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Kathleen 08-13-2013 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1150128)

I swear, this place is turning into Backstage with Richie Sambora.

I've been calling it that in my own mind for months now LOL. It's the same few people going back and forth at each other.

LeaJovi 08-13-2013 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1150128)
My lord, people. Can every single thing that Richie tweets NOT be reposted and endlessly discussed to no avail in this thread? Can only tweets of importance be put on here, as opposed to discussing random retweets of YouTube videos?

I swear, this place is turning into Backstage with Richie Sambora.

Yeah, let's only talk about the "important" stuff. We should close the forum then.

golittleperson 08-13-2013 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1150130)
I don't understand the point of this type of post. This thread is about Richie not being on tour. The things he does while not on tour, I would think, are relevant to the topic. Those who are over this thread should maybe just not visit it.

I don't get the BSWRS comment since this thread has his name on it. There are plenty of threads that have nothing to do with Richie and are the normal bashing of the entire band which is customary here. (Not to say it isn't deserved in some instances)

I also took this to be anything relevant to what Mr. Sambo is doing vs not touring and if/when he shall return. I do understand what is relevant to some is junk to others, some like to discuss theory and some not. Simple just avoid the thread or jump over what you do not care to read. Post/reply only to what does matter to you and let others do the same.:cool:

Mysterytrain 08-13-2013 04:18 AM

Someone Tweeted Richie a link to a song with Paul Rodgers, and Richie responded:

"Thanks Faith, Paul is one of my vocal idols of all time. Him and Stevie Wonder....I've always aspired to sing that well.."

In response, Brian May Tweeted to Richie:
@TheRealSambora Hey Richie ! You sing great ! Bri

Here's the song with Paul Rodgers; I hadn't heard this one before:

golittleperson 08-13-2013 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1150145)
Someone Tweeted Richie a link to a song with Paul Rodgers, and Richie responded:

"Thanks Faith, Paul is one of my vocal idols of all time. Him and Stevie Wonder....I've always aspired to sing that well.."

In response, Brian May Tweeted to Richie:
@TheRealSambora Hey Richie ! You sing great ! Bri

Here's the song with Paul Rodgers; I hadn't heard this one before:

I've heard it a few times, plus Richie does covers of a couple of Bad Co. songs.

Shout out from Brian should make even Sambo smile.

GabrielC 08-13-2013 04:36 AM

Thank u everyone.. No ones considered me a lead singer.....

FFS, Richie is begging for attention now.

Thinking twice, maybe he needs professional help. Some therapist or psychologist.

GabrielC 08-13-2013 04:42 AM

On other note, where did this song go:
It sounds big. I want to hear it, not Come Back as Me.

WillRunForChocolate 08-13-2013 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by GabrielC (Post 1150148)
Thank u everyone.. No ones considered me a lead singer.....

FFS, Richie is begging for attention now.

Thinking twice, maybe he needs professional help. Some therapist or psychologist.

About 600 pages ago I thought he was having a breakdown or emotional issues or was battling depression. I agree it sounds like he's begging for attention - and he will get it from his twitter fans.

If he wants pity, he's looking in the wrong place. I admire his song writing, guitar skills and his vocals, and I certainly want him back. But I'm also not about to beg for him to come back or feel sorry for him. Yikes.

CKatz 08-13-2013 06:57 AM

Richie isn't coming back:

@AmandaLeardini: @TheRealPhilX What are your (professional) plans for September? ~I think you know what i mean.. :)

@TheRealPhilX: @AmandaLeardini I'm busy. ~ I think you know what I mean.

No reason for me to stick around now.

rightsideofwrong 08-13-2013 10:35 AM

That sucks. Somewhere inside of me had small hope Richie would make it back for this upcoming leg. Highly doubt i'll be getting tickets unless they are on groupon or something.

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