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rocknation 01-15-2014 09:11 PM

Bruce Springsteen Mocks New Jersey Governor
At the December 2012 Hurricane Sandy benefit, Bruce gave a warm, sincere welcome to one of his "biggest" fans, New Jersey governor Chris "Governor Soprano" Christie:

More recently, Bruce mocked Christie's "Bridge(t)-Gate" scandal with an assist from talk show host Jimmy Fallon:

while Jersey boy Jon Stewart of The Daily Show finds that not even he could explain it all without help from "The Boss":

Kathleen 01-15-2014 09:22 PM

I loved this - Bruce and Rachel Maddow are my heroes LOL

rocknation 01-15-2014 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1160089)
I loved this - Bruce and Rachel Maddow are my heroes LOL

Since not everyone here is an English-speaking American, I added the Daily Show video for the benefit of the non - New Jerseyites, LOL

rocknation 01-16-2014 12:50 AM

Found the lyrics:

Jimmy Fallon (walks out on stage strumming guitar): All Right.
In the day we sweat it out on the streets,
stuck in traffic on the GWB.
They shut down the tollbooths of glory
'cause we didn't endorse Christie.

Sprung from cages on Highway 9,
we got three lanes closed, so Jersey get your ass in line.
Whoa, maybe this Bridge-Gate was just payback.
It's a bitch slap to the state Democrats.

We got to get out but we can’t.
We’re stuck in Governor Chris Christie’s
Fort Lee New Jersey Traffic Jam.
Yeah! Hey, Yeah! Yeah!

The real Bruce Springsteen joins Fallon on stage.

Jimmy Fallon: I can’t hear you. Hey.

Fallon sees Springsteen; gives him a nod.

Bruce Springsteen:
Governor, let me in. I want to be your friend;
there’ll be no partisan divisions.
Let me wrap may legs ‘round your mighty rims
and relieve your stressful condition.

You got Wall Street masters stuck cheek-to-cheek with blue collar truckers,
and man, I really got to take a leak. But I can't.
I'm stuck in Governor Chris Christie's Fort Lee New Jersey Traffic Jam.

Springsteen & Fallon: One, two, three, four …

Jimmy Fallon:
Highway’s jammed with pissed off drivers with no place left to go.
And the press conference went on and on.

Bruce Springsteen: It was longer than one of my own damn shows.

Jimmy Fallon:
Someday, Governor, I don't know when,
this will all end, but till then

Springsteen & Fallon:
You're killing the working man
who's stuck in the Governor Chris Christie
Fort Lee New Jersey Traffic Jam.
Whoa, Whoa, Whoa.

Bruce Springsteen: I gotta take a leak.

Jimmy Fallon: Whoa, oh oh oh

Bruce Springsteen: I really gotta take a leak.

Jimmy Fallon: Whoa, oh oh oh

Springsteen & Fallon: Down in Jerseyland.

kenobi_on_a_prayer 01-18-2014 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1160096)
Since not everyone here is an English-speaking American, I added the Daily Show video for the benefit of the non - New Jerseyites, LOL

Cheers for that, it was a far more entertaining explanation than all the googling I had to do earlier in the week.:p

Kathleen 01-20-2014 10:58 PM

My husband works at Port Authority/PATH and he says that the rumors are flying. Gossip hasn't been so good there for years LOL

rocknation 01-20-2014 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1160653)
My husband works at Port Authority/PATH and he says that the rumors are flying. Gossip hasn't been so good there for years LOL

Well, it all comes down to one simple question: If the Ft. Lee lane closure was conducted without Christie's knowledge or approval, why didn't he question his staff about it the minute it started? Who else could have obtained and set out the extra traffic cones -- the local college fraternity pledges?

Kathleen 01-21-2014 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1160655)
Well, it all comes down to one simple question: If the Ft. Lee lane closure was conducted without Christie's knowledge or approval, why didn't he question his staff about it the minute it started? Who else could have obtained and set out the extra traffic cones -- the local juvenile delinquents?

Well the people in charge of the Bridge were told not to question the closed lanes. The people responsible for that request are now gone ie. Bill Baroni. Still, the Bridge manager is the person ultimately responsible - and he is still there and on the job.

rocknation 01-21-2014 11:47 PM

Here's the latest:


The governor could not bring himself to watch the traffic jam-themed parody of Born to Run sung by his idol, Bruce Springsteen, on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, though he was told by his college-age son, Andrew, that it was funny...

A 50-person dinner...for the governor's closest supporters was called off "because of a lack of response..." On a conference call with Gov. Chris Christie’s most loyal donors a few nights ago, his brother, Todd, pressed for last-minute cash to pay for the governor’s inauguration...Then the governor himself came on the line, trying to convince his listeners that he was moving beyond the George Washington Bridge scandal and getting back to work...


Scandal-plagued New Jersey governor Chris Christie will be sworn in for his second term in Trenton on Tuesday, but the $500-a-head party at Ellis Island's Great Hall that was supposed to follow the ceremony has been canceled. The reason given for the cancellation is today's snowstorm, which...might be for the best...

rocknation 01-22-2014 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by kenobi_on_a_prayer (Post 1160176)
Cheers for that, it was a far more entertaining explanation than all the googling I had to do earlier in the week.:p

A Guide To The Four NJ Mayors Who Say Chris Christie Was One Big Bully

Kathleen 01-23-2014 05:43 PM

This is turning into TV worth watching LOL. There are new allegations daily. Today the FBI is involved:

rocknation 01-23-2014 08:54 PM

Okay, now he's getting just plain sloppy.

