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Old Joysey 04-11-2015 10:31 PM

Richie jamming with Buddy Guy 4/10/15
Richie (sans facial hair and sans Ori onstage) making quite some beautiful noise with guitar legend Buddy Guy




Happy #Straturday! BG and @therealsambora last night at #TheCanyonClub in Agoura Hills CA! #jamming @fenderguitar (Photo shared by Instagram fan @denisemasino) - Team BG
(c)Precious Tonkville
(c) Orianthi

(c) Orianthi

(c) Orianthi

rolo_tomachi 04-11-2015 10:55 PM

great pics. In the youtube video with Buddy, that tells to Richie in that conversation?

Lucas_Roli 04-12-2015 08:58 AM

Here's a short video of them together from instagram. He looks really happy.

DevilsSon 04-12-2015 04:24 PM

Ah that's cool!!!

Old Joysey 04-13-2015 09:36 PM

from Richie's PR team:

Old Joysey 04-14-2015 01:05 AM

sambos apprentice 04-14-2015 02:16 AM

Woeful from richie

Sounds like a kid who's just got a guitar for his christmas

Sober up you cunt

Javier 04-14-2015 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by sambos apprentice (Post 1186831)
Woeful from richie

Sounds like a kid who's just got a guitar for his christmas

Sober up you cunt

When the C- word gets thrown in there, you know shit just got real!!

sambos apprentice 04-14-2015 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1186833)
When the C- word gets thrown in there, you know shit just got real!!

In my part of the world we use it a hell of a lot!

ticos_stick 04-14-2015 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by sambos apprentice (Post 1186831)
Woeful from richie

Sounds like a kid who's just got a guitar for his christmas

Sober up you cunt

You're becoming somewhat of a broken record.

nikos greece 04-14-2015 11:17 AM

i m happy for richie cause it looks like he is kind of getting some of the respect he deserves and so much craves...after all these years its admiring for a guy with money and success to seek collaborations and the respect from his peers. its nice that richie jams and enjoys music.
having said that that was so sloppy i didnt really enjoy any of the clips i ve seen even if i approached them with a positive eye

Javier 04-14-2015 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by sambos apprentice (Post 1186834)
In my part of the world we use it a hell of a lot!

Really?? I love saying it but it's so ****ing frowned upon over here. It's like whenever I say it, playfully (only ever say it playfully) the world around me just stops and stares in disagreement over me being alive lol.....

sambos apprentice 04-14-2015 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1186840)
Really?? I love saying it but it's so ****ing frowned upon over here. It's like whenever I say it, playfully (only ever say it playfully) the world around me just stops and stares in disagreement over me being alive lol.....

Yeah, I mean it's not a word I'd use in front of my mum but yeah anything goes!

As for sounding like a broken record, I'd say Sambora has that crown.

He's a for being respected!?!,

How deluded are you people? He's a laughing stock. A very wealthy one, but still a laughing stock.

Old Joysey 04-15-2015 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by nikos greece (Post 1186836)
i m happy for richie cause it looks like he is kind of getting some of the respect he deserves and so much craves...after all these years its admiring for a guy with money and success to seek collaborations and the respect from his peers. its nice that richie jams and enjoys music.

He's always had respect from his peers and elders. For example, Eric Clapton played for free on his first album because he was touched by Richie's letter, Les Paul considered him as a son, there's a YT video of a B.B. King concert with Richie as his special guest and they're sure enjoying themselves (to be compared with another B.B. King concert with Slash: no chemistry whatsoever), etc etc etc...

The press in general and the public don't respect him much because he plays (played) in a "chick band" and hair metal bands have always been taken for a joke. And, sadly enough, his playing has degraded over the years instead of improving...

Kathleen 04-15-2015 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by sambos apprentice (Post 1186855)
Yeah, I mean it's not a word I'd use in front of my mum but yeah anything goes!

