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Supersonic 05-06-2008 01:55 PM

The official Oasis topic.
Aloha !

This will be the official Oasis topic from now on. I know this band gets slagged off a lot of times, but it's just band you either dig, or you don't. Obviously I'm the one who digs them, very much I must say. If you dig this band, they're the band that make you feel invincible (and no, not in a gay Capt. Crashy-way) but really invincible. They're the band that make me feel ****ing invincible, they're the band that made me pick up the guitar again, made me start to write songs and are the band that have written the story of my life, with all the ups and downs I've had over the past 5 years.

I think it's pretty safe to assume that 80% of all Bon Jovi fans have no interest in this band and see the Gallaghers as the most annoying thing Rock & Roll has to offer, but it's just part of the thing that is Oasis. Besides that, the Gallaghers are a lot more down to earth, honest than JBJ and co. are. And a lot more funny too, I must add. I can't name any band who releases a tour documentary and give their own audio commentary in the extra's during which they completely slagg off everything that is being shown. Only for that Lord Don't Slow Me Down is worth watching.

Last night the demo's for Don't Believe The Truth have leaked. Including many of the songs that didn't make the album. And they're ****ing massive. After Oasis had recorded Don't Believe The Truth they kept saying how they had another album full of quality songs. And unlike most times, this time they actually had. Songs worth mentioning are a Liam-sung Lord Don't Slow Me Down and the original of Stop The Clocks. This is a song which Noel kept describing in interviews as the best thing he ever wrote (Though he says that quite often) and although it's not the best thing he ever wrote, it's certainly very good.

If the next album will sound anything like the demo's that leaked yesterday, it'll be a brilliant album that again you'll either dig or hate. Hopefully they'll be up for it. The only thing that bugs me is that their set is always stays the same on a world tour, but apart from that, I'm ready for it. Or mad fer it, as they used to say and I wil be defending this band 'till the day I die. So c'mon, bite me! :p

Salaam Aleikum,

Neurotica80 05-06-2008 02:30 PM

Yep The Gallaghers dont take themselves anywhere near as seriously as what JBJ does. If you do a google search for quotes they are well funny or get hold of sibling rivelry :d

They def had the best 1st and 2nd albums ever in DF and Whats the story, I loved their attitude and listing to those albums makes me feel 15 again. Unfortunately their shows don't reflect their material, thats why i'd never see them twice on the same same tour.

Fingers crossed for a great new album :) With the lack of good new music around at the moment I'm def looking forward to it.

mo_rizwan 05-06-2008 02:36 PM

I have all their albums. They're probably one of the best Rock Bands in Britain :)

kenobi_on_a_prayer 05-06-2008 04:37 PM

Yeah, don't mind a bit of Oasis. Don't know a lot of their stuff though. But my brother's pretty passionate about them, and Wonderwall was my graduation song for some reason (I thought it was either going to be Nickelback's "Photograph" which was huge at the time, or The Living End's "Prisoner of Society" which always got a run at school functions, but "Wonderwall" is pretty cool and sure beats "Photograph"!).

Dave 1986 05-06-2008 05:33 PM

Their first two albums are killer, Be Here Now is good but not quite so good as the previous two. Standing On The Shoulder of Giants is different but still good. The last two albums however I find boring. Heathen Chemistry had some good songs but too many not so good songs IMO, and Don't Believe The Truth I only played once, maybe twice, when it first came out.

Ferret 05-06-2008 10:43 PM

At the moment they're probably my favourite band. Unlike Jovi, I enjoy all their albums (though there's a fair bit of shite on Be Here Now and Standing On the Shoulder). Noel's the best songwriter of his generation, a ****ing genius.

The new demos kick arse. I prefer the live version of Stop the Clocks, but that song's awesome in the studio too, although my favourite is Record Machine. Liam's song is good too, though he's always gonna have to play second fiddle to Noel.
Kawasaki kdx220a

Supersonic 05-06-2008 10:51 PM

Aloha !

