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CKatz 08-08-2013 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1149813)
Just as the adoring, vomit inducing tweets he gets are from the same handful of people.

That's not true. A few go overboard and really spam him all the time. I agree that those are vomit inducing. When Richie tweets, he always gets a positive response from his followers.
The few vomit inducing tweets and the hateful tweets are from idiot attention seekers. Who cares what they have to say...

ticos_stick 08-08-2013 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1149812)
ALL???? LMAO Only in the movies.

Yeah, I've met some pretty rancid looking lesbians. I wasn't best pleased and let them know of my disappointment in their failure to live up to their porno stereotype.

RonJovi 08-08-2013 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1149812)
ALL???? LMAO Only in the movies.

Don't say that. My whole belief system will crumble :-)

CKatz 08-08-2013 05:44 PM

My Spanish isn't great, so maybe someone can translate this?

Richie Sambora dice que está “trabajando” sobre su relación con Jon Bon Jovi Richie Sambora fue captado por los paparazzis mientras iba a la entrevista de a televisión japonesa que le iban a realizar junto a Nikki Lund y respondió brévemente sobre la actual relación con Jon Bon Jovi. E guitarrista parece que tiene ganas de arreglarlo todo y confesó que está trabajando para mejorar su relación con claro acercamiento y parece ser que es Jon quien tiene hacer honor a su palabra cuando habla de que “hay un asiento de avión esperando a Richie”.

I only understood that Richie told paparazzi that he's working on his relationship with Jon.

idbl_fanatic 08-08-2013 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149818)
My Spanish isn't great, so maybe someone can translate this?

Richie Sambora dice que está “trabajando” sobre su relación con Jon Bon Jovi Richie Sambora fue captado por los paparazzis mientras iba a la entrevista de a televisión japonesa que le iban a realizar junto a Nikki Lund y respondió brévemente sobre la actual relación con Jon Bon Jovi. E guitarrista parece que tiene ganas de arreglarlo todo y confesó que está trabajando para mejorar su relación con claro acercamiento y parece ser que es Jon quien tiene hacer honor a su palabra cuando habla de que “hay un asiento de avión esperando a Richie”.

I only understood that Richie told paparazzi that he's working on his relationship with Jon.

Richie Sambora says he is "working" on his relationship with Jon Bon Jovi Richie Sambora was caught by paparazzi while attending a Japanese television interview that he was going to do with Nikki Lund and responded briefly about the current relationship with Jon Bon Jovi. E guitarist seems to have wanted to fix everything and confessed that he is working to improve its relationship with clear approach and it seems that it is Jon who has to live up to his word when he says that "there is a waiting airplane seat Richie".

jessycardy 08-08-2013 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1149804)
So people on the NikkiRich street team are insiders?

Right. I mean, street teams are basically a less relevant version of fan clubs. I could start one right now and put "Bon Jovi promoter" on my Twitter account, and it would be true in a way, but would that make me an insider? Not really.

On an unrelated note, I have to say the keyword of all this drama is most definitely "AIRPLANE".

Mysterytrain 08-08-2013 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1149796)
I saw that tweet as well, but I don't think that's the tweet the Facebook message was referring to. This one you mentioned was later changed to the same tweet, without the first part about Richie wanting it to be known (wonder why... LOL).

That's not the issue here. It's not that it's "so hard to believe", it's that someone's apparently claiming it as fact, when in reality it's not. These people are attention whores.

But how do you know "in reality it's not"? Maybe it is! :)

But yes, regardless of whether they truly know anything or are just running their mouths, they are definitely attention whores.

EDIT: Also, I've noticed fans who are whining that Richie hasn't Tweeted in awhile, and this seemed to coincide with the WTB/ street team "insiders" asking to stop the negative Tweets and etc. I haven't seen many negative Tweets to Richie, either, and it makes me wonder if he's the type of person who might get hundreds of positive Tweets but zero in on the few negative ones and let that affect him, hence his Twitter silence atm. Ok, I'll stop playing armchair psychologist lol. :)

jessycardy 08-08-2013 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1149823)
But how do you know "in reality it's not"? Maybe it is! :)

But yes, regardless of whether they truly know anything or are just running their mouths, they are definitely attention whores.

Believe it or not, I actually wanted to correct that but was too lazy to. I kinda hoped the message would come across anyway... I meant "in reality we don't know".

Mysterytrain 08-08-2013 06:59 PM

I don't know if this has been posted yet, but it seems to contain some quotes by Jon that we've already seen:

Sissy3 08-08-2013 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1149821)
Right. I mean, street teams are basically a less relevant version of fan clubs. I could start one right now and put "Bon Jovi promoter" on my Twitter account, and it would be true in a way, but would that make me an insider? Not really.

On an unrelated note, I have to say the keyword of all this drama is most definitely "AIRPLANE".

Ya know how people like to say "I heard from someone who heard from someone else who heard from a band connection" etc? :wink: At one point waaaaaay back in this never ending saga, I did hear some tale with the word airplane involved. LOL I won't repeat it since it is one of those type of stories but you mentioning airplane brought it back to my memory. :D

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