Lawyer with deep ties to the governor splits with Bridget Kelly over 'conflict of interest'
  • Chris Christie's former deputy chief of staff got the axe over an email that appeared to kick off the 'Bridgegate' lane closures in September
  • She quickly retained Walter Timpone, a politically connected lawyer
  • Now Timpone has cut Kelly loose, citing a 'conflict' linked to his Christie-appointed position on an election law commission
  • If Kelly planned to implicate Christie, it would explain how his interests and hers would suddenly be opposite – requiring Timpone to step down

Bullshit, toro turd, and grade-A male cattle droppings!

Are we supposed to believe that this lawyer took Kelly's case not knowing that technically, he WORKS for Christie? And does Christie think we've already forgotten that he FIRED Kelly, whereas he allowed the others involved in Bridge(t)-Gate to resign? So why in the world did Timpone go within ten miles of Kelly in the first place? My theory:
  • Christie told Kelly he was firing her strictly for appearance's sake, but not to worry, he'd get her a good lawyer. Or
  • Christie arranged for Timpone to approach Kelly and offer to take her case.
  • Kelly and Timpone work up a defense strategy, during which, of course, Kelly pours her heart out about life with "Governor Soprano."
  • Timpone suddenly remembers that he serves under Christie on the election board commission, and therefore has no business doing business with Kelly. He withdraws from the case, citing a conflict of interest.
  • Timpone fills in Christie on Kelly's defense strategy, giving Christie an advantage in coming up with his own defense strategy. Mission accomplished!
I think Kelly was set up with Timpone in order to BE set up. What's that you say -- lawyers aren't supposed to share a client's information like that? They AREN'T supposed to -- but that's why it's called NEW JERSEY politics, baby!

rocknation 01-24-2014 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1160821)
This is turning into TV worth watching LOL. There are new allegations daily. Today the FBI is involved:

Also today, subpoenas have been served upon Christie's re-election campaign and the New Jersey Republican party:

Kathleen 01-24-2014 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1160826)
Lawyer with deep ties to the governor splits with Bridget Kelly over 'conflict of interest'
  • Chris Christie's former deputy chief of staff got the axe over an email that appeared to kick off the 'Bridgegate' lane closures in September
  • She quickly retained Walter Timpone, a politically connected lawyer
  • Now Timpone has cut Kelly loose, citing a 'conflict' linked to his Christie-appointed position on an election law commission
  • If Kelly planned to implicate Christie, it would explain how his interests and hers would suddenly be opposite – requiring Timpone to step down
Bullshit, toro turd, and grade-A male cattle droppings!

Are we supposed to believe that this lawyer took Kelly's case not knowing that technically, he WORKS for Christie? And does Christie think we've already forgotten that he FIRED Kelly, whereas he allowed the others involved in Bridge(t)-Gate to resign? So why in the world did Timpone go within ten miles of Kelly in the first place? My theory:
  • Christie told Kelly he was firing her strictly for appearance's sake, but not to worry, he'd get her a good lawyer. Or
  • Christie arranged for Timpone to approach Kelly and offer to take her case.
  • Kelly and Timpone work up a defense strategy, during which, of course, Kelly pours her heart out about life with "Governor Soprano."
  • Timpone suddenly remembers that he serves under Christie on the election board commission, and therefore has no business doing business with Kelly. He withdraws from the case, citing a conflict of interest.
  • Timpone fills in Christie on Kelly's defense strategy, giving Christie an advantage in coming up with his own defense strategy. Mission accomplished!
I think Kelly was set up with Timpone in order to BE set up. What's that you say -- lawyers aren't supposed to share a client's information like that? They AREN'T supposed to -- but that's why it's called NEW JERSEY politics, baby!

Wow - did not know this part - gonna send this to my poor long suffering husband. He may be looking for another job himself he is so sick of the politics in the agency.

rocknation 01-24-2014 03:33 AM

Here's something else I guess "Governor Soprano" didn't know about:


The Christie administration has fired the contractor in charge of handing out Sandy relief money for the state -- without announcing it to the public

First, the good news: The Christie administration has fired the contractor that's been bungling the distribution of federal Hurricane Sandy relief money.

This Louisiana firm, called Hammerman and Gainer (HGI), got lambasted by Sandy victims at several legislative hearings...It's been faulted for unreturned phone calls and delays in getting people back into their homes -- not just in New Jersey but in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

But now here's the bad news: The administration fired HGI last month, and we are all just finding out about this now...

Richard Constable, who oversees the state's rebuilding programs...(is) in charge of these grant programs that HGI was screwing up. Did he not think it necessary to mention this firing when he defended the administration against its critics?...Could this be because the state is now trying to remedy HGI's mistakes?
Richard Constable also just happens to be the other Christie appointee who allegedly told the mayor of Hoboken that she'd get no Sandy funding if she didn't approve her city's land development project!


Company Also Made Donation to Group Run by Christie

Christie officials - who as recently as two weeks ago gave legislators in Trenton no hint that the contract had been cancelled - wouldn't say on Thursday why the deal with Hammerman and Gainer, or HGI, was terminated more than two years before completion. Last week, Gov. Christie touted the successes of the Sandy recovery at an event on the Jersey Shore.

HGI won its contract last May shortly after its New Jersey law firm, Capehart, made a $25,000 donation to the Republican Governors Association, which is now headed by Christie. The RGA contributed $1.7 million to Christie's re-election campaign.

The state was to pay HGI $68 million in fees to administer a $780 million Sandy program. But the Christie administration terminated that contract in December, and the termination took effect - unannounced - on Monday. Documents posted on a state website say the company was to be paid $10.5 million as an "unpaid balance" — and for work performing during a "transition period" following termination...
By the way, Christie vetoed an effort to add an extra level of accountability to the fund disbursements, claiming it was an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy!

rocknation 01-24-2014 10:38 PM

Allegation of the the Day

Air Monitors See Spike in Pollution During 'Bridgegate': The monitor closest to the bridge shut down at the height of the traffic jams

One night before local access lanes to New Jersey's George Washington Bridge were closed last fall in an apparent act of political retribution that sparked miles-long traffic jams for four straight days, an air quality monitor run by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection in Trenton abruptly ceased collecting data...(T)he monitor started measuring air pollution again more than two days later – just as a key pollution indicator was starting to decline.

