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Julie 05-17-2013 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1129815)
Only going by what I read here, I don't recall any info about fan club refunds other than people e mailing Sparkart.

Got a fanclub refund after emailing sparkart

crashed 05-17-2013 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by eddie73 (Post 1129979)
If thats the case, you could hardly blame Sambo. Jon can be such a cock if this is whats caused it

Uh....Richie would still be the cock for walking out in the middle of a tour. And I can appreciate them not wanting more "bathroom break" songs - which any Richie solo song would turn into.

Becky 05-17-2013 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1129995)
Uh....Richie would still be the cock for walking out in the middle of a tour. And I can appreciate them not wanting more "bathroom break" songs - which any Richie solo song would turn into.

One would be a bad enough flight to the beer stands and bathrooms, but two would completely buzz kill the concert.

Captain_jovi 05-17-2013 12:38 AM

Yeah please don't make this is a personal thing. Jon not letting Richie playing songs from his album is absolutely the write move business wise. I'd love to hear it but we're the minority. You know the small small small portion that wants the rarities? Half that amount want Richie singing solo stuff.

Living_on_my_Hair 05-17-2013 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1130001)
Yeah please don't make this is a personal thing. Jon not letting Richie playing songs from his album is absolutely the write move business wise. I'd love to hear it but we're the minority. You know the small small small portion that wants the rarities? Half that amount want Richie singing solo stuff.

If richie wanted to do it so much, theres nothing stopping him doing a short ''support'' slot before the full band. Infact, I saw the MeatLoaf guitarist do just that a few years back, he came out and did a 30min acoustic support slot before the main act. This would make everybody happy surely?


rolo_tomachi 05-17-2013 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1130000)
One would be a bad enough flight to the beer stands and bathrooms, but two would completely buzz kill the concert.

All this proves nothing. Jon also said he wanted to play on the tour "Not Running" and "Old Habits".

I think is problem health, and has absolutely nothing to do with Jon or solo songs.

Not Running+Old Habits=Kill the show.

ezearis 05-17-2013 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1130006)
All this proves nothing. Jon also said he wanted to play on the tour "Not Running" and "Old Habbits".

I think is problem health, and has absolutely nothing to do with Jon or solo songs.

Not Running+Old Habbits=Kill the show.

Not Running + Old Habits = Kill myself.

Crushgen24/88 05-17-2013 01:33 AM

This whole solo song thing doesn't fit to me. Richie sang Stranger relatively regularly from the KTF Tour through the OWN Tour (not every night, be enough) and then had a band song in that solo slot every tour since. Why would him doing a song suddenly become an issue now?

Mysterytrain 05-17-2013 01:37 AM

Maybe it is an issue now because not only hasn't he played "Stranger" this tour, he hasn't played anything at all from "Aftermath."

jessycardy 05-17-2013 01:41 AM

News piece featuring little bits from today's press conference with Jon and Tico.

Crushgen24/88 05-17-2013 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1130011)
Maybe it is an issue now because not only hasn't he played "Stranger" this tour, he hasn't played anything at all from "Aftermath."

I mean an issue to Jon/etc. 20 years later he suddenly can't deal with Richie singing a song? It's possible I guess, just seems odd.

DestinationJovi 05-17-2013 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1129885)
Why did this jump out at me?


He just didn´t show up. We went through this before.
It's really nothing new though. He said the same today as he did a month ago.

Q: So what’s the deal with Richie not being on this tour?

A: Well. All I can tell you, without lying, is 3:30 Tuesday afternoon, I get a phone call in Calgary that Richie will not be able to perform for personal reasons and he won’t be coming. So we went to the show and I had two choices. Pack up the trucks or play. And we’ve been through this before so we played and had a replacement for him the next night. We’re very supportive of whatever he’s going through but I have yet to speak to him. That’s all I can say because I just don’t know any more.

The Rock 05-17-2013 02:00 AM

If singing one of his solo song is the reason, then Richie needs to put his ego aside and know, they do not work. Jon gave him a chance, Richie was singing a solo song on previous tours. It went down like a lead balloon, people sat down, went to beer stands, bathroom breaks. That is why it got changed to a Bon Jovi song for him to sing.

