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KSantaFe 10-23-2014 01:46 PM

What Do We Want In A New Album?
Here's a hypothetical;

Let's assume that the band have taken a break. It's 2017 and Jon is eager to write another album under the name of the corporation known as Bon Jovi.

Richie and Orianthi released a decent record in mid-late 2015 with lukewarm reviews, but regardless the duo plugged the songs endlessly in 'jam sessions' on the road. Richie and Ori have kind of grown apart - she realises that Richie is an old man and relies on little blue pills to get the motor running. Anyhow, Richie and Jon aren't on terms, but they aren't pitted against each other. There is an opportunity for them to reunite.

Tico, Dave and Hugh have had well-deserved breaks and are feeling refreshed and satisfied, albeit a little older. John Shanks is keen to continue his 10+ year stint with the band and is available if Jon so wishes, alternately he could look elsewhere. Jon has the option to employ Phil X and/or Bobby Bandiera as session guitarists in the studio, but only Bobby would be on the road.

Jon's vocal state is at his best since 2011 as the rest did well for him (wishful thinking I know).

My question to you, members of Jovitalk, is what should happen next? What should the lineup/arrangement be for the next (and possibly final) chapter of Bon Jovi? What kind of style/production should they aim for? How should their touring be scheduled? And most importantly how should Jon have his hair?


vidda 10-23-2014 02:41 PM


My question to you, members of Jovitalk, is what should happen next?
They should go on having a rest until ... IMSERSO :D


What should the lineup/arrangement be for the next (and possibly final) chapter of Bon Jovi?What kind of style/production should they aim for?
I think it should be mid acoustic and mid tempos; I canīt see them going for another IML clone, but it will depend on how music industry developes in the next couple of years...Now times change at a greater pace.


How should their touring be scheduled?
Taking into account that Tico would be in his mid sixties I donīt think of them acting more than one every 3 days, maybe they would go for 12 a month. And this way I think the tour would last about a year and a half without taking into account some holidays.


And most importantly how should Jon have his hair?
I think he wonīt be bald yet but he will start to wear more hats. Remember this; time will tell.


Alphavictim 10-23-2014 03:28 PM

Write and record the best damn album they are capable of producing. Jon and Richie feeling the need to best each other might actually bring out something good, and break the complacency. Write a ton of songs, demo them, mix them up, maybe even re-write them in the process.

Also, some personal breathing space would probably help. If Jon wants to do stuff like the soundtrack tracks, give him that and rework that with the band to make it work. Same for Richie's stuff. Really, for the band members to actually be confident and proud about the material would help immensely.

faith1985 10-23-2014 08:30 PM

I doubt I will ever like another album by them, but let's pretend there is still hope :D

I want better lyrics (meaning they should come from the heart) and not that cheesy and uninspired pseudo-songwriting) I want them to wait until they have something to say.

Some great melodies would be good, great built-ups, great guitar-layers.

Kick-ass rock songs like Hey God or at least something like Happy Now or Thorn or even Bullet.

I want some passion for a change, a tight band and I would love for all of them to really get involved and Jon and Richie really feeling the need to write songs and not just because they feel obliged to do so.

They should get into the studio, hire a good non-pop Producer and stay there for a few months :D.

Rdkopper 10-23-2014 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by vidda (Post 1182839)
I canīt see them going for another IML clone

14 years have passed since It's My Life was released and it's still the benchmark amongst fans when it comes to what they don't want to hear in future releases. Ironically when it was released in the year 2000, it was 14 years after Living On A Prayer was released and it felt like an eternity between the two songs especially with the emerging characters of Tommy and Gina.

Rdkopper 10-23-2014 09:19 PM

I think time and money could make a great album.

- Pay a guy like Bob Rock to come back to produce so we could get some of that old school rock sound back.

- Jon needs to take his time in the studio stretching out his vocals and really try and deliver the way he used to.

- Use technology the best they could. I really don't care if Jon can't do the songs live. I just want a great studio album...

