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Rdkopper 08-01-2018 11:44 PM

The Official Richie Sambora
Being that the RSO thread under 'New Releases' is coming to an end, I think most would agree that starting Richie's own thread here in the general information section would make more sense and more user friendly to find information...

This is where future projects, collaborations, and really any involvement with Bon Jovi can be discussed...

YOVANAfromPeru 08-02-2018 02:19 AM

yeah, I think if JBJ always mencion him, why not us?
“Those who came before us are as welcome as those who are here now. Everyone is a part of this legacy. Richie and Alec are part of our history, but that was then. This is now.”

And now kinda sucks, lol

DKramer 08-02-2018 04:34 AM

Richie looking not that good on that TMZ video...

Rdkopper 08-02-2018 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by DKramer (Post 1243612)
Richie looking not that good on that TMZ video...

He's been looking bad for a while now... but I've come to accept the fact that the guys are getting old..

He's still so awkward at times... much better but still not like the good old Richie...

YOVANAfromPeru 08-02-2018 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by DKramer (Post 1243612)
Richie looking not that good

but you know... he is “totally cool”

Thinny 08-02-2018 11:00 AM

Yeah, he just seems old to me in that clip. He clearly doesn't want to talk to the TMZ guy, but is being polite, when he really just wants to be left alone.

It also looked to me like he is limping, so I would guess that he is struggling with some back or leg pain?

bonjovi90 08-02-2018 11:33 AM

I didn't even know that Richie has a sister :D

YOVANAfromPeru 08-02-2018 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1243617)
I didn't even know that Richie has a sister :D

lol, assistant now sister

steel_horse75 08-02-2018 12:45 PM

unless he comes back im not really interested in what he does.

Adam D 08-02-2018 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1243620)
unless he comes back im not really interested in what he does.


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danfan 08-02-2018 02:29 PM

Sad, but I'm glad they broke up. Their music sucked, and now, there's maybe a possibility that he'll come back (if Jon will take him) where he belongs. I'm so over Phil.

bonjovi90 08-02-2018 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1243625)
Sad, but I'm glad they broke up. Their music sucked, and now, there's maybe a possibility that he'll come back (if Jon will take him) where he belongs. I'm so over Phil.

Yeah, I have a feeling that they pretty much settled their issues over the HoF ceremony.

Jon knows how to make money and he is aware that, especially in Europe, they'd sell better with Richie back on board.

I don't mind Phil, I'd rather have him drop Shanks from the touring staff. Let Phil play the "solos" on the newer stuff and Richie the classics, that would work for me.

And there was a recent interview with Shanks posted here (about 3 hours long) and he mentioned somehwere that you have to do that touring thing at some point to become more musically accomplished, but that it's not what thrives him and I can't imagine him being too eager to keep touring with the band until the end of their days.

Captain_jovi 08-02-2018 03:19 PM

Yeah to me having Shanks there was nothing more than filling in the guitar sound but knowing how busy he is producing it could never be full time permanent.

Faceman 08-02-2018 04:19 PM

It would be great if he comes back but I don't see it.
He pissed everybody off when he left mid-tour and now after he dumped Ori (or has been dumped, who knows) he comes back like nothing happened? Naah, that's not gonna happen.

And besides that I don't think that Richie wants to get back in. The HoF induction would have been his chance to spread some words to apply back for his old job. But if I remember correctly he denied all questions related to that topic.

Rdkopper 08-02-2018 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1243634)
It would be great if he comes back but I don't see it.
He pissed everybody off when he left mid-tour and now after he dumped Ori (or has been dumped, who knows) he comes back like nothing happened? Naah, that's not gonna happen.

And besides that I don't think that Richie wants to get back in. The HoF induction would have been his chance to spread some words to apply back for his old job. But if I remember correctly he denied all questions related to that topic.

I think the right about of money could pursue anyone... Here is 2 million to play 10 shows. That's tough to turn down (hypothetical)...

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Faceman 08-02-2018 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1243635)
I think the right about of money could pursue anyone... Here is 2 million to play 10 shows. That's tough to turn down (hypothetical)...
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Hypothetically you're right.
BUT...who's gonna pay Richie 2 million (or another fcuking big amount of money) to get back on stage? The ticket sales weren't radical worse without him. And with him they won't be able to sell radical more tickets for a big stadium tour either. We die-hards are the only ones who care about the guitarist.
So I don't see why anybody should invest big money into a guitarist, who is way out of his prime and left a muli-million-dollar business in the middle of a tour --> unreliable

bonjovi90 08-02-2018 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1243640)
Hypothetically you're right.
BUT...who's gonna pay Richie 2 million (or another fcuking big amount of money) to get back on stage? The ticket sales weren't radical worse without him. And with him they won't be able to sell radical more tickets for a big stadium tour either. We die-hards are the only ones who care about the guitarist.
So I don't see why anybody should invest big money into a guitarist, who is way out of his prime and left a muli-million-dollar business in the middle of a tour --> unreliable

You may be right about the ticket issue, but we can't say that for sure about Europe just yet because we haven't had the situation here before.
And if you market it as the "big reunion", you have a different vehicle to build upon that "just" another album that the public doesn't really notice anymore.

