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Lisa71 08-14-2013 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1150246)
The band's topsellers got more attention by far (of course), but not all of it was good.

WAN isn't a year old yet, but nobody is planning anything for the upcoming "anniversary". Nobody even suggested it.

That's because Richie fans a more crazed than the bands fans. He has all these support pages, we love you Richie, we are there for you Richie. He tweets anything negative and they all rush to say how much he is the best and be strong honey, your true fans love you, don't listen to the haters!

It's got nothing to do with it being better than WAN or not but Richie walks on water to his fans and they must celebrate and tell him in many ways how he is the best.

CKatz 08-14-2013 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1150250)
That's because Richie fans a more crazed than the bands fans. He has all these support pages, we love you Richie, we are there for you Richie. He tweets anything negative and they all rush to say how much he is the best and be strong honey, your true fans love you, don't listen to the haters!

It's got nothing to do with it being better than WAN or not but Richie walks on water to his fans and they must celebrate and tell him in many ways how he is the best.

And this is a problem because.....?
That passion comes from somewhere. If the band and their albums don't lead to that same kind of passion, doesn't that say a lot about the band's current music? If even the band's fans don't care much, then it just shows how irrelevant the band has become.

samboraisgodUK 08-14-2013 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1150250)
That's because Richie fans a more crazed than the bands fans.

I really doubt there's as big a division between the two as you're making out. There are plenty of worryingly crazed Bon Jovi fans out there who will latch onto anything to do with the band.

golittleperson 08-14-2013 01:10 PM

Reading all the new info about the Lund intern now, coming across to me as rather petty, IF a true intern still a rep. of the company, maybe that's how they want to be perceived. There is; however, a great deal of information that does show just how intertwined lund/borg have become in everthing Richie now and a lot of the music side fans don't like it. It's his choice/life but hurting cred. Nuf said - never trust their motives personally. I didn't care until they came into the music.

I just saw this interview IF anyone cares to watch, IMO, the best Richie interview about AMOL that I'v seen.

I'm a Richie die hard, but it's reaching that point. Makes it really sad for me. I like them all together and his solo efforts but just keeps going insane. Need something official - but then what happens to the press? Good or bad publicity, right? That is probably not in the cards until tour end and maybe not at all unless something goes legal and the press catches it. Moderate fans left long ago and now.........

Maybe a new album for the fans "Disallusioned Souls" as I am becoming one.

crashed 08-14-2013 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1150255)
And this is a problem because.....?
That passion comes from somewhere. If the band and their albums don't lead to that same kind of passion, doesn't that say a lot about the band's current music? If even the band's fans don't care much, then it just shows how irrelevant the band has become.

Wait, the band's irrelevant but Richie's relevant somehow - with an album that sold nowhere near as much as What About Now.

If Bon Jovi is irrelevant then Richie I'm afraid is much, much less than that.

CKatz 08-14-2013 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1150261)
Wait, the band's irrelevant but Richie's relevant somehow - with an album that sold nowhere near as much as What About Now.

If Bon Jovi is irrelevant then Richie I'm afraid is much, much less than that.

As one of the main songwriters, Richie is part of why the band became irrelevant. Richie's fans (although a smaller audience) do seem a lot more enthusiastic than Bon Jovi fans these days.

rolo_tomachi 08-14-2013 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1150261)
Wait, the band's irrelevant but Richie's relevant somehow - with an album that sold nowhere near as much as What About Now.

If Bon Jovi is irrelevant then Richie I'm afraid is much, much less than that.

Irrelevant, mmm, I don't think, Richie is more respected than Jon in some circles, that's enough.

Jon can take pictures with Bono, Michael Jackson or play with Bruce Springsteen and Pavarotti, but I doubt that they respect him as a artist.


Don Felder

Jimmy Page

Eric Clapton participated in the song MR bluesman.

With Steven Tyler & Pat Travers

This song is composed by Richie Sambora and dedicated to his friend Les Paul.

Richie is a great musician, that's for sure.

steel_horse75 08-14-2013 02:22 PM

What Richie is too blind to see is that anyone can dig a clip out of Youtube and say "I remember you doing this" when they werent even there.

Its only women who seem to reply to him - how many of them are using him for a re-tweet (why people even want a re-tweet from anyone is mystery to me) and probably dont even own a Sambora solo album.

Richie may not like it but people only want him in Bon Jovi - his lame album tours and ticket sales proved that.

karlj 08-14-2013 02:51 PM

Hi guys - Nowadays I don't post here much as there's so much squabbling and made up gossip but I do like to check out what's going on in Jovi land.
I was a massive fan up until 'Lost Highway' and since 'The Circle' I've been very 'Mehhh' about the material - way too safe and middle of the road - but I admire the band and Jon for longetivity and keeping popular.
I'm only posting because of some of the daft comments on here - Some of you seem to forget that this is the music business - BUSINESS - and first and foremost that is how the band is run - and why it is so successful - whether you like it or not that is mainly down to Jon....
As for taking sides - I'm not - I've met both Richie and Jon and both are professional, successful guys with talent. To suggest Richie just walks away because he does n't care about the fans is plain daft.
Very few will know exactly what went on - but Richie is losing a lot of money (and popularity at present) by walking from the tour. The Jovi camp is very secretive and even now Richie is keeping to that oath - maybe there's a stand off or maybe which is likely no one knows what is going to happen - but to think Richie puts a middle finger up to everyone and walks not caring I think is a bit harsh - we may never know the facts but business wise he would not do that unless something pretty upsetting or serious has happened.
For what it's worth I don't think him and Jon have been getting on great for a while - and even though he may have great wealth and some fame - it must be hard for Richie to always be the shadow and when he puts some solo work he is proud of out (whether you like it or not!) not allowed to either perform or promote it like he wishes - time and effort gone to waste ........ - that may not be the reason but I'd be wound up.
As for looking at sales and popularity of the Sambora album - if we did that then 'One Direction' are a class act - rather stupid ...... - I really like the album - it sounds like a band playing which is something missing from the last couple of Jovi albums - although it could do with a couple of radio hit material tracks ...... - but he's dammed if he does, dammed if he don't - if he made an allout rock album = no radio play - commercial album = Some Jovi fans will bash it for no big guitars .......
Jon is a top business man with a good head - a good commercial musician and without him the band would be nothing - Richie is a good musician probably lacking Jon's business head and hunger but put together they make a great team - if one loses faith in the other or both at the same time or appreciation - maybe this is what happens .......
A break is needed to let everything simmer down and medium term decisions made - which is probably what is happening now. Bashing Richie or Matt on twitter will only result in less information coming out and I think truthfully no one does know anything - a likely stalemate ..........

Mysterytrain 08-14-2013 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1150264)
What Richie is too blind to see is that anyone can dig a clip out of Youtube and say "I remember you doing this" when they werent even there.

Its only women who seem to reply to him - how many of them are using him for a re-tweet (why people even want a re-tweet from anyone is mystery to me) and probably dont even own a Sambora solo album.

Richie may not like it but people only want him in Bon Jovi - his lame album tours and ticket sales proved that.

One thing I've noticed is that he seems to be deliberately avoiding posting re-Tweets of Bon Jovi performances. The only Bon Jovi-related things he will re-Tweet are of himself doing solo performances of Bon Jovi songs.

Pretty sad, imo, as I think his contribution to Bon Jovi is vital and that will be his legacy, regardless of how much I enjoy his solo work. But I think the same thing that is keeping him off the tour is (at least in part) also causing him to not acknowledge his contribution to Bon Jovi in re-Tweets--in both instances, he seems to be sending fans a message.

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