Last fall was not the first time the monitor went down – it stopped transmitting data for several hours on two occasions in June, and it went offline for nearly a week at a time in March and November 2012.

Nevertheless, data collected just as the Jersey monitor came back online...suggest that air pollution reached potentially dangerous levels during at least part of the lane-closure period from Sept. 9 to 12, as thousands of cars, trucks and buses waited for as long as four hours to cross the bridge.
Just a coincidence, I'm sure. But darn it, if that monitor had been working, the pollution readings would have gone up high enough to trigger a response that could have culminated in Christie being notified and the lanes being re-opened. Unless...

Unless the shutdown of the air quality monitor was deliberately engineered by those evil, secretive minions of his -- and precisely because they KNEW that a high reading would probably result in the lane closures being interrupted. Is there no end to their underhanded evildoing, and their cruel soiling of poor, innocent Christie's spotless virtue? Cue the violins!

rocknation 01-25-2014 04:08 PM

Thought you'd get the weekend off? Not so fast...

Hearings Loom On Decision To Leave One Third Of New Jersey Transit Trains In Hoboken And Kearney During Sandy

As the legislative and federal investigations into the George Washington Bridge lane closures continue, Governor Christie’s administration is now facing another potentially damaging probe, as a state Senate panel prepares to launch hearings to examine why NJ Transit left a third of its fleet in low-lying rail yards during Superstorm Sandy.

...(The) chairman of the Legislative Oversight Committee said on Friday afternoon that he received begin hearings into how nearly 400 pieces of NJ Transit rail cars and locomotives were left in flood-prone yards in Hoboken and Kearny, resulting in $120 million in damage.

...(He) said he heard about the explanation Christie offered...last year: that a rogue, low-level employee moved the equipment to the yards on his own, without telling NJ Transit Executive Director Jim Weinstein.

...(But) Weinstein...has said that the agency moved trains into the rail yards because it never expected them to flood and that data available showed the chances of flooding were small...

NJ Transit did commission a $46,000 report that advised on how to protect its infrastructure for a variety of severe weather events resulting from climate change, including hurricanes. The agency received the report four months prior to Sandy making landfall in New Jersey on Oct. 29, 2012, but Weinstein told legislators he didn’t really study the report...
So why was the plan ignored, especially when it was most likely commissioned as a result of Hoboken being flooded by Hurricane Irene in August of 2011? And once again, Christie finds himself at the mercy of a treacherous employee who didn't report to him directly? Woe is him!

rocknation 01-29-2014 09:22 PM


NJ Senate President Stephen Sweeney won't challenge GOP appointment to GWB panel

State Senate President Stephen Sweeney said he will not question the appointment of a Republican senator to a legislative panel investigating the lane closures from the George Washington Bridge, even though the lawmaker's name is mentioned in an email obtained through a subpoena.

State Sen. Kevin O'Toole (R-Essex) is referenced as "O'Toole" in one of the emails obtained by the Assembly Transportation Committee, which was the first panel to investigate the lane closures.

...(O)n Dec. 5, David Wildstein, the Port Authority’s director of interstate capital projects, thanked Gov. Chris Christie's Press Secretary Michael Drewniak "for all of your sound advice last night, I always appreciate your friendship. Spoke with O'Toole this morning and he will talk with you later today."

Wildstein resigned the next day...O'Toole said...he did not recall that conversation with Wildstein...(and that) he did not speak to Wildstein about the Assembly's ongoing investigation into the George Washington Bridge lane closures. "I don't know what that means," O'Toole said of the email exchange.

Sweeney said..."I am not going to say Kevin has done anything — I am not going to prejudge."

Kean (R-Union) today said he stands by his choice of O'Toole. "I have full confidence in Kevin's ability to serve..."

Assemblyman John Wisniewski (D-Middlesex), the co-chair of the new legislative panel, said Monday he will consult the committee's special counsel about O'Toole's membership...

Okay, this isn't brain surgery: O'Toole is implicated in the investigation whether anyone likes it or not, and he CANNOT remain on the committee, or he'll be investigating himself. But Christie, O'Toole, and Kean are Republicans: their sticking together is logical if not ethical. Sweeney, on the other hand, is a Democrat -- what's his excuse?


Chris Christie Tried To Oust Tom Kean From State Senate Position

Christie and his staff lobbied (NJ) Senate Republicans to oust Kean as Minority Leader and replace him with Kevin O’Toole, an Essex senator...

Kean and Sweeney are in the midst of a nasty feud that sprang up when Kean campaigned hard against Sweeney, figuring that Christie's landslide victory at the top of the ticket would give Republicans their best shot at recapturing control of the Senate.

But Christie, realizing that Sweeney's seat was likely safe and knowing he needs to work with Sweeney and other powerful Democrats to get legislation passed, did not actively campaign against him...

Senate Republicans bucked their governor and re-elected Kean...

So by leaving O'Toole on the committee, Sweeney gets to thank Christie for not backing the fellow Republican who ran against him and Christie has a potential spy in the enemy camp, effectively undermining the state-level investigation before it even starts. Which means that O'Toole will either have to recuse himself or be ousted on an ethics ruling:


Christie Loyalist To Run Ethics Panel That Would Get Bridge(t)-Gate Complaints

The state Ethics Commission, which would rule on any ethics complaints against state officials in Bridge(t)-Gate or other Christie administration scandals, yesterday approved Gov. Chris Christie’s recommendation for its new executive director -- Susana Espasa Guerrero, a former governor’s counsel who served in the governor's office with all nine Christie aides subpoenaed in Bridge(t)-Gate...