That live version of Stop The Clocks reminds me of Noel's acoustic version of Setting Sun / Fade In/Out.

And I agree. Although there's some shit on Be Here Now And SOTSOG, they're still very good albums in my opinion and piss all over Bon Jovi's latest efforts. Gas Panic alone owns all of Bounce.

Salaam Aleikum,

Ferret 05-06-2008 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 824024)
Aloha !

That live version of Stop The Clocks reminds me of Noel's acoustic version of Setting Sun / Fade In/Out.

And I agree. Although there's some shit on Be Here Now And SOTSOG, they're still very good albums in my opinion and piss all over Bon Jovi's latest efforts. Gas Panic alone owns all of Bounce.

Salaam Aleikum,

Gas Panic's one of my favourites, the best song of SOTSOG, though sometimes I do prefer Who Feels Love.

Talking of Who Feels Love, in parts the live version of STC sounds alot like an acoustic version of it Noel did back when SOTSOG was released.
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liljovi93 05-06-2008 11:39 PM

I'm not a great lover, they've made a few good ones here and there.
Prefer Noels voice to Liams

Supersonic 05-06-2008 11:44 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by liljovi93 (Post 824046)
I'm not a great lover

Get out!!!!!! Nnnnggg!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Salaam Aleikum,

liljovi93 05-06-2008 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 824049)
Aloha !

Get out!!!!!! Nnnnggg!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Salaam Aleikum,

Lol, it's Liam i hate, his voice, aww:@

I don't mind them put it that way

Kathleen 05-07-2008 12:02 AM

I always liked them but only as a casual fan. I didn't own everything they recorded etc. Then I went to see them live around 2000. They did a dual show with The Black Crowes at Radio City Music Hall. They were ****ing awful - boring - boring - boring. The Black Crowes wiped up the stage with them. Needless to say, after that I didn't continue to pursue listening to their music.

However Seb, you have posted quite a heartfelt defense of them. Since I tend to share many of your musical opinions I will give them another listen. I like their sound most of the time but the live show really turned me off.

Supersonic 05-07-2008 12:23 AM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 824067)
However Seb, you have posted quite a heartfelt defense of them. Since I tend to share many of your musical opinions I will give them another listen. I like their sound most of the time but the live show really turned me off.

That tour they did with the Black Crowes wasn't exactly a brilliant tour either. It was a tour on which they both were in the middle of a divorce if I remember correctly and their latest album had failed, both critically and among fans, and they thought their own album wasn't as good as they thought. In fact, the era 1998-2001 is a bit like a blur, most shows were shit and included many fall outs because they got caught up in their own hype. 2002 was the year when the tide was turning and Oasis got back to form. :)

Also, the crowd is a big part of an Oasis experience. If the crowd is shit, the show is shit. They're being fed by the energy of the crowd. And an American crowd just isn't up for Oasis. Sad but true. You should check out youtube and check these things:

Those performances show that when Oasis are on the peak of their form they're immense. There's no band I've seen that gets a crowd going like Oasis does in the UK. Yes, Bon Jovi's got their Prayer and Bad Name's, but never, ever, does a crowd lose it there like they do when Oasis perform Cigarettes & Alcohol. When they're performing for a British crowd it changes the whole show. I think it's a bit like Bon Jovi playing in New Jersey. It's a different experience.

Salaam Aleikum,

Living_on_my_Hair 05-07-2008 03:06 AM

Funny thing is, Seb, 'Supersonic' is probably one of my least favourite popular Oasis tracks.

And I think Liam is often quite dreadful live, especially the two times I have seen them play personally. Seeing Noel doing Dont look back in Anger when I saw them on the HC tour however had the same effect on me as first seeing Richie doing I'll be there for you - I thought both times ''Shit, he can sing better than the other guy!'' and was actually the main highlight of the gig for me. I'm a big Noel fan, and of my top 5 Oasis songs, 4 of them are ones that Noel sings (Master Plan, Sunday morning call, Dont look back in anger and Importance of being idle). The other being Live forever, and then closely followed by Noel again with Little by little.