Jon doesn't sing any solo stuff. Never any from DA or now from Stand Up Guys because they won't work. They used to sing Blaze because it was a hit song, everyone knew it but they don't now probably for the reason the audience will say why him and not Richie solo blah, blah blah.

So honestly if that is the case, then Richie needs to put that ego aside.

Solid Sambora 05-17-2013 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1130014)
I mean an issue to Jon/etc. 20 years later he suddenly can't deal with Richie singing a song? It's possible I guess, just seems odd.

Maybe this time Jon's worried because he realises AOTL > WAN, and doesn't want anything to outshine the band's new stuff? ;)

DestinationJovi 05-17-2013 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1130017)
Jon doesn't sing any solo stuff. Never any from DA or now from Stand Up Guys because they won't work.

Blood Money and Santa Fe have been played at Bon Jovi shows in the past.

GabrielC 05-17-2013 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1129951)

This shadow looks like Ozzy to me.

Solid Sambora 05-17-2013 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1130015)
It's really nothing new though. He said the same today as he did a month ago.

Q: So what’s the deal with Richie not being on this tour?

A: Well. All I can tell you, without lying, is 3:30 Tuesday afternoon, I get a phone call in Calgary that Richie will not be able to perform for personal reasons and he won’t be coming. So we went to the show and I had two choices. Pack up the trucks or play. And we’ve been through this before so we played and had a replacement for him the next night. We’re very supportive of whatever he’s going through but I have yet to speak to him. That’s all I can say because I just don’t know any more.

Even more telling this one!

nrm123 05-17-2013 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1130019)
Maybe this time Jon's worried because he realises AOTL > WAN, and doesn't want anything to outshine the band's new stuff? ;)

Why put the single from aftermath on the new album then?

Javier 05-17-2013 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by GabrielC (Post 1130021)
This shadow looks like Ozzy to me.

I thought it looked like the Quaker guy...

MellyMel 05-17-2013 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1129981)
Time for another song: "When We Were Four".

The band is cracked
The sound is torn
We're hanging in
You're holding on

I can't pretend
That nothing changed
Playing only shadows
Of the songs we made

Back, when we were four
Before the band got small
Before we **** it all
Back, when we played good music
I wonder where Rich' went
Let's go back and find him

Sha la la, sha la la hey, sha la la.
Sha la la, sha la la hey, sha la la.

Some bands live
Some bands die
But this company
Is still alive

Now am I cursed?
Or is this tour?
Cause the way we are
Aint the way we were

Back... When we were four
Before the band got small
Before we **** it all
Back, when we played good music
I wonder where Rich' went
Let's go back and find him

**Bobby shitty solo**

The band is cracked
The sound is torn
So much less
Meant so much more

Back... When we were four
Before the band got small
Before we **** it all
Back, when we played good music
I wonder where Rich' went
Let's go back and find him

Back... When we were four
Back... When we were four
Back... When we were four
Back... When we were four

Nice! I laughed so loud at the Bobbie comment.

bonjovifreak 05-17-2013 07:54 AM

Its been awhile since I posted but I was talking to my sister in law who isn't a fan asked me what was up with Richie and I said I'm not really sure. She told me she heard that Richie is still partying and won't stop. She also said its because since Jon's daughter overdosed he wants his crew and others to be substance free. Don't know if there is any truth to it. Just wish someone would be honest with the fans.

steel_horse75 05-17-2013 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1130024)
Why put the single from aftermath on the new album then?

Great point

Beaky 05-17-2013 09:58 AM

I've said this before but I think it's more than just playing a song live...

I think the fact that Jon rushed the album and so, as far as Richie is concerned, WAN has overlapped the promotion of AOTL - this is a big sticking point for Sambora.

I think he wanted to play shows on day's off, use his profile to continue to promote his solo album which he believes in passionately and Jon wasn't comfortable with this.