Former members of the state Ethics Commission are taking issue with the way Christie injected the governor's office into the hiring of its past two executive directors...Paula Franzese, a Seton Hall law professor...says..."It was always the tradition that the governor's office would not intercede in appointments because the governors were mindful of avoiding the appearance of impropriety.”

William E. Schluter, the former Republican state senator...(who)...formerly served as vice chairman of the commission...said...“This is the whole problem: The commission is supposed to choose the executive director, not the governor...(T)his is the second time that the governor has put in his own choice as executive director. The commission has to have total independence. That was the purpose of the reforms implemented after Gov. McGreevey left office in disgrace...”
Uh, never mind...

nickolai 01-29-2014 09:48 PM

Bruce is in great shape for someone in their mid 60s. He has biceps of someone in their 20s.

rocknation 01-29-2014 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1161140)
Bruce is in great shape for someone in their mid 60s. He has biceps of someone in their 20s.

I noticed that, too -- if I were Fallon (age 39), I'd be embarrassed to be looking so pale and flabby, LOL!

rocknation 01-31-2014 06:25 AM


Hoboken Site Developer Dismisses Law Firm

Rockefeller Group, a real estate developer whose proposed office complex in Hoboken, N.J., is at the center of allegations that associates of Gov. Chris Christie threatened to withhold Hurricane Sandy relief money from the city unless the project received approval, has severed its connections with...Wolff & Samson...a law firm with close ties to the governor...A former member of Mr. Christie’s cabinet...Lori Grifa...who now works at the law firm, lobbied state officials on behalf of the project.

“Given the investigation,” Dwayne Doherty, a spokesman for Rockefeller Group said, “we’ve decided to shift our work on the project to another firm.” Rockefeller Group said the allegations were “deplorable” if true.
"Close ties" to Governor Soprano? That's an understatement -- the owner of Wolff & Samson, David Samson, also happens to be the chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey! Which means that though the position pays no salary, a lovely little paycheck would have been waiting for him at W&S once the Hoboken development deal went through.

I wonder what made the Rockefellers so nervous all of a sudden. It can't be that Christie gave Samson the Port Authority job -- that happened three years ago. And so what if the chairmanship doesn't pay? Samson can make a nice enough living off his clients who need to do business with the PA. It's all quite a mystery, LOL!

rocknation 02-02-2014 07:34 AM

Chiriste and Wildstein: Not Exactly The Best Pen Pals

Chris Christie knew about lane closures, Wildstein's lawyer says

The attorney representing David Wildstein, a former official at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, said today that Gov. Chris Christie knew of the closure of lanes from Fort Lee on to the George Washington Bridge when they occurred in September.

"Evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference" last month, the attorney, Alan Zegas, said.

Zegas also said Wildstein "contests the accuracy of various statements that the governor made about him and he can prove the inaccuracy of some."

The statements were made in a letter sent by Zegas to the Port Authority asking it to reconsider its decision earlier this month not to pay Wildstein's legal bills...Wildstein's request was made after a similar request by Bill Baroni, the authority's former deputy executive director, but Baroni's request is still pending.
The letter was sent by Wildstein's attorney to the Port Authority? Hmm, I wonder how it ended up in the press?

Christie retaliated with an email to his supporters, one of whom must have sent it to the press because HE wouldn't stoop to doing anything so pathetic:


Christie Hits Back: Bridge Official Will 'Say Anything To Save' Himself

The 700-word titled 5 Things You Should Know About The Bombshell That's Not A Bombshell...

Christie's office attacked the New York Times's portrayal of the revelations, reasserted Christie's truthfulness in the past and attacked the credibility of the official, David Wildstein, whose attorney claimed that “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what" Christie said in a January press conference.

"Bottom line - David Wildstein will do and say anything to save David Wildstein," the email concludes.

The initial statement from Christie's office, issued after the allegations were reported Friday, was much more tempered in tone, saying that the claim actually "confirms what the Governor has said all along."
Why did Wildstein's request for legal financial aid get rejected faster then Baroni's? Perhaps because Wildstein refused to answer any state investigation questions without the promise of immunity from prosecution, whereas Baroni cooperated -- however untruthfully. If you need to be defended, you should get the best legal assistance you can. But if all you want is immunity, why waste your money when you can get a public defender, LOL!

rocknation 02-04-2014 02:56 AM


Chris Christie aide who received subpoena in bridge scandal investigation resigns

One of 18 people subpoenaed by a legislative panel in the George Washington Bridge lane-closure scandal...Christina Genovese Renna, director of departmental relations...has resigned her position as an aide to Gov. Chris Christie...

Renna reported to Bridget Kelly, Christie’s deputy chief of staff, who set the September lane closures in motion with the one-line email, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee.”
Renna was in charge of interfacing with governmental constituents such as the mayor of Ft. Lee. If she received his complaints about the lane closures, she would have passed them up the chain of command to Kelly (who would have passed them to chief of staff Kevin O'Dowd, who would have passed them to Christie).

Since Christie didn't fire her at the same time as Kelly, he evidently doesn't blame Renna for anything. So what is she worried about -- being accused of not telling Kelly about hearing from the mayor of Ft. Lee?


Resigned Christie staffer is married to Pinelands pipeline company exec

An aide to Gov. Chris Christie who resigned Friday is married to a top executive of a company that tried to build a controversial gas pipeline through the environmentally sensitive Pinelands region — a plan the governor's office unsuccessfully sought to get approved. The relationship has drawn fire from environmentalists who call it a conflict of interest...

