doesn't mean there is not people out there who genuinely like these songs. An artist releasing something you don't like is not a personal attack on its fans.

At times the setlists may seem uninspired but they do change them up and over the years at certain times songs come in and out. Unlike many bands who play the same setlist night after night.

Wow you are angry though. You certainly read a lot into what I posted, some of the people here need to just relax. I can't believe the immaturity that goes on here with this stupid pro Jon/ anti Richie bullshit. Not sure why everyone has to suddenly be on a side :rolleyes:

Read my original post. Where exactly am I on anyone's side? You seemed to agree with everything I said and yet began your post with 'You're dreaming... ' etc, getting rowdy over ONE sentence I wrote. It does make me chuckle how those who pick out the odd sentence, totally misinterpret it and then throw their toys out of the pram have taken this board by storm! I’m amazed how things get taken out of proportion and how catty this thread has gotten. Just chill out mate…

Solid Sambora 07-31-2013 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1148986)
First post... immediately beating the piss out of Richie and being totally pro-Jon... hmm you really could be any one of the several Jontologists on here.

I purposefully didn't say 'Jon doesn't listen to fans' it's the entire band I was referring to; Richie included. His comments last year on the EPK for Aftermath about how they approach writing for Bon Jovi was so dismissive, it reminded me of how Bono used to think he could fart into a mic and fans would buy it.

It's an old debate, been done to death but honestly, really, after that album and this tour, the setlists, anyone who doesn't think this band has lost touch just a tad is either easily pleased by anything with 'Bon Jovi' on the cover or just blinkered. No pleasure in saying that this has been a f*cking disastrous year for this band. Jon AND Richie need to pull their heads from their arses...

Beating the piss out of Richie? Pro-Jon? Have you actually read her post or are you just making shit up in your head?

jovi76 07-31-2013 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1148989)
Read my original post. Where exactly am I on anyone's side? You seemed to agree with everything I said and yet began your post with 'You're dreaming... ' etc, getting rowdy over ONE sentence I wrote. It does make me chuckle how those who pick out the odd sentence, totally misinterpret it and then throw their toys out of the pram have taken this board by storm! I’m amazed how things get taken out of proportion and how catty this thread has gotten. Just chill out mate…

Rowdy :eek::rolleyes:;)

Its an expression, I wasn't having a go at you. Its a message board people reply back and forth.

Read below and take your own advice.

It does make me chuckle how those who pick out the odd sentence, totally misinterpret it and then throw their toys out of the pram have taken this board by storm! I’m amazed how things get taken out of proportion and how catty this thread has gotten. Just chill out mate

Beaky 07-31-2013 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1148990)
Beating the piss out of Richie? Pro-Jon? Have you actually read her post or are you just making shit up in your head?

What a lovely place. Great post. You really added to the conversation. I missed you.

Beaky 07-31-2013 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by jovi76 (Post 1148991)
Rowdy :eek::rolleyes:;)

Its an expression, I wasn't having a go at you. Its a message board people reply back and forth.

Read below and take your own advice.

It does make me chuckle how those who pick out the odd sentence, totally misinterpret it and then throw their toys out of the pram have taken this board by storm! I’m amazed how things get taken out of proportion and how catty this thread has gotten. Just chill out mate

It might be a message board but there seems to be no platform for discussion on here anymore. So many people, spending valuable time picking at each other, verbally kicking the crap out of each other and hurling abuse around about who knows more, who knows f*ck all and how someone should be flogged for suggesting Jon comes across as arrogant but how it’s fine to say Nikki is a whore.

I came back to share something I’d heard, put forward one opinion and end up in a cat fight at a Girl’s junior school. Still, at least I moved this thread on a page. I'll leave you to it, ladies.

united17 07-31-2013 12:05 PM

Maybe we should proactively move all the Richie related content and threads into the 'Other Bands' forum. That'll show him.

I also think we should throw Richie back into the 'Past Members' column of the Bon Jovi Wikipedia page. Yeah. See how he likes that.

bonjovi821 07-31-2013 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by united17 (Post 1148994)
Maybe we should proactively move all the Richie related content and threads into the 'Other Bands' forum. That'll show him.

I also think we should throw Richie back into the 'Past Members' column of the Bon Jovi Wikipedia page. Yeah. See how he likes that.

Yep, I bet the Bon Jovi Wikipedia page is his homepage so he'll totally see it.

CKatz 07-31-2013 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1148993)
It might be a message board but there seems to be no platform for discussion on here anymore. So many people, spending valuable time picking at each other, verbally kicking the crap out of each other and hurling abuse around about who knows more, who knows f*ck all and how someone should be flogged for suggesting Jon comes across as arrogant but how it’s fine to say Nikki is a whore.

I came back to share something I’d heard, put forward one opinion and end up in a cat fight at a Girl’s junior school. Still, at least I moved this thread on a page. I'll leave you to it, ladies.

I don't understand that attitude either. From what I've heard, Nikki is actually a very kind person. Not someone who deserves this kind of abuse. I guess it's easier for some to put the blame on bystanders.
At least in the beginning, this thread didn't take itself so seriously. Now it's just crazy.

CKatz 07-31-2013 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by united17 (Post 1148994)
Maybe we should proactively move all the Richie related content and threads into the 'Other Bands' forum. That'll show him.

I also think we should throw Richie back into the 'Past Members' column of the Bon Jovi Wikipedia page. Yeah. See how he likes that.

As if he would care...:rolleyes:

united17 07-31-2013 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1148999)
As if he would care...:rolleyes:

I was being sarcastic......

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