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rocknation 04-29-2016 10:16 PM

Group Posts A Song About Crime They Commited, Get Arrested -- Concidence?
I came acoss a story about a guy who pulled up next to a parked, empty police car and thought it would make a great backdrop for a selfie of him holding a bag of pot and a gun. He also thought it would be a great idea to put the photo on Instagram. The next thing you know, he's under arrest -- which I dismissed as a mere coincidence. But then I came across this story:

Quote:…On...April 26th...39 members of the...rap squadron Pop Out Boyz were arrested…(T)hey garnered upwards of $250,000 in stolen merchandise from a myriad of high-end stores throughout the (New York City) area…

The scammers are using a grossly popular credit card scheme called “card cracking” (which)... involves fraudsters contacting unsuspecting victims through social networks and offering to deposit money into their bank accounts under false pretenses then promising the account holder a percentage of the deposit. Once the phony check is deposited the fraudster removes the funds and leaves the victim responsible for paying the bank once the check bounces...

(T)he Pop Out Boyz released a song on SoundCloud entitled For A Scammer
Turning nothing into something
Watch how the commas keep coming
Getting it back like it’s nothing
Watch the money do a back flip
Early morning up at Saks Fifth
The song is filled with admissions about credit card fraud and the many purchases made including Nike Air Jordans and Celine bags…
Surely the police have better things to do than monitor the Internet's video, social, and music networks in hopes of finding people too egotistical or too plain stupid to realize that there might be a downside to bragging about or even broadcasting their crimes online. At least no violent crimes have been involved -- only a Grade-A premium brand of idiot would post online about that...

They were convicted? How were they found competent to stand trial?

rocknation 05-09-2016 06:51 AM

See that guy on the far right with the braids?

Here's an update:

I'll stick with rock and roll, thank you -- we OD a lot, but not each other.

rocknation 05-28-2016 06:53 AM

Apparently hi-tech self-snitching is becoming an epidemic -- and pay special attention to the very first story...

Mongoose 05-30-2016 08:26 PM

Reminds me of this:

rocknation 06-11-2016 03:13 AM

Here's another one whose dial is stuck on "dumbass":
Chicago Tribune: Angelo S. Morris...was pulled over...and given a traffic citation for improper use of a signal...But after he got back into his car and drove away...Morris pulled a gun from his pants and began imitating and mocking the officers who had ticketed him...videotaping (it) with his phone...Morris posted the video on Facebook...

(D)etectives located Morris...driving the same (car) he was originally stopped in...He was no longer in possession of the gun...(but he) was arrested and charged with unlawful possession of a weapon by a felon...driving under the influence of drugs...and illegal transportation of alcohol...The Facebook video has been preserved as evidence...

rocknation 06-27-2016 03:00 AM


Reuters: A...burglar who posted a Facebook video bragging about a $500,000 jewelry haul has landed himself and one of his accomplices in jail...

The video, which...ha(d) over 3,000 views, showed the men bragging about their illegal earnings, exclaiming "We got a safe" and "Can someone say 'Check, please'?"

(T)hey arrested Raderius Glenn Collins (and) Marcus Terrell Parker...They are still searching for a third suspect, who is seen in the video in the passenger seat of the car flashing $100 bills to the camera...(They) sold the stolen jewelry...and received $1,300 each in return...
But wait, there's more. Collins' Facebook page is still up, and while the video in question isn't there, this message is:
Burn a hole in my tongue before I'd rat. If anything did the Snitching it was this (Facebook) shit... (It)...Done Gave The Police...Too Much Info...
Nice to know there's still honor among thieves. But if you're going to literally shove "info" down law enforcement's throats, there's no REASON to snitch, is there?

The time has come to give this thread an official theme song:

rocknation 07-13-2016 12:10 AM


BarstoolSports: In a music video posted on YouTube...Ronald “Grams” Yarborough and his crew rap his fans through the finer points of making crack cocaine...Among the viewers: Members of the FBI’s Tidewater Violent Crimes Task Force...

