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DevilsSon 08-24-2003 12:56 AM

What is ALec John Such doing right now?
I bet this has been posted before but i don't remember a topic with this title :)

i know he played 2001 with the guys and i herad he produces some rock bands. Could you name a few. I bet they are something heavy since he was a Priest and AC/DC fan.
Did you see some new pics? Where is he living?

"I'm gonna drink myself the whole way to Osaka and back..."

Kathleen 08-24-2003 02:44 AM

I'd like to know also. I heard (a while back) that he worked in a machine shop (motorcycle shop?) But I have no clue if that was fact or rumor.


joviscout 08-24-2003 02:49 AM

Re: What is ALec John Such doing right now?

Originally Posted by DevilsSon
I bet this has been posted before but i don't remember a topic with this title :)

i know he played 2001 with the guys and i herad he produces some rock bands. Could you name a few. I bet they are something heavy since he was a Priest and AC/DC fan.
Did you see some new pics? Where is he living?

"I'm gonna drink myself the whole way to Osaka and back..."

Hes a full time bass guitar restringer LOL

Musicman 08-24-2003 02:52 AM

I heard he sold all his music instruments and equipment, and now lives peacefully on some boat. I read that in some Bon Jovi interview with Classic Rock magazine, I believe.

Keba 08-24-2003 04:54 AM

Yeah, I heard he had a house full of Bon Jovi memorobilia and he autioned it all off. But that was a few years ago. He's probably in hiding or something. :roll:

SpainSambora 08-24-2003 05:00 AM

He is with Jon and Richie, for the new acoustic album, because Jon has said "Hugh seems to be a lost boy in stage, and we wanna rock"

joviscout 08-24-2003 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by SpainSambora
He is with Jon and Richie, for the new acoustic album, because Jon has said "Hugh seems to be a lost boy in stage, and we wanna rock"

You serious it would kick ass it alec returnded through it wouldbe be sad to lose hugh.

beckylouise 08-24-2003 09:20 AM

I also herd that he worked in a mororcycle place in NJ. Dont know if thats true though.

Captain Walrus 08-24-2003 11:38 AM

What exactly does Alec have that Hugh doesn't? Nowt really

Keep On Rockin'

Dawn 08-24-2003 12:07 PM

Be nice if Alec came back for the 20th year, but cant see it happening. Hugh doenst have to go anywhere, couldnt they both play on stage.

Yeah Alec is Born to be Wild !!!!!!!

Last pic we had here,Alec looked like Super Mario. Remember that guys :D

We love you Mario!!!!!!!!!!


JoviForever 08-24-2003 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by The Walrus
What exactly does Alec have that Hugh doesn't? Nowt really

Keep On Rockin'

A personality?!

JOEYKID 08-24-2003 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Keba
Yeah, I heard he had a house full of Bon Jovi memorobilia and he autioned it all off. But that was a few years ago. He's probably in hiding or something. :roll:

so what, he sold it to buy drink right? :lol:

SpainSambora 08-24-2003 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by JoviForever

Originally Posted by The Walrus
What exactly does Alec have that Hugh doesn't? Nowt really

Keep On Rockin'

A personality?!


Kev 08-24-2003 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by SpainSambora

Originally Posted by JoviForever

Originally Posted by The Walrus
What exactly does Alec have that Hugh doesn't? Nowt really

Keep On Rockin'

A personality?!


lol, does anyone kno if the rest of the band still keep in tocuh with him?

Keba 08-24-2003 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Kev
does anyone kno if the rest of the band still keep in tocuh with him?

I heard that he kept in touch with everyone but Jon. They said that out of all the band members, Alec was closest to Richie, so the two of them probably do keep in touch.

Jovi2003 08-25-2003 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by JoviForever

Originally Posted by The Walrus
What exactly does Alec have that Hugh doesn't? Nowt really

Keep On Rockin'

A personality?!

