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JoviJovi 08-05-2013 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1149647)
It's actually more shameful that he didn't check what he was tweeting about. So if someone posts you a story, wouldn't you quickly scan over it to make sure you know what it is about before you make a heartfelt tweet about it? Did he just see the heading of it and decided to play Mr Sensitive again?

Well that's what's working for him right now with his "real fans"

Sissy3 08-05-2013 10:05 PM

I agree with Becky and others, the dolphin situation is in no way funny but I'm sitting here grinning at Richie's faux pas. How long before a retraction? Or is it best for him to ignore it and hope it fades away? :D

JoviJovi 08-05-2013 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1149650)
I agree with Becky and others, the dolphin situation is in no way funny but I'm sitting here grinning at Richie's faux pas. How long before a retraction? Or is it best for him to ignore it and hope it fades away? :D

I think its too late to reel this one back in (see what I did there? :p ). Best to ignore I think.

Bounce7800 08-05-2013 11:06 PM

Oh dear Richie.
I'm surprised he came back about that misunderstanding with a bloke he thought he knew before which turned a bit nasty. He didn't interact much at all after that, and just when he was sort of getting back into a 2 way street with his fawning Richie-girls, he puts his foot in it again. Its pretty funny how insincere it is, but it may quieten him down on Twitter again, which at the moment is no bad thing.

Wrath Mania 08-05-2013 11:22 PM

What an insincere little shit he is. Jon may be an asshole, but at least he's almost too lazy to even hide it anymore.

Sissy3 08-05-2013 11:29 PM

May be why Jon stays away from Twitter himself, worried he might accidentally tweet some nonsense. He leaves that all to Matt. :D

jon-flp 08-06-2013 12:40 AM

It's easy for him...after all, he'll say that he was hacked and bla,bla,bla...

JoviJovi 08-06-2013 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by jon-flp (Post 1149669)
It's easy for him...after all, he'll say that he was hacked and bla,bla,bla...

Good thing the hacker has the same poor spelling skills as Richie does ;) (from Richies tweet "tradgedy")

Savvi 08-06-2013 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1149642)
Come on, he didn't tweet that on porpoise.

This post shouldn't have gone unnoticed... bahaha! Nice one.

CKatz 08-06-2013 07:34 AM

He should have blocked the lunatic who kept pressuring him to tweet about Taiji, instead of tweeting just to shut her up. There are a lot of rude and crazy people on twitter.

Anyway...Someone claims to be speaking for Richie...but then backtracked when someone called her out on it:

@NikkiRichTeaxas: @TheRealSambora @1NikkiLund Richie wants this to be known: What do you think the band name is: Bon Jovi? Who do you think is making the decisions?

@foxlair1957: @NikkiRichTexas @TheRealSambora @1NikkiLund Is that for real?

@NikkiRichTexas: Yes its for real.

@_its_all_good_: @NikkiRichTexas @TheRealSambora @1NikkiLund are you officially speaking for Richie? Since he wants it known and all

@jovi_jill: @NikkiRichTexas @TheRealSambora @1NikkiLund If Richie wants it known he would have said so. You don't speak for him.

NikkiRichTexas then deleted the original tweet and tweeted this instead:
@NikkiRichTexas: @TheRealSambora @1NikkiLund What do you think the band name is: Bon Jovi? Who do you think is making the decisions?

@_its_all_good_:@NikkiRichTexas @TheRealSambora @1NikkiLund but I thought richie said this?you quoted these words as.his until you "rephrased" it

@NikkiRichTexas: @_its_all_good_ @TheRealSambora @1NikkiLund These are my words. Not a direct quote from Richie.

So yeah, a lot of crazy people on twitter.

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