According to a 54-page indictment...since at least 2009...members used drug proceeds music a front to hide their drug trafficking...It also alleges they processed, stored and distributed drugs from 20 other locations...including (houses), apartments, hotels and a...barbershop...
A seven-year-old financial empire brought down by a 6-minute ego trip...and some of the girls in the video look kind of underaged...

rocknation 07-31-2016 06:23 AM


TMZ: Soulja Boy...and his entourage noticed a black Ford SUV with four men in it waiting outside as they showed up to...a recording studio to celebrate his 26th birthday...(They) thought nothing of it...(but) as they wrapped up the party...Soulja's crew checked security cameras and saw the vehicle was still there.

Memphis rapper...Killa J stepped out first...and that's when (the) men rolled up and demanded Killa J give up Soulja Boy's Gucci bag, which is usually where he carries large amounts of cash...We're told they asked for Soulja by name...(H)e'd been flashing his b-day stacks on social media during the party...

Killa J refused to cooperate...(B)ullets started flying and (he) caught one in the arm. He's expected to recover.

Clearly, the robbers had advance notice that there would be a bit of money on the premises before the party even started. While posting pics of it sure didn't help, it smells -- it STINKS -- of an inside job. And is that a bottle of sizzurp that Soulja Boy is holding next to the money?

rocknation 08-05-2016 03:30 AM

Quote: Memphis (Tennessee USA) police are looking for two men they say stole a car from a gas station and...recorded their getaway with an iPhone that was left in the car... (T)he video they made of themselves backed up automatically to an iCloud...(T)he iPhone captured other photos and videos the men took of themselves...

If you have any information that could help in this case, call CrimeStoppers...
Click the link to see the video, and PLEASE identify the perpetrators if you can. People this idiotic are a menace to society!

rocknation 01-06-2017 10:44 PM

Quote: Chicago police are investigating after several videos were posted to Facebook on Wednesday of a young man appearing to be tortured by an unknown number of assailants.

The victim, mentally disabled, was seen in the video being beaten and tormented while someone yelled "F*ck Trump!" and "F*ck white people!"

On Tuesday afternoon the victim was spotted walking down a street on the West Side of the city in shorts...Because of the cold weather, police stopped and questioned the young man. The victim had suffered visible cuts and burns...Detectives are questioning four suspects in connection with the attack...
Well, since the perpetrators filmed the assault AND put it online, maybe their lawyers can claim that THEY'RE mentally disabled, too... :mad:

rocknation 06-05-2017 06:55 AM

Newest members of the Self-Snitching Hall of Brainless -- what part of "house arrest" do they not understand?

(Fashion tip: Illegal weapons don't coordinate well with monitor ankle bracelets.)

rocknation 06-05-2017 07:08 AM

You thought this guy was a total idiot?

Burn a hole in my tongue before I'd rat. If anything did the Snitching it was this (Facebook) shit... (It)...Done Gave The Police...Too Much Info...

You ain't seen nothing yet...

22-year-old Breon Hollings...was seen flaunting handfuls of cash during a Facebook Live stream...while speaking to the camera, but (he) becomes distracted when he sees lights outside of his window...

Poor guy didn't even have time to flush it down the toilet...

rocknation 06-28-2017 07:35 AM

What part of "being on probation" does he not understand?
The 2017 BET Awards included a tribute to the recently deceased rapper Prodigy, a charity celebrity basketball game, a video appearance by former first Lady Michelle Obama, and the announcement of a reunion tour of New Edition. But what really stole the show was the undercard: at pre- and post-BET award events, no less than half a dozen brawls broke out between rival hiphop factions.

The main event took place between rappers Sarafee and Meek Mill:

Did you note Safaree said he saw Meek get out of a car? Not according to Meek -- he posted an alibi:

To which someone responded by posting video of Meek getting out of a car:

Of course, denying he was there doesn't prove that he ordered or helped plan Sarfaree's ambush. But it doesn't help matters that he told TMZ this:

...(R)olling SUPER deep with bodyguards (Mill) ducked and dodged questions about Safaree claiming Meek ordered his crew to jump him...(T)hen Meek gets into Safaree's request for a 1-on-1 fight straight up. As he puts it, he's a "Don" ... and Dons don't fight. Okay, bud.
And here's why it doesn't help matters:
(Mill) was found guilty for a parole violation again on December 17, 2015...He was sentenced to 90 days of house arrest...was not allowed to work and was required to do daily community service...Additionally, he was also sentenced to six more years of probation...