Christina Genovese married to Michael J. Renna, president and chief operating officer of South Jersey Industries, the parent company of South Jersey Gas, which wanted to build the pipeline.

The 22-mile pipeline between Maurice River Township and Beesleys Point was rejected after a deadlocked 7-7 vote by the Pinelands Commission last month. Environmental advocates had said it was being rushed through, and accused Christie administration officials of trying to strong-arm opponents.

“This project was being fast-tracked and was being pushed aggressively by the Christie administration,” Doug O’Malley, director of Environment New Jersey, an advocacy group, said. “There were multiple red flags that this was violating the Pinelands Commission’s mission and the administration was recklessly moving forward with it...”
Hmm. Well, I can see where she'd be worried about being questioned about THAT!

rocknation 02-04-2014 09:42 PM

Update: Renna's resignation

Mr. Christie's Executive Order 24 & The Pinelands Pipeline

On April 27, 2010, Governor Christie signed Executive Order 24. This measure required financial disclosure statements to be filed annually by certain members of the state government. The order contains a detailed list of who must file a statement listing the financial holdings and interests of the employees and their immediate family members. The recently departed Christina Genovese Renna clearly fell within the definition of who is required to file as deputy to Bridget Kelly...

Ms. Genovese Renna was a member of the Governor's staff at this time. Her husband, Michael Renna, was a substantial stock holder and senior executive of South Jersey Industries, the parent company of South Jersey Gas...The Ethics Commission Database, which you can search for yourself here indicates that she never filed her financial disclosure forms, which would have revealed the financial interest in the outcome of the Pipeline decision...

...Failure to have a member of his own staff adhere to the rules everyone else has to follow. Having a staff member with a financial interest in the outcome of a project that the governor's office is pushing hard. Trying to ram an environmentally destructive project through a state, national and global environmental treasure. It's a Christie trifecta!
But fear not -- it turns out that there's a reasonable explanation for Ms. Renna's omission:

“Mike Renna is not an employee of SJI’s regulated utility South Jersey Gas,” said company sopkesman Daniel Lockwood. “While he was promoted to president of SJI on January 24, 2014, he has not had nor will he have in the future, any day-to-day responsibility for SJG’s pipeline project. That responsibility falls with Jeff DuBois, SJG’s president and various other SJG officers. “
You see? He doesn't have a financial interest in the SJG pipeline project because it hasn't happened. And as of now, he's only the president of the pipeline project's PARENT company -- why in the world would anyone expect him to be able to gain financially from a mere subsidiary?

P.S. Good thing for the Rennas that he got the promotion just a few weeks after the scandal started -- I'm sure he got a raise which should help round out his wife's unemployment checks! :rolleyes:

rocknation 02-08-2014 05:47 AM

Oops, they did it again
About that message that was emailed to Christie's supporters -- those scheming, anonymous staffers of his have undermined him once again!


Chris Christie struggles to deal with turmoil

The memo from Gov. Chris Christie’s office attacking former appointee David Wildstein’s credibility landed with a thud...even his allies called it a mistake. But one important person hadn’t seen the missive ahead of time: the governor himself.

Christie’s aides did not run the the governor before they sent it out, according to two people familiar with the matter. Instead, someone...blasted it out earlier than planned. Another round of unflattering news coverage ensued...

The "unflattering" coverage may have been the result of the email coming across as the work of a clique of spiteful adolescents, particularly the section on his ex-employee David Wildstein:

  • As a 16-year-old kid, he sued over a local school board election.
  • He was publicly accused by his high school social studies teacher of deceptive behavior.
  • He had a controversial tenure as Mayor of Livingston
  • He was an anonymous blogger known as Wally Edge
  • He had a strange habit of registering web addresses for other people's names without telling them
  • Wildstein Created “Culture Of Fear” Within Port Authority
Bottom line - David Wildstein will do and say anything to save David Wildstein.

With a personal qualities like that, why in the world would Christie hire such an unseemly person in the first place?

The...mystery man inside a growing investigation

Wildstein was hired in May 2010 as director of interstate capital projects — a position that had no job description...His role at the Port Authority was never clearly defined.

...(T)o transform itself into a model of government transparency, the Port Authority turned over a stack of résumés and job descriptions for employees hired at a salary of $100,000 or more during Gov. Chris Christie’s first two years in office...(F)or most hires, the agency provided both a résumé and the position’s corresponding job description and requirements. But not in David Wildstein’s case...

A spokesman for Christie defended Wildstein’s hiring, as well as his lack of an official job description,
asserting in a statement that "he is there in that job because he is well-suited to the task of playing a role in reforming the Port Authority in accordance with the governor’s goals."
Resume? He ain't got no resume. He don't need no resume. HE DON'T HAVE TO SHOW YOU ANY STINKING RESUME!!!

rocknation 02-10-2014 10:10 PM

How Can You Be Your Own Chief Investigator AND Your Own Prime Suspect?
Last week, Christie traveled to Texas and Florida to host Republican party fundraising events. Unfortunately, lots of Texas and Floridia Republican VIPs found that they were unable to attend. But now he's back home, rejuvenated, and ready to take on an internal investigation of Bridge(t)-Gate!


Lawyers for Christie administration seeking documents, interview with Hoboken mayor

A team of attorneys retained by Governor Christie’s office in the aftermath of the George Washington Bridge scandal is seeking documents and a private interview with the Hoboken mayor...

Dawn Zimmer...alleged that members of Christie’s administration had threatened to withhold Superstorm Sandy aid if she did not fast-track a particular real estate development project...