Well I am a Mum and I use it (sparingly but I use it) and so do my kids.

Becky 04-16-2015 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1186883)
Well I am a Mum and I use it (sparingly but I use it) and so do my kids.

On the subject of curse words, I remember when I met Colleen's parents who very liberally used the F word. I had NEVER heard anyone's PARENT use the F word before. (They were from MA--culture shock!) I never heard my father use the word as long as he lived. My mother uses it now some, but she's also losing her mind so she's losing her inhibitions. If she ever says the "c" word I will be surprised! LOL

semigoodlookin 04-16-2015 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1186870)
He's always had respect from his peers and elders. For example, Eric Clapton played for free on his first album because he was touched by Richie's letter, Les Paul considered him as a son, there's a YT video of a B.B. King concert with Richie as his special guest and they're sure enjoying themselves (to be compared with another B.B. King concert with Slash: no chemistry whatsoever), etc etc etc...

The press in general and the public don't respect him much because he plays (played) in a "chick band" and hair metal bands have always been taken for a joke. And, sadly enough, his playing has degraded over the years instead of improving...

I actually think if Richie is not in Bon Jovi then this kind of stuff he should be doing, although I agree he remains sloppy.

I am not sure Eric Clapton respects Richie, I mean he may and has no reason not to, but he took the gig thinking it would be easy. He certainly talked up Sambora's work ethic though.


"Richie really put me on the spot. It was a nightmare. I got a very sweet, dedicated letter from him, and I was deeply touched, my ego was pumped up. And I thought, “Of course, I have to do this.” And I actually listened to the song, I never acquainted myself with it. I just went in on this little fantasy about how easy it was going to me.

And then Richie came to London with the tape, and I showed up at the studio, and he gave me a gift, which was a massive twelve-string Taylor guitar with my name on it, And it was magnificent. And then he put the tape on, and I realized instantly that I was completely about of my depth. The song wasn’t what I expected it to be, and I had to sit down and go down to the bottom of my socks and pull up whatever I had to make it work. And it took two hours, and I sweated buckets. And Richie was sitting there, watching me go through this. And it was the kind of thing you would like to go off and do in private, because you’re going to make all your worst mistakes right there in front of everybody. So there goes your reputation right out the window. Reality comes in the door."
As for B.B. King, he has jammed with a lot of musicians through the years of course. How aware was he of Sambora? I don't know, he did call him Ricky Sambora when introducing him though.

The Les Paul thing is well documented by now, so yeah Richie certainly has respect from peers, in fact more so than he does from the general public. That said, I imagine few of them see him as Richie Sambora, artist, but more like Richie Sambora, Bon Jovi guitarist.

That's obviously the reputation he is trying to shake right now, and fair play to him for going into it 100%. It just isn't for me due to the sheer lack of quality in all aspects he has shown over the last two years.

Old Joysey 04-16-2015 04:17 PM

Maybe we should define "respect"... What I really meant is that Richie is (was?) considered as "someone that counts" by the music industry and his peers as a guitarist, not only as "Bon Jovi guitarist and sidekick".

If Eric Clapton played on his first solo album it's because he was flattered and touched by Richie's letter (I posted it here last year but sorry, I won't bother to look for it now: I'm typing this post for the second time because I lost that page when I tried to open a new window and this blank page is really REALLY annoying!). Anyway. Clapton didn't need to play with the famous younger guitarists of the era to stay relevant or further up his career and certainly not for money (he played for Richie for free), he did it because he felt like doing it, because he liked the guy (cf what you posted).

