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rocknation 04-29-2016 10:16 PM

Group Posts A Song About Crime They Commited, Get Arrested -- Concidence?
I came acoss a story about a guy who pulled up next to a parked, empty police car and thought it would make a great backdrop for a selfie of him holding a bag of pot and a gun. He also thought it would be a great idea to put the photo on Instagram. The next thing you know, he's under arrest -- which I dismissed as a mere coincidence. But then I came across this story:

Quote:…On...April 26th...39 members of the...rap squadron Pop Out Boyz were arrested…(T)hey garnered upwards of $250,000 in stolen merchandise from a myriad of high-end stores throughout the (New York City) area…

The scammers are using a grossly popular credit card scheme called “card cracking” (which)... involves fraudsters contacting unsuspecting victims through social networks and offering to deposit money into their bank accounts under false pretenses then promising the account holder a percentage of the deposit. Once the phony check is deposited the fraudster removes the funds and leaves the victim responsible for paying the bank once the check bounces...

(T)he Pop Out Boyz released a song on SoundCloud entitled For A Scammer
Turning nothing into something
Watch how the commas keep coming
Getting it back like it’s nothing
Watch the money do a back flip
Early morning up at Saks Fifth
The song is filled with admissions about credit card fraud and the many purchases made including Nike Air Jordans and Celine bags…
Surely the police have better things to do than monitor the Internet's video, social, and music networks in hopes of finding people too egotistical or too plain stupid to realize that there might be a downside to bragging about or even broadcasting their crimes online. At least no violent crimes have been involved -- only a Grade-A premium brand of idiot would post online about that...

They were convicted? How were they found competent to stand trial?

rocknation 05-09-2016 06:51 AM

See that guy on the far right with the braids?

Here's an update:

I'll stick with rock and roll, thank you -- we OD a lot, but not each other.

rocknation 05-28-2016 06:53 AM

Apparently hi-tech self-snitching is becoming an epidemic -- and pay special attention to the very first story...

Mongoose 05-30-2016 08:26 PM

Reminds me of this:

rocknation 06-11-2016 03:13 AM

Here's another one whose dial is stuck on "dumbass":
Chicago Tribune: Angelo S. Morris...was pulled over...and given a traffic citation for improper use of a signal...But after he got back into his car and drove away...Morris pulled a gun from his pants and began imitating and mocking the officers who had ticketed him...videotaping (it) with his phone...Morris posted the video on Facebook...

(D)etectives located Morris...driving the same (car) he was originally stopped in...He was no longer in possession of the gun...(but he) was arrested and charged with unlawful possession of a weapon by a felon...driving under the influence of drugs...and illegal transportation of alcohol...The Facebook video has been preserved as evidence...

rocknation 06-27-2016 03:00 AM


Reuters: A...burglar who posted a Facebook video bragging about a $500,000 jewelry haul has landed himself and one of his accomplices in jail...

The video, which...ha(d) over 3,000 views, showed the men bragging about their illegal earnings, exclaiming "We got a safe" and "Can someone say 'Check, please'?"

(T)hey arrested Raderius Glenn Collins (and) Marcus Terrell Parker...They are still searching for a third suspect, who is seen in the video in the passenger seat of the car flashing $100 bills to the camera...(They) sold the stolen jewelry...and received $1,300 each in return...
But wait, there's more. Collins' Facebook page is still up, and while the video in question isn't there, this message is:
Burn a hole in my tongue before I'd rat. If anything did the Snitching it was this (Facebook) shit... (It)...Done Gave The Police...Too Much Info...
Nice to know there's still honor among thieves. But if you're going to literally shove "info" down law enforcement's throats, there's no REASON to snitch, is there?

The time has come to give this thread an official theme song:

rocknation 07-13-2016 12:10 AM


BarstoolSports: In a music video posted on YouTube...Ronald “Grams” Yarborough and his crew rap his fans through the finer points of making crack cocaine...Among the viewers: Members of the FBI’s Tidewater Violent Crimes Task Force...

According to a 54-page indictment...since at least 2009...members used drug proceeds music a front to hide their drug trafficking...It also alleges they processed, stored and distributed drugs from 20 other locations...including (houses), apartments, hotels and a...barbershop...
A seven-year-old financial empire brought down by a 6-minute ego trip...and some of the girls in the video look kind of underaged...

rocknation 07-31-2016 06:23 AM


TMZ: Soulja Boy...and his entourage noticed a black Ford SUV with four men in it waiting outside as they showed up to...a recording studio to celebrate his 26th birthday...(They) thought nothing of it...(but) as they wrapped up the party...Soulja's crew checked security cameras and saw the vehicle was still there.

Memphis rapper...Killa J stepped out first...and that's when (the) men rolled up and demanded Killa J give up Soulja Boy's Gucci bag, which is usually where he carries large amounts of cash...We're told they asked for Soulja by name...(H)e'd been flashing his b-day stacks on social media during the party...

Killa J refused to cooperate...(B)ullets started flying and (he) caught one in the arm. He's expected to recover.

Clearly, the robbers had advance notice that there would be a bit of money on the premises before the party even started. While posting pics of it sure didn't help, it smells -- it STINKS -- of an inside job. And is that a bottle of sizzurp that Soulja Boy is holding next to the money?

rocknation 08-05-2016 03:30 AM

Quote: Memphis (Tennessee USA) police are looking for two men they say stole a car from a gas station and...recorded their getaway with an iPhone that was left in the car... (T)he video they made of themselves backed up automatically to an iCloud...(T)he iPhone captured other photos and videos the men took of themselves...

If you have any information that could help in this case, call CrimeStoppers...
Click the link to see the video, and PLEASE identify the perpetrators if you can. People this idiotic are a menace to society!

rocknation 01-06-2017 10:44 PM

Quote: Chicago police are investigating after several videos were posted to Facebook on Wednesday of a young man appearing to be tortured by an unknown number of assailants.

The victim, mentally disabled, was seen in the video being beaten and tormented while someone yelled "F*ck Trump!" and "F*ck white people!"

On Tuesday afternoon the victim was spotted walking down a street on the West Side of the city in shorts...Because of the cold weather, police stopped and questioned the young man. The victim had suffered visible cuts and burns...Detectives are questioning four suspects in connection with the attack...
Well, since the perpetrators filmed the assault AND put it online, maybe their lawyers can claim that THEY'RE mentally disabled, too... :mad:

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