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dumy 04-03-2015 06:20 AM

Richie is being investigated by the police
Another Richie and Nikki feud:

nikos greece 04-03-2015 09:24 AM

iiif there is any true to it...
1) lund's pr team obviously found a chance for more publicity since richie left...(lund obviously needed richies funding...)
2) they probably had a fight on money
3) a bit more respect for jon...because richie is truly talented but a bit unstable, arrogant, ignorant rock star with many many issues and a history of substance abuse...having a guy like richie and taking the best of him must not be an easy task...

Bounce7800 04-03-2015 11:34 AM

Told you the shit would hit the fan with Borg and Lund's cronies in the gutter press. Will be the first in a long line of negative stories about him if she feels wronged.

DevilsSon 04-03-2015 02:21 PM

Ufff.... Richie!!!

rolo_tomachi 04-03-2015 02:51 PM

Richie, that bitch has fucked you well.

Becky 04-03-2015 03:08 PM

Another UK (tabloid?) picking up the story. Unless she recorded the conversation, I doubt anything much will come of it except a blot on his already spotty reputation. It will just be her word against his. Still sucks though. :(

Bounce7800 04-03-2015 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1186479)

Another UK (tabloid?) picking up the story. Unless she recorded the conversation, I doubt anything much will come of it except a blot on his already spotty reputation. It will just be her word against his. Still sucks though. :(

Good job he try sending it by DM on Twitter I guess.

bonjovi90 04-03-2015 04:25 PM

'Richie has been drinking heavily for months and acting erratically'

If there's any truth to this statement then it confirms my impression I've had of him since last year...

Old Joysey 04-03-2015 04:41 PM


It was bound to happen but still... I dare hope that even in California if there's no recording of the threats or reliable witnesses nothing happens except bad publicity... If you should end up in jail everytime you tell somebody "I'm going to kill you!" during a quarrel they'd be no free man and woman left on earth!!! :rolleyes:

The first tabloid article has been pasted, copied, rewritten, translated in other newspapers/magazines of all kinds, here are 2 more:


Meanwhile, Richie is thought to be currently vacationing with ex-wife Heather Locklear and their daughter, Ava, in Bora Bora, and will reportedly face questioning upon his return.
Why "thought to be"? Yes, he IS in Bora Bora, it's not a secret, Ava has been tweeting about it since they left for the airport on March 30th and a Polish magazine published papp pics of the "family" + Ava's schoolmate at the airport and in BB. Poor kid! She tweeted "Couldn't be happier" last Tuesday... No doubt she'll be better off in New York, far from all this shit! Richie should be thinking about relocating too...

It's like a bad divorce when the wife lies and accuses her husband of the worst things on earth. I'm afraid it's only the beginning... Hopefully that won't prevent Richie from releasing his next album + touring... yeah, I know, I'm selfish! Aaaah! OK, wait! I'm used to digging holes in the garden so let me check flights to Cali, can't be more expensive than the Bahamas...


B'UH! Shits happens! C'est la vie!"

Captain_jovi 04-03-2015 04:43 PM

The second "Fact" on the rundown is "She is a childhood friend of Kim Kardashian". Man, I wonder where this leak came from guys.

Becky 04-03-2015 04:56 PM

Why did contactmusic use a picture of Jon and Dorothea in the article instead of a picture of Richie and Nikki?

Walleris 04-03-2015 05:24 PM

Given the place Richie's currently in, stories like this are very fitting. And it's a shame because these articles obviously mention Bon Jovi and therefore diminish a good PR reputation that the band has build over the decades.

rocknation 04-03-2015 05:35 PM

LOL -- you don't have to read past the subheadlines to see that Lund has a MAJOR credibility problem:
  • Richie Sambora is about to be quizzed by police over claims he 'threatened to kill' his former fashion designer lover and business partner
  • She is a childhood friend of Kim Kardashian
  • Police in the wealthy Los Angeles suburb of Calabasas confirmed Sambora is a 'person of interest' in an active investigation into criminal threats
  • Their joint venture collapsed at the last moment and Nikki went out on her own
  • Rock star is believed to be on vacation in Bora Bora with his ex-wife Heather Locklear and daughter Ava
But wouldn't it be something if Richie and Heather got back together? Wouldn't that be the icing on both Nikki and Orianthi's cakes?