Ferret 05-07-2008 08:25 AM

How do people here rate Heathen Chemistry? I've been listening to that album alot recently, and it's probably my favourite Oasis post-2000 album.
Volcano vaporizer review

Jonnyfur 05-07-2008 01:15 PM

I really liked the first album. Was lucky enough to get tickets for the Cliffs Pavilion gig and the Rock 'n Roll Star video taping as my husband (boyfriend at the time) lived just round the corner from the venue, but I came away really disappointed with them live. I don't think the sound in the place helped, they were so distorted. I have never actually seen the tape of this gig. I'd quite like to see it now to see if it sounds better than I remember. Never really followed them since as that gig put me off!

asok80 05-07-2008 02:21 PM

I dig Oasis a lot! The first 3 albums just blew me off my feet. Awesome albums. They've been a bit up and down IMO regarding the later albums but I really like Heathen Chemistry.
Saw them live in 2002 in Stockholm and that show was absolutely brilliant! Liam was in his best mood.

Supersonic 05-08-2008 03:03 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 824114)
Funny thing is, Seb, 'Supersonic' is probably one of my least favourite popular Oasis tracks.

I'm not too keen on the studio version but the live versions of the song they did during the Be Here Now and SOTSOG tours were what got me into Oasis.


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 824114)
And I think Liam is often quite dreadful live, especially the two times I have seen them play personally.

I know. He still thinks he's the bollocks though but I think it was Noel who called him a pub singer at best after his vocal performance on the Brit Awards. On Oasis forums they call him Kermit The Frog when he's giving a shit performance. Sadly, that's quite often lately. I don't get it though, he sounds brilliant on every demo, even the ones that aren't worked on. Hopefully he'll sort it but I'm not getting my hopes up with that guy. :)


Originally Posted by Ferret (Post 824122)
How do people here rate Heathen Chemistry? I've been listening to that album alot recently, and it's probably my favourite Oasis post-2000 album.

I still remember where I heard The Hindu Times for the first time and thought it was shit. It wasn't untill I had bought the single that I realized how brillaint the song was, and that b-side Idler's Dream is a true beauty.

Heathen Chemistry is the first original Oasis album I bought and what made me a fan. It's the album that made me buy their entire back catalogue in probable less than a month. Back then I used to play Heathen Chemistry about 3 times a day, on my busdrive to school, during college lessons and on the busdrive home. All on the good old DiscMan. Although I nowadays am able to see it wasn't as brilliant as I thought it was there's still a lot of top songs on it. I still feel it's underrated. The Hindu Times, Stop Crying Your Heart Out, Little By Little, all quality songs.

Salaam Aleikum,

*ºÇåptäîn¤Çrä§hº* 05-08-2008 03:44 PM

I don't mind quite a few of their tunes, but besides that I think they're losers and they know it. That's why they behave like they do.


Originally Posted by Supersonic
If you dig this band, they're the band that make you feel invincible (and no, not in a gay Capt. Crashy-way) but really invincible.

If I'd actually believe that they are able to do so, I'd say, sadly, they did too good a job on you.


Originally Posted by Supersonic
Besides that, the Gallaghers are a lot more down to earth, honest than JBJ and co. are.

LMAO. There are not many in the business that are as big and more down to earth than Bon Jovi, and the Gallaghers fore sure ain't in that list.

jade4jovi 05-09-2008 05:46 PM

They're an awesome band. (Y)

Living_on_my_Hair 05-09-2008 05:51 PM

They're no Ocean Colour Scene.


Kathleen 05-09-2008 09:09 PM

Well I downloaded the new demos overnight last night - and I hit up my sons Oasis album collection. I intend to spend the weekend listening, hopefully without a prejudiced mind, and I'll see if I come away with an appreciation of the band.

