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Rdkopper 08-28-2011 11:54 PM

Richie Solo Album: "Aftermath Of The Lowdown" - September 18th Release Date
Saw this on some Bon Jovi Blog.....

It's something but really nothing:

New Richie solo album?
A little video of Richie and Nikki from a UStream chat last night has been floating around cyberspace...with rumors of a new Nikki record, a new clothing line...and a new Richie solo record!

However, the video has been removed from YouTube, and Nikki has requested on Twitter that all links to it be removed from all social media.

I was able to see it before it disappeared completely, but I think I know why it did.

Nikki did most of the talking in the video, and after her announcement about her new record and their new clothing line "NikkiRich," she really put her foot in her mouth and said there were "exciting things on the horizon for Richie too".

Richie played dumb, and Nikki turned away from the camera with her hand over her mouth to whisper to him - to "remind" him.

To be honest, Richie seemed annoyed. But I think he knew he had to perform a bit of quick damage control, so he DID then say that he was working on new songs for a future solo Richie record...but made it plain that they were working on her stuff first.

So. Since it came straight from him, I believe it. But the timeframe could be anything from a year to ten before we see anything come of it. And we still have to wait for OFFICIAL confirmation of it - since this seemed like a big slip on Nikki's part. lol

Still, it's great to know he's FINALLY considering/working on something!!

Now, Rich, did my question on Extra have any influence on this decision of yours? ;) Hehehehe! (Kidding.)

Becky 08-29-2011 01:28 AM

Given his history of saying he's working on stuff, I'd wait until I heard he was in the studio actually recording before I'd get too excited. Just a few years ago he was talking about working with various country artists and that never panned out.

Kev 09-05-2011 11:34 AM

Richie confirms he is working on a new solo record :)

Iceman 09-05-2011 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Kev (Post 1073134)

Richie confirms he is working on a new solo record :)

Becky said it already:
Given his history of saying he's working on stuff, I'd wait until I heard he was in the studio actually recording before I'd get too excited. Just a few years ago he was talking about working with various country artists and that never panned out.


TwinFan 09-05-2011 03:34 PM

Until we get an official release date, I won't believe it.

And there he goes again saying that they toured 50 countries on the Circle Tour.

Butters 09-05-2011 05:41 PM

I love Richie, but come on, he exaggerates anything. 50 countries...Nah. Writing with Jon on a new Bon Jovi album....that's the first of anything we've heard about that and I highly doubt it. New Richie solo album....yeah maybe but I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being all talk. I hope that's not the case but I wont be holding my breath at all.

Jovimimi 09-05-2011 06:35 PM

It's typical Richie talk , it's vague enough to not mean too much.
I hope for a solo record to come though, but I don't count on it too seriously neither.
Years ago Jon talked about being interested in doing a duo work with Richie (before This Left Feels Right turned out that way) maybe working with Jon could be that sort of thing , you never know..I cannot see the whole band back at work that soon but they will not stay away for too long neither

nrm123 09-05-2011 07:49 PM

he said working on a solo record...a little bit, which probably means just writing some songs but not guaranteed an album release

KingofSwingfan14 09-07-2011 02:33 AM

if only the rumors were true.... im getting hyped up over nothing.

the icebox 09-07-2011 07:29 PM

i would love for another richie solo, but i am not holding my breath

bonjovi821 09-08-2011 01:31 AM

Since not a whole lot of people responded to a thread I made in the General Discussion, I'll summarize. Richie said in an "interview" which was really just a series of fan questions (this was in 2010) that he already had some solo songs recorded and produced.

TwinFan 09-08-2011 01:45 AM

Hasn't he been saying the same thing since about 2001?

I'm in the minority by saying that I really don't care for his solo work, so I won't be torn either way.

bjcrazycpa 09-08-2011 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1073293)
Hasn't he been saying the same thing since about 2001?

