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Stiggy 08-08-2013 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1149846)
Do you think they could remove any more lines from his face :roll:

he looks like an animated cartoon character.... & the kool aiders are lovin it (of course... :rolleyes:)

semigoodlookin 08-08-2013 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1149843)
I don't have a source or any info about this (I've found it on Facebook with no details), but this seems to be from the same photoshoot of the picture for the fashion line that was posted here yesterday.


Wow, I think that is the first time I have felt sorry for the guy. That is truly pathetic. What is he 54? He must look at that and feel stupid, surely he isn't being influenced by people enough to think that looks alright. ****ing terrible photo, at the other end of the scale of his mugshot.

You've turned into an ugly bastard Richie, embrace it.

I can imagine his new clay face and open shirt hitting on an 18-year old in a nightclub.Go Richie!

golittleperson 08-08-2013 10:09 PM

Richie Sambora‏@TheRealSambora22m
I just wanna thank everybody... Their startin to play my song on the Radio! Right On!

The latest tweet, plus I think he is the best looking man breathing right now but dont' like his fashionista advisors style of photography in the posts above. Things with the leeches attached just bother me. Put a guitar in his hand (or me), that Sambo smile and just as he is naturally - HOT!

jessycardy 08-08-2013 10:11 PM

New tweet by Richie:

"I just wanna thank everybody... Their startin to play my song on the Radio! Right on!"

( )

EDIT: Oooopsie! Seems like we ran into each other while entering the party once again.

JoviJovi 08-08-2013 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1149850)
Richie Sambora‏@TheRealSambora22m
I just wanna thank everybody... Their startin to play my song on the Radio! Right On!

The latest tweet, plus I think he is the best looking man breathing right now but dont' like his fashionista advisors style of photography in the posts above. Things with the leeches attached just bother me. Put a guitar in his hand (or me), that Sambo smile and just as he is naturally - HOT!

Really? I know its your personal opinion, but best looking man breathing? More often than not, to me, he looks like an elderly Jewish grandmother. And then there's the times, when the photo is not airbrushed to death, that I think he is a prime candidate for a Lifestyle Lift face lift

Sissy3 08-08-2013 10:22 PM

Oh c'mon. Everyone knows Jon is the only one who can do that "cheeks slightly sucked in pout" and make it work. :wink: I'm beginning to think, like others, Richie is not using his own judgement anymore, he's listening to those around him. Here's hoping he doesn't turn into a caricature of himself. Maybe when/if he returns to the band, they'll kick his ass and he go back to his normal, rock guitarist, self.

schlochty 08-08-2013 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1149846)
Do you think they could remove any more lines from his face :roll:

They could not. It would make his mouth and eyes disappear.

Mysterytrain 08-08-2013 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1149852)
Really? I know its your personal opinion, but best looking man breathing? More often than not, to me, he looks like an elderly Jewish grandmother. And then there's the times, when the photo is not airbrushed to death, that I think he is a prime candidate for a Lifestyle Lift face lift

Just jumping in to say, that, as a Richie fan who also thinks he's generally good-looking, that I personally find it's more than looks in a superficial sense.

1. To me, he's had moments of hotness throughout his career, especially in the 'Stranger' era. Most of the 2000s were pretty bad imo, but in late 2011, after the last rehab stint, he started looking better to me (the tall, dark, broody thing always 'got' to me).

2. I'm in my mid-30s, he's 54. Now that I'm older, I find myself with celebrity crushes on older guys :D

3. I'm not a fan of the airbrushed perfection picture either: Too fake; he seems to be trying too hard. What I do find attractive about him is the way he sings and plays, with a lot of emotion. Or, when he's onstage with Bon Jovi and he bursts into a guitar solo and just commands the stage; he doesn't have to seduce an audience in the same with that Jon does, but he does it in his own way, just by standing there, being himself, doing his thing. So, that, combined with the (best) of his looks over the years, is what keeps me finding him attractive.

For what it's worth, I think he's /more/ attractive in this "Aftermath" promo photo, with his guitar, in a control booth, reasonably fit, than in the airbrushed promo NikkiRich shot. It seems like he's trying too hard in the NikkiRich pic, but in this photo, he's just doing what comes naturally. He's had a rough life in recent years, and I think the sort of 'weathered' look he has now shows it. But I don't find it unattractive; I find it honest, just like many of his songs.

golittleperson 08-08-2013 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1149849)
Wow, I think that is the first time I have felt sorry for the guy. That is truly pathetic. What is he 54? He must look at that and feel stupid, surely he isn't being influenced by people enough to think that looks alright. ****ing terrible photo, at the other end of the scale of his mugshot.

You've turned into an ugly bastard Richie, embrace it.

I can imagine his new clay face and open shirt hitting on an 18-year old in a nightclub.Go Richie!

His rule is 10 years older than Ava, she told him younger than that was inapro. Fame and Money are very powerful aprhodesiacs, just look at Hollywood & Music in general. Shallow world. Didn't Ron Wood just marry a 30something? I guess it makes them feel young and there is enough plastic surgery around with their money to try for the fountain of youth. Sadly shallow to me, fighting to stay your best at any age is fine, but??? I could personally not imagine someone too young in my life, eventually you need to have a conversation that has some intellect to it. Well, maybe not. LOL

Sissy3 08-08-2013 10:40 PM

Now that we're on a discussion of Richie's love life :D he used to express the desire for another child. That always made me think he dated "younger" so he would have someone who also wanted a child. Of course at 54 he may have changed his tune. Give Ava a few more years and he can have a grandchild to spoil. Also, at times Richie's does have that poofy "mom" hairdo going on which does not help matters.

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