In letters obtained by The Record, lawyer Randy Mastro asked that Zimmer and four other Hoboken officials provide his legal team with documents already handed over to federal investigators..

“We question whether it is appropriate for the Governor’s Office, in essence, to be investigating itself, particularly when an investigation of the same subject matter is being conducted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office,” Zimmer’s attorney wrote in a reply letter...
Christie used to be a prosecutor, but I guess he's a little out of practice. Even if the Zimmer camp still had the documents in question, Governor Soprano is not legally entitled to see them until AFTER he's indicted.

Zimmer says it was Christie's lieutenant governor Kim Guadagno who delivered the message. Maybe she's the person he should start his internal investigation with:

Christie: "Did you tell Zimmer that I told you that she wouldn't get federal Sandy relief money unless she fast-tracked a project that my associates would have benefited from financially?"

Guadagno: "I don't know."

Christie: "Did I TELL YOU to tell Zimmer that she wouldn't get federal Sandy relief money unless she fast-tracked a project that my associates would have benefited from financially?"

Guadagno: "I don't know."

Christie: "Did I tell you that if I told you to tell Zimmer that she wouldn't get federal Sandy relief money unless she fast-tracked a project that my associates would have benefited from financially, we must deny it to our dying days?"

Guadagno: "I don't know."

Christie: "Well, that clears me, then -- internal investigation over!"

rocknation 02-13-2014 07:57 PM

You know how the murderer always seems to get caught because he makes one teeny tiny little mistake? Christie's mistake seems to be not taking into account that American multi-state agencies (such as the Port Authority of New York AND New Jersey) are under the jurisdiction of the federal government.

Christie had his ducks in a row as far as being able to control any state-level investigation. He was in the process of promoting his chief of staff (the #3 person in his inner circle) to the position of attorney general -- the highest-ranking lawyer in New Jersey -- when Bridge(t)-Gate broke. Had he been successful, it would have effectively given Christie the power to control the outcome of any state-level investigation. Since then, a member of the state investigative committee whose name appears in the Bridge(t)-Gate emails not been removed, and Christie has installed a new director to the state ethics commission, as I mentioned before.

Christie doesn't have the power to control "the Feds," however, and it looks like they are not concentrating on Ft. Lee and Hoboken alone:


Chris Christie's Piggy Bank

...(T)he Port Authority of New York and New the agency that built and owns and runs the George Washington Bridge...Toss in...(the) Lincoln and...Holland Tunnel(s), plus Newark, LaGuardia, and JFK airports, plus one of the eastern seaboard's busiest seaports -- the list goes on and on...If you're Chris Christie, that's a corner candy store pleading to be plundered.

Early in his first term, Christie "borrowed" $2 billion by killing a crucial tunnel project jointly funded by New Jersey, New York, and the federal government, and...used that dough for New Jersey road work that the New Jersey budget couldn't cover without raising the state's gas tax...That tunnel project, billed at $9 billion, would've been a godsend to New Jersey rail commuters -- not to mention the thousands of jobs committed to its construction...

Christie not only killed the tunnel, but lied about doing so to save the state from paying for imaginary cost overruns, even after the U.S Department of Transportation, trying to save the tunnel, said it would cover New Jersey's share of any such costs...
Nothing makes the Feds crankier than doing naughty things with money that they give you.

Kathleen 02-15-2014 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1162351)

Nothing makes the Feds crankier than doing naughty things with money that they give you.

Yeah - no shit LOL. I have a suspicion (and maybe it's just me) that with this wider investigation Christie is gonna fall. As you say - he could control the NJ investigation but he can't control the federal investigation. Killing that tunnel project made him a lot of powerful enemies - I can only hope that they uncover where all the bodies are buried - and fry his ass.

rocknation 02-19-2014 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1162351)
Christie had his ducks in a row as far as being able to control any state-level investigation...(A) member of the state investigative committee whose name appears in the Bridge(t)-Gate emails not been I mentioned before...

Bridge investigation committee member could face subpoena

The co-chairs of the legislative committee investigating lane diversions at the George Washington Bridge said today they may have to question one of their own members in the scandal.

State Sen. Loretta Weinberg and Assemblyman John Wisniewski said today they can envision a scenario where the committee might call Republican state Sen. Kevin O'Toole, a member of the committee, to talk about what he knows about the incident that snarled traffic in Fort Lee for four days in early September.

Weinberg said she could see the committee issuing a subpoena to O'Toole, while Wisniewski was not as specific, saying only it might be necessary to question O'Toole over what knowledge he had of the lane closures and the explanation from Port Authority of New York and New Jersey officials that the closures were due to a traffic study.

"Probably, yes," Weinberg said when asked if the committee might subpoena O'Toole. "I could see such a scenario unless he comes forward with whatever information he has that we don't know."

rocknation 02-19-2014 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1162713)
Yeah - no shit LOL. I have a suspicion (and maybe it's just me) that with this wider investigation Christie is gonna fall. As you say - he could control the NJ investigation but he can't control the federal investigation. Killing that tunnel project made him a lot of powerful enemies - I can only hope that they uncover where all the bodies are buried - and fry his ass.

It's been so long since you last posted, I thought that maybe the investigation was getting too close to your husband and you had to become fugitives, LOL!

Kathleen 02-19-2014 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1163274)
It's been so long since you last posted, I thought that maybe the investigation was getting too close to your husband and you had to become fugitives, LOL!