And I simply want his return because I miss the spirit that once made me a fan. Even with a washed-up guitarist and a singer with a ****ed-up voice, I still hope to see the occasional flashes of brilliance again. Plus Jon needs his side-kick on stage and IF it's ever gonna happen, that'll be the reason why Richie would be able to rejoin.

Thinny 08-02-2018 05:46 PM

Trust me in the UK and Europe it would make a difference. Particularly in the UK we tend to care about the band as a whole and not just the singer...

JackieBlue 08-02-2018 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1243634)
It would be great if he comes back but I don't see it.
He pissed everybody off when he left mid-tour and now after he dumped Ori (or has been dumped, who knows) he comes back like nothing happened? Naah, that's not gonna happen.

And besides that I don't think that Richie wants to get back in. The HoF induction would have been his chance to spread some words to apply back for his old job. But if I remember correctly he denied all questions related to that topic.

When asked, Jon said something like, "I think Richie's working on another project right now, so you'll have to ask him" and Richie nodded back towards Jon and said, "if he asks me". (Not like, "he'll have to beg me"; more like "if he wants me to".) So, basically, they both evaded. :)

rocknation 08-02-2018 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1243640)
Hypothetically you're right. BUT...who's gonna pay Richie 2 million (or another fcuking big amount of money) to get back on stage...I don't see why anybody should invest big money into a guitarist who is way out of his prime and left a muli-million-dollar business in the middle of a tour --> unreliable

Well, at this point, doing that might be WAY more profitable than NOT doing it.

You may not be that far off the mark, especially if Jon had to agree to a "360 deal" -- in which the label gets some of his touring income -- to be taken back by Universal Music. However, what with Bon Jovi's vocals, album sales, and overall credibility also "way out of their prime," paying Richie to reunite rejoin may have become a gamble that's worth taking.

After all, Universal weren't too proud to throw their own Nicki Minaj under the bus when her brother was busted for having sex with his stepdaughter: They allowed Cardi B, a direct competitor from another label, to perform on a single that Nicki and Universal labelmates Migos had done -- and they forced Nicki to rewrite a verse that they felt made Cardi look bad!

At any rate, the planets have aligned and all the signs are pointing in the right direction -- cautious optimism, anyone?

JackieBlue 08-02-2018 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1243642)
And I simply want his return because I miss the spirit that once made me a fan. Even with a washed-up guitarist and a singer with a ****ed-up voice, I still hope to see the occasional flashes of brilliance again. Plus Jon needs his side-kick on stage and IF it's ever gonna happen, that'll be the reason why Richie would be able to rejoin.

What he said. :)

I don't remember who it was, but right after the induction, someone here posted that even if Richie's performance that night was less than stellar, the HOF proved what had been missing in the band. And I agree. Richie, and especially the chemistry between him and Jon, makes all the difference in the world.

SadieLady 08-02-2018 07:31 PM

I don't see Richie returning. Neither wants it. I don't think Richie misses the music or the touring or it wouldn't have taken years to complete his last project and RSO would have been playing wherever they could to build their brand, get some credibility and remake his name/image. Vanity projects are costly and do not work.
Jon provided the boundaries and rules Richie needed as a musician. Without Jon, Richie hasn't been the frontman he thinks he is as he doesn't have the extreme work ethic Jon is known for.
By the time Jon would even consider it as a last economic hurrah, Richie will be even more embarrassing to watch. Jon is smart. He knew he would get old on stage and he let his image evolve. Actually it is kind of weird as Jon and Phil are close in age and obviously it still works for Phil to be a rocker and even more so when he is with the Drills.
Richie wants to look and act like he did years ago and it doesn't work probably due to the effects of long-term drug/alcohol issues. Having said all this, I really like the guy and I have no interest in buying a ticket to see Bon Jovi without him.
You Europeans and your attitude. I remember when Richie walked, you were sure Jon would have to cancel the European tour. It was ok for Bon Jovi to play without Richie in the US but no way would it be acceptable for Europe. Bon Jovi toured Europe and sold tickets. Now this conversation is starting over yet again.