Let's not forget, Richie is BIG tabloid news on the West Coast compared to Jon, he has a profile and Jon would be wanting Richie to use this at every opportunity to promote a flagging album. I can totally see this from Jon's point of view.

From Richie's point of view, he sees AOTL as a long-game. He's a flake, as Kathleen pointed out, so he may have had a brief conversation with Jon about promoting it and Jon maybe said 'oh sure.' But just like when you sign up for a movie, when you sign up for a Bon Jovi album and tour - I bet there's a section in there about being available for promotion etc and it might even be that Richie isn't allowed to be performing and promoting his record during the tour; I wouldn't be surprised. If WAN was flying off the shelves, I doubt this would be an issue but it's not and they need every available avenue to market to promote it.

What also wouldn't surprise me is if Jon enforced it. I know if my guitarist had a history of being a tad unreliable, whatever the reason, I am not sure I'd want him adding to his stress and workload during a tour by playing other gigs.

So, I think this was a conversation, just before the second leg and it didn't go how Richie wanted. Jon is just protecting the interests of Bon Jovi and Richie, being a bit of a flouncy artistic type, is justifiably hurt that his friend would stick by a contract and not help him out. It's simple to both parties and I can't see there being a compromise.

nrm123 05-17-2013 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1130044)
Great point

It's like giving a kid candy but saying you can't eat it

jovifan93 05-17-2013 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1130051)
I've said this before but I think it's more than just playing a song live...

I think the fact that Jon rushed the album and so, as far as Richie is concerned, WAN has overlapped the promotion of AOTL - this is a big sticking point for Sambora.

I think he wanted to play shows on day's off, use his profile to continue to promote his solo album which he believes in passionately and Jon wasn't comfortable with this.

Let's not forget, Richie is BIG tabloid news on the West Coast compared to Jon, he has a profile and Jon would be wanting Richie to use this at every opportunity to promote a flagging album. I can totally see this from Jon's point of view.

From Richie's point of view, he sees AOTL as a long-game. He's a flake, as Kathleen pointed out, so he may have had a brief conversation with Jon about promoting it and Jon maybe said 'oh sure.' But just like when you sign up for a movie, when you sign up for a Bon Jovi album and tour - I bet there's a section in there about being available for promotion etc and it might even be that Richie isn't allowed to be performing and promoting his record during the tour; I wouldn't be surprised. If WAN was flying off the shelves, I doubt this would be an issue but it's not and they need every available avenue to market to promote it.

What also wouldn't surprise me is if Jon enforced it. I know if my guitarist had a history of being a tad unreliable, whatever the reason, I am not sure I'd want him adding to his stress and workload during a tour by playing other gigs.

So, I think this was a conversation, just before the second leg and it didn't go how Richie wanted. Jon is just protecting the interests of Bon Jovi and Richie, being a bit of a flouncy artistic type, is justifiably hurt that his friend would stick by a contract and not help him out. It's simple to both parties and I can't see there being a compromise.

Just that you can hardly call WAN rushed when it's been sitting on the shelf of the record company, mixed and mastered for 6-9 months before finally seeing the light of day. Did Jon ever say why they held it back for so long? Could well have been to allow Richie to finish his solo tour, David to look after his new musical, etc.

Slakk 05-17-2013 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1130051)
I've said this before but I think it's more than just playing a song live...

I think the fact that Jon rushed the album and so, as far as Richie is concerned, WAN has overlapped the promotion of AOTL - this is a big sticking point for Sambora.

I think he wanted to play shows on day's off, use his profile to continue to promote his solo album which he believes in passionately and Jon wasn't comfortable with this.

Let's not forget, Richie is BIG tabloid news on the West Coast compared to Jon, he has a profile and Jon would be wanting Richie to use this at every opportunity to promote a flagging album. I can totally see this from Jon's point of view.

From Richie's point of view, he sees AOTL as a long-game. He's a flake, as Kathleen pointed out, so he may have had a brief conversation with Jon about promoting it and Jon maybe said 'oh sure.' But just like when you sign up for a movie, when you sign up for a Bon Jovi album and tour - I bet there's a section in there about being available for promotion etc and it might even be that Richie isn't allowed to be performing and promoting his record during the tour; I wouldn't be surprised. If WAN was flying off the shelves, I doubt this would be an issue but it's not and they need every available avenue to market to promote it.