The same kind of thing happened with other guitarists: Richie happened to play with them at a charity concert or at some award ceremony gig, i.e. at events where musicians are assembled by the organizer or the music director, then Richie's playing and persona were appreciated by others and so they became friends and decided to play together again later. Rich and famous musicians don't bother to play with each other when they can't stand each other, they won't guest at someone's gig unless they truly appreciate the musician, there's nothing to earn in terms of fame and fortune so what for if not for the sheer joy of jamming together? I disagree with you, I don't think they see him as "Richie Sambora, Bon Jovi guitarist" or else they would rather die than be caught by his side! Remember that in the 80s/90s BJ bashing was the most common sport in the music industry and in the media (that is well documented too) and yet more respected guitarists jammed with him and/or listed him as one of the best guitarists around.


That's obviously the reputation he is trying to shake right now, and fair play to him for going into it 100%. It just isn't for me due to the sheer lack of quality in all aspects he has shown over the last two years.
I agree. It's understandable that now he wants to be recognized as an artist on his own after 30 years in a band as second fiddle but he should have done so earlier, when he was at the top of his craft, not now that he's entangled in a downward spiral. But midlife crisis hits you at midlife, not at 30 or 40!

semigoodlookin 04-16-2015 06:53 PM

He is also proper friends with Jimmy Page too, and I think he is well acquainted with with Brian May.

rolo_tomachi 04-16-2015 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1186903)
He is also proper friends with Jimmy Page too, and I think he is well acquainted with with Brian May.

Right. There is a video from KTF era, Jimmy Page went to a Bon Jovi concert to see Sambora. Even saying it on Tv, that he is a good friend of Richie.

Edit: Here the video

If have the friendship of one God of Guitar as Jimmy Page is not a sign of respect, then I don´t know what the hell it can be.

Old Joysey 04-17-2015 12:29 AM

Thanks for the video! :cool:

And here's Guess Who's confirmation of the friendship:

Supersonic 04-18-2015 08:34 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1186907)
And here's Guess Who's confirmation of the friendship:

Even in that video, as soon as Howard is actually asking Richie about his friendship with Page, Richie's face shows so much insecurity that it, once again, makes me wonder as to how much of this is true.

I reckon he's seen him a couple of times, but that's about it. If they'd have been going to gigs together there'd be loads of picture of it on the internet, yet there's just one of them hanging out at a Def Leppard show in 2008 when he happened to be in London anyway. I'm not buying it, and the sad thing is that pretty much anything Richie says nowadays is just complete bullshit.

Salaam Aleikum,

Old Joysey 04-20-2015 02:20 PM

:rolleyes: Aren't you ever tired of always sounding like a broken record? Just saying.

Anyway. Here's what my great friend Google shows me and ain't that funny?!

And David Coverdale tweeted this photo last Friday:


David Coverdale @davidcoverdale · 17 avr.

The Lads…:)

There's probably more stuff but I have a life and I don't spend it surfing the Net!

BTW, if your theory

If they'd have been going to gigs together there'd be loads of picture of it on the internet
is correct and we apply it to other artists, here's what we could say for example:
Jon recently tweeted that he had attended the "Finding Neverland" premiere, if he'd have been going to this show there'd be loads of pictures of it on the internet and yet I couldn't find one anywhere...

So, when there's no photo on the internet, does it prove that the artists lie or does it prove that the internet generation has no common sense at all? ;)

rolo_tomachi 04-20-2015 03:58 PM

I insist on the same. That video of Jimmy Page in 1993. They are the words of itself Page, is not a message on twitter or a radio interview where Richie himself said ... in this video Jimmy Page says the magic words. Yes, a long time ago, but damn, you know how are these elite musicians, this is not about being the best friends ever and forever, is having a friendship and respect for their work/music.

Richie has played with Jimmy Page, Bryan May (He said That Richie is a great singer), Van Halen, Joey Perry, BB King (c'mon man, jamming with BB is already a recognition, no matter if he calls you Ricky Sombraro, remains a ****ing honor!), Slash (on several occasions), Eric Clapton (he collaborated on their first album), and was a good friend of Les, you know, Les Paul. He also played the last year with Dolly Parton and Zack Brown, I admit that it was somewhat bizarre but .. hey! It was fun as hell! and now .... with Buddy Guy.