That's right -- Meek Mill may have just self-snitched his way into getting thrown back in jail! If he'd lie about being there while video cameras were rolling in broad daylight, why should the court believe that he neither ordered nor helped organize Sarafee's ambush?

rocknation 06-28-2017 07:36 PM

Self-Snitching: Its Not Just For Hiphoppers Anymore

There are millions of intelligent people out there who also happen to be ****** fans, but the guy with the Nazi tattoos who was arrested...after his friend posted their ****** tickets on Facebook is not one of them...

(B)efore you feel too sorry for him and his ruined Saturday night, (he)...was arrested on charges of aggravated kidnapping...(O)ne of his friends posted a picture of his confirmation email for ****** tickets on Facebook, along with a seating chart marked with the exact spot where he and his "plus one" would be sitting...(S)heriff’s deputies showed up at the concert, and -- well, there they were...
If you must know the specific details, click here -- out of consideration for both the band and their (intelligent) JoviTalk fans, I am withholding that information. Instead, I will simply dedicate a song...

rocknation 07-02-2017 11:55 PM

The wrong rapper takes a stand against rap concert violence:

ProvidenceJournal: 24 hours...after gunfire broke out as he was performing at the Power Ultra Lounge (in Arkansas)...Ricky Hampton...also known as Finese 2Tymes...was arrested...(in Alabama)...on outstanding charges of aggravated assault with a gun....

The shooting capped a violent week in Arkansas...Police had responded to a dozen drive-by shootings over the previous nine days...(Police) believe the shooting stemmed from a dispute in the crowd and may be gang-related...Twenty-five people between the ages of 16 and 35 suffered gunshot wounds...(N)o arrests have been made...

A woman who answered a phone number listed on Finese 2Tymes’ Instagram account for booking said the rapper didn’t consider canceling the (Alabama) show despite the shooting, because he wasn’t responsible for what happened...
The fight probably started in the audience? These days, that's downright refreshing. However, Finese 2Tymes IS "responsible" for not "considering" that the cops were looking for him -- or did he need the income from the Alabama gig to pay a lawyer?

rocknation 07-14-2017 09:37 PM


Newsweek: After assaulting a woman and streaming it live on Facebook, two...teens have been arrested...

Police were tipped off about the assault video Tuesday after it had gone viral, receiving around 48,000 views on Facebook.
And at least one of those 48,000 snitched to the cops? Party poopers!


The video had initially been removed, but a copy was posted again...
There! that'll show 'em...unless the police re-posted it in hopes of coming with a suspect....


According to a(n)...analysis, at least 45 instances of violence were enacted on Facebook Live, including murders, rapes, shooting, child abuse, torture, suicides and attempted suicides... Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s creator, announced that the company would be hiring an additional 3,000 employees to improve Facebook’s report reviewing system...
Well, that's not Zuckerberg's fault, is it? Nonethless, he'll need ten times that many employees to clean up the mess on his latest acquisition Instagram...

rocknation 07-18-2017 07:29 PM


TMZ: According to court docs...(r)apper 40 Glocc was among 4 people arrested in a prostitution sting in February (2017)...

(Glocc)...drove a woman to an unknown location after an undercover cop contacted her through an (online) ad...The woman was arrested...(C)ops noticed a Bluetooth headset around her neck with a live call on the phone...

(T)he car that dropped her off took off...Cops ultimately located the car and found Glocc with cuts on his hands from allegedly smashing multiple cell phones in his possession to avoid detection...He's out on bail and has a hearing set in October.
He deserves credit for being smart enough to REALIZE that he was self-snitching. And you'll be happy to know that 40 Glocc has been making the most of not being in jail -- by winning $200K USD in a lawsuit against a rapper who beat him up, and getting shot at during a funeral!

rocknation 07-23-2017 11:32 PM

It may be time to close down this thread...presenting the self-snitcher du tutti self snitchers...
When’s cocaine disappeared from his car, he made a phone call.

To (the) police.

David that someone had stolen...about $50 and a quarter ounce of cocaine...from his car...while it was parked...

(S)ome cocaine still lingering on the center console next to a crack well as a crack pipe on the car floor near the driver’s seat.

Blackmon was...charged with...possessing drug paraphernalia and possessing cocaine...He was...later released...pending $4,000 bail...