Thinny 08-02-2018 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1243650)
What he said. :)

I don't remember who it was, but right after the induction, someone here posted that even if Richie's performance that night was less than stellar, the HOF proved what had been missing in the band. And I agree. Richie, and especially the chemistry between him and Jon, makes all the difference in the world.

Same for me...the chemistry between Jon and Richie is what made the band special....without it there is a huge gap that can never be filled...

Thinny 08-02-2018 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by SadieLady (Post 1243654)
You Europeans and your attitude. I remember when Richie walked, you were sure Jon would have to cancel the European tour. It was ok for Bon Jovi to play without Richie in the US but no way would it be acceptable for Europe. Bon Jovi toured Europe and sold tickets. Now this conversation is starting over yet again.

Fans in Europe are very different from fans in the US. Even the band themselves admit that. there's a reason that the band have rarely been here in the last 5 years and it's not just because jon can't be arsed...

SadieLady 08-02-2018 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Thinny (Post 1243656)
Fans in Europe are very different from fans in the US. Even the band themselves admit that.

Absolutely. Different but no more or less deserving. The point I was making is that Jon didn't cancel the European shows when Richie left. I just don't want you to be disappointed yet again when Bon Jovi tours Europe without Richie.

Thinny 08-02-2018 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by SadieLady (Post 1243657)
Absolutely. Different but no more or less deserving. The point I was making is that Jon didn't cancel the European shows when Richie left. I just don't want you to be disappointed yet again when Bon Jovi tours Europe without Richie.

It's not about deserving or not. you're completely missing the point.

No, they didn't cancel the European shows, but they also haven't toured Europe since the 2013 shows, which were already announced when Richie decided to leave.....coincidence? What makes you think they are suddently going to start now?

I know a lot of Bon Jovi fans and nearly all of them said they wouldn't go and see the band without Richie and most of ones that did see them on that one solitary tour said that they wouldn't do it again....

The fans over here that only care about how many times Jon shakes his ass dissapeared a long time ago....

ps. I didn't have an attituede until you posted "You Europeans and your attitude" - uncalled for! All i said that was it WOULD make a difference to the size of the audience in the UK and Europe if Richie came back. Which it would, so...

Faceman 08-02-2018 08:42 PM

They didn't tour Europe because Jon's voice is f*cked up with which he barely can satisfy a arena and there's no way he'd make it through European stadiums.
The real fans don't sell out the stadiums, the non-commited music fans who like to see a big band when they're in town, those folks sell out the stadiums.

I'm absolutely with you that Jon needs his sidekick, that Bon Jovi-magic is only happening with Richie, that the HoF performance showed what was missing. I agree on all those points.
But the HoF performance also showed something else: It was a rehearsed 4 song perfomance and even during those rehearsed 4 songs Richie's play was sloppy and out of time (partial). His solo performances with Ori all were a mess. He isn't the Richie we used to know anymore. And even during his last 5+ years in Bon Jovi he's been bashed all the time for his sloppiness - nowadays it's even worse.
Bon Jovi missed the chance to use their HoF induction for promotion, they missed various chances for anniversary releases, shows or even tours (Slippery, New Jersey, Keep The Faith). Pigs might fly if they get the idea to promote a reunion with Richie.

And there's still one point that must not be underestimated: Richie left 21 shows in a world tour with another 82 shows following. The reason behind this move doesn't matter - this was and still is an unreliability that can't be ignored. And this wasn't the only time (e.g. band rehearsal for the BBC radio show in 2013 where he chose to watch a football game instead of showing up for rehearsal).

I would love a reunited Bon Jovi, but I don't believe in it.

Rdkopper 08-02-2018 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1243660)
They didn't tour Europe because Jon's voice is f*cked up with which he barely can satisfy a arena and there's no way he'd make it through European stadiums.
The real fans don't sell out the stadiums, the non-commited music fans who like to see a big band when they're in town, those folks sell out the stadiums.

I'm absolutely with you that Jon needs his sidekick, that Bon Jovi-magic is only happening with Richie, that the HoF performance showed what was missing. I agree on all those points.
But the HoF performance also showed something else: It was a rehearsed 4 song perfomance and even during those rehearsed 4 songs Richie's play was sloppy and out of time (partial). His solo performances with Ori all were a mess. He isn't the Richie we used to know anymore. And even during his last 5+ years in Bon Jovi he's been bashed all the time for his sloppiness - nowadays it's even worse.
Bon Jovi missed the chance to use their HoF induction for promotion, they missed various chances for anniversary releases, shows or even tours (Slippery, New Jersey, Keep The Faith). Pigs might fly if they get the idea to promote a reunion with Richie.