Glastonbury Festival with Dolly

CMA Fest with Zack Brown

NAMM TEC Awards with Slash

Not bad for such an underrated guitarist, that now is only a shadow of what a day he was.
Keep Calm. It's Only Rock 'n' Roll.


sambos apprentice 04-20-2015 04:08 PM

yes and when Dolly's team broke the news the Sambora/Sombrero was joining them onstage they all shook their head and laughed as "there's no way that asshole can keep up with us"


The guy was killer. now he's a slouch.

rolo_tomachi 04-20-2015 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by sambos apprentice (Post 1186991)
yes and when Dolly's team broke the news the Sambora/Sombrero was joining them onstage they all shook their head and laughed as "there's no way that asshole can keep up with us"


The guy was killer. now he's a slouch.

yeah, that's what I mean, it was very bizarre. Reminded me a bit of Back to The Future, when Marty Mcfly plays well, but in the end everything is out of control, and people reaction, including musicians on stage, left with face WTF!, thinking... what the hell are you doing man??.

Old Joysey 04-21-2015 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1186990)
and now .... with Buddy Guy.

Richie played with Buddy Guy before, at least once, when Richie presented an award to Eric Clapton during a music awards show. He played with Eric Clapton, Lou Reed, Buddy Guy and Bo Diddley.

He's met a lot of fine musicians in 3 decades, played with some, befriended with some...

VH1 1996 City Of Hope Benefit. Melissa Etheridge with Richie Sambora, Eddie Van Halen, Bryan Adams, Steve Winwood, Don Henley, etc. Hosted By Paul Shaffer. (there are other videos with different songs)

He even played with movie star (ahem!) Frank Stallone! :p

Now please don't tell me he'll be doing this:

golittleperson 04-21-2015 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1186999)

Now please don't tell me he'll be doing this:

Bet He will, she was signed up for some charity show the 25th in LA and it now has him listed too so he'll join this I suspect. Plus Greg Allman is on the bill and his daughter is part of the new crew - makes sense. (He didn't go on the billing for her Las Vegas Hard Rock Gig Jan 3rd and it was cancelled so seems they "need/require" one another)

Old Joysey 04-21-2015 01:50 AM

Yeah, of course I know he will... unless they split up before Jan. 2016...
There's also Brooklyn Allman's half-brother on the list, it seems to be a family reunion!

Bounce7800 04-21-2015 10:31 AM

Surprisingly, Richie not mentioned at all in her biog on that site.

Tictoc 04-22-2015 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by sambos apprentice (Post 1186991)
yes and when Dolly's team broke the news the Sambora/Sombrero was joining them onstage they all shook their head and laughed as "there's no way that asshole can keep up with us"


The guy was killer. now he's a slouch.

I bet your 4th rate Darkness tribute act wouldn't turn down a guest appearance by Richie.

sambos apprentice 04-23-2015 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by Tictoc (Post 1187035)
I bet your 4th rate Darkness tribute act wouldn't turn down a guest appearance by Richie.

Of course not,he has the best blow! We d clean him out. Hell, we could get fake tits and he'd splurge millions on us!

Sadly your ( and my former) idol is a washed up clichè.

And we 're no darkness tribute act. We can actually play.

Did I touch I nerve? Awww diddums 🚼🚼🚼🚼

Old Joysey 04-23-2015 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by sambos apprentice (Post 1187065)
We can actually play.

But who cares? :evil: And can you write hundreds of songs that matter to millions of people all over the world? errr... in 52 countries.
And how old are you BTW? Who says you won't be a washed up cliché and still a wannabe at 55? :p
Just sayin'!

sambos apprentice 04-23-2015 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1187068)
But who cares? :evil: And can you write hundreds of songs that matter to millions of people all over the world? errr... in 52 countries.
And how old are you BTW? Who says you won't be a washed up cliché and still a wannabe at 55? :p
Just sayin'!