I'm in the minority by saying that I really don't care for his solo work, so I won't be torn either way.

Yes, he's been hinting and talking about new solo work for easily 10 years, lol! And I'm with you, I don't hate his solo stuff but it's not something I find myself craving.

The Rock 09-08-2011 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1073293)
Hasn't he been saying the same thing since about 2001?

I'm in the minority by saying that I really don't care for his solo work, so I won't be torn either way.

I'm with you on this one. I will be surprised if we do see a solo CD. It just seemed that it was something that he felt had to be said but didn't mean. I wouldn't be holding my breath for it.

nikos greece 09-08-2011 03:28 PM

i agree with most of the posts, he doesnt seem to be motivated for another solo album. its a bit weird imo, its the perfect timing for a rs album but instead it looks like he really wants to do another bj album right away. the fact that jon called him so early to write a couple of songs imo shows that jon really believes into those songs strongly...otherwise i dont see why he wouldnt use them on a solo record...
i know that jbj and rs often meet to write and gather material for future releases , i d like to know though what plans they have, imo with this info from richie a bj album in 2013 is as likely as solo work from them, at least jon, and there is a small possibility imo for a stripped acoustic album with jon and richie as a duet, maybe jons idea about a singers album got to another level...who knows?
i d really wanted to see a nice acoustic-duet album with the 2 of them and small theatre promo tour!!!:onfire:
it looks like that richie is really into bj the last couple of years,motivated and comfortable in the band, i cant express it accurately but since crush until lost highway it looked like it was jon who pushed him to put his solo aspirations aside. richie recent saying in an interview with tico shows his mind..."not a long break, there are many songs that need to be written"

Javier 09-08-2011 07:43 PM

Imagine if Richie's solo album is titled 'Chinese Democracy'?

ta bum tish!!! :p

The Rock 09-08-2011 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by nikos greece (Post 1073325)
it looks like that richie is really into bj the last couple of years,motivated and comfortable in the band, i cant express it accurately but since crush until lost highway it looked like it was jon who pushed him to put his solo aspirations aside.

That was all Richie's doing. Jon didn't push his solo aspirations aside, Richie did. Richie hasn't been motivated to do anything on his own for a number of years now. He needs the backing of Jon; it's Richie who is pushing for a new BJ CD.

JonGirl 09-08-2011 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1073340)
Imagine if Richie's solo album is titled 'Chinese Democracy'?

ta bum tish!!! :p

Lately whenever Richie talks about releasing another solo record I'm always thinking "Axl Rose" ......but at least Axl finally did come through. I was watching an old clip the other day from around 2000 where Richie talks of either releasing a new solo album or a "greatest hits" solo album with a few new songs. What was he thinking even considering a greatest hits album when he'd only had two solo albums? Anyway, it's been at least 10 years now that he's been talking about it. How long did it take Axl?

Becky 09-09-2011 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by nikos greece (Post 1073325)
i d really wanted to see a nice acoustic-duet album with the 2 of them and small theatre promo tour!!!:onfire:

THAT! At the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville. It would be the show of a lifetime.

micro cuts 09-09-2011 10:52 AM

I think it's better not to release a solo album just for the sake of making one which will probably ruin the RS solo album concept in people's mind because his solo works have been totally different from his works in bon jovi,you can see his own songwriting, playing and singing style, he managed to do that in 90's but now I'm in doubt about he leaves bon jovi style songwriting and gets his humour and romanticism back because If I want to sum last decades bj songwriting up, I'll say don't look back and live your life. I hope it's not sambora's starting point, anyway I'm dying to hear another solo record from the best guitar player of all times.

Butters 09-09-2011 12:01 PM

I've always wondered about this "Richie is too lazy to do a solo record" thing. I've often wondered if his continual talk about a solo album and lack of a production of one is maybe due to the fact that he doesn't have a record contract? I presume whatever record deal Bon Jovi are on is basically to Jon since he's the boss and his solo records could come under such a contract, but would any company really give Richie carte blanche at this stage given how poorly his first two albums sold?

