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Sissy3 08-03-2013 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1149339)
I remember one of the very first rumors when he had totally disappeared from any radar was that he was pregnant of an alien. Although, you'd think after four months you'd start seeing a little belly showing. Maybe aliens come in very small sizes?

Well see, there ya go. He had to cut his work load back due to the pregnancy and the tour was the first thing to get kicked to the curb. Wonder if Nikki is the mother? ;)

LeaJovi 08-03-2013 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1149335)
I have always supported Richie Sambora in and out of the band, bought his records even if I didn't really feel them as much as JBJ or Bon Jovi records, but I won't support a Richie tearing apart the band I love.

What does this mean? Why did you buy them if not because you enjoy the music? You bough them to "support" a millionaire? To inflate his ego?


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1149335)
Yet, part of me still hopes it is naivete, that Richie couldn't, and wouldn't, be stupid enough to shit over his own legacy.

What is his legacy? Why would he shit all over it? Didn't he play lots of new songs in his mini solo tour?

I don't get what you are trying to imply, since if you're not confortable doing something you should either try to fix things or quit, who cares about a legacy?

The Rock 08-03-2013 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1149334)
I always kind of sussed that publicly Jon is a dick, but not the Sambora. How wrong I was and it is worse having your expectations broken than met.

You see, I've always suspected there was more to Richie than meets the eye. This whole lay back, humble, sweet guy was always a little too good to be true. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that privately his an ego-driven, bastard who is out to get everyone but I always thought that this bad guy Jon/good guy Richie was a misrepresentation of them.

crashed 08-03-2013 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by LeaJovi (Post 1149343)
What does this mean? Why did you buy them if not because you enjoy the music? You bough them to "support" a millionaire? To inflate his ego?

What is his legacy? Why would he shit all over it? Didn't he play lots of new songs in his mini solo tour?

I don't get what you are trying to imply, since if you're not confortable doing something you should either try to fix things or quit, who cares about a legacy?

I bought them before I'd heard the music, but I bought them only because it was Richie Sambora of Bon Jovi - I doubt I'd have paid any attention otherwise.

I was talking about his legacy with Bon Jovi, which, if this song of Richie's has been released purely as some sort of odd, bizarre response to the current situation, then he's neither quitting or fixing things....just making what's already a mess even messier.

CKatz 08-03-2013 04:23 AM

He is distancing himself from Bon Jovi, at least on Twitter. I think he is done with the band and moving on. And the band/Jon have also been distancing themselves from Richie. They're done. I don't think they'll renconcile. I don't know if Matt was just playing dumb but when he tweeted "Don't ask about Rich. I got nothing", that didn't make it seem like Richie was coming back in September.

Kiwi78 08-03-2013 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149347)
He is distancing himself from Bon Jovi, at least on Twitter. I think he is done with the band and moving on. And the band/Jon have also been distancing themselves from Richie. They're done. I don't think they'll renconcile. I don't know if Matt was just playing dumb but when he tweeted "Don't ask about Rich. I got nothing", that didn't make it seem like Richie was coming back in September.

And going on that theory, maybe the reason that they can't say that just yet is that it's not legally sorted... surely there would be some stuff/agreement to sort out around Bon Jovi still singing some of the songs he co-wrote and on-going sales (royalties etc) so perhaps that's what's taking the time before they actually announce it.

Crushgen24/88 08-03-2013 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149347)
He is distancing himself from Bon Jovi, at least on Twitter. I think he is done with the band and moving on. And the band/Jon have also been distancing themselves from Richie. They're done. I don't think they'll renconcile. I don't know if Matt was just playing dumb but when he tweeted "Don't ask about Rich. I got nothing", that didn't make it seem like Richie was coming back in September.

I agree, which is why I'm surprised some of the new Merch has Richie's face on it. I really hope this doesn't become a Bun E. Carlos/Cheap Trick situation.

Crushgen24/88 08-03-2013 07:26 AM

Richie asking people to send him the Demarco audition skit that him and Jon did on SNL years ago is either brilliant trolling or complete tonedeafness. Either way, it's reality show levels of hilarious insanity.
If anyone doesn't remember what clip that is

Let's all have fun reading into this, especially the part about Jon not giving second chances.

Mysterytrain 08-03-2013 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1149357)
I agree, which is why I'm surprised some of the new Merch has Richie's face on it. I really hope this doesn't become a Bun E. Carlos/Cheap Trick situation.

I had to look up the situation with Cheap Trick and Bun E. Carlos and--wow. Eerily similar situation, it seems:

Crushgen24/88 08-03-2013 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1149360)
I had to look up the situation with Cheap Trick and Bun E. Carlos and--wow. Eerily similar situation, it seems:

I wasn't even aware of the recent lawsuit. I just knew that he hadn't played with them since 2010, yet all refer to him as a member of the band and he's still on the website/merchandise/etc.

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