That's right. Let's sacrifice the live shows so people will have more reason to complain that it sucks, but at least Alec has personality. :roll: Alec was drunk on stage and couldn't carry his share of the load...but let's bring him back because it looked so cool the way he and Richie used to swing their guitars back and forth. :roll: People who saw him in Jersey in 2001 said that he looked like he was 60 years old. He's probably laying up drunk somewhere.

JOEYKID 08-25-2003 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by Jovi2003
People who saw him in Jersey in 2001 said that he looked like he was 60 years old. He's probably laying up drunk somewhere.

ROCK ON!!! :lol:

Keba 08-25-2003 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by The Walrus
What exactly does Alec have that Hugh doesn't? Nowt really

Keep On Rockin'

A knack for getting into mororcycle accidents. :lol: Really. I bet Huey doesn't have a motorcycle.

Mr Bluesman 08-25-2003 12:03 PM

I heard that he was working with small bands in New Jersey and apprently he owns a motorbike shop.

Captain Walrus 08-25-2003 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by JoviForever

Originally Posted by The Walrus
What exactly does Alec have that Hugh doesn't? Nowt really

Keep On Rockin'

A personality?!

A bass player, erm, plays bass, oddly enough. As long as Hugh can do that, which he can, then I think he's a top bass player. Jon and Richie carry the live shows off enough... If Hugh did do anything, you know what would happen? Everyone would ignore him and look at Jon

Keep On Rockin'

sohosid 08-25-2003 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jovi2003
That's right. Let's sacrifice the live shows so people will have more reason to complain that it sucks, but at least Alec has personality. :roll: Alec was drunk on stage and couldn't carry his share of the load...but let's bring him back because it looked so cool the way he and Richie used to swing their guitars back and forth. :roll: People who saw him in Jersey in 2001 said that he looked like he was 60 years old. He's probably laying up drunk somewhere.

Oh...that's right...during the late 80's and early 90's he was drunk a lot. How very un-rock n roll......

OK, so he enjoyed himself a bit...but why are you slagging him now, based on events 10 years ago??? Are you so naive that you think Jon, Richie and especially Tico (who now won't touch booze at all....) didn't ever play drunk?? Get real. Read "The Dirt" by Mö just about says that the Bon Jovi guys were into cocaine. You say that people said he looked like he was 60.....and???? He is in his 50' what if he looks his age....isn't that better than being artificially young? I'm not saying that he's any better or worse than Hugh. But you can't know that either - Alec's problems were over a decade ago....Stop being such a cock.

DevilsSon 08-25-2003 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by sohosid

Originally Posted by Jovi2003
That's right. Let's sacrifice the live shows so people will have more reason to complain that it sucks, but at least Alec has personality. :roll: Alec was drunk on stage and couldn't carry his share of the load...but let's bring him back because it looked so cool the way he and Richie used to swing their guitars back and forth. :roll: People who saw him in Jersey in 2001 said that he looked like he was 60 years old. He's probably laying up drunk somewhere.

Oh...that's right...during the late 80's and early 90's he was drunk a lot. How very un-rock n roll......

OK, so he enjoyed himself a bit...but why are you slagging him now, based on events 10 years ago??? Are you so naive that you think Jon, Richie and especially Tico (who now won't touch booze at all....) didn't ever play drunk?? Get real. Read "The Dirt" by Mö just about says that the Bon Jovi guys were into cocaine. You say that people said he looked like he was 60.....and???? He is in his 50' what if he looks his age....isn't that better than being artificially young? I'm not saying that he's any better or worse than Hugh. But you can't know that either - Alec's problems were over a decade ago....Stop being such a ****.

I absolutely agree with you because I am a huge Alec fan and I agree with Strangers sig: ALec forever/Hey never!

However, what did Motley say about bon jovi?
I didn't read that coz i can't get it here but could you quote???