Unfortunately none of the above will ever happen. Jon is so far removed from being that rock star he once was. We could forget the old school sound and we should just get used to Shanks being the 6th member

bonjovi90 10-23-2014 09:45 PM

I'd have a lot of (probably unrealistic) wishes for it:

- Get back to the bar band groove of 5 guys playing live

- Organic and natural producion that can be reproduced live without any additional musicians

- No song with a "live your life", "get down/up off your knees" and no superficial songs that are begging for social relevance

- Coming from the above: the guys should write songs they believe in, to which they can relate and which mean something to them - if they can't do that anymore they shouldn't even enter the studio

- Get rid of recording on a drum computer and a Shanks-guitar-track with relying on the technology to fix everything afterwards: demo and rehearse it until it sounds good and then record it that way!

- Take breaks inbetween the recording sessions and then get back to it with some distance to judge the material better: no one expects them to be in the studio 24/7 anymore like they did for SWW or NJ

- Most importantly: Jon and Richie - get your shit together and bring back your A-Game! If the current state they're in (vocally or with regard to the sloppiness on the lead guitar) is in fact the best they're capable of delevering - don't waste our time, even Shanks won't fix that mess...

rolo_tomachi 10-23-2014 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1182852)
We could forget the old school sound and we should just get used to Shanks being the 6th member

Conformity is a bitch.

Make a great rock album for Bon Jovi is very easy. Simply join Richie, Tico, David and Hugh. Forget Bobby. They become five again. Hire a rock producer with good credentials (not Avril Lavigne or Johnas Brothers).

Jon has to hire the best rock producer of the moment. No search for wannabe best producer of the moment. One very important thing, that the album is not recorded in Jon's house again. Have to leave this place. After, they have to focus on making rock n roll instead of doing something for the radio of moment.

KSantaFe 10-23-2014 10:44 PM

I would love to see Bob Rock again, or any change in producer would be welcomed. If, heaven forbid, Shanks were to continue with the band, I'd like a low-key version of HAND. However, without songs like the title track, Welcome to Wherever You Are and WSYCGH. Louder and more balanced backing vocals from the band as well. A few verses sung by Richie would be a blessing.

Little instrumentals and solos at the end of tracks or between choruses and verses would fill the songs up more and make them feel more interesting. Like that twin-solo that Jon Richie did in Thorn live would have been great in the studio:
Lots of demos! I wouldn't mind if they took 2 years to make the 'right' album. None of this rushing bullcrap.

And I think it's about time Jon grew a beard ;)


LeaJovi 10-23-2014 10:46 PM

Nothing Bon Jovi is capable of delivering nowadays would please me I think. The number of variables that would need to change are way too many. If you are making a record suited for Jon's voice now, you have to deliver the passion element that they had in some other way. Richie and David have to step up with heart melting solos and arrangements. The music has to leave the basic boring structure it is wearing and make place for a great piece of music.

Truth is, I don't see that happening. There must be a will to do it from ALL members, a peace treaty between JBJ and Richie, love for music itself and not just commercial success and most of all, IDEAS. They aren't dropping more than 1 or 2 ideas per album.

Javier 10-24-2014 12:02 AM

I'd want them to try different things. A different producer, different songwriting partners and have a relaxed enough work ethic to the album that won't allow them to slack off to meet any deadlines, instead take their time, write it and record it together. Sure they're not getting any younger but the worlds isn't really begging them for another album or to go back on the road either. I've always wondered what would a Bon Jovi album produced by Butch Walked sound like?? Especially now that he's favoring so much the one or two takes more organic method of recording.

rembul 10-24-2014 04:23 AM

I think the songs they have been very acceptable by fans. and I am sure they will not be creating an album that is not weighted. so we look forward to it

Belzik 10-24-2014 09:01 PM

Jon's voice isn't capable of the "rock" songs we grew up listening to. Like a previous poster said, the best thing you can get from his voice is emotion these days...not screams, not high pitches...unless altered dramatically in the studio.

I would prefer it if they took an alternative rock sound route and stop trying to beat a dead horse with the sound of music from Crush-What About Now. The band needs a shift musically, similar to New Jersey to Keep the Faith. I would prefer slower, melodic rock songs with emotion and lyrics that actually meant something (like the lyrics found on the These Days album).

I don't want political themed, working man, live your life music. Give me something showing the internal personal struggles the members of the band are going through...or songs written about the realization that they are getting older and reflecting on life. I'm not saying turn fully into Bon Iver or Ryan Adams, but give me music with depth and meaning. I thought Not Running Anymore was a step in the right direction, but still utilize the talents of the band members and let their respective instruments tell a story.

