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JoviJovi 08-01-2013 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149168)
Or he expected fans to be smarter than that. He could have probably released any song and people would have twisted the meaning to make it seem like it was directed at Jon.

Meanwhile his tabloid buddy and apparent spokesperson for all things NikkiRich clothing is tweeting "and the buzz begins" with the link to the article that points out the "coincidence" of the song lyrics and the timliness of the "leak" in relation to the situation with the band. C'mon now, you don't strike me as that naive

CKatz 08-01-2013 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1149170)
Meanwhile his tabloid buddy and apparent spokesperson for all things NikkiRich clothing is tweeting "and the buzz begins" with the link to the article that points out the "coincidence" of the song lyrics and the timliness of the "leak" in relation to the situation with the band. C'mon now, you don't strike me as that naive

I think Sean is the type of pr person who thinks all publicity is good, even if it's rubbish. That just makes him a bad pr guy.

CKatz 08-01-2013 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1149169)
Well, the lyrics "Frankie and Dean" are pretty pointedly referencing Jon imo, as Jon has referred to himself and Richie as like "Frankie and Dean" in previous interviews. I don't necessarily take it as a "slam", because if the song is about Richie finding himself, then he could simply be saying, "I don't want to be known as "Dean" to Jon's "Frankie" at the expense of my own identity."

But nowhere does he actually say "I don't want to be the Dean to your Frankie." He's just listing two people he admires but doesn't want to "come back" as. So, I'm not convinced.

Captain_jovi 08-01-2013 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149173)
But nowhere does he actually say "I don't want to be the Dean to your Frankie." He's just listing two people he admires but doesn't want to "come back" as. So, I'm not convinced.

Listing two people he admires, when in the past has called himself Dean and Jon Frankie, compounded by the fact that the band's biggest hit also mentions Frankie? I don't buy that the lyrics are 4 years old. He could have mentioned any two people that he admires that have zero connection to the band. He could have released any song he wanted and pretended to "leak" it. The whole things reeks of pre-planned scandal making.

CKatz 08-01-2013 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1149176)
Listing two people he admires, when in the past has called himself Dean and Jon Frankie, compounded by the fact that the band's biggest hit also mentions Frankie? I don't buy that the lyrics are 4 years old. He could have mentioned any two people that he admires that have zero connection to the band. He could have released any song he wanted and pretended to "leak" it. The whole things reeks of pre-planned scandal making.

I think people have bacome too wrapped up in conspiracy theories in the last few months. Now they see conspiracies everywhere. Not even Matt seems to think the song is about Jon. Do you really think he would describe the song as "cool" if he felt it slammed his brother?

Mysterytrain 08-01-2013 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1149176)
Listing two people he admires, when in the past has called himself Dean and Jon Frankie, compounded by the fact that the band's biggest hit also mentions Frankie? I don't buy that the lyrics are 4 years old. He could have mentioned any two people that he admires that have zero connection to the band. He could have released any song he wanted and pretended to "leak" it. The whole things reeks of pre-planned scandal making.

He also mentions Elvis and God in the same line, and we know what a big Elvis fan Jon is, and you could read the God mention as a swipe at Jon's ego, if you were in that frame of mind, I suppose...

Sissy3 08-01-2013 07:41 PM

And since when do we pay any attention to Matt's remarks? ;)

CKatz 08-01-2013 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1149179)
And since when do we pay any attention to Matt's remarks? ;)

:D I usually don't, but I have no doubt he's very protective of Jon (and his family in general).

JoviJovi 08-01-2013 07:54 PM

Interesting article:

Captain_jovi 08-01-2013 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149177)
I think people have bacome too wrapped up in conspiracy theories in the last few months. Now they see conspiracies everywhere. Not even Matt seems to think the song is about Jon. Do you really think he would describe the song as "cool" if he felt it slammed his brother?

Do you really think he would slam Richie if he did?

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