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Makedde 12-21-2010 08:47 AM

These Days
These Days is a brilliant album. The song is a little overrated, but still, it's pretty darned good. The lyrics in this entire album are fan-****ing-tastic. There is such raw emotion in those songs. It sounds like he actually sat down and really thought about these songs, and wrote these beautiful, perfect lyrics, and come up with this amazing album which most everyone here can agree is a ****ing masterpiece.

I think These Days is a masterpiece not because of the songs, but because of the lyrics. You'd be hard pressed to find an album like this one with lyrics to rival it. It's just that good.

Fast forward 15 or so years and we have nothing but garbage. The song lyrics they've come up with today sound like they took about two minutes to write, and were written by JBJ's little kids, not him and Richie.

I won't include Captain Crash in this, as this song is clearly meant to be fun, so the silly lyrics are expected. It's when they try a serious song and have the most ridiculous lyrics, you wonder what the hell they were thinking.

No Apologies is a good one for me. I hate that song. I hate the first three lines: "Just another white trash, train track kid, fighting for survival, trying not to do like his daddy did".

How retarded do you need to be to write such shit like that, I dunno. Everytime I hear that song I piss myself laughing. I can't imagine Jon keeping a straight face singing that one. The rest of the song is okay, it's just the first few lines **** it up.

The Circle has some great lyrics in many of the songs, but nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever come close to rivaling the brilliance that is These Days.


ticos_stick 12-21-2010 08:59 AM

Good stuff.

These Days is the Bon Jovi I fell in love with. If I was a kid today and heard the new stuff I'd run a mile.

It was made at a time they could afford to sit down and record whatever they wanted. So they made an album from the heart. The lyrics are never forced or clichéd and the recording actually sounds like the band jammed on the songs in the studio til the early mornings and had a blast.

Richie is all over the record playing all kinds of things and playing his heart out, Tico sounds like a man possessed, Dave plays some great stuff and adds a haunting element to the whole thing, Jon hit his peak on the album too, as a song writer and singer.

It just sounds raw and from the heart while maintaining the big rock hooks and sound.

Almost everything now is contrived and sounds like it came out of a sterilised tube of MOR labelled 'bland'

Now of course we'll have the people who say These Days is over rated, for those I have only a few words. You just don't get it.

kleman 12-21-2010 09:08 AM

THESE DAYS is without a doubt Bon Jovi best album. Everything on album is f****ing great, from Jons vocals to Richie guitar!
Album over rated, are you kiding me? For those i would use the same worlds as tico_sticks did, you just dont get it :D

Shaz 12-21-2010 09:11 AM

KTF is their penultimate album and TD is their masterpiece. For me, it is hard to split the two, but by a hare's whisker, KTF is on top. As for this past decade, well, I like Crush, I really like LH, I'm really not sure what the hype about the Circle is about [don't rate it much to be honest], HAND is okay and Bounce...well....worst album they have ever released. I get what you mean about some of the lyrics in this decades offerings, but man, by a country mile the worst has to be ...
"Bounce, Bounce Nothing's gonna keep me down
Bounce, Bounce Stand up, shout it out
Bounce, Bounce I play hard, I play to win
Count me out, count me in
I'll be bouncing back again.."

TD shows they can write seriously good shit if they've a mind to.

sammy645 12-21-2010 09:39 AM


KTF is their penultimate album and TD is their masterpiece. For me, it is hard to split the two, but by a hare's whisker, KTF is on top. As for this past decade, well, I like Crush, I really like LH, I'm really not sure what the hype about the Circle is about [don't rate it much to be honest], HAND is okay and Bounce...well....worst album they have ever released. I get what you mean about some of the lyrics in this decades offerings, but man, by a country mile the worst has to be ...
"Bounce, Bounce Nothing's gonna keep me down
Bounce, Bounce Stand up, shout it out
Bounce, Bounce I play hard, I play to win
Count me out, count me in
I'll be bouncing back again.."

TD shows they can write seriously good shit if they've a mind to.
I like the song Bounce, it might not have the greatest lyrics, but it just fun to listen too. (the song i mean, the album is quite bad).

These Days is great no doubt about it, but i probably would put Keep the faith just a bit higher. Dry County is just that damn good.

Iceman 12-21-2010 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Makedde (Post 1033238)
These Days is a brilliant album.

It's a depressing album. Most songs are good on their own, but as a whole it's a damn depressing album.


It sounds like he actually sat down and really thought about these songs, and wrote these beautiful, perfect lyrics, and come up with this amazing album which most everyone here can agree is a ****ing masterpiece.


Shaz 12-21-2010 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by sammy645 (Post 1033244)
I like the song Bounce, it might not have the greatest lyrics, but it just fun to listen too. (the song i mean, the album is quite bad).

These Days is great no doubt about it, but i probably would put Keep the faith just a bit higher. Dry County is just that damn good.

I was lucky to hear the album [Bounce] pre release...had already read the hype leading into the release of how it was going to be a much 'heavier' guitar sounding album etc...that much was kinda right....didn't mind 'Everyday'...quite liked the sound of 'Hook Me Up'...but when I heard Bounce...a picture paints a thousand words, so shame no one filmed me at that point....I'd have uploaded that and, seriously, no words needed.
Later, once the tour was off and running, I watched some vids at YT of Bounce [and others from that album] and while I can get that maybe, in the 'heat' of the gig, it might have played over okay, I can not stand the song, and seeing it live, albeit on YT, did not improve that. And for sure, does not pay to put that Cd in the player, along with TD and then hit random play, cause if you hear Bounce and then straight after, These Days...just makes me 'sad' they don't write stuff like that now [and it can not be because they can't]

Shaz 12-21-2010 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Iceman (Post 1033245)
It's a depressing album. Most songs are good on their own, but as a whole it's a damn depressing album.

Yeah...there is a gloom about that album, but maybe that's it's appeal.

life_of_agony 12-21-2010 11:12 AM

Love it.
I must admit, there was a time during the whole "Keep The Faith" and "These Days" eras where I kinda missed the big hair/pop metal stuff that got me into them in the first place, but I always did love the album, even more so now.

So many great songs, with absolutely no filler. "My Guitar..." and "STBI" are two of my favourite all time tracks. JBJ's voice on "My Guitar" when it starts rocking out sends chills down my spine to this day. Phenomenal.

I think "These Days" is proof that no matter what Bon Jovi did, the critics would always find a way to knock them down. I think if, say a U2 released "These Days" it would be considered a classic and the critics would have lapped it up and hailed Bono and co musical geniuses. I do wonder how Bon Jovi would be perceived now though had they continued down this musical territory, rather than alot of the cheesy/poppy/overproduced stuff they have released post 2000? Would the critics now be on board?

I think another thing that appeals about "These Days" is it is somewhat a hidden gem (as much as an album by a band of Bon Jovi's stature can be). It is the album that proves what this band can do when they want to. Musically/lyrically and vocally brilliant.

I would love to see Bon Jovi work with Peter Collins again. The album sounds great and they sound like a proper, raw rock n' roll band.

I'm gonna go listen to it now.

Butters 12-21-2010 11:40 AM

Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree about These Days being their masterpiece album. It is the one album from any artist I've ever listened to where I actually can't find a bad thing to say about it. I tried this not too long ago; I did my best to be as critical as possible and see if there was anything imperfect about the album and I honestly can't find one thing. Every song is a masterpiece and nothing comes close to it.

I would disagree that they are incapable of writing anything like the quality on These Days again. The Circle is incredible and is a very respectable second to These Days in terms of quality, IMHO.

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