Old Joysey 04-03-2015 05:38 PM

I didn't realize it until I read it on a fanpage but this story is revealed on the 2nd anniversary of Richie's departure from the band... Premeditation, coincidence or bad karma?


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1186487)
Why did contactmusic use a picture of Jon and Dorothea in the article instead of a picture of Richie and Nikki?

Because it's a Team Richie paper! :p :lol:
I reckon it's confusing but I guess it's just there to tempt people into clicking on the link/caption and thus obtain more hits/internet traffic on their site.

With all the fuss that Nikki Lund has recently been making about her so-called childhood friendship with Kim Kardashian and the release of baby picturesthat should have remained private, it's obvious she's a desperate attention-seeker and a low-class act, her Playboy interview about Richie was quite something already and this is just a new chapter in her thick book. Kardashian didn't react in the media and unless Richie did something illegal (which I doubt) he'll have his lawyers settle the matter with a great big check and move on.

Happiness is...

rocknation 04-03-2015 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1186490)
...With all the fuss that Nikki Lund has recently been making about her so-called childhood friendship with Kim Kardashian and the release of baby pictures that should have remained private, it's obvious she's a desperate attention-seeker and a low-class act...this is just a new chapter in her thick book...unless Richie did something illegal (which I doubt)...

Bingo!!! Even if she is telling the truth about what Richie said, we don't yet know WHY he said it, or when. More important, given her track record, there's no reason to believe her, and any reasonable doubt must go the defendant. Without Richie as a "sugar daddy" source of romance, fame OR money, Nikki IS dead and buried -- and she just might be angry enough about that to try to take him down with her.

Becky 04-03-2015 06:27 PM

Out of curiosity, I looked up the police officer named... he's real and so is the department. So I believe the story is legit and Richie really is being investigated. Also, I believe that there must be some kind of evidence beyond he said/she said for them to take it seriously enough to consider him a person of interest. At first I thought it could be just her word against his and then I remembered that my step sister had to have more than that to get a restraining order against her husband. This could get very ugly. Or Richie might not come back from Bora Bora. The US doesn't have an extradition treaty with Bora Bora.

Kathleen 04-03-2015 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1186492)
Out of curiosity, I looked up the police officer named... he's real and so is the department. So I believe the story is legit and Richie really is being investigated. Also, I believe that there must be some kind of evidence beyond he said/she said for them to take it seriously enough to consider him a person of interest. At first I thought it could be just her word against his and then I remembered that my step sister had to have more than that to get a restraining order against her husband. This could get very ugly. Or Richie might not come back from Bora Bora. The US doesn't have an extradition treaty with Bora Bora.

Staying in Bora Bora would be very limiting musically though - wouldn't it? Personally I think it will get settled by the lawyers but as Becky said - it will leave a bad taste and another blot on his reputation.

Becky 04-03-2015 07:09 PM

Being in Bora Bora wouldn't be as musically limiting as being in jail for 4 years--wasn't that what the article said he could get? It wouldn't be his first offense since he has that DUI on his record. But he's wealthy and rich people do tend to get off by writing big checks so... he probably won't get anything other than bad publicity and having to take anger management/substance abuse counseling in the end.

dumy 04-03-2015 07:52 PM

I don’t know if it's true or not, but I always felt that Richie had a dark side that most people don't know, especially when he is intoxicated and that he’s not always the funny nice guy who makes jokes. But who know.

As for Nikki I think her main goal is to tarnish Richie's reputation in the press and that's the kind of thing you can expect when your PR expert is Sean Borg (don’t forget that Richie and Borg did the same thing two years ago when Richie left the band with all the bullshtit who was in press). As some people said this is just the beginning for Nikki.

rocknation 04-03-2015 07:58 PM

If you can't believe TMZ, who CAN you believe?

...(A)ccording to Sambora's rep, Richie...had a heated phone call with his ex-gf Nikki Lund about their failing business deal -- but he never threatened to bury her in the desert. Richie told her he was backing out...because he was hemorrhaging money -- having lost $4 million on the venture.