I know even if that were true that Richie could produce it himself on an independent label but something tells me Richie, far more than Jon, is all about presenting an image of himself as THE most successful musician and doing the independent thing wouldn't really jive with that image.

Supersonic 09-09-2011 12:25 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Butters (Post 1073402)
Would any company really give Richie carte blanche at this stage given how poorly his first two albums sold?

His albums still sold more than many indie acts, he's got a fanbase that'll buy his album anyway. Both of his albums charted in the top 30 in the UK. Both of the albums charted in the USA as well, though not as high as in some parts of the rest of the world. Yes, he's not doing as well as Jon or as Bon Jovi but still sells enough so the record company makes a profit on him.

Salaam Aleikum,

micro cuts 09-09-2011 02:06 PM

He should record the album in their own studio in new jersey and let people download it for free, today you don't need a record company to release and distribute an album, just use internet and make a single album without commercial and monetary concerns

kenobi_on_a_prayer 09-09-2011 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1073340)
Imagine if Richie's solo album is titled 'Chinese Democracy'?

ta bum tish!!! :p

North Korean Democracy. I called it back in 2009. :p

Rdkopper 09-09-2011 10:26 PM

I think there is a mutual respect between an artist and their record company. Record companies will be liberal at times by allowing an artist to be an artist and let them release a product that they know won't be as successful. There are other benefits than just record sales anyway which in today's world, don't really exist anymore.

My theory, which I've said in other posts, is that Richie probably did plan to release a solo album since 2001 but b/c Bon Jovi has basically been non-stop since 2000, there hasn't been sufficient time.

Sufficient time to do it right and contractual reasons.

I'm sure that Richie wants to not only release an album but tour it too at a comfortable pace. Between writing, recording, promoting, and touring with Bon Jovi, there really hasn't been much time. Yea, maybe some small gaps but not enough to do his own at a comfortable pace and then relax in-between his solo work and Bon Jovi work.

Also, Bon Jovi were under a long term contract with their Record Company, and I would think that it would be considered a conflict of interest to have a Band and Solo album overlapping (if either one or both were successful).

Look at the last two Solo Gaps (not including tours):

New Jersey was release in '88 and Faith in '92. 4 years

TD in '95 and Crush in '00 - 5 years

The only real gap Bon Jovi had was between Bounce in '02 and HAND in '05. - 3 years - But TLFR and the Box Sets were released in-between. Plus both Jon and Richie did some acting projects and the Arena Football thing.

I think now, there is sufficient time to go forward with a Solo album for both.

bonjovi821 10-02-2011 11:04 PM

Well I can say with almost 100% certainty that Richie is in fact making a solo album.

If anybody remembers (and I doubt you do), I was at the Dublin shows as part of the FC trip earlier this summer, and while there I met Richie's best friend, by some freak chance. Today she told me and I quote "...he has been in marathon meetings working all the details out for his solo album. I am so proud of him for trucking forward to do solo album #3." Now of course there's always the possibility that it'll fall through somehow, but this is about as good as we're going to get to try to put some rumors to rest. If she tells me any other details I'll post them here ASAP. :D

Javier 10-03-2011 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by bonjovi821 (Post 1075025)
Well I can say with almost 100% certainty that Richie is in fact making a solo album.

If anybody remembers (and I doubt you do), I was at the Dublin shows as part of the FC trip earlier this summer, and while there I met Richie's best friend, by some freak chance. Today she told me and I quote "...he has been in marathon meetings working all the details out for his solo album. I am so proud of him for trucking forward to do solo album #3." Now of course there's always the possibility that it'll fall through somehow, but this is about as good as we're going to get to try to put some rumors to rest. If she tells me any other details I'll post them here ASAP. :D

I talked with a friend that knows Richie's best friends' distant cousin from their mothers side and she told him to tell her and eventually told me that it wasn't a sure thing at the moment....