The moral of this story: if there's anything worse than selling OR using illegal drugs, it's selling AND using illegal drugs!!!

rocknation 07-25-2017 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by rocknation
Self-Snitching: Its Not Just For Hiphoppers Anymore

And this just in: It's not just for criminals anymore, either!


Officer Richard Pinheiro puts a bag of pills under some trash in an alley. He then walks to the street. He then switches on his camera, walks back to the alley, and acts like he just found the drugs for the first time...apparently (he) didn’t realize that body cameras often save the last 30 seconds of footage before they’re manually activated...

The...prosecutor dropped the charges...Although, in a troubling development, the prosecutor apparently used Pinheiro as an eyewitness in a separate case — even after learning of his misconduct in the video...

rocknation 07-27-2017 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1226410)
When’s cocaine disappeared from his car, he made a phone call. To (the) police.

TMZ: ...(M)ore than 5 years after a warrant was issued for (his)...arrest...former New York Yankees star...Danny Tartabull...has finally been captured...

(He)...owes more than $275k in unpaid child support...and (in 2012) was ordered to...serve 180 days in jail, but never turned himself in...(He) has basically been under the radar...until...he called report that his car had been broken into...

Tartabull was the American (Baseball) League's highest paid player in 1992 after signing a 5 year, $27 million deal.

Well, let's be fair -- children can learn how to take care of themselves; cars can't!

rocknation 08-07-2017 09:13 AM

Self-Snitching Goes International:

A major heroin ring in New York City was busted this week...Each of the (six) men faces a minimum of 10 years to life behind bars...

The crew had connections to a Mexican cartel and would funnel the drugs through Los Angeles, New York and Chicago, according to federal authorities.

(A) fleet of cars seized in the bust included a Lamborghini Hurácan, Rolls Royce Ghost, Bentley, Audi R8 Spyder, Mercedes CLS63, Mercedes S550, Porsche Cayenne, Maserati, Range Rover Sport and BMW M4...Among (the) gifts seized: a $3,000 Versace stroller...a Rolex watch, Chanel handbag and Versace dress...

...(T)he dealers flaunted their lavish lives, funded by drug money, on Instagram...

Nice work, guys -- all you have to worry about now is paying taxes on your illegally earned income, and the drug cartel getting nervous about you snitching on them. They may put out the word that there's a big payday waiting for anyone who silences you permanently!

rocknation 11-07-2017 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1225635)
Did you note Safaree said he saw Meek get out of a car? Not according to Meek -- he posted an alibi...(t)o which someone responded by posting video of Meek getting out of a car...


... Meek Mill may have just self-snitched his way into getting thrown back in jail! If he'd lie about being there while video cameras were rolling in broad daylight, why should the court believe that he neither ordered nor helped organize (Safaree's) ambush?


TMZ: ...(A) judge ruled (Mill had) violated probation from his 2009 drug and weapons case by getting busted for a St. Louis airport fight ... and his reckless driving arrest in NYC. Even though both cases were dropped, the judge said the arrests alone were violations -- and reportedly gave him 2 to 4 years in prison.
Both charges were reduced by plea bargains, not dropped -- he was NOT acquitted. And while he wasn't arrested for the Sarafee incident, I doubt that it helped.

rocknation 12-11-2017 11:22 PM


Reuters: In a heist reminiscent of a Hollywood movie, Kenyan robbers spent months tunnelling into the bowels of a bank located opposite a police station...(T)wo men and one woman...had been arrested...but...the 50 million Kenyan shillings ($500K USD), reported missing...(is) not recovered...

Luise Spot TV (YouTube): After her girlfriend...flaunt(ed)...17 million shillings...on social media...the post was traced...
With friends like these, who NEEDS self-snitchers?

rocknation 01-12-2018 03:21 PM


StarNewsOnline: Shadasia Ellison, 19...(is) charged with attempted first-degree murder, assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury, child abuse, hit/run with injury and reckless driving...

(A)uthorities allege Ellison ran down Tameka Copper, 19, in a dispute over a man. The attack was broadcast live on Facebook. Afterward, Ellison boasted about the event in SnapChat videos. Cooper...was treated by paramedics at the scene and claimed a leg injury.