My two cents.

life_of_agony 10-26-2014 10:05 AM

I want an album that is reminiscent of the band that I grew up loving. A decent rock album that is not over produced. No more, no less.
But it ain't gonna happen. So I don't want a new album.

Fredrik 10-26-2014 02:36 PM

What I'd want to see in a new album couldn't be more simply put than one perfect word:


DevilsSon 10-26-2014 03:05 PM

A new lead singer!

Rdkopper 10-26-2014 07:48 PM

What we want and what we'll get are two different things...

Jon is lo longer that rock star kid anymore. He is a 52 year old man who's priorities have completely shifted. He knows his capabilities and will no longer venture off into something of any risk.

Yes, more albums will come but don't expect too much of anything... Singer / Songwriter type of songs or something manufactured and overproduced. Nothing of passion or risk with come about. I hope I'm wrong but there are just so many factor that make it almost impossible for us to get anything similar to the music of the 80s or 90s.

Josie2013 10-26-2014 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1182925)
What we want and what we'll get are two different things...

Jon is lo longer that rock star kid anymore. He is a 52 year old man who's priorities have completely shifted. He knows his capabilities and will no longer venture off into something of any risk.

Yes, more albums will come but don't expect too much of anything... Singer / Songwriter type of songs or something manufactured and overproduced. Nothing of passion or risk with come about. I hope I'm wrong but there are just so many factor that make it almost impossible for us to get anything similar to the music of the 80s or 90s.

Out of curiosity, why do you say this? What are his priorities? From reading your posts it seems like you know more than the average Joe on here. I've also said if you look at Jon from the 90's to the Jon of today, they are two completely different people but I can't really say why.

Josie2013 10-26-2014 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1182855)
I'd have a lot of (probably unrealistic) wishes for it:

- Get back to the bar band groove of 5 guys playing live

- Organic and natural producion that can be reproduced live without any additional musicians

- No song with a "live your life", "get down/up off your knees" and no superficial songs that are begging for social relevance

- Coming from the above: the guys should write songs they believe in, to which they can relate and which mean something to them - if they can't do that anymore they shouldn't even enter the studio

- Get rid of recording on a drum computer and a Shanks-guitar-track with relying on the technology to fix everything afterwards: demo and rehearse it until it sounds good and then record it that way!

- Take breaks inbetween the recording sessions and then get back to it with some distance to judge the material better: no one expects them to be in the studio 24/7 anymore like they did for SWW or NJ

- Most importantly: Jon and Richie - get your shit together and bring back your A-Game! If the current state they're in (vocally or with regard to the sloppiness on the lead guitar) is in fact the best they're capable of delevering - don't waste our time, even Shanks won't fix that mess...

What he said.

nickolai 10-26-2014 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1182855)
I'd have a lot of (probably unrealistic) wishes for it:

- Get back to the bar band groove of 5 guys playing live

- Organic and natural producion that can be reproduced live without any additional musicians

- No song with a "live your life", "get down/up off your knees" and no superficial songs that are begging for social relevance

- Coming from the above: the guys should write songs they believe in, to which they can relate and which mean something to them - if they can't do that anymore they shouldn't even enter the studio

- Get rid of recording on a drum computer and a Shanks-guitar-track with relying on the technology to fix everything afterwards: demo and rehearse it until it sounds good and then record it that way!

- Take breaks inbetween the recording sessions and then get back to it with some distance to judge the material better: no one expects them to be in the studio 24/7 anymore like they did for SWW or NJ

- Most importantly: Jon and Richie - get your shit together and bring back your A-Game! If the current state they're in (vocally or with regard to the sloppiness on the lead guitar) is in fact the best they're capable of delevering - don't waste our time, even Shanks won't fix that mess...

All of the above. And they'll get a bit of integrity back that has been lost in the last tour.

Rdkopper 10-26-2014 11:45 PM

When It's My Life came about, Jon was still youthful enough to reach a new generation. Rock music was still being played on mainstream radio and a 38 year old Jon still had that Rock Star glow.

In 2009 / 2010 when Born To Follow was released, Jon thought he was going to repeat that magic by reaching out to a new generation 10 years later.

Unfortunately times had changed and there comes a point where a rock star, regardless of how good or bad the new music is, becomes dated.

