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jessycardy 08-08-2013 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1149780)

kinda intresting......

Leah Mischelle McFall Just checking to see if more than two people have seen this post. Debbie Jacobovitz asked that while we are tweeting to support Richie's music, we also tweet to stop people from harassing him. He wants back on the tour but cant until Jon returns his call. Jon refuses to return his calls. After everything Richie does for others and all the happiness he brings us, we need to continue to return the favor. He needs our help! Please tweet #stop neg tweets @TheRealSambora. Thanks!

A woman that works at Nikki Rich..a very reliable source. She is also over the Street Team Pages for the clothing line. She posted publically yesterday and sent out a post to the street team leaders asking that they spread the word to tweet against the negative tweets that Richie has been receiving along with promoting his new music..don't forget. She also asked that there be no more arguing.

It's not interesting, it's the same old bull (I'm not attacking you, just saying what I think this is).
The supposed tweet got deleted, so we don't really know what it said. Some person replied to that Facebook message and said they've taken the meaning of that tweet differently, which means it was surely not written black on white as that person makes it sound like.

Sissy3 08-08-2013 02:20 PM

It's so annoying when people post info like they know it to be a fact. Makes me almost wish BJM would threaten her with a lawsuit for spreading untruthful info about Jon. Not really sue her but maybe make her wet her pants with worry that they might. (My vengeful streak is showing today.) :D

eta:If she works for N-R then could there be a grain of truth? Repeating what Nikki's told her? Still would like them to put a scare in her.

crashed 08-08-2013 02:32 PM

In all honesty, I'm not sure I could even blame Jon if he didn't want Richie back on the tour- it's not some hop-on, hop-off bus tour and Richie has missed some of the biggest gigs of it - that being said the rest of the tour will suffer without Richie on-board and as Phil X likely isn't going to be available, they'd need to get a replacement.

However I think Richie will be back in September - just like he said he maybe would in that fashion catwalk interview wherever he was, and it looks like all the signs have been pointing towards that for awhile.

Sissy3 08-08-2013 02:39 PM

If he returns, wonder how many fanatics will spontaneously combust when he walks on stage? And Twitter may crash and burn. :D

Mysterytrain 08-08-2013 02:42 PM

Re: The Tweet: I don't know why it would be so hard to believe that Richie wants back on tour but Jon hasn't returned his calls.

The question (that we may never know the answer to) is /why/ Jon would feel compelled to ignore Richie's calls. I think that issue might be at the crux of this whole thing.

As for the Richie fans, they are getting the "mean Jon" implication from this-- (what's new lol) --but it's possible they would change their minds and side with Jon if they knew his side of the story and the reason why he apparently refuses to contact Richie.

Or, if Jon's just being stubborn for no good reason because of previous arguments/refusing to apologize for nasty words, etc., then they might side with Richie.

This whole thing still reminds me of catty 'fights' between junior high BFFs...

JoviJovi 08-08-2013 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1149781)
It's not interesting, it's the same old bull (I'm not attacking you, just saying what I think this is).
The supposed tweet got deleted, so we don't really know what it said. Some person replied to that Facebook message and said they've taken the meaning of that tweet differently, which means it was surely not written black on white as that person makes it sound like.

I saw the original tweet, it looked exactly like the one posted here except there were quotes to male it look as though Richie actually said it:

Richie wants this to be known: "What do you think the band name is: Bon Jovi? Who do you think is making the decisions?"

JoviJovi 08-08-2013 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1149782)
It's so annoying when people post info like they know it to be a fact. Makes me almost wish BJM would threaten her with a lawsuit for spreading untruthful info about Jon. Not really sue her but maybe make her wet her pants with worry that they might. (My vengeful streak is showing today.) :D

eta:If she works for N-R then could there be a grain of truth? Repeating what Nikki's told her? Still would like them to put a scare in her.

I agree. There's another one who thinks she knows what happened. She has tweeted that she should run to the tabloids and tell them about what Jon did to Richie on the plane. She hasn't elaborated beyond that.

Mysterytrain 08-08-2013 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Jule225 (Post 1149790)
I agree with everything you said, except for the highlighted bit. They won't change their minds. They'll continue going on and on about "big bad Jon" because it would be impossible for them to admit that their God isn't perfect.

Seriously, I used to think the crazy Jon fans were bad until this started. The crazy Richie fans have them beat, by a landslide. They are absolutely insane.

My problem in this situation isn't with Richie. Ultimately, I don't know why he's not there. My problem is with his psychotic fans.

Well, Richie is my favorite member of the band, and I do love his solo work, though I would think I'm still a healthy number of brain cells away from the 'psychotic Richie fan' category LOL...

That said, what if there is some truth to these things that have been floating around about Jon being at fault in some way? Of course Richie isn't perfect, but neither is Jon. If Jon had said/done something bad enough to cause Richie to leave the tour, could Jon fans handle that?

crashed 08-08-2013 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1149792)
Well, Richie is my favorite member of the band, and I do love his solo work, though I would think I'm still a healthy number of brain cells away from the 'psychotic Richie fan' category LOL...

That said, what if there is some truth to these things that have been floating around about Jon being at fault in some way? Of course Richie isn't perfect, but neither is Jon. If Jon had said/done something bad enough to cause Richie to leave the tour, could Jon fans handle that?

I think anyone whose been a fan of this band long enough knows full well Jon can be arrogant, a dick, thoughtless, selfish, up himself, an all around cock.

It's always been Richie who has been treated like a saint.

jessycardy 08-08-2013 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1149787)
I saw the original tweet, it looked exactly like the one posted here except there were quotes to male it look as though Richie actually said it:

Richie wants this to be known: "What do you think the band name is: Bon Jovi? Who do you think is making the decisions?"

I saw that tweet as well, but I don't think that's the tweet the Facebook message was referring to. This one you mentioned was later changed to the same tweet, without the first part about Richie wanting it to be known (wonder why... LOL).


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1149786)
Re: The Tweet: I don't know why it would be so hard to believe that Richie wants back on tour but Jon hasn't returned his calls.

That's not the issue here. It's not that it's "so hard to believe", it's that someone's apparently claiming it as fact, when in reality it's not. These people are attention whores.

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