Nah - if truth be told my husband is responsible for saving the Port a ton of money by re-writing certain contracts that pissed off Christie and his bunch very early on. Though at the time my husband didn't know the extent of "Christie's Bunch". If those projects get reviewed (which they might) his name would be involved but he would come out squeaky clean. Most of the actual engineers there are pretty clean - they work hard and get absolutely no credit. He is hoping that some of the dirt that he knows is out there comes to the attention of the correct people.

rocknation 02-19-2014 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1163275)
Nah - if truth be told my husband is responsible for saving the Port a ton of money by re-writing certain contracts that pissed off Christie and his bunch very early on...Most of the actual engineers there are pretty clean - they work hard and get absolutely no credit. He is hoping that some of the dirt that he knows is out there comes to the attention of the correct people.

THIS JUST IN: The head of New Jersey Transit (railroad) is resigning effective March 2!

Kathleen 02-19-2014 08:28 PM

Holy crap - you're right. I didn't see that one coming but should have.

The decision to leave trains in a flood zone was heavily criticized and <horrors> people had to wait a long time for a train after the Superbowl. :roll:

rocknation 02-22-2014 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1161199)
"Close ties" to Governor Soprano? That's an understatement -- the owner of Wolff & Samson, David Samson, also happens to be the chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey! Which means that though the position pays no salary, a lovely little paycheck would have been waiting for him at W&S once the Hoboken development deal went through.

I'm glad Mr. Samson is "too ethical" to collect paychecks from both the PA and his law firm's clients that do business with the PA. According to The Rachel Maddow Show, here's a heartwarming story about a paycheck that Mr. Samson DID pick up:

...(W)e introduced you to...a parking lot in northern New Jersey just across the river from New York City. The entity that operates that parking lot has been trying to...maximize its profits...(T)hey hired a top New Jersey law firm to help advise them...Wolff and Samson.

In 2010, they paid that firm somewhere in the neighborhood of $650,000...The next year, they gave...$1.5 million...Well, the Samson in Wolff Samson is...David Samson...(who) is also the chairman of...The Port Authority...(which) happens to own that piece of land where the parking lot sits....

In early 2012, Mr. Samson, in his official role as chairman of the Port Authority...voted that they should stop charging...$900,000 per year (in rent)...and start charging them one dollar per year...Do the math.
Okay, I'll do the math -- the entity saves $899,999 a year, New Jersey loses $899,999 worth of tax revenue a year, and Wolff and Samson pockets at least two million dollars.

But before you start accusing Mr. Samson of unethical-ness below and beyond the call of duty, you'll be happy to know that he has seen the error of his ways and has sought to make amends:

...The Port Authority`s general counsel...agreed to change the recorded board vote on the dollar a year lease deal...

David Samson was present at the vote that day. He voted yes, but now...says actually he never intended to vote...He would like to retroactively recuse himself from that vote, please, two years later.

In a letter...the general counsel told Mr. Samson, quote, "I have concluded that you intended to recuse on that matter, through clerical inadvertence, your recusal was not correctly noted..."

I'm not sure I've ever seen...a retroactive recusal, but in New Jersey, we`re all learning that anything is possible.
So you see, it was just another of those satellites of misunderstanding that revolve around Planet Christie: Samson's vote was recorded correctly, but his declining to vote wasn't. Voting for the rent reduction was the "wrong" thing to do -- setting it up at taxpayer expense for his personal gain was perfectly okay. And he has now turned his wrong into a right!

The next step, of course, is for Mr. Samson to "retroactively recuse" the money that "the entity" paid his law firm. But that might take a while, because the entity is New Jersey Transit -- who VERY recently lost THEIR chairman!

Kathleen 02-22-2014 04:54 AM

Dear God - the brain boggles reading that post LOL. However the fact that Samson is a slimebag comes through loud and clear.

rocknation 02-23-2014 03:36 AM

Two more things that Christie "didn't know"
1. The good news is, a new chief of staff has been appointed to the new deputy director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The bad news is, Christie must be unaware that she is implicated in the Bridge(t)-Gate emails and is under subpoena!

2. Apparently Christie didn't know that the lawyer he hired to head up his "internal review" is also heading his law firm's defense of the PA in a lawsuit against its toll hikes. The lawyer has withdrawn from the lawsuit, but his firm has not, so the conflict of interest remains.

rocknation 02-25-2014 02:29 AM

Another Bridge(t)-Gate subpoena recipient has vacated his post:

Paul Nunziato...The president of the union that represents police officers for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, who has come under increasing scrutiny in connection with the lane closings at the George Washington Bridge, told his membership on Thursday that he would step aside from the union’s day-to-day operations...

Mr. Nunziato is close to David Wildstein, who was the director of interstate capital projects at the Port Authority. (Wildstein) submitted his resignation on Dec. 6...

In December, when some Port Authority officials were still maintaining that the closings were part of a traffic study, the union leader said the study had been his idea...(which) he had put a breakfast with Mr. Wildstein...

And speaking of implicated Port Authority cops:


...(T)he police union and its leaders are under investigation by both the Legislature and the Port Authority for enforcing the George Washington Bridge lane closures, telling disgruntled motorists to call Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich to make sure he knew the lane closures were aimed at him, and backing up the Christie administration’s cover story that the closures were part of a legitimate traffic study...

Christie’s veto authority over Port Authority decisions gave him the power to keep his promise to unilaterally block efforts to allow the New York City Police Department patrol the new Freedom Tower...

Scrutiny of the Port Authority police union was further heightened this weekend when MSNBC’s Steven Kornacki discovered that the “Chip” who drove Wildstein to the George Washington Bridge to view the traffic tie-ups on September 9...was...Port Authority Police Lt. Thomas “Chip” Michaels, who is the brother of Christie senior campaign adviser Jeff Michaels...The Christies and the Michaels are lifelong friends who grew up together...

“The Governor has never had any conversations with either Jeff or Chip Michaels on this topic,” Christie spokesman Keven Roberts said yesterday.
He didn't? How unfortunate. If Michaels the cop had mentioned it to Michaels to adviser, who had advised the governor that there was an unauthorized lane closure on the George Washington Bridge, maybe none of this would have happened -- fine friends THEY are!