What Jon was during the It's My Life period is where someone like Eminem is now in his career. 12 years from now when music continues to evolve, no one is going to want to hear a 52 year old guy rapping about current grown up events. He'll probably have that legendary live following but his new music will be nothing but fillers.

Jon and his celebrity have become 1. He has been famous now longer than he hasn't. His peers are other famous rich people and that's who he's comfortable being around. He hangs around people of power. Sports team owners and politicians. Jon wants to be the conservative rock star and write about the Power Of We. He's no longer interested in the number 1 radio hit or becoming a youthful rock star anymore.

Walleris 10-27-2014 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1182930)
What Jon was during the It's My Life period is where someone like Eminem is now in his career.

Spot on. I'd say Adam Levine and P!nk are also in the same territory at the moment.

bonjovi90 10-27-2014 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1182930)
When It's My Life came about, Jon was still youthful enough to reach a new generation. Rock music was still being played on mainstream radio and a 38 year old Jon still had that Rock Star glow.

In 2009 / 2010 when Born To Follow was released, Jon thought he was going to repeat that magic by reaching out to a new generation 10 years later.

Unfortunately times had changed and there comes a point where a rock star, regardless of how good or bad the new music is, becomes dated.

What Jon was during the It's My Life period is where someone like Eminem is now in his career. 12 years from now when music continues to evolve, no one is going to want to hear a 52 year old guy rapping about current grown up events. He'll probably have that legendary live following but his new music will be nothing but fillers.

Jon and his celebrity have become 1. He has been famous now longer than he hasn't. His peers are other famous rich people and that's who he's comfortable being around. He hangs around people of power. Sports team owners and politicians. Jon wants to be the conservative rock star and write about the Power Of We. He's no longer interested in the number 1 radio hit or becoming a youthful rock star anymore.

I mostly agree, bar the last sentence. If he wasn't reaching for airplay and a number 1 on radio he wouldn't shove one IML clone after another down our throats but focus on making songs he can relate to. And, judging by him giving up on new releases faster than they hit the stores (WAN), he doesn't stand behind his new stuff anymore.

Panda 10-28-2014 04:58 AM

Not true at all. Emenem keeps getting better, and somehow more popular. He is the biggest rap artist, ever. Why? Because he has never released a "bad" album. His music evolves continuously, both following trending music and staying true to himself. If Emenem released a commercial failure, he simply just wouldn't give a shit.

Bon Jovi stopped that after 1995 when staying true to himself became a commercial failure.

nickolai 10-28-2014 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Panda (Post 1182942)
Not true at all. Emenem keeps getting better, and somehow more popular. He is the biggest rap artist, ever. Why? Because he has never released a "bad" album. His music evolves continuously, both following trending music and staying true to himself. If Emenem released a commercial failure, he simply just wouldn't give a shit.

Bon Jovi stopped that after 1995 when staying true to himself became a commercial failure.

It lives. How's it going, Eric with a K?

TheseDays23 10-28-2014 09:33 PM

What do I want? No more songs about "getting up off your knees," or some shit like that. Jon has to realize he's not a politician, he's a rock star. This isn't a company, or a corporation, it's a rock n' roll band. Write, demo, record. It's that simple. No over-production is going to make the song's better or even good.

No more song's like We Weren't Born to Follow or What About Now. They've released WAY to many of those types of songs, too little fan fare. Don't they see what's going on? It's time to buckle down and write an album that they would want to hear. Jon's older, why not song's about how it's like to look into your past. Song's about change, about realizing that time has slipped away.

When I heard Not Running Anymore, I though that's where Jon was going with his lyrics. Than, we got What About Now and it was basically the same song's that he's written for the last decade. Nothing new or different, no change of tempo. There's come a time when you got to stop trying to remain relevant, and just write song's that mean more to you.

If they want critical acclaim, don't write cheesy, crappy songs like What About Now.

Thierry 10-28-2014 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Walleris (Post 1182931)
Spot on. I'd say Adam Levine and P!nk are also in the same territory at the moment.

Yup but Pink is still do-able! :cool:

JerseyGiant 11-04-2014 10:58 PM

Honestly after thinking about it I don't no if I want another record..... Would have to prove to me its all about the music, lyrics from the heart and a god damm different producer why not what's left to lose!

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