Jim Bon Jovi 08-26-2003 01:59 AM

a couple of points here.

i've seen interviews with both jon and richie who say theyve lost touch with him and sound genuinely disappointed when talking about the whole situation.

hugh's a session player who looks at things from a different perspective from other muso's meaning playing for the song is more important to him than dancing around and he'll realise that jon and richie are the focus f the band liuve and have been for 2 decades so he doesn't need to or shouldn't get in on the act if he doesn't need to.

going onstage drunk is ok if u can pull it off, some can, some can't and sometimes ur just lucky. ive went onstage after stanking a case of cider with our bass player and we both played brilliantly evenm though we couldn't stand straight if our lives depended on it. alec by the sound of it wasn't so lucky and if u'd rather drink and play shit than stay sober till u come offstage then u shouldnt be in a band. u've got an obligition not only to the band but to the people seeing you, that they will get a good show and if u know that drinking ****s u up onstage then u don't do it.

either way the dude had/has a drink problem and rock band or not, that's never something to be proud of or for people to look upto.

Jovi2003 08-26-2003 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by sohosid
OK, so he enjoyed himself a bit...but why are you slagging him now, based on events 10 years ago??? Are you so naive that you think Jon, Richie and especially Tico (who now won't touch booze at all....) didn't ever play drunk?? Get real. Read "The Dirt" by Mö just about says that the Bon Jovi guys were into cocaine. You say that people said he looked like he was 60.....and???? He is in his 50' what if he looks his age....isn't that better than being artificially young? I'm not saying that he's any better or worse than Hugh. But you can't know that either - Alec's problems were over a decade ago....Stop being such a ****.

I'm not slagging Alec off. The difference between Alec and Jon, Richie, Tico, and David is that while the rest of them outgrew that kind of behavior to some extent, Alec didn't. He didn't play on any CDs after New Jersey, Hugh did that yet Alec was still officially the bass player. He continued to tour with them...up until the point where I think Jon and Richie said they weren't willing to sacrifice their live shows anymore. Richie is actually the one who said that Alec was making too many mistakes on stage. I was responding to the person's post saying they liked Alec over Hugh because he had personality. Maybe he did have personality, but he ****ed up.

Mousebounce 08-26-2003 05:28 AM


OK, so he enjoyed himself a bit...but why are you slagging him now, based on events 10 years ago??? Are you so naive that you think Jon, Richie and especially Tico (who now won't touch booze at all....) didn't ever play drunk?? Get real.
The difference between Alec and the rest of the group was that he couldn't produce anymore. Tico, Dave, Jon and Richie still worked hard on their material and managed to create great CD's. Alec couldn't handle the partying and working, therefore his work suffered. It is like any job in real life. Once you start screwing up all the time, you eventually get let go.

sohosid 08-26-2003 01:06 PM

Jovi2003 - your were slagging Alec quote you...

"He's probably laying up drunk somewhere" - that comment is based on your knowledge that he had a drink problem 10 years ago. Nikki Sixx was (is) a heroin addict, yet he has pulled his life around, why are you assuming that Alec hasn't?

I'm not saying that I want Alec back in the band - too much time has gone since that point I think. But I don't like people slagging someone for no reason. YES, Alec had problems and was eventually let go from his duties in the band. Some rumours will say that he wasnt' playing on the albums, but there is no official word on that, that's all it is, a rumour. Whatever the real story, the band lost touch with him, which is sad. If he was an alcoholic - he probably could have used the help of the people he had spent 10 years with. The Behind The Music, where they state that they are not in touch with him much anymore, was recorded before he joined them at Giants Stadium. From that, I'd say that they have worked out whatever differences they may still have. Jon seems to work through problems, and keep people close, after all - he is still friends with Doc McGhee!

Donna 08-26-2003 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by sohosid
Jovi2003 - your were slagging Alec quote you...