DahBambee 10-03-2011 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by bonjovi821 (Post 1075025)
Well I can say with almost 100% certainty that Richie is in fact making a solo album.

If anybody remembers (and I doubt you do), I was at the Dublin shows as part of the FC trip earlier this summer, and while there I met Richie's best friend, by some freak chance. Today she told me and I quote "...he has been in marathon meetings working all the details out for his solo album. I am so proud of him for trucking forward to do solo album #3." Now of course there's always the possibility that it'll fall through somehow, but this is about as good as we're going to get to try to put some rumors to rest. If she tells me any other details I'll post them here ASAP. :D

Sounds good!! Really looking forward to hearing something official! Thanks for info :)

bonjovi821 10-04-2011 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by DahBambee (Post 1075043)
Sounds good!! Really looking forward to hearing something official! Thanks for info :)

Oh I just remembered something else I posted here a while ago.,1

Richie says in a fan interview that he's written and recorded some new songs.

powernoize 10-04-2011 06:11 PM

found this video on youtube...talks about fashion line and some duets on nikki's album

foxli 10-13-2011 09:27 PM

Just found this :onfire:

"I’m here at Oceanway for the next few days working with the great Richie Sambora on his next solo record. He’s a super cool guy and the music has been a blast to play. We have a great band with Curt Schneider, Rusty Anderson and Matt Rollings."

milomom 10-13-2011 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by foxli (Post 1075381)
Just found this :onfire:

"I’m here at Oceanway for the next few days working with the great Richie Sambora on his next solo record. He’s a super cool guy and the music has been a blast to play. We have a great band with Curt Schneider, Rusty Anderson and Matt Rollings."

Heidi, I started searching as soon as I saw your post on FB. On Curt Schneider's website, I found this pic:

I don't know who the two guys on the outside of the back row are, but I think the guy in the middle is Rusty Anderson (guitar), and I think the front row is Aaron Sterling (drums), Curt Schneider (bass), Richie and Matt Rollings (keys). If I've misidentified anyone, let me know, and if anyone knows who the other 2 guys are, speak up.

powernoize 10-13-2011 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by foxli (Post 1075381)
Just found this :onfire:

"I’m here at Oceanway for the next few days working with the great Richie Sambora on his next solo record. He’s a super cool guy and the music has been a blast to play. We have a great band with Curt Schneider, Rusty Anderson and Matt Rollings."

great news! thanks for posting!

milomom 10-13-2011 10:01 PM

Rusty Anderson -

Curt Schneider -!

Matt Rollings -

Aaron Sterling -

Ocean Way Recording -

This looks promising to me. :D

Rdkopper 10-13-2011 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by foxli (Post 1075381)
Just found this :onfire:

"I’m here at Oceanway for the next few days working with the great Richie Sambora on his next solo record. He’s a super cool guy and the music has been a blast to play. We have a great band with Curt Schneider, Rusty Anderson and Matt Rollings."

This just made my day. Good Stuff...............

I hope it's half Blues and half Straight-Up Rock n Roll....

Captain_jovi 10-13-2011 10:20 PM

As I said on your FB, I THINK that's Luke Ebbins in the back.

milomom 10-13-2011 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1075391)
As I said on your FB, I THINK that's Luke Ebbins in the back.

I'm pretty sure that you're right, Matt. Heidi came up with that. That leaves just the guy on the left in the back . . . anyone?

samboraisgodUK 10-13-2011 10:26 PM

Absolutely brilliant news, hopefully this will put the whole WTB thing to bed...

Here's hoping for a tour!

DryCounty 10-13-2011 10:31 PM

This made my day! Great news :D I love Ebbins work, so that is also very promising ! :D

TwinFan 10-13-2011 11:26 PM

Oh my god, it's actually taking shape. This would be cool to see happen.

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