The thought of ending up like Richie, Vince Neil st spite of their success possibly the most frightening thing.

And as for being a wannabe, well you gotta be a wannabe or you'll never be a somebody!

And yeah, I believe in writing songs and that magic transpires from that energy. Who's a case of watch this space- at least we're trying!

Old Joysey 04-23-2015 11:34 PM

Yep but keeping on being a wannabe at 55 is very pathetic, I know some people who keep on thinking they're still 20/25 and that their big break will happen tomorrow! It's a lot more frightening than ending up like Richie, Vince Neil & al.

At least Richie is still focused on making new music. His guitar skills are gone forever but he may go back to a higher level than nowadays in a near future if he keeps on practicing everyday, something that he had not done in ages. He probably became lazy (hence sloppy) because his work as the BJ lead guitarist was limited and repetitive. Now that he's hooked up with a guitarist that is more skilled than him he has to take on a new challenge, moreover he wants to impress her and playing the WDOA riff just won't do so he has to make more effort. I think that his upcoming album will be the living proof that he's still a good musician/singer/songwriter but if it sucks, well, it will be the living proof that he's definitely made a mess of himself. So be it!

sambos apprentice 04-24-2015 07:57 PM

We 're enjoying really positive reviews anyway right now and actually made a rock album full of guitars.....something our heroes Will never do again

Supersonic 04-24-2015 09:28 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1187087)
Now that he's hooked up with a guitarist that is more skilled than him he has to take on a new challenge, moreover he wants to impress her and playing the WDOA riff just won't do so he has to make more effort.

The problem with Richie is that nowadays he's just no longer able to play songs like Wanted or Prayer without messing up multiple times, and he certainly doesn't seem to want to admit that he's lost it either. I doubt that he reckons he's hooked up with a guitarist that's more skilled than him, and even so. Orianthi has about 3 tricks up her sleeve. If Richie would be a round someone that'd have control over him (as in a certain band he used to be in), he wouldn't **** up as much as he does now.

And as for The Toi...Even though I think The Toi just aren't that good (personal taste and all of that), I'd say that unlike Richie, their career is actualling going anywhere. They've been getting more press based upon their performances and album as opposed to Richie's career, which is pretty much non existant. Because, you know, unlike Richie, they're actually able to fill a bar.

Salaam Aleikum,

sambos apprentice 04-25-2015 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1187113)

And as for The Toi...Even though I think The Toi just aren't that good (personal taste and all of that), I'd say that unlike Richie, their career is actualling going anywhere. They've been getting more press based upon their performances and album as opposed to Richie's career, which is pretty much non existant. Because, you know, unlike Richie, they're actually able to fill a bar.

Salaam Aleikum,

Hope you can get to a show sometime ( as my guest) and change your mind. You'd be most welcome ...beers and some jovi debate!

Ori is like so many to play fast but devoid of ANY feeling. Richie had that in spades !

SuperBrad 04-25-2015 09:48 AM

Better a Hasbeen then a Neverbeen ! All you people that keep putting shit on Richie , take a close look at your own sad lives ..... What have you done ? What are you doing now ? Where will you be in 20 years ? Go Richie ! Cant wait for some new tunes ;)

GabrielC 04-25-2015 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1186948)
Aloha !

Even in that video, as soon as Howard is actually asking Richie about his friendship with Page, Richie's face shows so much insecurity that it, once again, makes me wonder as to how much of this is true.

I reckon he's seen him a couple of times, but that's about it. If they'd have been going to gigs together there'd be loads of picture of it on the internet, yet there's just one of them hanging out at a Def Leppard show in 2008 when he happened to be in London anyway. I'm not buying it, and the sad thing is that pretty much anything Richie says nowadays is just complete bullshit.

Salaam Aleikum,

At least he was not drunk in the interview. He is much more acceptable and believable clean, not stuttering the words.

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