Lund was the one attacking Richie on the phone that day...(The rep) claims...she was pissed off because Richie had skipped a recent L.A. fashion show for the clothing line, and she really lost it when Richie reiterated he was pulling his financial backing.

The rep says Richie remained calm, and even offered to pay...3 months of severance, but claims she just got more and more angry. Sambora feels Lund is bitter over the biz...
If Richie HAD to "reiterate" to Nikki that they were no longer in business together, why did she expect him to attend the fashion show? Indeed, how and why did she manage to go ahead with the show? Instant reasonable doubt -- Thanks, Nikki!


Javier 04-03-2015 08:09 PM

Hopefully this is nothing more than bitterness and reputation ruining on behalf Lund and he PR team but maybe somethings up that we don't know about. Hope it can get resolved soon and he can go back to work with little consequences out of this....

sweetmisery 04-03-2015 08:21 PM

I wonder what Jon is thinking right now.

ticos_stick 04-03-2015 09:40 PM

Threatening to kill someone and bury them in the desert is very rock & roll. This is good publicity I think. I expect sales of Richie's next album to run into the tens of hundreds.

Old Joysey 04-03-2015 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1186492)
Out of curiosity, I looked up the police officer named... he's real and so is the department. So I believe the story is legit and Richie really is being investigated. Also, I believe that there must be some kind of evidence beyond he said/she said for them to take it seriously enough to consider him a person of interest. At first I thought it could be just her word against his and then I remembered that my step sister had to have more than that to get a restraining order against her husband. This could get very ugly. Or Richie might not come back from Bora Bora. The US doesn't have an extradition treaty with Bora Bora.

:o :lol: I can't believe you looked for such info!!! Do you really think he went to BB instead of Hawai because of the no extradition treaty? I don't think so! He'll be coming back home in a couple of days, mark my words! ;)

Out of curiosity, I had a look at the 3 articles after the one about Richie:
it seems that the LAPD need no more than a he said/she said story to investigate... But unless she can prove he did threaten her he has nothing to lose sleep over. And if he can afford to lose $4 million in her business *ouch!* he can also afford the best lawyers in case it gets really ugly. Is OJ Simpson lawyer still around?!


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1186494)
Being in Bora Bora wouldn't be as musically limiting as being in jail for 4 years--wasn't that what the article said he could get? It wouldn't be his first offense since he has that DUI on his record.

Do they still have the 3-offenses-and-then-jail rule in Cali? That's how actor Robert Downey Jr. did some time many years ago (charged for drug abuse) and look at him now: more famous than ever!

golittleperson 04-03-2015 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1186496)
Richie had to "reiterate" to Nikki that they were no longer in business together? Then why did she expect him to be at her fashion show? Indeed, why did she go ahead with the show? Instant reasonable doubt! :multi:

I think a lot of people on this board (look back especially on the Euro shows last summer) think he is back on the bottle or worse - hard. He may not even remember. He's often had a weakness for fame whore, gold diggers.... he's still on course. Weren't their stories that when he and Denise broke up he had a melt down in a hotel lobby in Tenn.? There was still the Jovi PR team to cover then. He's spending on a new album now and has a new circle. ;-) $$$, This fashion has never come across as a money maker - so why now is it such a rush to get out instead of closing down like most business opts to? Sell the line, close out..... Your right, on Nikki Lund's FB, she had his pic with some other guy as if everything was great a day or 2 before the show. He's been a soap opera since leaving Jovi 2 years ago and I hope maybe something will finally get him to seek help. I tried not to believe it, but I think he needs it and a clean slate around him. When it affected the music, was too much IMO. Never mix personal and business.

Old Joysey 04-03-2015 11:53 PM

Nikki Lund is really slow in the mind: she says that Richie threatened her on 3/19 but she waited 4/1 (April's Fools day!!! :lol: ) to report it to the police and she did it at night (???)... so it took her 2 weeks to think about it and decide she was afraid... of a man gone miles away almost 3 days earlier! Excuse me?