Seb - are they known for their bootlegs? In other words are the live versions usually far better than the album tracks? I always tell people who want to get into Bruce to listen to the live stuff rather than the old albums. The sound on the old albums sucks and so do some of the arrangements. But live is always a different story.

I can't say that I see a lot of Oasis boots on the trackers that I'm a member of though.

Supersonic 05-09-2008 09:35 PM

Aloha !

Good. :) So far I Wanna Live In A Dream is my favourite "new" song. I really, really love it and just don't understand why they didn't put it on their 2005 album. It absolutely fits in there.

Yes Oasis are known for their bootlegs. Whenever they tour the world they obviously include the UK in their dates and do a shitload of gigs there. Although most shows are the same, there's always one or two that standout because Liam is on fire or the crowd is at their best. Their last tour was a disaster gig-wise because Liam sounded just shit and I really hope he gets it sorted. It was a bit like Jon on the Bounce tour, but far worse.

That said though, they don't really change a lot about the arrangements. In fact, I think the only songs they've ever changed are Fade In/Out and Champagne Supernova. Still, if you like for example Don't Look Back In Anger, one of their biggest hits, you should hear a live version with a crowd singing the tune. It's much, much better than the album version.

For some reason they refuse to use acoustic guitars on stage apart from the odd acoustic set here and there. When their best off collection hit stores Noel went on a small promo tour to promote the album and did about 20 acoustic shows all over the world. If you'd like to hear that you should download one from dime, they uploaded one a few days ago. It sounds completely different compared to the regular rockers you hear on the radio but Oasis fans went mad because they had about zero chance to be there. It's among the most special things Noel ever did.

Also, Oasis fans don't care if something is MP3 sourced or anything like that. It's a completely different world compared to dimeadozen. They just want everyone to hear the show and there are no traders that keep the shows for themselves as they see no point in that. If you want to I can send you a few links (MP3 obviously) with some of their best shows?

Salaam Aleikum,

Neurotica80 05-12-2008 02:03 AM

Just Gorgeous. Best Oasis song doubt i'll ever get to hear it live.

I hope Noel does an acoustic tour, I prefer some of his versions to Liams, unplugged was a class show.

RichieW2001 05-12-2008 02:35 AM

I quite liked this topic until you used Oasis as a way to vent your feelings about Bon Jovi. Pointless and sours the whole thread.

Good band, absolutely no basis for comparison with Jon or the rest of the band. What's The Story... is one of my favourite albums of all time.

Goldsausage 05-12-2008 05:23 PM

Oasis drummer Zak Starkey is unlikely to perform with the band again after falling out with singer/guitarist Noel Gallagher.

According to The Sun today (May 12), Starkey is highly unlikely to play with the band on any forthcoming live dates, and his involvement in their forthcoming new album, recently completed, will be his last with Oasis.

The newspaper quotes a source close to the band as saying: "There have been arguments with Noel Gallagher and general disagreements."

No official announcement about a possible departure or replacement have been made by the band.

The band are due to embark on a US tour in August, and are rumoured to be announcing further live plans soon

Rob 05-12-2008 09:31 PM

He's a decent drummer Zak Starkey. I was impressed when I saw him live with The Who last year. I guess a drummer can be replaced easily enough though. Oasis are a good band. I don't care what anyone says. Noel has a tendancy to rip other songs off when he writes, and some of the songs don't make much sense, but then he has a great knack of making bullshit sound like it means something. Maybe it did at the time, maybe he was so ****ed up on Cocaine or whatever he was takin'. They were probably the best band around when I was growing up and I still listen to a lot of their music. The first two albums were brilliant and so was Masterplan which was made up mainly of b-sides from the Definately Maybe and Morning Glory sessions. Although now I feel the next album needs to be a big one as the previous two or three have been below par in my opinion.