"He's probably laying up drunk somewhere" - that comment is based on your knowledge that he had a drink problem 10 years ago. Nikki Sixx was (is) a heroin addict, yet he has pulled his life around, why are you assuming that Alec hasn't?

I'm not saying that I want Alec back in the band - too much time has gone since that point I think. But I don't like people slagging someone for no reason. YES, Alec had problems and was eventually let go from his duties in the band. Some rumours will say that he wasnt' playing on the albums, but there is no official word on that, that's all it is, a rumour. Whatever the real story, the band lost touch with him, which is sad. If he was an alcoholic - he probably could have used the help of the people he had spent 10 years with. The Behind The Music, where they state that they are not in touch with him much anymore, was recorded before he joined them at Giants Stadium. From that, I'd say that they have worked out whatever differences they may still have. Jon seems to work through problems, and keep people close, after all - he is still friends with Doc McGhee!

well said and I agree.

Jon did seem genuinely sad in "Behind the music" of the fact that he hadn't heard from Alec and I think it's great that Alec agreed to join the band on stage in 2001 at the Camden and Giants shows.
I would like to think that he and Jon do still keep in touch.

Dawn 08-26-2003 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Donna

Originally Posted by sohosid
Jovi2003 - your were slagging Alec quote you...

"He's probably laying up drunk somewhere" - that comment is based on your knowledge that he had a drink problem 10 years ago. Nikki Sixx was (is) a heroin addict, yet he has pulled his life around, why are you assuming that Alec hasn't?

I'm not saying that I want Alec back in the band - too much time has gone since that point I think. But I don't like people slagging someone for no reason. YES, Alec had problems and was eventually let go from his duties in the band. Some rumours will say that he wasnt' playing on the albums, but there is no official word on that, that's all it is, a rumour. Whatever the real story, the band lost touch with him, which is sad. If he was an alcoholic - he probably could have used the help of the people he had spent 10 years with. The Behind The Music, where they state that they are not in touch with him much anymore, was recorded before he joined them at Giants Stadium. From that, I'd say that they have worked out whatever differences they may still have. Jon seems to work through problems, and keep people close, after all - he is still friends with Doc McGhee!

well said and I agree.

Jon did seem genuinely sad in "Behind the music" of the fact that he hadn't heard from Alec and I think it's great that Alec agreed to join the band on stage in 2001 at the Camden and Giants shows.
I would like to think that he and Jon do still keep in touch.

Surely they would have had to keep in touch for Alec to have even turned up at Giants.


Thierry 08-26-2003 10:34 PM

he looked like this at the 2001 Giants show:

DevilsSon 08-26-2003 10:38 PM

he doesn't seem very changed

jbjfreakrn 08-26-2003 10:44 PM

The problem with any substance abuse is when it starts to effect your personal life and your work, it is a SERIOUS problem! If you are one of "lucky" ones that get some help and support, you can beat it. Otherwise the addiction takes over your life and you hit rock bottom. I hope that didn't/doesn't happen to Alex (or anyone else for that matter)
Personally though, I like Hugh better

Keba 08-26-2003 11:48 PM

Wasn't it Jon's idea to have him perform with the band? How many shows did he do? Any articles about it? Think they'll ever do anything like that again? I really am curious about this whole thing with Alec playing as a guest. All I know is that he played Wanted with them.

Oh, I went over to and they have this dictionary in the "Library" (formerly known as Archives) called "Bon Jovi A to Z". I looked up "Such" and it didn't say much besides that he was out of the music business.

Santa_Fe 08-27-2003 12:00 AM

I think Alec looks great now. Def. younger than 50. I miss him but he somehow doesn't fit with today's BJ style. I've alway thought he was a metal/hard rock kinda guy.

ShaSha 08-27-2003 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Keba
Wasn't it Jon's idea to have him perform with the band? How many shows did he do? Any articles about it? Think they'll ever do anything like that again? I really am curious about this whole thing with Alec playing as a guest. All I know is that he played Wanted with them.