Out of curiosity I've just checked their TWT pages. Now I understand the cryptic message posted by Richie on 3/19:



No one knows what it's like to walk in each other's shoes. So forgive and realize without judgement how life occurs...
Nikki deleted her 3/17 tweet/FB msgs mentioning Richie while Sean Borg's one is still online but not the photo:

Sean Borg @SeanBorgLA · 17 mars

Nikki Lund's two men... Jeff Phillips Richie Sambora
So he didn't show up at her fashion show the day after, that's what the articles referred to. But maybe it was an old pic, maybe he wasn't over there with NL and SB on the eve of the show, it was a lie...

I wonder if TMZ really spoke to Richie's rep: Richie has always denied that NL and he had been lovers, even after she revealed it on Playboy TV, so why would he acknowledge it now?

PS: this soap opera is more exciting than TV series! :D
Now I wish Richie the best and as someone said, it's good publicity for his next album so it's all good. Richie's the bad boy, the true rocker while Jon is the good boy, the humanitarian that everybody loves.

Old Joysey 04-04-2015 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1186502)
He's spending on a new album now and has a new circle. ;-) $$$,

He's spending on TWO new albums: one with Ori and one with Brooklyn Allman. This guy is definitely too generous! And the 2 girls are heavy drinkers according to their own TWT/FB messages, Ori's mentioning her drinking vodka in the recording studio makes me cringe... it's hard to stay sober when your close circle is drinking right in front of you...


Best reader's comment so far:

I don't think he could dig a hole in a bowl of pudding, much less the desert.

rolo_tomachi 04-04-2015 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by sweetmisery (Post 1186498)
I wonder what Jon is thinking right now.

Becky 04-04-2015 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1186500)
:o :lol: I can't believe you looked for such info!!! Do you really think he went to BB instead of Hawai because of the no extradition treaty? I don't think so! He'll be coming back home in a couple of days, mark my words! ;)

Ummm.... No... WHY/HOW do you think I would reach that conclusion? As far as I can tell from the timeline, he had left for Bora Bora before the charges were filed. So unless he's psychic, how would he know there would be charges filed against him? His travel arrangements would have been made long before the charges were filed and probably long before the the threat was allegedly made. I just looked up he extradition info about Bora Bora out of interest. I took 2 seconds. As you know, Google is your friend. ;)

I don't follow Richie, Ava, Heather, Nikki, Ori, or anyone else associated with Richie on Twitter or Facebook so I don't know what Richie is up to unless someone posts it here. I had no idea he was in Bora Bora until that article was posted.

Old Joysey 04-04-2015 01:32 AM

Read again and carefully: I've never said you had reached that conclusion, I've just asked you a question: " Do you really think..." + I'm both surprised and amused that you made a research about Bora Bora and the only fact that you chose to mention about it is their no extradition treaty with the USA.

I don't follow them either, I have no account, I just have a look every now and then when some info pops up on fanpages or in the press, like today.

Becky 04-04-2015 01:52 AM

When you ask someone that in that way the implication is that you believe that IS what the other person assumes. I realize we're from different cultures, so maybe something is lost crossing the ocean. The only thing I looked up about Bora Bora was whether they have an extradition treaty. Like I said, it was a 2 second search related to Richie's legal charges. I'm not interested in taking a holiday there.

sambos apprentice 04-04-2015 02:10 AM

Mind an ex- the one before cher- said he was mad on snorting cocaine and threatened her with a baseball bat 😂👏👏

Richie is a ****in asshole

golittleperson 04-04-2015 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by sambos apprentice (Post 1186510)
Mind an ex- the one before cher- said he was mad on snorting cocaine and threatened her with a baseball bat 😂👏👏

Richie is a ****in asshole

Coke and sleeping pills, she did rehab right after and was bitter sounding in an article not that many years ago. Ally Sheedy.... She also said this: "And then he would get drunk and turn into this monster and not only not remember it the next day, the things he had said, but he would cop to it by telling me that it was my fault." The "not remember it" is possible anytime someone drinks/drugs much too much. I had forgotten about this until you mentioned it.

sambos apprentice 04-04-2015 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1186511)
Coke and sleeping pills, she did rehab right after and was bitter sounding in an article not that many years ago. Ally Sheedy.... She also said this: "And then he would get drunk and turn into this monster and not only not remember it the next day, the things he had said, but he would cop to it by telling me that it was my fault." The "not remember it" is possible anytime someone drinks/drugs much too much. I had forgotten about this until you mentioned it.