What also wouldn't surprise me is if Jon enforced it. I know if my guitarist had a history of being a tad unreliable, whatever the reason, I am not sure I'd want him adding to his stress and workload during a tour by playing other gigs.

So, I think this was a conversation, just before the second leg and it didn't go how Richie wanted. Jon is just protecting the interests of Bon Jovi and Richie, being a bit of a flouncy artistic type, is justifiably hurt that his friend would stick by a contract and not help him out. It's simple to both parties and I can't see there being a compromise.

Richie has had a DECADE to write this damn album they all have lives and his life is no more important than anyone. And he was cancelling/missing shows when he was out promoting it. And more people would have heard somgs from him at a Bon Jovi concert than a Richie Sambora concert.

Dave's play is being made into a movie and also going to London and on the road, he has another coming through to Broadway and yet he is there every night. I think he is doing the music for yet another. On his days off that is what he is doing because he is a 30 year veteran of the business like everyone else.

Tico the same. Richie bailed for whatever reason...does not matter - he lets a ton of people down, his *brothers*, the people working the tour, his fans. Yet people treat him like some wounded bird. THERE IS NO EXCUSE unless it is his daughter or a medical condition.

He is killing the band - who is gonna pay money anymore when you don't know if 25% of a band is going to be there and frankly I have less interest in supporting him period at this point. But this is not Jon or his white microphone's fault. I think Jon is a total douche sometimes but he is not to blame.

crashed 05-17-2013 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1130051)
I've said this before but I think it's more than just playing a song live...

I think the fact that Jon rushed the album and so, as far as Richie is concerned, WAN has overlapped the promotion of AOTL - this is a big sticking point for Sambora.

I think he wanted to play shows on day's off, use his profile to continue to promote his solo album which he believes in passionately and Jon wasn't comfortable with this.

Let's not forget, Richie is BIG tabloid news on the West Coast compared to Jon, he has a profile and Jon would be wanting Richie to use this at every opportunity to promote a flagging album. I can totally see this from Jon's point of view.

From Richie's point of view, he sees AOTL as a long-game. He's a flake, as Kathleen pointed out, so he may have had a brief conversation with Jon about promoting it and Jon maybe said 'oh sure.' But just like when you sign up for a movie, when you sign up for a Bon Jovi album and tour - I bet there's a section in there about being available for promotion etc and it might even be that Richie isn't allowed to be performing and promoting his record during the tour; I wouldn't be surprised. If WAN was flying off the shelves, I doubt this would be an issue but it's not and they need every available avenue to market to promote it.

What also wouldn't surprise me is if Jon enforced it. I know if my guitarist had a history of being a tad unreliable, whatever the reason, I am not sure I'd want him adding to his stress and workload during a tour by playing other gigs.

So, I think this was a conversation, just before the second leg and it didn't go how Richie wanted. Jon is just protecting the interests of Bon Jovi and Richie, being a bit of a flouncy artistic type, is justifiably hurt that his friend would stick by a contract and not help him out. It's simple to both parties and I can't see there being a compromise.

The album was never rushed. Why it sounds that way is because the rest of the band didn't go and play on it - they didn't want to except give a few days studio time - so its something Jon and Shanks, for better or worse, had to do themselves.

Of course everything you're saying is pure conjecture - just like anything about Richie - I'd just hope the guitarist I've loved and supported for so many years wouldn't be such a petulant brat like you've described. I so hope not.

jessycardy 05-17-2013 12:44 PM

The thing is they're obviously not promoting the new album at the moment. Since Phil X came in, they're only playing 3-4 new songs a night. You can call this anything you want, but it's definitely not a tour to promote the new stuff. I see the overall point, but if that was the issue, "What About Now" is getting even less promotion now then it would if Richie did his own thing, on or off the Bon Jovi stage.
I think there's much more to this. Having no crystal ball, I can't tell. But I would say it's something not as trivial.

