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PatriciaSambora 08-09-2013 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1149856)
His rule is 10 years older than Ava, she told him younger than that was inapro. Fame and Money are very powerful aprhodesiacs, just look at Hollywood & Music in general. Shallow world. Didn't Ron Wood just marry a 30something? I guess it makes them feel young and there is enough plastic surgery around with their money to try for the fountain of youth. Sadly shallow to me, fighting to stay your best at any age is fine, but??? I could personally not imagine someone too young in my life, eventually you need to have a conversation that has some intellect to it. Well, maybe not. LOL

Well.. I'm 27 so I guess I'm his type of woman... Yayyy

PatriciaSambora 08-09-2013 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirloz (Post 1149861)
He looks terrible. Like many others I have said, I much prefer natural, guitar in hand look.
Wonder if Jon is laughing or shaking his head in pity?

Probably yes...

Bounce7800 08-09-2013 01:35 PM


Rochie Somboro

golittleperson 08-09-2013 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Jule225 (Post 1149868)
Where did you hear that?

If it's true, I find it sad that he needs a 15 year old child to tell him what's appropriate and what's not.

Pretty certain it was a Howard Stern interview, he went on to comment in typial Richie style that he had to throw a few back. I think it was more in jest but as a parent of two teens, I could imagine them saying something like that.

golittleperson 08-09-2013 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1149860)
Richie is such a rock star cliché.

That picture makes me sad.

For me it is even sadder, he is not a RNR cliche, think the Stones - but he is being formulated by his new business partners and PR into a mockery of himself. A characature and not the man we know on stage. Keep thinking he will wake up, or I will but it seems to just get deeper into the s. As to the sexiest thing breathing, well yeah when you look at my avitar. Not very old pic either. Now that fake stuff, not.

As to all the posts these past few pages, we gotta lighten up sometimes, geesh.

jovigirloz 08-09-2013 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1149896)
What?!? Are you trying to destroy me? This cannot be true.

for us girls to know and you boys to never find out ;)

Sissy3 08-09-2013 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1149891)
Im not visiting this thread any more until something happens.

Well, I think many fans expect something to happen in September, one way or another. So maybe you won't have long to wait. :)

rolo_tomachi 08-09-2013 02:38 PM

Criticizing Richie Sambora for a couple of tweaks. Pathetic.

this is painful.

CKatz 08-09-2013 03:28 PM

:D :D :D
Good one, Rolo.

Sissy3 08-09-2013 03:53 PM

Not sure what the underwear picture has to do with anything since Jon was younger then and didn't need photo tweeking but.....:shock:

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