I met him last year.

Now, I play rock n roll. I know about substance abuse. I know about alcoholism. I've met and worked with some of my musical heroes.

Richie sambora is a chronic alcoholic who has a dependency on legalized and controlled substances.

He is a mess. He needs to get sober otherwise he's another janey lane waiting to happen

Old Joysey 04-04-2015 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1186509)
The only thing I looked up about Bora Bora was whether they have an extradition treaty.

Again, it is precisely what I found surprising. When you look for legal info about some paradise island it means that you've got some idea in mind, it has nothing to do with different cultures and nationalities. Now to each their own, I don't want to argue, I just expressed my point of view and asked you a question but you're starting an argument every time someone doesn't concur with you so I'll stop here, I won't waste any more time.

And as I said before, I'm a hyphenated American living and working in different countries. Nothing "is lost crossing the ocean", it's not about a culture gap, it's about a different frame of mind.


The "funny" thing is that the persons accusing Richie of "BSism" because of alcoholism and substance abuse suffer from the exact same problems so whatever they say, it's as true or false as anything Richie may say! As long as no wrong-doing is legally proved this story is just tabloid/gossip material. Nikki Lund is an attention whore and a golddigger, she has no talent whatsoever so Richie and Kim Kardashian are her only tools to have the media talk about her. KK's wiser than Richie since she ignores NL plain and simple. Hopefully Richie will get rid of her once and for all (no pun intended) thanks to this shit she's throwing at him now.

Becky 04-04-2015 03:44 AM

I'm not being argumentative. A serious charge has been made against Richie and I looked up a few legally related things. I don't think that's "surprising" at all. I was hoping that the police officer named in the article didn't really exist and that would discredit the article, so I started with him. But he does exist and he is employed by the department named. So then I wondered if Richie could be forced to come home from Bora Bora to face he charge or not. I don't see what's so "surprising" about that.

sambos apprentice 04-04-2015 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1186515)
I understand, have shared this on here before - my Mother was a raging alcoholic, 5 and 1/2 rehabs, eventual alcohol induced dementia..... could write a book. I developed a skill at recognizing manipulators/enablers a mile away. He needs a clean slate .... but he needs to realize first. Really had hoped he was beyond it all.

He's lost.

L.A. really does kill you!

golittleperson 04-04-2015 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by sambos apprentice (Post 1186512)
I met him last year.

Now, I play rock n roll. I know about substance abuse. I know about alcoholism. I've met and worked with some of my musical heroes.

Richie sambora is a chronic alcoholic who has a dependency on legalized and controlled substances.

He is a mess. He needs to get sober otherwise he's another janey lane waiting to happen

Edit: My PC has lost it's little electric mind.... posted, deleted & posted.

I understand, have shared this on here before - my Mother was a raging alcoholic, 5 and 1/2 rehabs, eventual alcohol induced dementia..... could write a book. I developed a skill at recognizing manipulators/enablers a mile away. He needs a clean slate .... but he needs to realize first. Really had hoped he was beyond it all.

Old Joysey 04-04-2015 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1186514)
A serious charge has been made against Richie

Well, what do we know so far, according to the tabloids? She's mad at him because he changed his mind and refused to buy her the new toy she demanded, that is a store near Kardashian's + he won't put one more cent in a business that already cost him $4 million, so what revenge did she come up with? She has nothing solid against him, all she could do was filing a complaint against him 2 weeks after a phone call and the police are investigating because it's the standard procedure. But it's just a “he-said, she-said” drama, anybody can talk bad about anybody and the police are obliged to investigate, it's the law, it's the same here in France. But without living proof there's no case, period.
It will just keep tabloids, standard papers and fanpages busy for a while... We really definitely positively desperately need a new album & tour!

Update - nothing new though:

Old Joysey 04-04-2015 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by sweetmisery (Post 1186498)
I wonder what Jon is thinking right now.

"Back off! You can't go home! You suck!"

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