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jessycardy 08-03-2013 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1149363)
me too... her mom laurie also.. shes everywhere talkin to richie fans... taken over by the Lund family.. geez why dont they only concentrate on the fashion. :rolleyes:

***DISCLAIMER: Provocation alert. Provocation as in I don't actually mean this shit. Got it?***

You've gotta be kiddin' me... I've seen pictures of her mom around lately, but I had no idea she was all over Richie as well. Wow. Just wow... Why doesn't that woman just marry him and divorce his ass in two years? Jeez! It would save a lot of time and energy all around and the music wouldn't suffer too much from it...

Stranger11 08-03-2013 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Kiwi78 (Post 1149356)
And going on that theory, maybe the reason that they can't say that just yet is that it's not legally sorted... surely there would be some stuff/agreement to sort out around Bon Jovi still singing some of the songs he co-wrote and on-going sales (royalties etc) so perhaps that's what's taking the time before they actually announce it.

But some things changed. I donīt know if it has anything to do with legal settlements but Richie suddenly is in heavy self-promotion where between April -June there was none.

At the time one of the many theories on this board was that the lack of carrying for his contest, music, etc. was because of legal reasons. Now he is doing all those things and I wonder what changed that.

jessycardy 08-03-2013 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1149358)
Richie asking people to send him the Demarco audition skit that him and Jon did on SNL years ago is either brilliant trolling or complete tonedeafness. Either way, it's reality show levels of hilarious insanity.
If anyone doesn't remember what clip that is

Let's all have fun reading into this, especially the part about Jon not giving second chances.

It is crazy-ass weird stuff that he would randomly ask for that.

CKatz 08-03-2013 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1149366)
But some things changed. I donīt know if it has anything to do with legal settlements but Richie suddenly is in heavy self-promotion where between April -June there was none.

At the time one of the many theories on this board was that the lack of carrying for his contest, music, etc. was because of legal reasons. Now he is doing all those things and I wonder what changed that.

Maybe he wasn't legally allowed to do it while the tour was going on. He didn't start tweeting his solo stuff until after the last show in New Jersey when the band went on a tour break.

Stranger11 08-03-2013 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149368)
Maybe he wasn't legally allowed to do it while the tour was going on. He didn't start tweeting his solo stuff until after the last show in New Jersey when the band went on a tour break.

The tour is still going on and as you said they just have a break. In my head that would suggest that he indeed would come back for the rest of the tour when he suddenly is "allowed" to do all his solo projects.
Unless itīs a way to hush him up to not say anything before they announce the split after the tour is over.

Sissy3 08-03-2013 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1149367)
It is crazy-ass weird stuff that he would randomly ask for that.

That does seem like an odd thing to ask for. Wonder how long his walk down memory lane will last?

Mysterytrain 08-03-2013 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1149375)
That does seem like an odd thing to ask for. Wonder how long his walk down memory lane will last?

If there are no passive-aggressive jabs or ulterior motives in what he chooses to Tweet or re-Tweet -- (humor me for a minute)--then you could look at it purely as a 'lovefest' of sorts between Richie and his fans. It /did/ start off only because Richie saw that 'Sambora Saturday' hashtag floating around and commented on it, and fans began to Tweet him stuff every day.

But since he didn't Tweet (as far as I know) /any/ Jovi stuff, it does make you wonder...

And for what it's worth, my friend who says she's in the know claims that we're reading far too deeply into Richie Tweeting about the SNL video. She said it was just a coincidence and nothing more.

Feel free to either believe that or take it with a giant grain of salt Lol. I truly have no idea what to think anymore; I'm just watching it play out.

CKatz 08-03-2013 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1149380)
If there are no passive-aggressive jabs or ulterior motives in what he chooses to Tweet or re-Tweet -- (humor me for a minute)--then you could look at it purely as a 'lovefest' of sorts between Richie and his fans. It /did/ start off only because Richie saw that 'Sambora Saturday' hashtag floating around and commented on it, and fans began to Tweet him stuff every day.

But since he didn't Tweet (as far as I know) /any/ Jovi stuff, it does make you wonder...

And for what it's worth, my friend who says she's in the know claims that we're reading far too deeply into Richie Tweeting about the SNL video. She said it was just a coincidence and nothing more.

Feel free to either believe that or take it with a giant grain of salt Lol. I truly have no idea what to think anymore; I'm just watching it play out.

Does your friend, who is allegedly in the know, think it's still possible that Richie will return?

jessycardy 08-03-2013 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1149380)
If there are no passive-aggressive jabs or ulterior motives in what he chooses to Tweet or re-Tweet -- (humor me for a minute)--then you could look at it purely as a 'lovefest' of sorts between Richie and his fans. It /did/ start off only because Richie saw that 'Sambora Saturday' hashtag floating around and commented on it, and fans began to Tweet him stuff every day.

But since he didn't Tweet (as far as I know) /any/ Jovi stuff, it does make you wonder...

And for what it's worth, my friend who says she's in the know claims that we're reading far too deeply into Richie Tweeting about the SNL video. She said it was just a coincidence and nothing more.

Feel free to either believe that or take it with a giant grain of salt Lol. I truly have no idea what to think anymore; I'm just watching it play out.

Yes, he's never tweeted any Bon Jovi stuff since April 2. He only commented on someone else's tweet to him (YouTube of "Mr. Sambo") praising Tico and Hugh, recently retweeted "Never Say Goodbye" sung by himself (the person said it was "better than the original") and now this.

The odd thing about this is that 1) it's not a song, 2) it's not a retweet, but he actually ASKED for it, 3) apparently he couldn't remember any of the stuff he's been retweeting, but he "remembers" an SNL skit, and 4) it has Jon in it (and no, by any means I'm not fueling the feud thing, I'm just saying he's never addressed Jon on Twitter at least since Sambogate officially started, not even indirectly, so this is another "first").
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not reading anything into it. There's really not much to read (the "second chance" thing would be really stretching it, in my opinion), but yeah, those things I've mentioned just make the whole thing a little weird, that's all. Just one more weird thing to add to the evergrowing list. LOL

JoviJovi 08-03-2013 09:52 PM

The only things I saw him retweet about anything band related were videos of him singing Bad Medicine an Never Say Goodbye, both of which the original poster noted how his version was better than the band version.

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