Ellison, who is on probation for a May larceny conviction...has several outstanding charges pending against her in five counties, court records show. (Her) bail (was) set at $1 million (USD).
At least she used what sense had left to surrender. And she violated probation to boot? You have to admire a multi-tasker! But what's with the child abuse charge?
Quote: There was a child in the car with Ellison at the time of the incident.
Oh. Hope they both had their seat belts on.

rocknation 01-15-2018 07:42 PM

In the course of trying to find an allegedly missing gram of marijuana, a group of about a dozen young people in Brooklyn, New York City, watched as someone was beaten into agreeing to a strip search. I know this because the incident was live streamed, then posted.

Only one person in the video attempted to hide his face, but he shouldn't have bothered -- it isn't as though the police are in the habit of investigating online criminal activity...and by the way, the victim DIDN'T have the marijuana. :roll:

rocknation 01-18-2018 08:06 PM

In a bid to generate credibility as an American urban hiphopper, a rapper based in the state of Rhode Island named himself after the state of Montana. He's put out songs titled Sell Drugz and Feds Watching, and...well, guess what?

Michael Persaud, aka “Montana Millz”...pleaded of fentanyl...possession with the intent to distribute fentanyl and distribution of heroin...(He) was three years in federal prison...

Police had been watching Persaud for several months...They had not known of his stage name or drug-referencing songs prior to the case...

Persaud’s lawyers cited his music career as evidence of his work ethic
...“(He) has shown an ability and a proclivity to work at legitimate jobs throughout his life and knows the value of hard work and self-sufficiency,” (they) wrote...
Newsflash, lawyers: While it does require a "hard work ethic," using legally earned income to conceal, transport, or avoid paying taxes on ILLEGALLY earned income is NOT a "legitimate" job!

P.S. And if he got a maximum of just three years on charges that normally result in a minimum of ten, it suggests that Mr. Millz can "sing" as well as rap -- NOT the best first impression to make on your cellmates!

rocknation 01-19-2018 07:54 PM


TMZ: Kodak Black got busted...and was booked for...drug possession, child neglect and grand theft of a firearm.

According to police docs...officers responded to Kodak's home after someone observed the (Instagram) Live broadcast...of multiple men in a bathroom rolling joints and playing with a handgun...Kodak's kid was brought into the bathroom, and was just inches away from a lit joint and the weapon...Kodak did nothing to get the child away from the danger.

The IG Live broadcast was still rolling when police came into the house.

Was what they were smoking THAT bad -- or that GOOD?

rocknation 02-03-2018 10:23 PM


Newsweek: Troy Ave's bodyguard Banga...was shot and killed in May 2016. accused of being the killer. In a video for Troy Ave’s new song 2 Legit 2 Quit...comic book...images (are) stylized the track seems to suggest...he might testify against...Taxstone...

"I'm only loyal to my fam/Middle finger from the stand/It's either me or you," he raps...Some people reacted in anger that Troy Ave would take the stand -- saying he was a snitch -- while others defended him...

The "middle finger from the stand" scene is not going to happen because there is not going to be a Taxstone murder trial: he accepted a 20-year sentence on his weapons-related charges in exchange for his murder-related charges being dropped (the alternative was life imprisonment -- and since he hit someone other than his intended target, qualifying for parole after 20-25 years would not have been a option). However, the attempted murder trial of Troy Ave is still scheduled, in which these lines from 2 Legit 2 Quit might prove to be problematic:
...I beat him up and take his pistol right out his hand...
...He was scared and he was swift...
...Tables turned, now watch him flee...
...I was blowing to make him RIP...
The problem? Well, this is what will get you convicted of attempted murder where the shootings took place:

  • intent to cause the death of another person...
  • Under circumstances evincing a depraved indifference to human life...recklessly engag(ing) in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to another person

But all is not lost -- there won't be enough evidence against Troy if Taxstone refuses to testify against him, right?

P.S. You're not snitching if YOU'RE the victim.

rocknation 03-05-2018 08:08 PM

And the award for dumbest performance by a self-snitcher goes to...

TMZ: The man who stole Frances McDormand's Oscar shot a video of himself with the award just minutes before his arrest...

(The video shows) Terry Bryant holding McDormand's award for Best Actress, telling everyone who'd listen that the award was his. Bryant even asked other attendees if they wanted a photo with Oscar...