And there's still one point that must not be underestimated: Richie left 21 shows in a world tour with another 82 shows following. The reason behind this move doesn't matter - this was and still is an unreliability that can't be ignored. And this wasn't the only time (e.g. band rehearsal for the BBC radio show in 2013 where he chose to watch a football game instead of showing up for rehearsal).

I would love a reunited Bon Jovi, but I don't believe in it.

He killed it in SA

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Faceman 08-02-2018 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1243661)
He killed it in SA

Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk

If that's the new benchmark - good night ;)

Rdkopper 08-02-2018 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1243662)
If that's the new benchmark - good night ;)

Oh come on... I agree it wasn't 1995 but it was still electric

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Captain_jovi 08-02-2018 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1243660)
They didn't tour Europe because Jon's voice is f*cked up with which he barely can satisfy a arena and there's no way he'd make it through European stadiums..

Aren't they doing other stadiums though? If you can do one, you can do the other if it's actually about the voice.

Faceman 08-02-2018 09:03 PM

It was better than what we expected. Not more, not less.
And it wasn't for all 5 shows in SA.
They played 32 songs in total with an average of 23,2 songs per show with Always being the one-time highlight. A European show is rated bad if it's less than two and a half hours (25-26 songs) and Always isn't considered that much of a rarity.

steel_horse75 08-02-2018 09:14 PM

Richie Sambora!!!

Originally Posted by Thinny (Post 1243645)
Trust me in the UK and Europe it would make a difference. Particularly in the UK we tend to care about the band as a whole and not just the singer...

Agree with this . Richie would be a huge pull in Europe.
That’s not to say USA crowds and everyone wouldn’t want him back either but Jovi aren’t as big anymore in UK. Richie coming back would help sell out arenas.

bonjovi90 08-02-2018 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1243665)
It was better than what we expected. Not more, not less.
And it wasn't for all 5 shows in SA.
They played 32 songs in total with an average of 23,2 songs per show with Always being the one-time highlight. A European show is rated bad if it's less than two and a half hours (25-26 songs) and Always isn't considered that much of a rarity.

Agreed. South America was okay, especially Rock in Rio and Sao Paulo. But even that was far off what was an average performance in Europe in the summer of 2013. And even in those two shows, there were about 5 good performances and a lot of below-average ones.
It was the crowd's energy that lifted them above the standard-2017/18 levels. South American crowds are just extraordinary when it comes to this (and I envy them for that).

SadieLady 08-02-2018 09:58 PM

I guess the question is would Jon book shows in Europe that aren't in stadiums and would Europeans go to them? Although the magic escapes me, some fans do really love stadium shows and Jon has always wanted to play the biggest or newest venues.
Originally Phil some time ago had answered a fan by saying that booking Australian shows didn't work out economically. Now that tour is happening. I wonder if feelers have been put out for a European tour and they are crunching the numbers for what would work (Jon vs the promoters).
As I said, I have no interest in a Bon Jovi show without Richie but then I am someone who could overlook or not notice some missed notes. However, even I noticed some really bad interactions between Richie and Jon in some shows which led this forum to ponder how real or how fake the so-called brotherhood really was. It would be painful to see that type of show and given Richie's decline, it could happen if he returned. And if Richie came back and left or was fired, the fans would be unforgiving of Bon Jovi and it would wreck whatever tour they were on.

Eveline 08-02-2018 10:04 PM

It's all about taking the risk. But as Richie's tattoo says: Who Dares Wins. In the end, we regret things we didn't do.

Thinny 08-02-2018 10:19 PM

Honestly, we all know that neither Jon or Richie are what they used to be, there's no denying it. But regardless there is still something so damn special about those two on stage together!

Eveline 08-02-2018 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Thinny (Post 1243672)
Honestly, we all know that neither Jon or Richie are what they used to be, there's no denying it. But regardless there is still something so damn special about those two on stage together!

The truest of truths, man!

JoviForever 08-02-2018 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Thinny (Post 1243645)
Trust me in the UK and Europe it would make a difference. Particularly in the UK we tend to care about the band as a whole and not just the singer...

Other than die hards most people in the uk couldn’t even name the guitarist!

Rdkopper 08-02-2018 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by JoviForever (Post 1243674)
Other than die hards most people in the uk couldn’t even name the guitarist!

Is that with any band though???

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