Kathleen 02-26-2014 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1163763)
1. The good news is, a new chief of staff has been appointed to the new deputy director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The bad news is, Christie must be unaware that she is implicated in the Bridge(t)-Gate emails and is under subpoena!

And nobody even knew that that is who she is. Lots of people are working with her at the Port and were not aware of her affiliations or her implications.

From people who have been at the Port for 30 years - "It's never been this bad". Yes there are always people you need to be aware of - it's never been this polarized.

rocknation 02-28-2014 11:44 PM

This serving of "Life On Planet Christie" comes with a side order
...of anti-Semitism.

Remember those documents David Wildstein turned over to the state investigative committee? Parts of them were blacked out, and Wildstein said he could delivered them non-blacked out in exchange for immunity. Well, he has since released the un-blacked out records -- sort of:

Juicy Details From The Brand New 'Bridgegate' Documents

The new documents include a text message exchange from Aug. 19 in which Christie's former Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs, Bridget Anne Kelly, joked with Wildstein about causing "traffic problems" to take revenge against a rabbi who crossed him...

"We cannot cause traffic problems in front of his house, can we?" Kelly replied.

"Flights to Tel Aviv all mysteriously delayed," said Wildstein...

(T)he new documents show other Christie aides discussed how to handle questions from the press and politicians about the closures. There was also an indication an unnamed figure Wildstein referred to as "general" was in on the conversation...Later portions of that conversation were redacted.

A few tipsters have pointed out the "General" may be Port Authority Chairman David Samson...a former New Jersey attorney general...

The newly unredacted documents include an exchange from Nov. 25 where Baroni asks Wildstein for feedback on the testimony. In what seems to be an indication they were indeed in the loop with O'Toole, Wildstein also updated Baroni..."O'Toole statement ready," he wrote...

On Nov. 12 of last year, Baroni sent Wildstein a text that was perhaps indicative of the mounting pressure Christie's allies faced amid growing questions about the closures.

"Are we being fired?" he wrote. Later portions of that conversation were redacted...
Baroni wondered if he was about to be fired? That doesn't mesh with what Christie has said:

You will remember that Bill Baroni resigned from the port authority in December as the Bridge gate scandal was slowly starting to build. Governor Christie announced that Bill Baroni was leaving the port authority. And at the time, he said that Mr. Baroni`s resignation had nothing to do with the bridge controversy at all. The governor said at the time, quote, "this was nothing I had not planned already."
Christie appeared to have scored a tactical coup by appointing a new head of the state ethics commission. But maybe not:

In 2010, John F. McKeon, a New Jersey assemblyman, made what he thought was a mild comment on a radio program: Some of the public employees that Gov. Chris Christie was then vilifying had been some of the governor’s biggest supporters. He was surprised to receive a handwritten note from Mr. Christie, telling him that he had heard the comments, and that he didn’t like them.

“I thought it was a joke,” Mr. McKeon recalled. “What governor would take the time to write a personal note over a relatively innocuous comment?”

But the gesture would come to seem genteel compared with the fate suffered by others in disagreements with Mr. Christie: a former governor who was stripped of police security at public events; a Rutgers professor who lost state financing for cherished programs; a state senator whose candidate for a judgeship suddenly stalled; another senator who was dis-invited from an event with the governor in his own district.

In almost every case, Mr. Christie waved off any suggestion that he had meted out retribution. But to many, the incidents have left that impression, and it has been just as powerful in scaring off others who might dare to cross him...
Well wave THIS off, Governor Soprano: Mr. McKeon was appointed to head the state's Assembly Judiciary Committee -- which means that while Republicans may control the committee that rules on ethics violations, Democrats control the committee that rules on impeachment proceedings!

rocknation 03-02-2014 06:55 PM

It's the hypocrisy, stupid
The state investigative committee has officially slid into irrelevance.


Watson Coleman steps down from bridgegate investigation committee after calling for Gov. Chris Christie to resign

Democratic Assemblywoman Bonnie Watson Coleman today withdrew from the panel investigating the lane diversions at the George Washington Bridge a day after she called on the governor to resign from his office.

Her comments, made during an appearance on MSNBC Thursday, drew fire from Republicans, who called on Watson Coleman to take back the statement. Committee Chairman John Wisniewski said he understood her frustration, but said he would not echo her call for Christie's resignation.
Coleman screwed up royally, of course -- she effectively convicted Christie while his trial was still in progress. But let's take a closer look at exactly what Wisniewski said:

Wisniewski understands Watson Coleman's frustration but won't echo call for Christie resignation

"I think Assemblywoman Watson Coleman is correct when she talks about the tone this administration has established...The tone that this administration has set as acceptable is a tone in which it is okay to ridicule teachers call veterans idiots and demean people who disagree with you. I'm certainly not at that point (of calling for the governor's resignation.) But I understand and sympathize with her frustration."
The (of calling for the governor's resignation) part ISN'T a direct quote. And it strikes me as bending the rules of journalistic impartiality to even imply that Wisniewski would (or should) torpedo his own investigation.

But there is a silver lining -- Coleman went THERE:

...(S)he said "Questioning my standing while keeping silent on the role one committee member - Sen. O'Toole – played in this situation, as it unfolded, is both inexcusable and dishonest..."
Though it was at the cost of her position, getting that hypocrisy back out into the open was worth the price. Avoiding even the appearance of impropriety is as vital to being ethical as avoiding impropriety itself. As long as an implicated participant of Bridge(t)-Gate is on the state committee, it isn't any more relevant or credible than Christie's "internal" investigation of himself.

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