McDormand alerted security at the event when she noticed her Oscar was missing, who then tracked Bryant down and contacted the police...Bryant was arrested for felony grand theft...

Either Bryant succeeded in making his $20K USD bail -- which would be no problem considering all the fancy Hollywood "friends" he's posed with on Instagram -- or he gave someone access to his Facebook page with a request to take the video offline!

rocknation 03-06-2018 07:03 PM


TMZ (January 2015): Death Row Records founder Suge into a fight on the set of a film project...threw (his) vehicle in reverse...ran over a bystander...and ran over a (second) man...(who)...we're dead...

Quote: Two former attorneys for Marion "Suge" Knight, a co-founder of the seminal West Coast rap label Death Row Records, have been indicted for attempting to bribe potential witnesses for an upcoming murder case against Knight.

Matthew Powell Fletcher and Thaddeus Julian Culpepper are charged with bribery, accessory after the fact and attempting to convince someone to commit perjury, among other crimes..

ABC alleged talks of bribery came in a series of recorded calls in 2015 between Knight, who was in jail, and Fletcher, along with Knight's fiancee and his business partner. The(y)...discuss payments of as much as $25,000 to witnesses to say the victims or others at the burger stand were armed at the time, bolstering Knight's argument that he was acting in self-defense...

Fletcher said he would "pay anything" to bikers who were at the scene. Fletcher...said he was talking about bikers who may have had cellphone video that could be useful to the defense.
In the United States, it's standard operating procedure for places of incarceration to monitor and record phone conversations, and they even extend the courtesy of INFORMING you of that before allowing your phone conversation to begin. But there is a bright side -- Suge's NEW lawyers have a perfect foundation for an insanity defense!

9/2018 UPDATE: Four days before jury selection was to begin, Knight agreed to plead no contest to voluntary manslaughter (killing someone as a result of trying to injure them) and accept a sentence of 28 years.

rocknation 03-10-2018 01:15 AM

Quote: Sierra Tarbutton pleaded guilty to criminal mischief and deadly conduct charges...for firing...a gun out of a car window...

Tarbutton...recklessly fired...out of the passenger side window...(as)...Michael Cuellar...drove...(In addition) Cuellar...shot...out of his window while driving...
Good thing the cops pulled over those idiots before a stray bullet struck someone. But wait -- if the cops knew they were pursuing a car from which people were firing bullets, wouldn't they have reacted a little more, shall we say, comprehensively?

So exactly how did Bonnie and Clyde get caught?

Tarbutton was recorded she...fired the weapon...(and) Cuellar record(ed) himself shooting...while driving...

Tarbutton...upload(ed) the footage to Snapchat...(where it) went viral...


Tarbutton later explained...“We were drinking at the time and were riding around, shooting in the air...” An attorney for Tarbutton maintained that her target was “abandoned buildings...”
Disgraceful, of course -- but it can happen when teenagers, liquor, and guns get together. Since they did make an effort to prevent human casualties, however, and since I made my own share of stupid decisions as a teen, I'd be wiling to give them a break if they don't have any prior offenses: community service, counseling, a curfew, a no-contact order, maybe some drug testing, and definitely no internet, driving or gun ownership privileges. But wait -- since they are mentioned by name in the news stories, that means they AREN'T teenagers...
Quote: Tarbutton, 27, pleaded guilty to deadly conduct and criminal mischief charges and was sentenced to five years behind bars...Tarbutton was already serving six years deferred adjudication for harassing a police officer and threatening an officer’s children in 2015...

Vibe: Cuellar, 29...turned himself in to authorities...also on charges of criminal mischief and deadly conduct...
And they have no one to blame but themselves -- quite literally.

rocknation 03-24-2018 02:23 PM


US Brianna Ashanti Lofton of Raleigh (North Carolina) made a brief court appearance...on charges including child abuse and contributing to the delinquency of a minor...

A newly released arrest warrant for the mother says the woman helped...her 1-year-old daughter...inhale the marijuana from a blunt.

Police were alerted to the case after a video of the (child) smoking received millions of views on social media...(T)he video...shows the hand of an adult off-screen holding the cigarillo to the child's lips. The child...(who) appears to inhale before letting out a puff of smoke...has been placed with child protective services.
Her Mom is the one who "blew" it...

rocknation 03-24-2018 09:58 PM

Not exactly high-tech self-snitching
but the moral of this story is important enough to merit bending the rules:

I plead guilty to having once spent a week driving without auto insurance. I only drove to and from work, took public transportation otherwise -- and most important, took great care NOT to do anything that might generate police attention...