BanJovi 05-17-2013 12:52 PM

new interview
check out from 1.40

Beaky 05-17-2013 12:56 PM

About the 'rushed' thing...

What About Now was NOT scheduled to be recorded last year, Jon has admitted this. He has stated that he found himself writing songs while Richie was working on AOTL and he wanted the album out ahead of schedule because of it's supposed social commentary and relevance to the state of the world, right now...

So originally, we can PRESUME that Richie thought he could write his album and release it, while promoting it this year. At the same time, he could be writing for Bon Jovi in 2013 and recording the new band album. It didn't happen like this.

Does Richie have a right to be a little p*ssed off? Sure. Especially as his album has bombed too. Should he be committed to Bon Jovi? 100%. I would be a hypocrite to say I will miss his performances and not say I am f*cking livid with him if his reasons are anything close what I am guessing at.

He is part of a band and whatever my feelings towards the new album, he should be on tour and he should be promoting it.

Beaky 05-17-2013 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by BanJovi (Post 1130071)

That sounds promising... if you're Phil's accountant.

jessycardy 05-17-2013 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by BanJovi (Post 1130071)

Thank you. I just wish Richie said something. We're all SO frustrated, and yet the band is a thousand times more so than we are.

aljo 05-17-2013 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by BanJovi (Post 1130071)

WOW! "If at all he chooses to come back." I don't remember Jon saying that in any other interview. Also, Jon seems a bit nervous to me, playing with that spoon. I think he's made it very clear by saying that sentence "if at all he chooses to come back"

danfan 05-17-2013 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by aljo (Post 1130077)
WOW! "If at all he chooses to come back." I don't remember Jon saying that in any other interview. Also, Jon seems a bit nervous to me, playing with that spoon. I think he's made it very clear by saying that sentence "if at all he chooses to come back"

Yeah Jon - It's just as good.

Man, he really is delusional.

jessycardy 05-17-2013 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by aljo (Post 1130077)
WOW! "If at all he chooses to come back." I don't remember Jon saying that in any other interview. Also, Jon seems a bit nervous to me, playing with that spoon. I think he's made it very clear by saying that sentence "if at all he chooses to come back"

The words may be slightly different, but he did say yesterday "he certainly hopes" for him to come back to the band in the future "if he's up for it". So yeah, the "if at all" sounds a little bit harsh, but it's really not that different in meaning.

steel_horse75 05-17-2013 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by BanJovi (Post 1130071)

JBJ is getting pissed with these Sambora questions and he has every right to be.
Sambora needs to speak. He is being out of order to the fans, band and everyone associated with the band.

Until he speaks he dont have my support or understanding. (not that he cares or it means that much!)

Solid Sambora 05-17-2013 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1130068)
Since Phil X came in, they're only playing 3-4 new songs a night. You can call this anything you want, but it's definitely not a tour to promote the new stuff.

Are people making too big a deal about the lack of WAN songs? Even before Richie left it was 4-5 maximum. And if you look back through setlists from The Circle right back to Bounce there are plenty of nights where again 4-5 is the standard- some with only 3. It's been a long time since Bon Jovi 'played the album' regularly every night.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that people WANT to hear more new stuff, I just don't understand why it's such a surprise.

steel_horse75 05-17-2013 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1130079)
Yeah Jon - It's just as good.

Man, he really is delusional.

Question. Have you been to any shows this tour? I honestly cant remember so not digging.
I just wondered if you were judging by camera phone videos or you have seen the show(s) live?

Beaky 05-17-2013 01:33 PM

I also think that JBJs responses now are pretty direct, he's almost calling Richie out. I don't think this is something he'd be doing if Richie was dealing with an illness or something major to do with his family.

crashed 05-17-2013 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1130079)
Yeah Jon - It's just as good.

Man, he really is delusional.

Uh - what's he supposed to say, the shows suck cause Richie's not there? that's really gonna sell tickets for the show.

Jon's language is becoming very direct about Richie now.

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