Supersonic 05-13-2008 10:50 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by RichieW2001 (Post 825126)
I quite liked this topic until you used Oasis as a way to vent your feelings about Bon Jovi. Pointless and sours the whole thread.

If my comments about Bon Jovi having their Bad Name's and stuff gave you the impression that I wanted to vent about Bon Jovi you misunderstood. I was just trying to explain something and I didn't mean to bash Bon Jovi in any way with that comment.

Salaam Aleikum,

eheaps 05-14-2008 03:38 AM

They just lost one of the greatest drummers of today with Zak Starkey leaving. For those of you who didn't know, he was taught by Keith Moon (former drummer for The Who) and people say he's better than his father (Ringo Starr). Currently drums for The Who when they go on tour every now and then. Saw them a few years back, still put on an unbelieveable show.

jade4jovi 05-14-2008 03:53 AM

Uh, Oasis are very good, but Bon Jovi are way better IMO. And whoever said BJ haven't got classics that get the crowd going like Oasis has, what a load of poo that is :p

Ferret 05-14-2008 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by jade4jovi (Post 825494)
Uh, Oasis are very good, but Bon Jovi are way better IMO. And whoever said BJ haven't got classics that get the crowd going like Oasis has, what a load of poo that is :p

Have you never heard a crowd sing along to Don't Look Back In Anger?:p

Neurotica80 05-14-2008 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by jade4jovi (Post 825494)
Uh, Oasis are very good, but Bon Jovi are way better IMO. And whoever said BJ haven't got classics that get the crowd going like Oasis has, what a load of poo that is :p

And how do you define "get the crowd going?" When Oasis play Cigs and alcohol there is a huge wave over the crowd, you can literally get moved with them. Slightly different to when BJ play Cap Crash when the crowd just waves there arms and throws confetti :p Or holds up their "its alright" banners

jade4jovi 05-14-2008 06:58 PM

I'm not getting into this debate. It's already turning into a "Bon Jovi are crap" type thread. I'm not going to make it go any further.

Supersonic 05-14-2008 07:05 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by jade4jovi (Post 825557)
I'm not getting into this debate. It's already turning into a "Bon Jovi are crap" type thread. I'm not going to make it go any further.

What the **** are you on? No one is saying that Bon Jovi are crap. No one is saying Bon Jovi can't get a crowd going, if people in this topic would be thinking that I don't think many of us would go see the band in the first place.

It's all about how you get the crowd going. Bon Jovi absolutely can't get a crowd going like an English or South American crowd goes mental on Cigs & Alcohol. It just doesn't happen.

Check for yourself.

Salaam Aleikum,

jade4jovi 05-14-2008 07:10 PM

Well, that's good for them. I just know how these threads usually turn. I said it's turning, I didn't say it was already that way.

hometownboy 05-14-2008 09:39 PM

liam's voice is awful now , but still there a class band. I've been listening to definately maybe a lot lately , that's a brilliant album.

Neurotica80 05-16-2008 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by jade4jovi (Post 825557)
I'm not getting into this debate. It's already turning into a "Bon Jovi are crap" type thread. I'm not going to make it go any further.

I didnt say that. My point was that Oasis can easily get the crowd going, as can BJ its just in a different way. As Seb said, I wouldnt be seeing them 6x next month if I thought BJ were crap!!! And paying Mattbonjovi prices!!!

Thierry 05-16-2008 09:05 AM

Oasis sucks donkeyballs!

Ferret 05-30-2008 11:09 PM

Ooh... Eyeball Tickler's a good song. Gem's songs are really growing on me.

crashed 06-02-2008 02:24 PM

Grew up in the era of Oasis but never really got them until recently...

Always loved Champagne Supernova, but only just beginning to appreciate what a great song Morning Glory is.

My only problem is for a lot of the songs they seem to have written just one verse that they repeat over and over...

Oh yeah...and 10 years of noise and confusion - what a great gig that is, but the Barrowlands always seems to be an awesome venue.

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