On the ninth day of March, a self-snitcher gave to cops:
1 loaded 9mm magazine
10,400 dollars in cash
1 4-inch knife
1 collapsible baton
pepper spray
1 AR-15
335.5 grams (12 ounces) of marijuana
1 jar of hash resin
94.5 (3 ounces) grams of cocaine
11.6 grams (.4 ounces) of amphetamine powder
16.5 Xanax pills
1 Oxycodone pill
1 fruity cannabis edible bar
cannabis gummy edibles
5 handguns (one loaded in the passenger seat)
1 AK-47
1 stun gun
1 pair of bolt cutters

rocknation 04-21-2018 04:35 AM

Quote: 21-year-old Terrell Davis, known to the rap game as Ralo...(was)...raised in the infamously dangerous West Atlanta neighborhood The Bluff (an acronym for “Better Leave U Fcking Fool”)...From ages 12 to 19, he was incarcerated 34 times...

It was the drug game, though, and not his success as a rapper...that got Ralo out of The Bluff: “I was never able to produce more money in the rap game than I produced in the drug game. I made $12 million dollars in one year.” But he recently gave up dealing drugs...“because I’d rather be broke and free than rich and in jail.”

An admirable sentiment, surely. But in America, illegally earned income is taxable -- and since he couldn't pay the taxes without admitting that the money was illegally earned, publicly stating that he earned that much wasn't the smartest idea. Nor was it smart of Ralo to complain on Instagram that he'd "lost a million dollars in one day" the day after eight of his associates were busted for transporting several hundred pounds of weed from a private jet back in December.


Despite Ralo’s lengthy criminal history, particularly dealing drugs, he’s never been a user. “I’ve never smoked or drank or done any drugs in my life...Music is my vice...”
That makes the charges that Ralo was found in the company of several hundred pounds of weed on a private jet last week look all the more like a frameup:

rocknation 05-31-2018 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1224894)
Guns and Weed Flaunted on YouTube, Cops Notice

...what part of "house arrest" do they not understand?

Did you happen to spot the red logo in the lower right corner of the video?

It's the logo for ZackTV1 -- Zachary "ZackTV" Stoner is the one who filmed and posted the video that got those guys arrested.

rocknation 06-09-2018 12:10 AM

Quote:, June 1, 7:39PM: ...(P)olice are investigating after a woman's body was found Thursday evening in a creek in Bradford County...around 5:30 p.m...Neighbors say a driver spotted the body in the water...

Matthew Haverly lives across the street. "...I was driving out earlier 'cause I saw all the state police out there. I was like, 'What's going on?' and now I realize that's what they were actually doing. I had no clue..."

Haverly says he lives in a close-knit community and that for many, this death investigation so close to home is alarming. "It's sad to say that's someone's either daughter, mother, whatever, both, child," he added...
Quote:, June 2, 5:10PM: ...Investigators identified the woman found in the creek as Patricia Haverly, 60...and state police arrested her son Matthew Haverly...

...Haverly mentioned it could be someone's mother...during his interview with Newswatch 16 (and) said he thought it was someone from out of town...(Police) found evidence that led to them charging him with homicide...
He wanted to be famous for fifteen minutes? Now he'll get to be infamous for least twenty-five years! Next time, forget about making a film debut, lock up the house, put a "Mom and I Have Gone Fishing for a Year" sign on the door, and THEN "drive out!"

rocknation 06-15-2018 11:27 PM

Quote: “PUBLIC NOTICE: If you believe you were sold bad drugs, we are offering a free service to test them for you,” the Putnam County (Florida USA) Sheriff’s Office wrote in a Facebook post that has since been shared more than 40,000 times...