Two shows. Camden, NJ and the last night at Giants. As far as I know it was Jon's idea. There was an interview with Alec in 2000 in which he said he was the one to call Jon after Crush was released because he liked the album so maybe that had something to do with it. I don't know if he'll ever play with them again but it would be cool. I was at both of those shows in 2001 and although many people predicted he would be at Giants, his appearance at the Camden show was a COMPLETE surprise. It was exciting.

Thierry 08-27-2003 12:09 AM

I thought at first that Alec was gay. Just because of the way he moved.

sohosid 08-27-2003 12:14 AM

What an intelligent, adult remark. Did you fancy him then Thierry?

Keba 08-27-2003 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by ShaSha

Originally Posted by Keba
Wasn't it Jon's idea to have him perform with the band? How many shows did he do? Any articles about it? Think they'll ever do anything like that again? I really am curious about this whole thing with Alec playing as a guest. All I know is that he played Wanted with them.

Two shows. Camden, NJ and the last night at Giants. As far as I know it was Jon's idea. There was an interview with Alec in 2000 in which he said he was the one to call Jon after Crush was released because he liked the album so maybe that had something to do with it. I don't know if he'll ever play with them again but it would be cool. I was at both of those shows in 2001 and although many people predicted he would be at Giants, his appearance at the Camden show was a COMPLETE surprise. It was exciting.

Wow, that must've been cool. Lucky you! :D Didn't they air a special of the Giants show? Or am I thinking of the wrong tour.

ShaSha 08-27-2003 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Keba

Originally Posted by ShaSha

Originally Posted by Keba
Wasn't it Jon's idea to have him perform with the band? How many shows did he do? Any articles about it? Think they'll ever do anything like that again? I really am curious about this whole thing with Alec playing as a guest. All I know is that he played Wanted with them.

Two shows. Camden, NJ and the last night at Giants. As far as I know it was Jon's idea. There was an interview with Alec in 2000 in which he said he was the one to call Jon after Crush was released because he liked the album so maybe that had something to do with it. I don't know if he'll ever play with them again but it would be cool. I was at both of those shows in 2001 and although many people predicted he would be at Giants, his appearance at the Camden show was a COMPLETE surprise. It was exciting.

Wow, that must've been cool. Lucky you! :D Didn't they air a special of the Giants show? Or am I thinking of the wrong tour.

Yeah the One Last Wild Night special on VH1. For some reason they didn't air the Wanted that Alec played on though - they used the performance from the night before. :(

jersey rock station 08-27-2003 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by SpainSambora
He is with Jon and Richie, for the new acoustic album, because Jon has said "Hugh seems to be a lost boy in stage, and we wanna rock"

hugh it's a part of us already.
alec had his time!!!

i wouldn't mind if he returned for the 20th aniversary, as a special guest.
but that's all!!

Shaun 08-27-2003 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by ShaSha

Originally Posted by Keba

Originally Posted by ShaSha

Originally Posted by Keba
Wasn't it Jon's idea to have him perform with the band? How many shows did he do? Any articles about it? Think they'll ever do anything like that again? I really am curious about this whole thing with Alec playing as a guest. All I know is that he played Wanted with them.

Two shows. Camden, NJ and the last night at Giants. As far as I know it was Jon's idea. There was an interview with Alec in 2000 in which he said he was the one to call Jon after Crush was released because he liked the album so maybe that had something to do with it. I don't know if he'll ever play with them again but it would be cool. I was at both of those shows in 2001 and although many people predicted he would be at Giants, his appearance at the Camden show was a COMPLETE surprise. It was exciting.

Wow, that must've been cool. Lucky you! :D Didn't they air a special of the Giants show? Or am I thinking of the wrong tour.

Yeah the One Last Wild Night special on VH1. For some reason they didn't air the Wanted that Alec played on though - they used the performance from the night before. :(

i know

i was mad

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