Douglas Peter Kelly...was arrested and charged with possession of methamphetamine after a “violent reaction” to the drug led him requesting police to test it so that he could sue his dealer...
While Mr. Kelly's consumerist spirit is certainly laudable, it only applies to the LEGAL purchases of LEGAL substances...let the buyer beware!

rocknation 07-03-2018 08:45 PM

Yet another reason to "watch" what you post online

MTO News: ...AP The that Sean (Kingston) ran off on some of his jewelry...(AP)...wrote on his (Instagram) page:
"Somebody tell this fat jelly roll eating...pussy ass bitch I’m looking for him...(His) momma more gangsta than him...He ran he always do, but only difference is I’m not one of them...jewelers who's playing with the(ir) daddy and mommy('s) money...I’m not calling cops or taking you to court. I’m going to the streets somewhere where you scared to be...

"Whoever can drop (the) location of Sean Kingston I will give you a free Rolex!"
Officers...swooped in...and arrested AP...lock(ing) him up on unspecified charges related to the threats...
Kingston's mother wrote on her Instagram page, "If I would have told the police, y'all would say 'She a snitch.' But no bro I'm a GGGG." Well, seeing as AP The Jeweler is the one who snitched, that's a moot point!

rocknation 07-11-2018 01:48 AM


CBS4 News Miami 5/17/2018: A traffic stop by Miami-Dade Police lead to a stunning discovery this week: a car filled with a half dozen assault rifles and pistols, $20,000 in cash and more than 10 bottles with liquids that you normally need prescriptions for including promethazine with cocaine...

CBS4 obtained a photo exclusively from Miami-Dade police showing the evidence in this case...Police have arrested 33-year-old Ras Cates and 20-year-old Lizmixell Batista...Cates initially got out of his car...(and) said he was armed...had a concealed weapons permit to carry a firearm...(and) had two additional firearms...When they opened the trunk, that’s when they were in for a surprise,” said...Detective Alvaro Zabaleta...

Just another day at the office, right? Not quite -- let the self-snitching begin!
Quote: ...Body-camera footage from the incident showed an officer never got Cates’ permission to search his vehicle’s trunk but “instead commanded defendant to pop the trunk,” prosecutors wrote.

...(The) defense attorney said he found it “disturbing” that police “went on TV and engaged in incendiary speculation without knowing the facts or even acknowledging the rampant violations of my clients’ constitutional rights.”

CBS4 News Miami 9/6/2018: ...Officers ran the firearms and permits – they all came back as legal.

The police...told Cates to pop the trunk in order to secure the guns...officers spotted three more guns and a backpack that they said was emitting a strong odor of marijuana. The officers...searched the bag...and found what appeared to be marijuana oil...a small amount of marijuana and four bottles of what they suspected was liquid codeine...(T)hey also seized $19,934 from Batista’s purse suspecting it was drug money...Batista explained that hers was a cash only job...

A judge later ruled that the money was to be returned because there was no probable cause for the seizure...The state also declined to press charges after determining “(The) search of the trunk was illegal. Officers did not have...authority or consent to search...”
The police are also obliged the pay the couple's legal fees. A little patience on Detective Zabaleta's part would have gone a long way, especially since the evidence so clearly favored the suspects. Here's hoping that the cops responsible will be "surprised" with a transfer to the police canine kennel cleaning unit!

rocknation 07-15-2018 06:19 AM

There's a movie where a killer determines the fate of his victims by a coin toss:

Apparently, these cops have seen it:


TMZ: ...Two Georgia (USA) cops giggl(e) while using a coin flip app to determine if they should arrest a speeding motorist...

Officers Courtney Brown and Kristee Wilson...(of the) Roswell PD pulled over Sarah Webb...for driving 80 MPH in a 45 MPH zone on a rainy day...(They) were trying to decide whether to simply give Webb a ticket for reckless driving or arrest her...and opted for a coin flip.

On the video -- recorded by the officers' own body cams -- you can hear Officer Wilson say, "A (arrest) head, R (release) tail." Brown says "Okay" and laughs. Despite the fact it came up tails...the cops opted to arrest Webb.

Webb had no idea about the coin flip until Atlanta's WXIA (TV station) uncovered the video...(T)he cops are on administrative leave during an internal affairs investigation -- and Webb's charges were dropped.

11Alive (The) traffic stop happened in early April, but Roswell didn't put (the) officers...on administrative leave before 11Alive started asking questions two months later...

Webb said..."(The prosecutor) said, 'I have watched the videos and I absolutely refuse to prosecute this case...'

"Wow, these people put my freedom in the hands of a coin flip...that's disgusting."

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